After advancing to the Buddha Destroying Evil Palm,

Lin Tian's combat power had undoubtedly increased significantly.

After making the thirteenth choice

, although Lin Tian still had 5406 soul points in his hand, it was quite a lot.

However, the soul points that need to be consumed for the fourteenth selection have

already climbed to 8192!

Lin Tian couldn't make the next choice for the time being.

"More than 10,000 soul points, it seems like a lot, but it's enough to make two choices!" Lin Tian sighed and picked up the Soul Devouring Bead, intending to immediately refine all the large amount of cultivation energy absorbed in it first.

After his comprehension had once again received a huge increase, Lin

Tian's cultivation and refining speed became even more amazing.

In the Soul Devouring Bead, two Ghost Emperors gathered, hundreds of strange cultivation energies, and

Lin Tian completely refined it in only 5 minutes!

After refining and absorbing all the energy in the Soul Devouring Bead

, Lin Tian's cultivation had reached the level of 800 years, directly increasing by more than double!


The power was slightly released,

and the black and purple aura of the sky almost enveloped the sky overhead!

Feeling his own strong power at this moment

, Lin Tian felt that if he let his current self face the double heavenly thunder and thunder tribulation just now, he would at most suffer some injuries, and he should not be injured to the point of losing his vital signs.

"However, it is nowhere near the time to slack."

"Although my strength has risen, judging from these two thunder calamities, the world's sanctions against me are also constantly improving, and the next sanctions may mean how strong they will be."

"We must continue to hunt weirds as soon as possible and improve our strength."

Lin Tian admonished himself in his heart.

After absorbing the energy in the Soul Devouring Bead,

Lin Tian did not stop and continued to rush south.

On the way,

he constantly released his evil energy and investigated the strange aura around him.

Although occasionally there will be some gains

, and the strange atmosphere is detected, the quantity and quality of the strange encounters are very average, and

no more strange gatherings like those outside the brewery are found.

"Damn, what kind of world, there are so few tricks on the street? Just such a little enough to kill who! If this is seen by exorcists abroad, they must not think that I can't afford to kill!?

Lin Tian couldn't help but complain, and all four arms scratched his head at the same time.


Because the strength of one of the Death Titan arms was too great

, Lin Tian accidentally opened a brain hole for himself, and the blood and brain plasma began to splash out uncontrollably, he frowned, and quickly urged the evil energy to restore the injury on the braincase.

After traveling south for about an hour

, not far away,

Lin Tian finally saw the end of this endless night barrier and saw the warm light.

"Over there, it should be the 'Pure Land' that the night sweeper in the school called before, right?"

Finally seeing the world outside the night barrier,

Lin Tian's eyes lit up.

Lao Ba also nodded and said, "After arriving in the Pure Land, we should not be far from the No. 5 survivor base of the human race, but..." Seeing

that Lao Ba wanted to say nothing

, Lin Tian asked, "Is there any problem?"

Lao Ba smiled bitterly and said, "Master, do you say that the survivor base can let us both enter?"

Lin Tian's four arms patted his chest at the same time, the cyan worm stripes on his face twisted slightly, and said with a smile: "You are weird, it must be a little difficult to get in, but I must be fine!"

"Do I not look human?"

Peach: ......

Dai Qing: ......

Lao Ba: "Well, when you say that, it's really a bit similar."

Lin Tian smiled: "That's not it!" With

a step, the three of them walked into the Pure Land range.

After leaving the dark night barrier and entering the warm light area

, the two women, who were human beings, immediately felt that their bodies were light, and their breathing seemed to become much easier, and their pale faces immediately began to return to rosy.

After entering the Pure Land, the strange old eight became a little ugly, and his body twitched uncontrollably, revealing an uncomfortable expression like constipation.

"Master, or should I wait outside, and you guys go in?"

Lao Ba asked tentatively while releasing strange energy to resist the light in the Pure Land.

Lin Tian immediately shook his head and vetoed, "No, how dangerous it is outside!" You have to be by my side at all times so I can keep you safe! When

Lao Ba heard this, he was a little moved for a while, and thought: "I didn't expect the master to care so much about my safety!" Since this is the case, I don't have a different intention, follow the master well, it will definitely not treat me badly!

Lin Tian thought in his heart: "How can I kill it after the game?" Mince? Lingchi? Or stuff it into a cesspit and drown? "

Well, what am I rewarding it for..."

Entering the Pure Land range, he

walked for a while.

Not long after,

four figures with weapons approached in the distance.

They were dressed in white robes, with inscriptions carved on their clothes, and similar inscriptions on their weapons, which should have a suppressive and restrained effect on the weird.

"Hey! Hello, fellow citizens! Where is the survivor base?!

Lin Tian waved his four arms and shouted to ask.

The four figures approached, and after seeing Lin Tian's appearance, they were instantly frightened, snorted, and shouted threateningly: "Don't get any closer!" This is a place for humans, weirdness is not allowed!

"If we get closer, we'll do it!"

Seeing this, Taotao stepped forward to help Lin Tian explain: "We are not weird! He's just a little ugly!

Lin Tian's face darkened: "Believe it or not, I specially hammered you to death with a punch?"

The four white-robed men glanced at Taotao, and then at Dai Qing and Lao Ba, and found that the three of them did look like normal people

, and the leading man stepped forward and said loudly: "The three of them can come to the survivor base to receive strange energy testing, you can't, you are not a person at first glance, there is no need to detect at all!"

While speaking, he aimed his weapon at Lin Tian and made a gesture of moving at any time.

Lin Tian was speechless, and pointed to the old eight beside him: "You can see it clearly, it is weird!" I'm really not! I am a monk, a cultivator, a big good person! Hearing

Lin Tian say this

, the leading man in the sect robe shook his head and looked at Lao Ba and Lin Tian again, Lao Ba only had a faint layer of black qi on his body, while Lin Tian, his eyes were scarlet, his body was full of worm-like cyan stripes...

In comparison

, the leader pointed at Lao Ba and shook his head: "You see how normal he is, he must be a human being!" "

Lin Tian: ...

Old Eight: ...

Lin Tian helplessly asked, "How can I prove that I am not weird?" The

leader thought for a while and said, "Weird has no reproductive system, you take off your pants and show us!"

Lin Tian immediately nodded when he heard this: "It's not easy to say!" With

that, he took off his pants.

Seeing this, in order to avoid seeing something they shouldn't see, the two women quickly stood behind Lin Tian.

After taking off his pants, the

leader immediately sneered: "There are no things that a man should have, and he said that you are not weird!" Get out of here or we're going to attack!

Lin Tian was stunned when he heard this, and when he looked down, he was also shocked!

His own good brother disappeared without knowing when!

Reaching out and touching

back, he felt a familiar feel on his lower back, and

Lin Tian showed a sudden expression: "Wow! I was blown into pieces by heavenly thunder before and made a mistake when I reshaped my body! The

two women who hid behind Lin Tian covered their eyes speechlessly.

Dai Qing: "It's really unpreventable!" "

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