Make a choice.

In the next instant, Lin Tian's figure instantly disappeared in front of Taotao and Dai Qing's eyes.

The two were stunned for a moment.

"Huh? Where did Lin Tian go?

Peach asked.

"It can't be robbed by some weirdness, right?"

Dai Qing frowned.

Standing in the corridor, looking at the strange corpses and wreckage all over the ground

, just now very relieved, some of the two women who regarded this horror game as a lawn cutting and decompression game, after Lin Tian disappeared, inexplicably felt an eerie and terrifying atmosphere, and the chill rushed straight up the back.

To some extent,

Lin Tian's person is even more evil than weird.

When he was there,

the weird horror

was not so scary.

As soon as Lin Tian, who was warding off evil spirits, disappeared, the

surrounding atmosphere immediately became wrong.

Fortunately, Dai Qing immediately tensed his spirits and looked around vigilantly: "The weirdness around here should have been killed by Lin Tian, let's not move around, let's see the situation in place first."

Taotao quickly stuck to Dai Qing's side, swallowed saliva wildly, and after holding it for a long time, finally couldn't help but clamp his legs and said: "Principal Dai, I, I kind of want to pee..."

On the other side, there is a large cubic space with no decorations, very empty, completely independent.

Lin Tian's figure flashed.

Not long after he appeared in this space, in

the distance, high in the sky,

a monster similar to a bat appeared!

It's just

that this monster is much larger than a bat, almost the size of two people, and it also has a gray-black terrifying human face, with fangs in its mouth, very hideous!

Seeing the enemy appear,

Lin Tian didn't say nonsense, immediately took Nan Wu Amitlin, and held the trigger deadly, accompanied by a huge roar, a large number of Buddha light bullets burst out instantly, forming a golden bullet net, covering the position of the Night Blood Demon!


Attacked by Lin Tian's first hand

, the Dark Night Blood Demon was attacked for a while, emitting a piercing scream, and the expression on his face became more and more distorted and hideous, terrifying and terrifying.

However, the powerful Buddha light bullet shot by Nan Wu Amitlin did not seem to cause too serious fatal injuries to it, but only beat its figure back continuously, and small black mist continued to explode on its body!

After a brief panic

, the Dark Night Blood Demon took advantage of the impact of the Buddha Light Bullet, and his figure quickly retreated, avoiding the rest of the Buddha Light Bullet.

After breaking free from Lin Tian's barrage cover

, its movements immediately became free, and its speed increased tremendously in an instant!

With its wings flapping

, it began to quickly hover overhead, looking for an opportunity to attack Lin Tian.

Lin Tian also clenched the handle of Nan Wu Amitrin's gun in his hand, and tracked the fast-flying figure of the Night Blood Demon with the muzzle as much as possible to avoid being attacked by it closely.

The spirit is tense, and

the two sides pull each other.

With the ability to calm down,

Lin Tian's Buddha power was sufficient and calm enough.

Coupled with the powerful weapons in his hand,

he can perfectly prevent every attack route of the Night Blood Demon.

The situation was at a stalemate for a while.


, as time passed

, more and more Buddha light bullets hit the Night Blood Demon, which gradually made it a little unbearable, and its flight speed began to gradually slow down.

Realizing that he couldn't continue to drag it on, the

Dark Night Blood Demon screamed, and his body suddenly flashed with blood!

In the next instant

, its figure immediately expanded in a circle, and the entire bat body was also twisted and changed, becoming more inclined to the structure of the human body!

"Is this the bloody gesture that turned it on?"

Seeing this, Lin Tian's gaze froze.

He focused more on aiming and shooting

, and the Buddha power blessed on the heavy machine gun was also stronger, and the power of the Buddha light bullet that burst out went to another level!

However, after entering the bloody posture,

the defense power of the Night Blood Demon has obviously been greatly improved!

Even though the power of the Buddha Light Bullet is stronger

, when shooting the Night Blood Demon, it can't cause enough repulsion effect like before, blocking its sudden impact!


The wings behind him fluttered wildly

, with the sound of the wind tearing the air, the

Dark Night Blood Demon quickly approached Lin Tian!

