The climate in Guangcheng is hot and humid.

When Lin Tian got off the plane, he felt a little back pain and was a little uncomfortable.

After getting off the plane, having some morning tea at a famous local tea house

, Lin Tian saw that the time was about the same, so he went straight to the Guangcheng Women's Gymnastics Academy.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of the school

, Lin Tian saw two teams of tall and attractive female students dressed in neat welcome dresses standing at the gate, holding a huge signboard "Welcome to Lin Tian, the champion of the college entrance examination".

Under the large umbrella inside

the school gate, middle-aged men and women in suits who looked like school leaders were also looking outside the school gate, searching for their long-awaited faces.

Coming to the school gate

, Lin Tian looked at the welcoming girls on both sides of the surroundings, and was just about to speak.

Immediately, inside the school gate, the school leaders were the first to recognize Lin Tian's face, rushed out in a rush of excitement, and instantly surrounded Lin Tian in the crowd, warmly welcoming him.

"Classmate Lin Tian is here!"

"Welcome to Lin Tian!"

"Classmate Lin Tian has worked hard all the way, hurry up and enter the school to rest!"

On both sides of the school gate, the welcoming girls saw that the person in front of them was the legendary Lin Tian, and immediately danced a simple welcome dance according to the arrangement of the school leader, and said in unison: "Welcome Lin Tian to the school!"

Immediately after the jump,

a very beautiful school flower-level female student stepped forward and offered Lin Tian a cup of cold honey water, and on the left and right sides, a pair of extremely beautiful twin sisters were immediately surrounded and held up two small umbrellas for Lin Tian.

The thoughtful service suddenly presented at this time could be broken for Lin Tian.

Surrounded by a pair of twin sisters and

followed by a group of school leaders,

Lin Tian entered the Guangcheng Women's Gymnastics School with a smile.

As a girls' sports school

, the facilities inside the Guangcheng Women's Gymnastics Academy are not old, but they are certainly not comparable to large e-sports schools such as Seigen Kyoto, but construction is underway in many parts of the campus, and it seems that some new buildings have only recently started.

Behind Lin Tian, the principal wearing gold wire glasses smiled and enthusiastically took the initiative to explain:

"Lin Tian, thanks to your Hongfu, our school can get many financial subsidies in the real city this year, and many building facilities can be improved."

"Our teachers and students are very grateful for your choice to study in our school!"

These words are definitely the words of the principal's heart.

He never expected that this Guangcheng Women's Gymnastics Academy would also have a day to welcome the top student of the college entrance examination, and Lin Tian's admission was undoubtedly a miracle that surprised and surprised all the teachers and students of this school.

Lin Tian is not an inch-oriented person, seeing that the principal is so polite

, he also handed the carry-on backpack to the principal very face-saving, and while drinking iced honey water, he smiled: "Xiao Zhang, it's a good arrangement!" The

principal smiled and said cautiously: "Leader, that, my surname is Li."

"Okay Xiao Zhang, I like a principal like you who can get things done."

"Fool around with me obediently, I promise that the benefits will be great in the future!"

The principal nodded quickly: "Yes, that is, it all depends on the instructions of the leader!" Stretching

out his hand, he led Lin Tian to the lounge prepared in advance, and all kinds of melons, fruits, pears and peach snacks were served on the table by a group of female students wearing ancient costume cheongsam.

Lin Tian was drinking tea and eating fruit snacks, and there were female students singing and dancing on the side.

"Is this college life? No wonder everyone loves going to college! Lin Tian watched the groups of beautiful women in front of him continue to rise and fall from the stage, lying comfortably on the back chair, and couldn't help but be glad that he chose this school.

I watched the show for a while and ate snacks for a while.

Principal Li looked at his watch on the side, came to Lin Tian's ear and smiled: "Leader, the entrance celebration arranged for you by our school is about to begin, should we prepare to enter?"

Lin Tian scratched his head when he heard this, and he was a little expectant: "Is there still an entrance celebration?" Walk! Don't delay too much time, let's try to enter on time!


Seeing Lin Tian get up, the school leaders hugged Lin Tian again and began to walk towards the playground.

When I came

to the playground, above the playground, the female students of the whole school were already ready to take their places, and they were arranged into several large teams according to the class grades.

Coming to the rostrum, sitting in the most central position of the rostrum

, Lin Tian looked at the young girl with white flowers under the platform

, and he couldn't help but feel happy for a while, and he was in a good mood.

As the music played, Lin Tian's entrance celebration officially began!

"The arrival of Lin Tian, let us Guangcheng Women's Gymnastics College shine brightly, extremely honored, let us welcome this year's college entrance examination champion with the warmest applause, Lin Tian enrolled!!"

After the host said a simple opening speech to welcome Lin Tian, the celebration officially entered the first item: "Let us welcome President Li and give a welcome speech to Lin Tian's arrival!" Hearing

the host's command

, the principal took the microphone a little nervously, cleared his throat, and was just about to say two words: "This..."

Just spit out two words, Lin Tian was too lazy to listen to Xiao Zhang BB, and directly took the lead in applauding.

So, the principal's speech session ended early.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and the principal awkwardly looked down at the 10,000-word speech he had written for three days, but he didn't dare to say more, and immediately sat down in place, which was equivalent to squatting in place.

"Okay, next is the second item of this celebration, welcome phalanx entry!"

With the host's command, the background music changes.

Not far away,

several women's phalanx began to walk towards the rostrum.

"The first phalanx is the black silk phalanx formed by our modern dance academy! We are willing to use the black of black silk to express our deep love, love silence, love depth, and great love for Lin Tian!

A group of beautiful black silk girls strode to the rostrum, casting smiling faces and warm eyes at Lin Tian.

"Wuhu!!" Lin Tian excitedly cocked Erlang's legs to cover up the abnormality of some protrusions.

"The second phalanx is the white silk phalanx formed by our classical dance academy! We are willing to use the white of white silk to express the clarity of our love, the transparency of love, the purity of love, and the solemnity of love for Lin Tian!

With the introduction of the host,

a group of beautiful girls with white silk also strode to the rostrum.

One by one, his sunny and beautiful faces looked at Lin Tian, and his expression showed some pitiful charm.

"Crooked Bab! White silk Saigao!!

Seeing this, Lin Tian became more and more excited, and while everyone was not paying attention, he quickly lifted his pants and strangled the strengths that should not be shown to the world on the waist of his trousers.

On the side, the principal's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he immediately walked behind the rostrum and dialed a phone call: "It's a manufacturer who makes school uniforms for the Square Women's Gymnastics Academy, and we want to order 10,000 pairs of white silk here!" "

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