[Your Dharma practice has exceeded 200 years!] 【

You got a chance to change jobs! 】 】

【Consume 1000 soul points, you can make a job change selection! 】

After refining all the cultivation energy in the Soul Devouring Bead,

Lin Tian's Buddha Power cultivation had skyrocketed to the 200-year level!

The bright and powerful Buddhist golden light centered on his body, constantly flashing outside, and for a while the "night barrier" of the entire school was dispelled, and the light in the school was completely restored!

Slowly, this powerful Buddha power converged in the body

, and in Lin Tian's eyes, golden light flashed.

Since after making the tenth

selection, the number of soul points on Lin Tian's body was only more than four hundred, which was not much short of the 1,000 soul points needed to make the transfer selection, he could only go to the tricky principal first and lift the seal of the school.

Then go to the vast paradise outside

, slaughter the weird, obtain soul points, and make further career choices.

"Amitabha Buddha~

" "With my current strength, I should be able to have a good talk with the sophistication principal."

Lin Tian clasped his hands together and walked towards the direction of the administration building.

Behind him, the two women followed

, and the two women at this time, their expressions were numb, and

they already didn't know how to evaluate Lin Tian's game level.


Not long after

, the three of them arrived at the door of the administrative building, the last strange building in the school.

It was discovered that there was a prohibition at the door,

and it took a "sophistry principal's invitation" to lift the prohibition and enter it.

"The Buddha light has first appeared!"

Lin Tian condensed the Buddha power and casually blasted out a palm.


The huge golden Buddha palm nearly ten meters long and eight meters wide flashed

, and in an instant, the prohibition was broken!


Not only is it a prohibition,

the impact of this palm directly dents the entire administrative building into a large piece!

The entire administrative building is tilted and tilted, and

if Lin Tian slaps a few more palms, it is estimated that this building will be directly destroyed!

"Let's go!"

Taking the lead, Lin Tian took the lead in entering the administration building and looked for the strange principal's office.

Along the way,

the three did not encounter too much weirdness.

Only occasionally one or two weirdness appeared, and did not directly attack the three, but tried to communicate with the three, there should be some side mission delivery.

As for what exactly the side quest is, it is not clear.

Because these weirdness just spoke, they were slapped into a tricky cake by Lin Tian's palm, and they could no longer make any sound.


After exploring for a long time, finally,

I came to the third floor.

The three stopped at the door of the principal's room.

Seeing that Lin Tian stretched out his hand to open the door of the principal's room and enter to challenge the final boss of this game

, Taotao hurriedly stepped forward to grab him, took out a homework book stained with filth, and said: "This is what I got when I defeated that jumping trick in the library before, according to the content of the letter, it should be able to suppress the strength of the tricky principal."

"Just in case, you better take this with you!"

Hearing this, Dai Qing suddenly frowned.

Before entering the game, Kyoto and Qingyuan said that they would

not interfere with Lin Tian in any way in the game.

Although, with the strength shown by Lin Tian,

this help of Taotao may not have much impact on the result.

But her current behavior is obviously a violation of the previous agreement.

"Let's not..."

Dai Qing spoke, just about to dissuade Taotao.

Lin Tian suddenly laughed and said, "Do you hate this principal so much?" I wonder, what exactly did he do to you in the toilet?

Peach was shocked, her pupils contracted, and she said with a stiff smile: "What do you mean?" I just want to help you!

Dai Qing listened to the conversation between the two, instantly realized something, immediately pulled away, moved away from Taotao, and stood behind Lin Tian.

Lin Tian waved his hand and smiled: "Okay, don't pretend, in that letter from the strange principal, a total of three incidents are mentioned, and the three events represent three different positions and three different weirdness."

"Among them, the basketball trick on the playground and the jumping trick in the library have all been exceeded by me, except for the weirdness corresponding to the last incident in the toilet, which has not appeared until now."

"Basically, I rummaged through all the toilets in the school, especially the women's toilet, but I never found any trace of the toilet."

"In this case, there is only one possibility."

"That is... The toilet is no longer in its original place.

"And you two, who went to the bathroom once before, do you think... Where is that toilet trick now? "

The words are not falling,


Lin Tian had already grabbed the neck of the "peach" and lifted it up.

Looking down slightly

, looking at the pair of shoes full of urine smell at its feet

, Lin Tian added with a smile: "Moreover, the style of your shoes is obviously different from the previous one!" When you first came out of the toilet, I was pretty sure that you weren't the same person you were.

With Lin Tian's words,

the shoes on Peach's feet actually began to gush blood!

The black high heels were

dyed red in an instant!

Seeing this scene

, Dai Qing on the side couldn't help but secretly admire: "Although this kid looks unreliable and behaves strangely, his meticulous thinking and strong observation are really first-class!"

"Such a guy, even if he doesn't have a talent for games, the achievements he can get through games are probably not too bad!"

"What's more, he also has such a perverted level of game talent!"

For a while

, Dai Qing looked at Lin Tian's back, and a fanatical look appeared in his eyes.

In mid-air

, "Peach", who was pinched by Lin Tian's throat, saw that his disguise was completely debunked, and finally he didn't pretend.


A black gas flashed.

It returned to its original appearance and became a weird woman who was wet and smelled of urine and fishy smell!

"Why! Why!

"I just want revenge!"

"I obviously didn't want to harm you!"

Toilet screeching roar!


Lin Tian's left hand closed slightly.

A huge golden palm directly grabbed the toilet.

As long as he exerted a slight force

, in an instant, this intermediate trick-level toilet trick would turn into flying ash!

Without rushing to kill it

, Lin Tian asked with a somewhat curious smile: "Donor, before you were reduced to a poor monk, can you tell me what the principal did to you?" Why did he hurt you? Wrapped

in the Buddha power in Lin

Tian's palm, the toilet showed a painful look on his face, and answered Lin Tian's question intermittently: "Because... I found... Finish... The principal's... Secret.

Lin Tian became even more curious when he heard this: "What secret?" The

toilet trick tried his best to resist Lin Tian's power and spit out a sentence:

"He likes... Eat. "

Lin Tian: ...

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