Seeing this scene, Fan Zeng's complete despair.

And Xiang Yu stood on the edge of the city, his figure was as if he was frozen, frozen

in place and unable to move.

"King Chu, let's withdraw!"

Fan Zeng's knees pleaded, his eyes red.

Xiang Yu stretched out his hand and picked up the Heavenly Dragon City Breaking Halberd standing on the side, and said in a somewhat icy tone:

"After releasing such a powerful secret technique, the opponent's secret magician will definitely be difficult to exert its combat power in a short period of time, as long as we take advantage of this gap and behead the other secret magician, we still have a chance of victory!"

"Prepare a horse, I'm going out of town!"

Seeing that Xiang Yu's eyes were dark, he had already set up his will to die

, and Fan Zeng also knew that he could not stop Xiang Yu, moreover, his main army was defeated here, and they did not continue to resist the strength of Liu Bang's main army in the future, so if they retreated,

they would face a defeat later.

Even so, it's better to fight to the death here!

Without further ado,

Fan Zeng's eyes also sank and began to perform the amplification secret technique for Xiang Yu.

After several flashes of light,

Xiang Yu's state was improved to the best by Fan Zeng.

Riding out of the city,

Xiang Yu's bloodshot eyes flashed like flames.

Glancing at the battlefield, accompanying him to kill the corpse of the Overlord Army for many years

, Xiang Yu took off the wine sac on his waist with an indifferent expression, splashed all the wine in it, and said lightly: "Brothers, go well, next... Leave it to me. "

After a short standstill,


Suddenly, sit down on the war horse and rush!

Xiang Yu went straight to the mecha demon soldier Lü Bu to kill!

"Xiang Yu's level is also LV100, and he himself is also a fierce man with extremely high combat power in history, and his quality as a martial general is also super-first-class..."

"I don't know, who is better than Lü Bu, a mecha demon soldier with a special advancement under me and a level of more than LV50?"

Seeing that the two figures were about to collide

, Lin Tian sat in the carriage, eating the fruits sent by Cao Cao's concubine with great interest, while watching the battle.

Two figures, one gold and one blue,

suddenly collided on the battlefield!


The Heavenly Dragon Breaking City Halberd collided with the mechanical Fang Tian Painting Halberd, and

the loud noise ran through the sky!

The ground under the two mounts shattered!


After this blow collided,

it was actually the mecha demon soldier Lü Bu who retreated one after another!

On Lin Tian's side, seeing this, Lü Bu, a Tianji Daoist, bowed his hand to Lin Tian: "Master, Xiang Yu has the blessing of the mystic magician's amplification secret technique, do you need your subordinates to also perform the amplification secret technique for our battle generals?"

Lin Tian waved his hand and smiled when he heard this: "No need, your secret technique is too strong, if you are blessed, you will fight without looking at it, just fight like this!" "

On the battlefield, taking the lead

, Overlord Xiang Yu took the opportunity to attack in succession, and the Heavenly Dragon Breaking City Halberd in his hand continued to cut thunder in the air, with great power, continuously pressing towards the mecha demon soldier Lü Bu!

Lü Bu, a mecha demon soldier who had never eaten deflated, was repeatedly repelled under Xiang Yu, and for a while, the energy on the mecha was revealed and burst out with an unprecedented strong light.

With the momentum of Xiang Yu's blow,

the mecha demon soldier Lu Bula opened the distance.

"Can't put the Lord to shame..."

"Mecha fusion!"

The mechanical intelligent eye blue light flashed at his eyes, and

the next moment,

he suddenly inserted his arm into the back of the mechanical red rabbit war horse under him!


After a short delay.

The mechanical Red Rabbit Warhorse actually quickly disintegrated, transformed into a large number of mecha parts, and quickly fused with the mecha demon soldier Lü Bu, transforming its form into a purely mechanical form similar to a small Gundam!

Seeing the change in the opponent's figure, the blue light flashed, and the momentum was amazing

, Xiang Yu frowned, and also suddenly shouted angrily: "Hegemony!" "

Full, golden flashes.

Behind him, there seemed to be a god of war phantom condensation.

