After putting away the promotion order

, Lin Tian refocused his gaze on the officers and soldiers and asked, "The city lord invited me into the mansion, dare to ask, can I bring a guard?"

The officers and soldiers were stunned when they heard this, and immediately shook their heads and said, "The mansion is the place where the city lord lives and works, and naturally foreign soldiers are not allowed to enter. Listening

to him say this

, Lin Tian didn't say a word, turned around and left: "Leave!" "

Eh! Wait, I'll ask for instructions again! Seeing

this, the officers and soldiers quickly spoke out to keep Lin Tian, and then immediately ran into the mansion to ask the city lord.

Not long after, the officers and soldiers went out again, running back and forth in and out, panting and sweating on their foreheads: "Lord City Lord is approved, how many guards are you going to bring into the house?"

Lin Tian thought for a while: "295." "

Officers and soldiers: .

. Officers and soldiers: "You came to rebel, right?" After

thinking about it, it was indeed a little unrealistic to bring all his troops in, so

Lin Tian took a step back and only let the four people next to him, Tianyu, Wushuang, Shadow Warrior, and Marauder enter the house with him... As for the destroyer Lü Bu, because his appearance was too terrifying and a little scary

, when he entered the city, he was stopped by the guards guarding the city, and

Lin Tian could only let him stay with the other soldiers in the city.

Although they can't carry all their top combat power

, these four people alone are enough to protect anyone within the limits of Xuzhou City

, and they are enough...

Kill anyone.

With the four Lü Bu, Lin

Tian stepped into the Xuzhou City Mansion.

Without leading

Lin Tian into the lobby, the officers and soldiers took Lin Tian to the backyard of the mansion.

In the garden in the backyard

, a man dressed in white, some of his age, with gray hair, is practicing swordsmanship.


Lin Tian enter the garden, the man in white stopped dancing the sword, wiped the sweat beads on his forehead, looked at Lin Tian and smiled: "If you can take down Hongyang Mountain with two hundred people, Your Excellency is indeed a hero!"

Lin Tian arched his hand, and also said hello politely: "I have seen the city lord." "

Sit, come, serve tea!"

Sitting at the stone table in the backyard garden, the

city lord of Xuzhou City beckoned Lin Tian to sit down and let people serve tea.

Picking up the teacup and not daring to really drink

it, Lin Tian took a sip of it, and then asked with a smile: "I don't know if the city lord invited me to the house, what is there to discuss?" The

city lord of Xuzhou sighed, his eyes did not rest on the four Lu Bu behind Lin Tian, and he swallowed his spit quietly: "Since you asked directly, then I won't sell it either."

"I wanted to ask you if you had the will to join the Western Han Kingdom Legion this time."

"You have done great work for the imperial court to destroy Zang Ba."

"If I come forward and recommend you to the imperial court, it should be able to find you a good official position in the Western Han military system."


Western Han Kingdom solicits you] [Do you accept, join the Western Han Kingdom?]

Lin Tian was not surprised by the solicitation of the Western Han Kingdom, but he did not hesitate for a moment, and directly shook his head and refused: "I'm sorry, Lord City Lord, I'm used to being used to being restrained by people. The

city lord of Xuzhou was a little disappointed when he heard this, but he did not force it, just nodded slightly, and said with some regret: "I heard that you once rescued the caravan of the Western Han Dynasty in the Eastern Han Realm, and also had business dealings with Lord Shi Xian, a powerful minister of the dynasty.

"If you can join the Western Han Kingdom, these will be stepping stones for your future ascension..."

Joining a national power, although you can get shelter

, in the power, you can also seek additional benefits.

However, action would be greatly restricted and would therefore result in the loss of many benefits that could have been gained.

Lin Tian naturally did not lose his hand because of the small mistake, and once again handed over his hand: "Lord Xie City Lord is kind, but I really don't plan to join any forces for the time being.

The city lord of Xuzhou waved his hand and smiled: "It doesn't matter, even if you don't join, you are still a great meritorious person in Xuzhou, and you are still a friend of the Western Han Kingdom... I have another plan, I wonder if you would like to hear it?

Lin Tian smiled and said, "But it doesn't hurt to say." The

city lord of Xuzhou added some tea for Lin Tian, and said with some melancholy: "Now, there is the Qin State outside the Western Han Dynasty, and the Chu King plundering inside, and the situation has been extremely bad.

"Because of the turmoil in the country, many bandits and bandits have also begun to grow wantonly in the Western Han Dynasty, and now the imperial court is using troops, and there is no manpower to clean up these bandits."

"If you are interested, you can reach an alliance with the Western Han Dynasty to assist the imperial court in cleaning up the bandits in the country, with the hearts of the common people, what do you think?"

Listening to this suggestion,

Lin Tian's eyes lit up slightly.

After clearing Zang Ba,

Lin Tian already had some troops on his hands.

Next, he had planned to continue to develop steadily and further expand his team by plundering the bandits in the Western Han Dynasty, and the plan given by the city lord of Xuzhou coincided with his plan.

Seeing that Lin Tian seemed to have the intention to move

, the city lord of Xuzhou also further persuaded: "Of course, the Western Han Kingdom will not let you work in vain, and every time you clear a base of bandits, the Western Han Imperial Court will give you a corresponding bounty."

"If you perform well in the future, it is also possible to give you one or two villages and towns as territories!"

And this good thing?

Lin Tian couldn't help but laugh when he heard this.

For him, this proposal of the city lord of Xuzhou is quite that

, when you were about to go to dinner

, suddenly someone came to you and said, take a bite of the meal, and give you five yuan.

If you eat well and eat well, we will give you an extra rice cooker.

Such a proposal,

Lin Tian naturally had no reason to refuse!

"Well, in this case, I am willing to conclude an alliance with the Western Han Kingdom."

Lin Tian nodded in response.

Although this alliance

is essentially more like an employment relationship

, it is always harmless for Lin Tian, who is now few and weak


As soon as the voice fell, a prompt popped up in front of him.

[You have formed an alliance with the

Western Han Kingdom] [The favorability of the Western Han Kingdom for you has increased to 30! 【

The attitude of the Western Han Kingdom towards you has been raised to be very friendly】

"Good! Good! Hearing

that Lin Tian accepted the proposal, the

city lord of Xuzhou showed joy and shouted two good words in succession.

If he can solve the current problem of bandits in the country for the imperial court,

it is definitely a big credit to him.

After a brief chat

and discussing the arrangements after the alliance, Lin Tian made a request: "Lord City Lord, at present, I don't have a territory, the team has nowhere to station, and it is not a long-term solution to always set up camp outside the city, I wonder if you can arrange a garrison place for me?" The

city lord of Xuzhou promised with a full mouth: "Naturally, there is no problem, I will communicate with the military camp here, let them set aside a place for your team, and your team can be stationed in the military camp of Xuzhou City in the future!" "

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