Although I don't know if Lin Tian has used his full

strength, it is just the strength he has shown so far, and he

does not need to protect himself at all to explore a D-level phantom dark realm!

"This has just been half a month after the college entrance examination, how can he be so strong?"

"This is the combat power that Bronze II should have!"

"It is estimated that there are more than two platinum two!"

Fang Yanqi's head was a little confused for a while.

Lin Tian saw that the group of people behind him froze, but he showed a kind smile, and urged with a smile: "Go!" Keep exploring! However, it's hard to come out, don't rob me of the monster, and then rob you to death! "

Taking the lead,

Lin Tian walked in the front and moved forward first.

Behind him, the Honghu team members and the instructor glanced at each other and

hurriedly stepped to keep up.


that, Lin Tian took the lead, and for all the monster groups that attacked and killed, they were all killed by themselves, and the two growth skills "Dementor Strike" and "Lord of Original Sin" improved rapidly!

A group of Honghu team members followed behind, and did not dare to easily step forward to grab monsters, they could only look at the scenery like a spring outing, eat some dry food they carried, and talk to each other from time to time:

"If you explore with the current efficiency, it is estimated that in half an hour, you can explore this fantasy dark realm!"

"This level of efficiency should be enough for our squad to win the first place in the grade!"

"No, our squad is really strong!"

After seeing Lin Tian's true strength,

the voices in the previous team that questioned Lin Tian completely disappeared.

Everyone stared at Lin Tian's back that was constantly slashing in front of

him, and there was not even a competitive mood under their eyes that wanted to compare with him, only admiration and admiration.

After all, the strong strength that Lin Tian displayed

was not at the same level as these team members, so there was nothing to compare.

For those who are better than themselves, people will always be jealous.

However, in the face of an existence that is too much stronger than oneself to even understand,

people will look up to worship.

That's human nature.


Lin Tian kept slashing

, and behind him, a group of team members, instructors, and Fang Yanqi followed the visit.

In just ten minutes,

the group of people explored the deepest part of this phantom dark realm.

In the deepest part of the forest,

a giant altar stands.

Above the altar, there is a magic array drawn in blood.

As Lin Tian and his party approached

, the altar began to shake, and the light above the magic array began to flash.


With a burst of blinding light

, a huge red lizard giant hand five meters tall suddenly descended on the altar, emitting a deafening roar: "Roar, roar, roar!!

Seeing this huge lizard monster, the instructor immediately frowned a little unexpectedly and said,

"Chiyan Lizard Elder!? This shouldn't be the level boss that appears in the D-level fantasy dark realm! This monster has a powerful ability to regenerate, and at the same time can spit lizard Chiyan..." The

instructor is still introducing information about the boss at the end of this level

, however, the introduction is only halfway through.


"Dementor Strike!"

Lin Tian's figure flashed, stepped forward, and slashed down.


The entire Chiyan Lizard Elder was split in half directly from the middle!

Just by withstanding Lin Tian's blow, he couldn't die anymore!

A large mass of soul energy

poured into Lin Tian's weapon after the Chiyan Lizard Elder fell.

At the same time, above the altar, at the corpse of the Chiyan Lizard Elder,

a bunch of equipment items burst out!

Seeing that the final boss of the Phantom Dark Realm here was also killed by Lin Tian's sword

, the members of the Honghu team looked at each other, and seemed to be a little unresponsive: "Already... It's over? "

This is the easiest and fastest fantasy dark exploration they have ever experienced.

The instructor was also confused, shaking his head to break free from the shock, and he hurriedly said enthusiastically: "Lin Tian, this time to explore the phantom dark realm, you have the main force, the things that the boss burst out, you can choose at will!" Lin

Tian stepped forward to check the equipment items that the Chiyan Lizard Elder had burst out, and found that most of the items and equipment were of good quality, and the highest quality equipment was only epic quality, and his interest suddenly decreased.

He waved his hand and said, "What a handful of broken scraps... Forget about the reward, I won't take it, let's share it with the students! Hearing

this, the members of the Honghu team showed joy again, and hurriedly stepped forward to check the items dropped by the boss.

Although he didn't get any decent reward items

, this trip to explore the Phantom Dark Realm

, his two growth skills improved, which made Lin Tian quite satisfied.

The power of the two skills, "Dementor Strike", has increased by nearly five times compared to its initial power, and now it can exist as an important output means for Lin Tian when fighting!

The total amount of sin power of the "Lord of Original Sin", through this Phantom Dark Realm Journey, has also improved tremendously, almost more than three times higher than before coming!

The improvement of these two skills

can undoubtedly further enhance Lin Tian's combat power, which can help him more easily impact higher ranks in the subsequent combat power ranking matches.


After completing their exploration and collecting their loot,

the group left the Dark Realm and began their return journey.

On the way back

, the members of the Honghu squad laughed and laughed, already serving Lin Tian like a fairy.

In the military system that respects strength,

strong real combat forces are better than anything else.

It was completely different from the fake polite attitude when he came

, and on the way back,

every team member greeted Lin Tian with a smile.


, someone pinched his shoulder behind him, and someone beat his leg at the side.

The instructor and Fang Yanqi also called their bosses respectively, excitedly reported the situation of this trip, and emphasized Lin Tian's brilliant performance in the exploration of the phantom dark realm.

After this phantom dark realm exploration,

the official attention of the Great Xia Dynasty to Lin Tian will undoubtedly be raised to another level.

This is exactly what Lin Tian needs at the moment.

He now needs more exposure to the environment of the Dark Realm in order to quickly improve the effect of his growth skills, and at this stage, he needs to increase the official recognition of him.

This is also the purpose of his initiative to show his strength this time.


On the way back

, Lin Tian saw an erected purple light gate above the wilderness, so he asked the instructor next to him: "Has this phantom dark realm been explored?"

The instructor replied: "This is the C-grade phantom dark realm sold to the Wei family, and the Wei family seems to have contacted the Dongshan Liu family and is currently exploring this phantom dark realm together." "

Oh, the Wei family and the Liu family..."

When Lin Tian heard this, he immediately remembered the embarrassing deeds he encountered when he went to the temple to borrow a toilet before, and remembered that he seemed to have accidentally offended these two families, and suddenly felt very uneasy.

He felt that he should apologize.


After a moment of silence,

Lin Tian jumped off the military truck on the grounds of going to the toilet again.

Then, he quietly touched the entrance of the Purple Light Gate's Phantom Dark Realm.

Leaning in into it.

Several Wei family Liu family guards guarding the middle of the Phantom Dark Realm immediately shouted and warned: "This is the Phantom Dark Realm area purchased by the Wei family, idle people are not allowed to enter, leave quickly, otherwise we will start!"

"I'm here to apologize." Lin Tian nodded with a smile, and without saying a word, he directly swung his knife, urging the "Dementor Strike" to kill several guards.

Then, he raised his hand slightly.

Above the sky,

a huge and strange black qi condensed.

With a huge terrifying atmosphere

, countless weird, twisted and condensed!

"Ten thousand ghosts night walk!"

After urging the strongest emperor-level skill to give the destruction order to this phantom travel dark territory

, Lin Tiantou did not look back, exited the illusion realm satisfied, returned to the car

, and after apologizing,

he felt that a big stone in his heart finally fell slightly.

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