Thinking that Lin Tian was joking

, the official suppressed his voice and said with a slightly angry face: "I warn you, now paste the reward slip back, I can still treat it as if nothing happened."

"Otherwise, when the reward list is revealed, the task cannot be completed, and you and I will both be punished by the city lord!"

"What one beats ten, you are simply talking nonsense!"

When Lin Tian heard this, he didn't bother to talk nonsense with such a small character, and after smiling slightly, he turned and left.

"If 200 Lu Bu can't beat 2,000 bandits, then it's called nonsense."

With a smile,

Lin Tian came to the Shijia slave market in Xuzhou City again.

In the past three days, in the process of recruitment,

Lin Tian captured a lot of bandits.

After selling it again

, Lin Tian successfully entered 1800 gold coins, and his shriveled wallet was slightly replenished.

At the same time,

the first link of his serial side quest was also successfully completed!

[Your Serial Side Quest "Slave Trader" Completed] [Current Mission Ring 1] [Rewarded: Skill Book - Recon X1, Intermediate Soldier - Accompanying Physician X1

] [You have triggered the second ring of the Serial

Side Quest] [Serial Side Quest: Slave Trader

] [Current Mission Ring 2



Content: Sold a total of 200 slaves (58 sold)]

[Mission Reward: Random Secret Stone 1, Random Advanced Soldier X1]

After completing the mission, the reward will be credited.

At the same time, a new task is triggered again.

In front of Lin Tian, the light flashed.

A medic in a gray doctor's robe appeared.

At the same moment, in Lin Tian's hand, a skill book also appeared out of thin air.

Lin Tian condensed his gaze and looked at the attributes of these two rewards.

【Skill Book - Scouting

】【Learning Requirements: Intelligence Value ≥15】【

Skill Effect: After learning this skill, you can obtain enemy information through observation, the lower the enemy level, the more comprehensive the information obtained, when the enemy level far exceeds you, there will be a probability of release failure]

This is an attribute of the skill book,

which is a very practical functional skill.

It can be used to obtain intelligence and detect enemy situations.

This skill is undoubtedly very valuable to Lin Tian, who acts cautiously, and with the "reconnaissance" skill, he can find out the strength of the enemy army before the battle, so as to make a more sound judgment.

As for the mid-level soldier "Medic" obtained through mission rewards, the

attributes are as follows.

[Military Doctor

] [Type: Medical Soldier] [Level: LV30

] [Force Value: 45

] [Intelligence Value: 70

] [Equipment: Physician Robe, Portable Sword, Suture Equipment, Medical Kit, Herbal Making Equipment

] [Martial Arts: Intermediate Sword Art

] [Secret Technique: Healing from Minor Injuries, Recovery from Serious Injuries, Near-Death Rescue]


Special: Shrewd

medical skills] [Introduction: Medical soldiers with exquisite medical skills can quickly recover the injuries suffered by soldiers in the team after the war, and can also rescue seriously injured and dying soldiers, reduce the probability of team attrition, and can further advance after the level reaches LV40]

The intermediate soldier Lin Tian obtained through the task is equivalent to a nanny.

If it is placed in the ranks of ordinary players, this special medical soldier who can quickly restore the combat strength of troops and maintain the number of troops is undoubtedly extremely valuable.

It's just that in Lin Tian's team, the individual strength of the soldiers is too strong, and it is generally difficult to have casualties in the pre-battle preparation and intelligence collection.

The attributes of this military doctor seem a little mediocre.

Of course, mediocrity refers

to the military physician before being transformed into Lü Bu.

In front of my eyes, white light flashed.

In the next second

, the military doctor, who looked a little weak and had a kind face, suddenly changed his figure.

"Lying groove..." Seeing

the soldier after the change in front of him

, Lin Tian's face was dull, and his eyes almost fell out of his eye sockets.

After being transformed

into Lü Bu, the figure of the military physician became tall and powerful, and his face turned into Lü Bu's domineering and fierce, and the

gray physician's robe on his body turned into a

tight white robe in the next moment!

The hat on his head also turned into a playful white hat.

Under him, it is even more outrageous

, such a fierce general Lu Bu, who looks and is extremely powerful, actually wore a white short skirt, and the legs under the short skirt were full of hair, like steel thighs, and a pair of white stockings!

Get dressed as a nurse!

Moreover, it is especially the kind of sex nurse costume!

"See the Lord!"

Stretched out his hand and waved the nurse's hat

on his head, and the military doctor who transformed into Lu Bu knelt down on one knee

, and his voice was dull and low roar, full of momentum!

If it weren't for the fact that his outfit was too distorted,

Lin Tian would definitely not have the feeling of wanting to vomit.

