Chapter 1753 Zong Ze with all his strength!

The flames burned the sky above the duel.

In the flames, a cloud city faintly emerged.

In the center of Yunzhong City is a huge altar.

On each side of the altar stood a flame angel with six pairs of wings behind him and holding a scepter.

One after another, two-winged angels came out of the altar with weapons in their hands.

After these two-winged angels appeared, they lined up in the sky in an orderly manner.

After more than 70 double-winged flame angels with weapons in their hands appeared.

Two more chariots made of flame appeared in the altar.

The two seraphs with scepters in their hands jumped into the chariot.

Like a commander, standing in front of the full seventy-six double-winged flame angels.

At this time, Zongze once again performed another function of Heavenly Red Fire, Heavenly Arbitration.

Under the arbitration of the functional heaven, the burning effect attached to each attack of the flame angel cannot be resisted.

And the attack has a serious injury effect, which will reduce the target’s recovery.

This ability is matched with the first skill Chiyan Heavenly Kingdom of Heaven Chihuo, the thing of the holy source.

Supplements the attack power of these flame angels.

The overall strength carried out a huge Ascension.

Zong Heng did not stop after the imperial ambassador, the holy source of heaven, red fire displayed two functions.

Zongze continued to exert his strength, and immediately let Ran Tianzhen display his exclusive characteristic Fire Gensokyo.

In an instant, the fire element rhythmically moved throughout the space.

The whole ground is covered with bricks made of flames.

These bricks and tiles formed by flames form a Realm.

Throughout the Realm, the effects of fire damage will continue to stack.

After displaying the Gensokyo of Fire, Ran Tianxuan gained a huge increase in himself.

At this time, Liu Yifan just summoned Yin & Yang Liangyi cattle and Sixiang Eight Trigrams sheep to assist Lin Yuan.

Help Lin Yuan to resist the misfortune of the world at the same time.

Liu Yifan has been assisting the Swarm, dragging Qian Yu’s Taoyao Bluebird, and returning with the skill Jingwei.

Tao Yao Qingniao, after getting instructions from Liu Yifan.

There was a sad cry.

Half of the peach fruits that have just grown on the peach tree dries up in an instant.

It turned into a residue and fell to the ground.

This is precisely because Taoyao Green Bird absorbs the energy in these peach fruits.

The reason Taoyao Bluebird can summon Jingwei is because Taoyao Bluebird has absorbed Jingwei’s Hun and Po.

The more energy Taoyao Bluebird consumes, the stronger the Jingwei’s strength will be after the return of Jingwei after casting his skill.

At this time, Taoyao Bluebird had already tried his best to ensure the strength of the Jingwei summoned.

Liu Yifan knows exactly what Zongze’s this strike represents.

If Zongze succeeds in this strike, the opponent can be reduced.

It would be a lot easier to break the linkage of the other party’s three holy source things on his own side.

If Zong Ze did not succeed, he emptied the Spirit Power in his body.

Even if there is a high wind to recover, the combat effectiveness will definitely be much lower than before in a short period of time.

Therefore, this strike must be successful anyway!

Under the sorrow of Taoyao Qingniao, a bird and beast that was fire-red in color and about the same size as Taoyao Qingniao.

Appeared beside Taoyao Bluebird.

After this bird and beast appeared, it flew around Taoyao Blue Bird.

Immediately afterwards, a raging flame ignited from his body.

The element of fire spewed out of this flaming red bird, beast, and spirit object like no money.

This red bird is exactly the spirit guard of the fire element.

This Jingwei is composed of Hun and Po and energy.

Before the energy is exhausted, this Jingwei will not disappear.

Jing Wei flew towards Zongze, and a huge flame phantom appeared behind Jing Wei.

The flame phantom also enveloped Zongze, causing Ran Tianxian to use his exclusive characteristic Huoyan Gensokyo, instantly igniting a half-foot-high flame.

Yinyin also communicated with the sun at this time.

Incorporate the power of the sun into the flame Gensokyo as much as possible.

Ascension the temperature of the flames of Gensokyo.

Burning Tianxuan, as a desolate bloodline spirit creature, has many attack methods.

But Zongze’s abilities were useless, after all the Spirit Power in his body was injected into Burning Tianyi’s body.

Ran Tianjian kicked his leg and rushed straight towards Cai Huo.

At the same time, Burning Tianzhen performed eight exercises with exclusive characteristics and different fires.

Eight different fires surround the whole body of Burning Tianxuan.

Among the eight different fires, there are three fifth-level different fires.

At this time, Zongze asked Burning Heaven to consume five high-level different fires and two top-level different fires.

Through the tempering of skill fire, Hongmei Yunhuo is increased.

The red plum cloud fire, which originally had the vision of red plum in the fire, was already in the burning room, and a plum garden was faintly burned out.

The characteristics of Hongmei Yunhuo are temperature and burning.

The most original abilities of these two kinds of flames are the root of the destructive power of flames.

Seeing Ran Tianyan rushing towards him, Cai Huo was shocked.

You Changjian had to launch an attack because of Qian Yu just now.

Affected by the toxicity and corrosiveness of the red thorn digestive juice.

There was not much Spirit Power left in You Changjian’s body.

At this time, You Changjian was replenishing himself with the worn-out Spirit Power.

Right now it was the three of them, the time when the linkage of the things of the holy source was the weakest.

If in normal times, someone attacked him, Cai Huo would not hide.

But at the moment, Cai Huo is not sure whether You Long Sword’s holy source object, Gorgon’s Fang, can block this strike.

If you change You Changjian and Yan Ling, the two can still merge with the middle demon in their bodies.

Ascension’s own physical fitness.

But Cai Huo, has not yet obtained the devil.

There is no way to fit together.

Cai Huo quickly summoned his own three spirit creatures.

Let own three spirit creatures stand in front of him.

Then he looked at You Changjian, who had the best relationship with him, and shouted.

“A Jian!”

After Cai Huo summoned the three main battle spirits, Yan Ling immediately let his own holy source item Goergong’s mussel use the function of the algae chain.

Connected Cai Huo’s three spirit creatures together.

Immediately, Yan Ling gritted his teeth and summoned a very strange plant.

This plant has many purple flowers and looks very gorgeous.

The most special thing is that there are huge round stamens in the middle of the petals of this plant.

There are many small thorns on the stamen.

Under the shining of light, the small thorns show a translucent color.

Yan Ling shouted.

“Purple Resent Demon Flower, cast the skill Thousand Needles, Thousand Needles, and exclusive characteristics to hug the dead!”

Under Yan Ling’s instructions, the purple resentment demon flower of the tenth level of the diamond rank fancy five changes, shrinking its petals while swaying.

He spit out the huge purple stamens towards Rantianyan.

Immediately afterwards, the purple resentment demon flower that spit out the stamens directly bound Cai Huo tightly.

As a four-star junior creator, Zong Ze couldn’t see the skills and exclusive characteristics of mythological spirits.

The exclusive characteristics of the fantasy kind of spiritual creatures can be distinguished.

Therefore, Zong Ze knew what effect the purple resentment demon flower summoned by Yan Ling, the skill Thousand Needle Tubing, and the exclusive characteristics would hug the dead.

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