Bang bang!!

After a dull loud noise,

the school tyrant has become a puddle of mud.

The number of soul points on Lin Tian's arm instantly grew by 100 points!

The balance of soul points directly skyrocketed to 215 points,

which was enough for Lin Tian to make the next choice!

At the same time, a large cloud of extremely rich black qi also poured into the Soul Devouring Bead around his neck, and the energy provided by Xue Ba for the Soul Devouring Bead could almost top two-thirds of the sum of all the energy collected before.

The harvest brought to Lin Tian by killing the school bully

can be described as extremely rich!

[You have got rid of the tyrant chasing and killing, and the reward for completing the game will be increased by 10%! ] The

notification of the increase in game rewards also appears at the right time.

The soul point was enough

, Lin Tian's mind moved, and

he immediately opened the plug-in and made the next choice.

【Choice of trick

】【The eighth time to choose, you need to consume 128 soul points

】【Current number of soul points: 215

】【Do you want to choose?】


In front of you, two options pop up.

【Thirty years of Buddha power cultivation

】【Ability: Heart of enlightenment】

The former is simple and clear, improving cultivation.

Lin Tian gathered his eyes and looked at the latter.

[Ability: Heart

of Enlightenment] [Introduction: After possessing the Heart of Enlightenment, you will get a huge amount of enlightenment bonuses, you can comprehend and even deduce powerful skills according to the knowledge you have mastered, and your cultivation speed will get a hundredfold bonus! 】


After reading the introduction to the Heart of Enlightenment,

Lin Tian's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Yes, this thing came at the right time!"

As soon as his mind moved,

he immediately made a choice.

In the next instant,

a blue light flashed in his chest.

Closing his eyes, Lin Tian quietly digested the power of the Heart of Enlightenment.

When Dai Qing and Taotao saw this on the side, they did not dare to make a sound.

With eyes constantly looking at Lin Tian, Dai

Qing couldn't help but swallow: "His talent is working again?" Already strong to this extent, can you continue to become stronger?

"Where is his upper limit?!"

A moment later

, when Lin Tian opened his eyes again, he only felt that the whole world was clear for a while.

His perception of everything in the world seems to have undergone a conceptual change.

His eyes also became extremely thorough, deep, and out of the matter.

It's like, the observer of the world, the comprehension of thousands of avenues.

In my mind,

the knowledge about the Diamond Sutra flashed slightly.

Lin Tian instantly comprehended the ultimate secret method contained in the Diamond Sutra, and mastered the powerful mysterious skill that far exceeded the effect of "Incarnating King Kong"... Ten Thousand Laws Golden Body!!

However, the effect of this move is strong,

but the consumption and requirements for Buddha power are also extremely high.

With Lin Tian's current Buddha power cultivation

, I am afraid that the operation of the ultimate mystery of the Diamond Sutra "Ten Thousand Laws Golden Body" will not last too long, and the effect will not reach 100%, and it is estimated that it can only exert 80%.

"Next, it's time to improve your Dharma cultivation a little."

Taking off the Soul

Devouring Bead around his neck, Lin Tian sat down in place and began to cultivate, while quickly absorbing the soul energy in the Soul Devouring Bead as a supply for his cultivation.

After slaughtering so many weirdness,

Lin Tian's Soul Devouring Bead had already saved a lot of cultivation energy.

If he cultivated at a regular speed

, Lin Tian wanted to digest the cultivation energy in the Soul Devouring Bead, not to mention it would take a month.

However, after the previous choice

, he received a large number of enlightenment bonuses, and now he also has the Heart of Enlightenment, a powerful ability that is specially used to increase the speed of cultivation.

Lin Tian only meditated and cultivated for three minutes,

and a large amount of energy in the Soul Devouring Bead was completely absorbed and digested by him!

Immediately, the whole body is full of golden light!

Lin Tian's Buddha power has gained a lot of improvement!

Previously, he had gained twenty years of Buddha power by making choices.

After absorbing the energy in the Soul Devouring Bead

, Lin Tian's Buddha power has more than doubled, and according to the settings in the options, he now has about 50 years of Buddha power cultivation!

After all, Buddha Li cultivation was the foundation that Lin Tian relied on.

Whether it was the power of Nan Wu Amitlin or the effect of the spell skill in the Diamond Sutra, it was directly affected by his Buddha power cultivation.

After the cultivation of Buddha Power was more than doubled, the

strength that Lin Tian could exert was basically more than doubled!

Getting up,

Lin Tian converged his golden light and said to himself, "It's time to go outside the teaching building and take a look." Stepping

, Lin Tian went downstairs, and

the two women carried two pig legs and followed closely behind.

As soon as they arrived at the door of the teaching building,

a thick darkness came into the eyes of the three.

This kind of darkness is not like the kind of natural darkness after dark.

It's like, the space is filled with some kind of black substance.

Stepping forward, Lin Tian tried to walk out of the door of the teaching building.

In front of you, a prompt immediately pops up.

[You haven't passed the monthly exam and got a night lantern

] [Forcibly leaving the teaching building, it's very dangerous]

"Monthly exam? There was also a chicken monthly exam, and the teacher let me kill it clean. Lin Tian shook his head and smiled, and walked out of the gate of the teaching building with strong steps.

Coming to the outside of the teaching building,

Lin Tian immediately released the Buddha power in his body.

In an instant

, the darkness around him was dispelled, and the

vision suddenly widened a lot.

Stepping forward,

Lin Tian tried to explore outdoors.

On the road, from time to time, you can encounter the strange wandering outside

, feel the powerful power of Lin Tianwai releasing Buddha light

, and the strange people watch from afar, and dare not approach for a while.

They showed indifference and not enthusiasm

, and Lin Tian, who was very compassionate and compassionate, did not go to his heart and took the initiative to come forward to say hello.

In his hand, the barrel of the Nanmu Amitlin gun turned,


One by one, the strange outdoor ones were killed by

Lin Tian, turning into soul points on Lin Tian's arms,

as well as the energy of the soul devouring beads on his neck.

Not long after

, in the boundless darkness,

Lin Tian saw a glimmer of light.

After getting a little closer

, Lin Tian spread the scope of his Buddha power, and found that the direction where the light was located was the administrative building, which is the location of the final boss of this game, the sophisticated principal.

Speeding up their feet, more

than ten seconds later,

the three of them arrived at the door of the administration building.

At the door of the administration building,

Lin Tian saw the source of the light.

It was an orange lantern with a warm glow.

Next to the lantern, there was also a man, probably in his twenties, dressed in a black uniform, covered in wounds, and the huge blood hole in his chest looked even more mad.

"Yes, is it human?"

Hearing footsteps approaching

, the man in black tried his best to open his eyes, looked at Lin Tian and the three, and revealed a very weak smile: "Great, great, before I die, I can still see my compatriots..."

Coming to about three meters away from the man

, Lin Tian cautiously stopped, raised his muzzle and aimed at the man in black: "Amitabha, we are also very happy to see you, is there anything we need to do for you?" "

The Man in Black: .

The man in black: "Can you stop pointing a gun at me first?"

Lin Tian: "Can't." "

The Man in Black: .

Taking a long breath

, the man in black braced himself and leaned on the steps weakly:

"I don't have much time left, and you must listen to me carefully in the next words."

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