Without flinching and dodging,

Xiang Yu took the initiative to attack and kill again!

The mecha demon soldier Lü Bu is also killing head-on!

The combat power of the two was greatly enhanced, and the

aftermath of the battle began to seriously destroy the surrounding ground!

Seeing that even the strongest form of mecha demon soldier Lü Bu was still a little difficult to take Xiang Yu, the two sides fought back and forth, and even Xiang Yu could have a slight advantage

, Lin Tian frowned slightly and waved his hand: "Lei Ying, Bimon, you two, step forward to help!" "


Lei Ying Lübu and Bimon Lübu gave up.

These two people are the advanced bodies of the Plunder Wolf Rider and the Slaughter Leopard Rider, respectively.

Thunder Shadow Lübu, with extreme speed

, powerful lightning damage with attacks, and a mount for the Ghost Wolf King.

Beamon Lübu, on the other hand, is mainly based on strength and destructive power

, holding a double axe, extremely powerful in battle, and the mount is a crimson Beamon behemoth.

The combat power of these two is not under the mecha demon soldier Lü Bu!

With Lin Tian's two more top combat powers,

Xiang Yu finally couldn't resist and began to lose.

"Overlord, second stage!!"

Although the

ability to urge, his combat power has once again been improved to a certain extent.

However, the

three Lü Bu could still easily suppress it.

There were three Ying battles against Lü Bu, and now there are three Lü Bu battles against Xiang Yu.

Seeing such a powerful general

, there were three people on the enemy

side, and in the opposing camp, there was also an unfathomably powerful occult magician.

Xiang Yu was completely desperate.

"Unwillingly! I'm not willing!! "

Seeing that the three Lü Bu are coming to kill

, and he is no longer able to resist, it will take time to release the strongest hegemonic body three stages.

Xiang Yu raised his head and roared, giving up resistance.

Seeing this, Lin Tian got out of the carriage, stretched out his hand to stop the three Lü Bu's charge, and smiled at Xiang Yu: "King Chu, presumably defeating you in this way, you must be dissatisfied, right?"

Seeing that the other party's leader-like person spoke to him

, Xiang Yu gritted his teeth, held the halberd in his hand and said

, "There is nothing to disobey, become a king or defeat!"

"You've won, kill me!"

Lin Tian stretched out his hand and recalled the three Lu Bu, but said with a smile: "Xiang Yu, you are the hero of the world, dying here is a bit too wasteful of your talent, how about stepping on this war continent with me?"

Xiang Yu's face was calm, and he said coldly: "I'd rather die than fall!" Seeing

his decisiveness, Lin Tian also knew that it was not so simple to recruit a figure like Xiang Yu, and he no longer said much, but patted the six sword envoys behind him, Lu Bu, and said with a smile: "It's itchy hands for a long time, right?" He left it to you.

"Just leave him with his life."

Hearing Lin Tian's words

, the Six Dao Sword Envoy Lu Bu, who had never had the slightest expression, actually had a slightly strange smile on his face: "Yes, Master." "

Plain step forward

, the six swords made Lü Bu take out the red and blue long swords from the sword box loaded with six long swords of different colors behind him, throw them casually, and insert them on the ground, and then, the yellow and gray double swords came out of their sheaths and were also inserted on the side, and then it was a black and white double sword...

Seeing that the other party actually gave up the siege of many people, but sent one person forward

, Xiang Yu was surprised, and his eyes flashed.

This short time that Lin Tian delayed

was enough for him to unleash his strongest ability.

"Hegemonic body three stages, overlord body!!"

There was a sudden roar

, and above the sky, there seemed to be a dragon groan echoing!

The golden phantom condensed behind Xiang Yu like substance!

And the six swords made the six long swords of different colors around Lu Bu also soar into the air at this time, and in an instant, the six long swords actually fused in the air, turning into a huge purple battle blade flashing with magic light!

"The Six Dao Sword Master possesses the body, and the Chaos Demon Blade descends!"

In an instant,

the six swords made Lü Bu's body float and turned into a demon god.

At this moment, his strength value and intelligence value were all doubled, breaking through a thousand,

and all the secret arts and martial arts were also transformed into higher-level versions!

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