Seeing that the Buddha light bullet shot by Nan Wu Amitlin could no longer stop the charge of the Dark Night Blood Demon, Lin Tian no longer condensed all his Buddha power on the weapon.

The golden light flashed in his eyes, and the Diamond Sutra mantra in his mouth moved: "Mommy mommy bombarded you and killed you!" "


In an instant, the two Diamond Sutra talisman papers attached to his body exploded!


The Dark Night Blood Demon, who had just approached and wanted to attack, was

instantly blown up!

The wings closed the wind and

stopped the flying figure in the air.


The Night Blood Demon's eyes were scarlet, and he killed again like a rage!

Lin Tian's body had a lot of defensive talisman paper, and he smiled coldly, so he repeated his technique and recited the Diamond Sutra incantation again.


In an instant, the Dark Night Blood Demon that had just approached was blasted out again!

Several times in succession,

the attack of the Dark Night Blood Demon was blocked by Lin Tian with the talisman paper on his body.

Seeing that the rune paper on Lin Tian's body was finally exhausted, and the Dark Night Blood Demon, which consumed almost the same amount of blood in his body, also condensed all his strength, bursting with red light, and tried his best to kill it for the last time!

"Come on!!"

In the game world, it is rare to encounter such a thrilling confrontation situation

, and Lin Tian is also excited, his eyes are slightly red, and he drank heavily.

Then, read aloud the verse:

"Nothing is vain, it is for King Kong!"

"No damage, no destruction, incarnation King Kong!"

After reading the scripture

, Lin Tian's body had already turned into gold, and

the whole person was like a small golden Buddha, standing tall!

This is the powerful move he comprehended from the Diamond Sutra after improving his understanding in the choice, "Incarnate Vajra"!

Urging this move, he can briefly obtain the Vajra Buddha power, greatly improve his defenses, and the Vajra power attached to his body can also cause a lot of corrosive damage to demons and monsters!

Facing the Dark Night Blood Demon who rushed straight forward,

Lin Tian smiled maniacally and greeted him with a punch!


Two lanes collide.

Lin Tian took several steps backwards.

The Dark Night Blood Demon flew out directly upside down and smashed into the pitch-black wall!

After suffering this blow

, the blood in the body of the Night Blood Demon also burned almost the same, and the blood-bathing posture could not be maintained, and it immediately returned to its original ordinary state after landing.

While the "Incarnation King Kong" was still maintaining

, Lin Tian flashed up, riding on the Night Blood Demon, and a hammer!!





After dozens of punches fell,

Lin Tian's avatar King Kong state disappeared.

The Buddha power on his body was lacking for a while

, but the ability to calm and relax began immediately, quickly replenishing his Buddha power.

Under him

, at this moment, the Dark Night Blood Demon had been smashed into a blur of flesh and blood.

However, the powerful vitality supported it

, and its figure trembled, and it was not completely dead!

Lin Tian gasped and showed a little fatigue, but he still immediately carried the Nan Wu Amitlin heavy machine gun and shot at the head of the Night Blood Demon!

Boom, boom, boom!

After a loud bang.

In front of Lin Tian's eyes, a prompt finally popped up.

[You have defeated the Night Blood Demon

] [Get Reward-Secret Treasure: Soul Eater Bead!!] A

flash flashed between the necks.

A black bead filled with black qi appeared.

"Whew, it's finally settled."

"If you hadn't chosen enlightenment before, but had chosen twenty years of Buddha power cultivation, you should still be able to win quite easily!"

"The previous choice was still a bit hasty."

"However, if you encounter a choice between cultivation and enlightenment, it is a good choice."

"With this bead, you can quickly improve your cultivation by killing strange things in the future, and you can safely improve your understanding."

Lin Tian's face full of Dark Night Blood Demon blood and corpse residue showed a very happy smile.

The figure flashed.

In the next second,

Lin Tian returned to the school corridor.

Back in the corridor,

Lin Tian looked left and right and found that Taotao and Dai Qing were no longer in place.

"It must be dead!" Lin Tian thought very optimistically, just wanted to go upstairs, continue to slaughter weird, obtain soul points, and fill his soul devouring bead with strange soul.

Behind him, suddenly there was a voice!!

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