[With the blessing of powerful understanding, your "Exercises: Nine Evil Saint Supreme Divine Skills" completed its evolution and successfully advanced to a more advanced "Exercise: Ten Thousand Buddhas Silence"! ] 】


The advanced exercise "Ten Thousand Buddhas Silence" increased the efficiency of Lin Tian's cultivation of evil energy, far exceeding the initial "Alien Buddha Demon Body".

Moreover, after practicing the practice of "Ten Thousand Buddhas Silence" to a certain extent, the enhancement of Lin Tian's external mutated limbs and torso was also amazing!

"There are several blessings of comprehension choice, plus the heart of enlightenment, and the two ability blessings of the Battle Buddha inheritance that have an amplifying effect on the efficiency of cultivation, and the leaked nuclear reactor as a cultivation formation..."

"I cultivate through exercises and improve the speed of cultivation, it should be very fast!"

Full of anticipation

, Lin Tian sat cross-legged, began to run the exercises, and closed his eyes to practice.

After only ten minutes had passed,

Lin Tian's evil cultivation had already improved for a hundred years!

Its level of practice has also successfully reached the first-level entry level!

The Ten Thousand Buddhas Silence Technique has seven layers.

With each layer of cultivation,

the mutated limbs on Lin Tian's body would be enhanced to a certain extent.

When practicing to the first level, the

mutated limbs and torso are twice as strong.

Lin Tian's four mutated arms became thick with the naked eye!

Above the arm of the Destruction Titan, the powerful black destruction energy expanded.

Above the Fear Demon Lord's arm, the thick fear inscription also became even more dazzling.

The two dark demon dragon wings behind him also became even bigger.

Above the wings, a thick flame rises, almost burning the surrounding air.

Its two ogre holy lord heads shrank a little and became almost the same size as Lin Tian's own head,

but the power brought to him by the two ogre holy lord heads was a very significant rapid climb!

After cultivating for more than an hour

, Lin Tian's evil cultivation had been upgraded to the thousand-year level, and the five-thousand-year-level evil cultivation had been raised to the six-thousand-year level,

which made it clearly feel that the energy it could control had swelled again!


its level of practice has also successfully reached the second-level level!

After practicing the Ten Thousand Buddha Silence Technique to the second layer,

Lin Tian's mutated limbs and torsos received a fourfold increase in strength!

The four mutant arms swelled to 3 meters thick and 8 meters long.

From a distance, it looked

like there were four buses on Lin Tian's shoulders.

The wings behind him are also large enough to cover the sky.

Its two ogre holy lord heads also became more and more hideous, and layers of incomparably hard black keratin even grew on their cheeks, as if they were wearing two metal helmets, cold and seeping.

After cultivating for more than five hours

, Lin Tian's evil cultivation successfully broke through the 10,000-year level!

Compared to the previous 5,000 years of cultivation,

it has been improved exponentially!

At the moment when it broke through the level of 10,000 years of cultivation

, in front of its eyes, a prompt popped up.

[Your evil cultivation has exceeded the level of 10,000 years! 【

You got a chance to change jobs! 】 】

【Consume 1,000,000 soul points, you can make a job transfer selection! 】 】

Lin Tian once again got a chance to choose a job change!

The soul points on the body are almost used, and

it can't make a career change for the time being.

However, the current speed of strength improvement is still considerable, and it is not in a hurry to hunt weirds and harvest soul points for transfer, but plans to spend some time first and continue to practice the exercises here.

At the very least, to practice the practice of "Ten Thousand Buddhas Silence" to the seven-level perfection, and

increase the benefits brought by this powerful exercise to oneself to the maximum!

One minute and ten years of cultivation to improve the speed

, in fact, is already very fast.


, after cultivating for a full five hours,

Lin Tian already felt a little numb to this level of cultivation to improve efficiency.

"Also, faster..."

In the six eyes, an ominous black-purple aura flashed at the same time

, Lin Tian turned one of his heads slightly, looked at the strange old eight who was carefully waiting on the side, and said: "You go to Zhang Wen and let them stay away from here as soon as possible, the farther away the better." "

Oh... Good.

Lao Ba was stunned when he heard this.

Although he didn't know what Lin Tian was going to do, he didn't

dare to ask more.

Having seen with his own eyes the changes that Lin Tian has had since he left the school

, and the things he did along the way, Lao Ba now don't say that he is asking and questioning Lin Tian, and even the slightest disrespectful thought in his heart, he does not dare to have.

Immediately, Lao Ba ran out of the nuclear power plant and went to report the news to Zhang Wen and the two women.

Lin Tian urged a cloud of evil energy to follow behind Lao Ba in case it encountered danger on the way.

After waiting for a long time, seeing that the time was about the same,

Lao Ba and the three humans should have withdrawn to a safe range.

Lin Tian floated out of thin air, looked down at the entire nuclear power plant and smiled: "Since, nuclear radiation can increase my cultivation speed... Then come more! "


In the next instant,

the giant blood-red palm print condensed in the sky and smashed down!

Boom rumble!!!!

Then, accompanied by a flash,

the entire nuclear power plant, exploded!

A huge mushroom cloud rises!

The explosion in the depths was the center

, and Lin Tian's figure was quickly destroyed, and at the

same time, it was also recovering rapidly!

Its powerful physique, as well as its terrifying regeneration ability,

supports it to withstand all the damage of explosions!

Even though the body is constantly destroyed,

the pain of the flesh makes it feel uncomfortable.

However, being at the center

of the nuclear explosion, greedily sucking the powerful radiation generated by the nuclear explosion

, Lin Tian's cheeks were extremely happy and comfortable, and the corners of his mouth also showed a rare rather peaceful smile.

In the ruins of radiation from the nuclear explosion

, Lin Tian sat cross-legged, once again running the Ten Thousand Buddhas of the Exercises, and practiced.

With the help of an extremely large amount of nuclear radiation

, at this time

, his cultivation speed had already reached the level of a hundred years of cultivation in one minute, and his cultivation efficiency had skyrocketed tenfold again!


After a whole day has passed.

The radiation from the center of the nuclear explosion slowly dissipated.

When he stepped out of the ruins of the nuclear power plant

, Lin Tian's evil cultivation had already risen to the level of 150,000 years!

Moreover, its practice of ten thousand Buddhas has been extinguished, and

it has been elevated to perfection in this day.

The seventh-layer Ten Thousand Buddha Silence Cultivation increased its mutant limb torso strength

by a full 256 times!

Now, the mutant limb torso on its body has become completely different from before!

Above the four huge mutant arms, there are barbs and exaggerated huge granular muscles.

The wings are slightly reduced.

But, the wings rose with black flames.

At this moment, it has turned into a dead gray, and the energy is greatly compressed!

The heads of the two ogre holy lords have

evolved completely without the appearance of a head at this moment, just a black sphere, covered with several hideous, drooling blood basins!

Ten Thousand Buddhas' Silence Cultivation had reached the seventh-level perfection, coupled with the extremely serious radiation impact,

Lin Tian's own body had also undergone tremendous changes.

Dark green skin, creeping veins

, twisted muscles, transposition facial features...

The current Lin Tian can no longer be said to be unlike humans, and

its current appearance is completely incompatible with humans!

Walking out of the nuclear explosion center

, the corners of Lin Tianchang's mouth tugged slightly at the back of his neck:

"Now, I should be, completely invincible."

Grab a punch.


The sky was directly smashed out of a huge spatial crack!

A huge suction force is generated, sucking countless surrounding buildings into it.

Until, the entire city was almost destroyed, and

the cracks gradually disappeared.

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