After completing the joining ceremony

and officially joining the Honghu Youth Academy

, Lin Tian was called to the conference room on the 15th floor of the Honghu Youth Training Camp headquarters building, and after knocking on the door and entering the conference room, two familiar faces appeared in front of Lin Tian's eyes.

The two people are Huo Qingsong, vice president of Qingyuan

Esports University, and Chen Baiqi, director of the personnel department of Kyoto Esports University.

The former is well-dressed, wearing a delicate black suit and fine-framed gold wire glasses.

The latter is as frank as ever, his clothes are a little too fresh, and he only wears a mask, if he lends Huo Qingsong's glasses to him, it can be regarded as a three-point style.

Sitting above the main seat in the center of the conference room

is the general leader of the Honghu Youth Training Camp, General Feng Sangu Feng.

As far as Lin Tian knew, this General Feng was in the military department, and he was also a practical party with strong combat power, and the strongest squad was responsible for General Dugu Lei Dugu, and General Han Yonghan, the commander of the Marine Army, and was called the three major generals of the military department.

Although, in terms of fame

, this Honghu Youth Training Camp who has been behind the scenes in recent years, responsible for training newcomers to the military department, is definitely not comparable to Dugu Lei, who has always appeared on various battlefields and is known as the strongest in Daxia.

But if he really wins and loses, this low-key General Feng is really not much inferior to Dugu Lei.

"General Feng."

After all, it is in the territory

of the military department, and Lin Tian is now a member of the military department.

After entering the door

, he first gave a military salute to General Feng in a polite manner, and then looked at Huo Qingsong and Chen Baiqi with a smile, and asked with some curiosity: "You three got together and called me, there must be something important to tell me, right?"

For this genius who is rare in a hundred years in the Great Xia Dynasty

, General Feng Sangu also did not put up the slightest, seeing Lin Tian enter the door

, he immediately smiled and beckoned him to sit down, touched the neat beard on his chin, and said with a heroic smile: "Sit down Lin Tian first, we really have something important to discuss with you."

Lin Tian nodded, and after casually finding a place to sit,

Huo Qingsong and Chen Baiqi both smiled and cast their eyes on Lin Tian.

Huo Qingsong is okay, after all, people look quite serious.

Chen Baiqi was covered in nothing except for the mask,

plus a squinted smile on his face.

Lin Tian's back suddenly felt cold.

Huo Qingsong looked Lin Tian up and down, his expression was a little complicated and smiled: "Classmate Lin Tian, I haven't seen you for a long time, and I even miss it!"

"To be honest, I have made many bold fantasies about your future, but in any case, I didn't expect that in just one month, you would have realized these fantasies of mine!"

On the side, Chen Baiqi couldn't help but shake his head and sigh: "After graduating from high school, in one month, rushing to the rank of grandmaster... Compared with you, what Adam, goddess, pharaoh, and that Chiwei of the Angry Bear Free Federation, they are a fart!

"As far as I know, among the geniuses of the younger generation in various countries, Adam, who is now ranked highest in the global combat power ranking system, is only barely reaching the master stage, right?"

Lin Tian listened to the praise of the two, but his heart was not half complacent, but suddenly tensed, and his heart was very anxious:

"He can actually fantasize about my future strength?" Wouldn't I be miserable if the enemy also fantasized about this, and the enemy made a plan to annihilate me based on these fantasies?

"Moreover, in this world, there is still a younger generation of geniuses who can reach the rank of master? Is it only one segment away from me? I'm rubbish too! The

more Lin Tian thought about it, the more he felt that he was breathless, and it seemed that he would be solved by the enemy who suddenly jumped out at any time in the next second, which frightened him and immediately checked the bottom of the table.

"Nope! I'm still too slack, I'm going to punish myself for only going to the Guangcheng Women's Gymnastics Academy 10 times today!

"Moreover, we must continue to play the game as soon as possible, and gain strength improvement through the game cartridge!"

Lin Tian secretly made up his mind.

Seeing that Lin Tian listened to Chen Baiqi and Huo Qingsong's praise, he did not have any fluttering performance, but frowned, and then his face showed an extremely frightened look

, on the side, General Feng Sangu, who had been watching, nodded with a satisfied smile, and after he coughed slightly, he said positively: "Although Lin Tian is excellent, I think you should also understand the truth that Mu Xiu will destroy Lin Feng."

"So I'm not on the thing we called you to discuss, which is whether you're going to participate in this year's Global Esports University Gaming League."

"I know that with your talent, if you go to the league, you will definitely be able to help Daxia achieve a very good ranking, but this will also greatly increase the attention of foreign forces to you."

"Lin Tian is still young, he can completely slow down and develop steadily, there is no need to rush to show his prominence."

Hearing Feng Sangu's words,

Huo Qingsong and Chen Baiqi were suddenly anxious.

Huo Qingsong quickly retorted: "In fact, after the college entrance examination, those who should pay attention to Lin Tian in the world have basically begun to pay attention, and now, further helping him improve his strength is the best way to protect his safety."

"You know, the cartridges used in the global esports college game league are basically the most lucrative global networked cartridges, and if you can win the championship in the competition, the prizes given by the esports union are also extremely precious!"

"This is definitely an opportunity that Lin Tian can't miss!"

On the side, Chen Baiqi also stood up excitedly, allowing his naked body to blow under the strong wind of the air conditioner, and said movingly:

"Moreover, what's wrong with exposure!"

"The goddess of Oubei, the pharaoh of Ancient Ae, Adam of Mefrank, and Chiwei of the angry bear, after they were born, didn't the country behind them all vigorously promote their own genius?"

"Having a genius with a bright future is an inspiration to the whole country!"

"They have the confidence to protect their geniuses, why don't we have confidence in Daxia?"

Feng Sangu frowned and shook his head, "Lin Tian is the most important hope of our Great Xia Dynasty now, and for his safety, it is understandable that we should be more cautious and careful."

When Huo Qingsong heard this, he immediately retorted: "Then Lin Tian can't lose this rather important opportunity because of this unnecessary caution!"

Chen Baiqi also crossed his waist with both hands and said against his crotch: "Yes, yes!" Dress openly and boldly, what's so bad about it! "

Feng Sangu:

Feng Sangu: "Who specifically talked to you about dressing?" "


The three sides held their own views, and a fierce debate began for a while.

Lin Tian was on the side, also lowered his head and seriously pondered, considering the gains and losses, and decided whether to participate in this global e-sports university game league.

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