Although, after saving Yang Village, there was no practical benefit, which made Lin Tian slightly depressed.

However, he finally raised his moral value back a bit, and he still forcibly did not replace the previous gang of mountain thieves and plundered Yang Village.

Moreover, Yang Cun's favorability improvement is

not completely unfavorable to him.

After the favorability level was raised to 10 points

, the price of Lin Tian's purchase of food and other supplies in Yang Village dropped significantly, and at the same time, when recruiting new soldiers, the number of militiamen willing to follow Lin Tian was much higher than in other villages, and the price was cheaper.

For only 400 gold coins,

Lin Tian recruited 10 new young Lü Bu in Yang Village.

The total number of troops reached 22, and

the combat strength of Lin Tian's team was undoubtedly greatly improved!

"It's nice to have a village with a high rating."

"After a while, when I return to the Eastern Han Kingdom from the Western Han Kingdom, I can use this Yang Village as a small base." Seeing that the number of the team had increased again, almost doubling, Lin Tian was basically discouraged.

After resting in Yangcun for a while, the time was approaching evening

, and after making plans to stay in Yangcun tonight

, Lin Tian led the troops and tried to explore the other two villages around him, although in these two villages, he did not receive any valuable tasks and did not gain any meaningful intelligence.

However, he still successfully recruited 8 young Lü Bu again.

At the end of the day,

the number of Lin Tian's troops had expanded to 30!

In the evening

, the villagers of Yang Village killed a sheep, took out a lot of wine, and

treated Lin Tian's team in their warmest way.

After eating and drinking, when it was time to go to bed,

a group of young Lü Bu took turns to scout and sentry outside the village.

Next to Lin Tian, there were two peak flying generals Lü Bu and a heavy black horse Lü Bu for close protection.

Confused, just as he was about to fall asleep,

Lin Tian faintly heard footsteps.

When I got up and looked,

I saw a Lu Bu walking in a hurry.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing this, Lin Tian suddenly became nervous, and he was completely sleepy.

Beside him, the two peak flying generals Lu Bu also immediately took up their weapons and stood beside Lin Tian.

The heavily armed black horse Lü Bu immediately mounted his horse, ready to enter the battle state at any time.

This young man Lü Bu knelt down on one knee and said to Lin Tian: "Lord, eight hundred meters south of the village, two groups of people have fought, should we interfere?"

Lin Tian frowned slightly when he heard this, he didn't want to mix it in, but if he thought about it, this might be an opportunity, and it wouldn't hurt to go and take a look, so he immediately got up and said, "Gather the team and go and see." "


The four Lu Bu around him responded in unison and immediately went to assemble the team.

Not long after, sitting on the armored tiger blood red rabbit horse of the heavily armed black horse Lü Bu, he led the team to the south side of Yang Village, and Lin Tian saw the two groups of people who were fighting and looked carefully.

In terms of numbers alone, there are quite a few people on both sides, there are nearly a hundred people!

The attacking side was dressed in Eastern Han style armor and well-armed.

However, he did not carry a flag, and the team was mixed with some bandit-like figures, who looked like rebels from the Eastern Han Kingdom.

The defending side is a mercenary, and

there are some businessman-like characters mixed in the team.

In the middle of the procession, several carriages that appeared to be loaded with a lot of goods stopped, and on the carriages, the logo of the national flag of the Western Han Kingdom was printed.

The whole team is also defending around these carriages.

It seems that the defending side

should be a certain Western Han Kingdom caravan that hired a mercenary team.

After a little thought

, Lin Tian restored the origin of this battle, guessing that this should be a group of rebels from the Eastern Han Kingdom, and found the caravan of the Western Han Kingdom while rushing at night, so he started to attack with evil intentions.

"Which side to help..." Seeing

that the two sides were fighting, the caravan team fell into decline for a while

, and after Lin Tian thought a little, he immediately made a decision and decided to send thirty Lü Bu from the rear to attack and kill the Eastern Han Kingdom rebel team.

These rebels belong to the field forces, and they will not have any worries after killing

, and they will go to the territory of the Western Han Dynasty to develop later, sell

a favor to the Western Han first, and facilitate their actions after going to the Western Han side.

"The heavy black horse Lü Bu stayed behind for protection, and the other two flying generals Lü Bu led two teams to enter from the left and right wings!" Lin Tian saw that the two sides were fighting to a critical moment, and this was a good time to enter the field, so he decisively gave the order!

Like two cheetahs waiting

for an opportunity in the night, after the two flying generals Lü Bu took the order, they instantly rushed out and galloped in the wind!

The more than twenty young people behind Lü Bu also followed closely, each of them was also eager to make meritorious achievements, and was promoted by the lord and advanced to his own strength, for fear that his actions would be slow and he would not be able to drink soup, so he rushed with all his strength.

Although the rebel team is not weak, and it is not at the same level as those patchwork bandit teams, it is still completely powerless in the face of dozens of strong Lü Bu who can easily defeat one hundred enemies.

Like a tiger entering a flock,

Lv Bu joined the battlefield and instantly turned the tide of the battle!

The merchant team, which was already almost desperate, saw the sudden arrival of powerful reinforcements, and their eyes also burst with hope, and the leader of the caravan shouted: "Reinforcements have arrived!" Fight back quickly and assist reinforcements!


The morale of the caravan soldiers also suddenly rose.

Originally, at first, they saw that the number of reinforcements killed from the rear was not large, and they did not have much hope, but they really saw that this group of reinforcements defeated the enemy like cutting wheat, and their courageous posture, and

the caravan soldiers were also enthusiastic, and instantly came to the spirit, and fought with the outflanking battle with Lü Bu.

In less than ten minutes,

the rebels' team of nearly 100 people was annihilated by the combined efforts of both sides!

[You defeated the rebel team of the Eastern Han Kingdom] [You assisted the caravan

of the Western Han Kingdom] [The favorability of the Western Han Kingdom towards you was increased to 2] [The favorability of Deng Tong, a businessman of the Western Han Kingdom, to you was increased to 5] [Deng Tong, a businessman of the Western Han Kingdom, upgraded his attitude towards you to friendly

] [You defeated the forces of illegal chaos

] [Your moral value increased from -15 to -14



You won a battle]

[Your level has increased! 【

Your soldier's level has increased! 】 】


Although the enemy is outnumbered,

this is another crushing war with zero casualties.

Through this battle

, Lin Tian has been upgraded two levels in a row, and his level has been raised to LV8!

Lü Bu, a young man in Lin Tian's troops, had 9 people upgraded to LV5, reaching the level where they could advance.

Opening the properties panel,

Lin Tian took the lead in adding points according to the previous idea.

After adding points,

his dominance attribute has reached 22 points!

The maximum number of troops has reached 110!

Before he could check the specific situation of the troop upgrade,

a leader-like figure in the caravan team took the lead and said, "Thank you for saving us!" Dare to ask who is the leader of this team, I hope you will accept my thanks! Lin

Tian saw that there was a benefit to take, and he immediately stepped forward with the heavy black horse Lü Bu, and with Yang Cun's previous experience

, he didn't dare to be polite, and immediately said with a blunt smile: "If there is any thanks, take it all out!" "

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