After a long time, I finally regained my vision.

What the gray-robed mage Zhang Wen saw was an extremely messy ruin.

The entire No. 5 base, under the violent tremor,

has become dilapidated, and the residents have suffered heavy casualties.

The outermost spell wall, which withstood most of the impact force, collapsed at this moment, and many mages and guards on the wall were seriously injured under the impact.

There are not a few people who die after suffering an impact.

Zhang Wen, who was the closest, was still buzzing in his ears at the moment, his hearing had not fully recovered, and he felt a hot flow under his nose, and he hurriedly reached out to wipe it.

After taking a look,

I found that it was my nosebleeds that were constantly flowing.

He never expected that the strange frenzy that struck failed to destroy the No. 5 survivor base, but instead saved Lin Tian of the base from the strange hands, and the confrontation between him and the heavenly thunder destroyed the entire No. 5 base to near ruin!

Hurriedly urging mana to stop the nosebleed,

Zhang Wen raised his head and

looked at the figure that was fighting the fourfold thunder tribulation head-on.

At this time, Lin Tian's monster-like body was covered with wounds everywhere, and above the six arms and two pairs of wings, countless small holes were penetrated, and blood continued to overflow,

but this injury was almost nothing compared to the previous two fatal injuries caused by the thunder calamity!

Slightly urging the immortal Buddha body, as well as the recovery ability of the heart of the evil spirit knight

, in the blink

of an eye, the injuries on Lin Tian's body were completely recovered, and the small holes in his arms and wings that were penetrated also quickly grew new flesh, filling the small holes.

"Quadruple Thunder Tribulation, is it only this level?"

Lin Tian looked up at the sky, and a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

This time the world's sanctions, he can be regarded as relatively relaxed.

However, according to the rate of increase in the intensity of this sanction, it

is estimated that at least eight heavenly thunder will be lowered next time.

If the power of the Thunder Tribulation is doubled this time,

it will still be a bit of a threat to Lin Tian now


For now, it's nowhere near the time to slack.

"The timing of these sanctions was after I urged the power and showed my strength... It seems that the One in heaven has locked my position through the power I have unleashed?

Lin Tian thought for a while, but he didn't plan to get obscene and suppress and use his own strong power later.

Next, he intends to increase the task process of challenging the mission to retake his homeland, while quickly increasing his own strength and continuing to fight the sanctions of the world.

Constant evasion can not solve

the problem, compared to shrinking and obscene, improving your strength as soon as possible, going to the sky to kill the guy who threw the thunder above, is the fundamental solution to the problem.

"It depends on whether the speed of increasing the intensity of sanctions in the world is fast, or whether I am growing faster!" Lin Tian clenched six fists, and the corners of his mouth hooked a confident smile.

Behind him, the wings of the Dark Demon Dragon flapped

, and Lin Tian was about to return to the No. 5 survivor base, but found that the wall outside the base collapsed, and at this moment, the entire base was also turned into a chaotic ruin in a violent earthquake.

Seeing Lin Tian stagnating in the air

, the gray-robed mage Zhang Wen stepped forward, bowed to Lin Tian, and looked at the No. 5 survivor base that was reduced to ruins behind him

, and he said with some caution against his will: "Sense, thank you seniors for saving our base."

Lin Tianliu waved his big hand and said with a smile: "You're welcome!" "


The powerful air flow generated by the wave of his hand instantly

smashed into the base again, setting off a large amount of smoke and dust, and bringing out a scream.

Looking at this scene

, the corners of Zhang Wen's mouth twitched, but he didn't dare to say more, but respectfully led Lin Tian to answer the base, and tentatively asked as he walked: "Dare to ask the senior, what kind of noble xenomorph?"

Lin Tian replied, "I'm a human being, can't you see it?" Zhang

Wen saw Lin Tian's scarlet eyes sweeping towards him, and there seemed to be dissatisfaction in his eyes

, he suddenly snorted, and quickly said:

"See, see!" Your appearance is what human beings should be!

"Compared to you, I look so strange, like a monster!"

When Lin Tian heard this, he nodded with satisfaction.

After withstanding the impact of the leaked energy of Lin Tian's hard resistance to the lightning disaster,

a large number of buildings in Base No. 5 were destroyed and collapsed.

However, in the center, the strongest mage tower still stands.

The other surviving mages began to rescue the residents of the base who were injured in this natural disaster, and began to repair the facilities and city defenses of the entire base.

The four purple-robed mages and the gray-robed mage Zhang Wen began to serve Lin Tian in the mage tower, serving tea and water, and answering various questions raised by Lin Tian by the way.

Regarding the plan after that,

Lin Tian's plan was to explore the depths of the night barrier as soon as possible.

Because, the deeper the night barrier, the

stronger the weird strength.

If he wants to harvest soul points as soon as possible and make a choice, he must give priority to finding more powerful weirdness for slaughter.

First advance vertically

, quickly improve strength, resist the next world sanctions, wait for strength to be strong enough, solve the threat in the sky

, and then sweep laterally, quickly recapture the territory, and improve the completion of the challenge task,

which is undoubtedly the best idea at present.

Therefore, the main question that Lin Tian asked several mages was the direction and location of the deep night barrier.

For the information Lin Tian needed,

several mages tried their best to provide it.

However, none of them went too deep into the overnight barrier, and the information they could give was very limited.

Zhang Wen thought about it and actively helped: "I can be regarded as having the most experience in exploring the night barrier, and I also have some experience in how to continue to deepen in the night barrier."

"Senior, you give me three days, these three days, I will use my experience, combined with the world map before the strange invasion, to plan a route for you to assist you in going deep into the night barrier and exploring."

"Look, how?"

After speaking, Zhang Wen rubbed his hands and looked at Lin Tian with a smile, the same as the other purple-robed mages thought before, he just wanted to quickly send this plague away now.

Every second that Lin Tian was

, the entire No. 5 base, which had been destroyed by half, risked being completely destroyed.

Staying beside Lin Tian, Zhang Wen felt even more that his head was already tied to the belt of his trousers, and it was the kind of bolt method that did not tie a dead knot, and he felt that he would be in a different place anytime and anywhere.

At present, letting Lin Tian stay away as soon as possible is

definitely Zhang Wen's greatest wish.


, after thinking for a moment, Lin Tian looked directly at him and said, "Three days is too long, since you have experience in exploring night barriers, it is not as good as the next journey..."


In an instant, Zhang Wen's smile instantly froze on his face

, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he tentatively asked, "That, senior, can I say that I can't go?"

Lin Tian showed a nuclear smile, and the fangs at the corners of his mouth flashed with cold light: "Don't go?" You've seen my hands-on hands, right?

Zhang Wen returned a smile that was uglier than crying: "I mean, such a precious opportunity, don't go, don't go!" "

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