【Playful Nurse Manager Lv Bu

】【Type: Medical Soldier】【Level: LV30

】【Force Value: 200】【Intelligence Value: 200

】【Equipment: Enhanced Nurse Suit, Fang Tian Painting Halberd - Multi-functional Medical Comprehensive Version, Intermediate Medical Box, Top Poison Box, Top Interrogation Kit, Injection Needle, Folding Bundled Medical Bed, Folding Wheelchair

Martial arts: killing combat method (full level), 100 steps through Yang (full level), anti-wolf fighting technique (full level)

] [Secret art: the secret method of trauma treatment smears spit, the secret method of disease treatment random prescription

, cruel interrogation, poisoning] [Special: life and death] [

Introduction: The playful head nurse form of the strongest martial general "Lü Bu" in the Eastern Han Kingdom, with third-rate healing ability and top poisoning ability, extremely cruel interrogation methods, and a good hand at obtaining intelligence from prisoners, After leveling up to LV40, you can further progress! 】


After seeing the attributes of "Playful Head Nurse Lv Bu", Lin

Tian was speechless for a long time.

After a long time

, he held out a sentence and said

, "Well, in short, you should return to the team first."

The playful head nurse Lu Bu blinked his left eyelid at Lin Tian, made a smart and cute look, and then asked in an extremely rough and deep voice: "Is there any task that needs to be explained to me, master?"

Lin Tian rubbed his temples and replied, "Try not to appear in my field of vision in the future." "



Although, Lin Tian was a little dissatisfied with the soldier reward of the first link of this serial mission


However, the plan to attack the Zang Ba Mountain Thief Group was still not affected in any way.

In the afternoon of the same day

, Lin Tian led the army and went straight to Hongyang Mountain, the old nest of the Zangba Mountain Thief Group!

In the evening, when the sun was about to set,

Lin Tian had already led two hundred Lü Bu and took up his position on the east side of Hongyang Mountain.

He was ready to raid while it was dark when it got dark!


At the same time, the real world.

The camera in the live broadcast room of Daxia is constantly changing perspectives.

"Look, a few hours have passed, Xiao Yun has officially registered as the mercenary group of the Song Kingdom, reached an alliance with the Song Kingdom, and now has 90 troops under the seat! And most of them are professional mercenaries with a force value of more than 30 points!

"It seems that he is going the way of the mercenary group!"

Game Commentary Cereal Brother conducts professional analysis based on data.

"The spring breeze is proud of the horseshoe disease, and I can see all the Chang'an flowers in one day!"

"Just freshman year, to be able to perform so well in this kind of international game competition, what a young hero!"

Game commentator Qian Shao Shao is still playing his own style, skillfully quoting verses.

"However, Huang Tianao's side is not bad at all, after joining the direct subordinate team of Zhu Yuanzhang, the lord of the Ming Kingdom, Huang Tianao has repeatedly made battle merits, and now he has achieved the position of deputy army commander, commanding a full five hundred people!"

"Although these soldiers do not completely belong to him, if he wants to, if he wants to use his military power to seek some personal benefits for himself, he can also do it, he is already too far ahead!"

The camera turned to Huang Tianao again, and

Brother Cereal sighed with some excitement.

Qian Shaoshao said with a smile: "But he didn't do this, it seems that this game is trying to hold the thigh of Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Kingdom?"

"To be able to make such a decisive judgment is also considered heroic courage!"

As he spoke, the camera turned to Sun You, the captain of the Qingyuan Esports University team.

Brother cereal stared at the camera for a while, and his eyes lit up: "It is worthy of being a senior veteran of Qingyuan, and Sun You's operation is also quite agile."

"He joined the forces of the Eastern Han Kingdom army and the Zang Ba Mountain Thief Group at the same time, and by constantly selling the information of these two parties to the other side, his military merits in the Eastern Han Kingdom have now been brushed to a very high level!"

"On the other hand, in the Zang Ba Mountain Thief Group, Sun You and several bandit leaders have also brushed their favorability to an extremely high level! Moreover, his way of adding points is also the addition of the charm of the main point! Obviously, this is a tactic that he thought up in advance! Seeing

that at this moment, Sun You was drinking with several bandit leaders in the bandit base in Hongyang Mountain, Qian Shao squinted slightly: "It seems that Sun You is playing a big chess game!"

"If it were me, I would let the Eastern Han army close the net when the time was ripe, and at the same time rescue a group of bandits from the Zangba Mountain Thief Group and collect them under my command!"

"That Zang Ba is a powerful general with a strength value of up to 110 points! If he can be successfully included in the team, then in the early stage of this game, Sun You can basically go sideways! "

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