Chapter 1746 Master Ching Yinluo’s True Body!

In Liu Yifan’s opinion, the easiest way to crack it is to counterattack with continuous super attacks.

Yan Ling wanted to let Goergong’s clam, the holy source, use the algae chain to flow together to restore the vitality of Goergong’s teeth.

Yan Ling himself needs Spirit Power.

As long as through a super burst, Yan Ling’s Spirit Power is consumed instantly.

Let the follow-up Spirit Power recover, so that Yan Ling can’t continue to urge the things of the holy source.

This matter was replaced by the other four shining ambassadors, and they should all be able to do it.

But he is a defensive Spiritual Qi professional.

Among the defensive Spiritual Qi professionals, they also tend to focus on assistance.

How strong an attack could not be made.

Before in the team, each Huiyao performed his own duties and specialized in surgery.

Liu Yifan never felt that his attack was not strong, and he would become his own shortcoming.

However, Liu Yifan now realizes this.

It was just too late to realize this.

It’s impossible to change yourself now and let any other shining envoy play, right?

In the process of thinking, it was not that Liu Yifan had never thought that Zongze, Liu Jie and Hei, as the main attackers in the team, would make such a series of attacks.

However, Zong Ze, Liu Jie and Black, no matter how strong they are, are B-level Spiritual Qi professionals in the end.

The ultimate strength of the spirit creatures is at most the diamond level tenth fantasy five changes.

Even if everyone has the ability to leapfrog.

The process of playing against Han Qi just now in Hei has also proved this point.

However, it is fine to hit one damage at a higher level.

But hitting dozens of damages at higher levels is really too difficult.

According to the normal situation.

Spiritual Qi professionals activate the function of the holy source once, and the Spirit Power to be consumed is about 5 to 8% of the Spirit Power content in the body.

Even if it is calculated on the basis of eight percent.

The functional algae chain of the holy source of Goergong’s mussel can also be displayed twelve times in an instant.

And in the process of attacking Yan Ling, other people in the Freedom Federation will certainly not sit back and watch.

It is impossible to watch the linkage of the three holy source objects being cracked.

Just when Liu Yifan didn’t think of a good way for a while.

Just listen to the black who just finished talking about the functions of the three holy source things on the opposite side, and said again.

“Gao Feng, your holy source things can be effectively destroyed, and the opponent’s current three holy source things are linked.”

“For a while, don’t worry about Cai Huo’s Goergong’s silk and You Changjian’s Goergong’s teeth.”

“First, let’s go to the first function of Goergong’s mussel, which is the source of Yanling’s holy source. The algae chain flows together.”

“With the star rating of your holy source, the first function of Gorgon’s mussel can be easily sealed by the functional memory magic scissors.”

Feeling Lin Yuan’s thoughts, Gao Feng responded with thoughts.

“No problem, it’s just black. The Spirit Power in your body is the highest on the scene.”

“Gorgon’s mussel, using its second function, Lingering Paralysis, will immediately make you unable to move.”

“Should I use the memory magic scissors of the Shiyi Music Box to block the Ling Boiling Paralysis skill as well?”

Lin Yuan thought for a while, then shook his head at Gao Feng.

“You are the Holy Source’s Food Memory Music Box. You are currently in the growth phase and have not yet reached the seven-star adulthood.”

“Only through the memory magic scissors, the things of the holy source can forget two functions.”

“Freedom makes Qian Yu needless to say, I always think that white-haired boy is tricky.”

“Every time the memory magic scissors changes the target, it takes nearly half a minute to change.”

“It’s hard to have time to replace in battle.”

“It’s better to cut a quota for Memory Demon and leave it to Qian Yu and the white-haired boy first.”

Speaking of this, Lin Yuan looked at Zongze.

Said with thoughts.

“Zong Dage, the best way to break the game is to kill Yan Ling.”

“After killing Yan Ling, the linkage can no longer proceed.”

“In fact, there is another way to kill You Changjian.”

“Without the fangs of Gorgon, the thing of the holy source, even the silk of Gorgon can still cooperate with the clam of Gorgon.”

“But this kind of simple counter-offensive linkage will no longer pose too much threat to us.”

“But according to our request, you can’t attack You Changjian until others are knocked down.”

“So we can only target Yan Ling!”

When everyone communicates with ideas, the five people’s thoughts are originally interlinked.

Zong Ze is not a stupid person, as the top genius of the younger generation, Zong Ze has a very high IQ in combat.

I immediately understood the meaning of Lin Yuan’s words.

Zong Ze took a deep breath and responded.

“Yan Ling is the core of the three-person interaction, and will definitely be tightly protected.”

Speaking of this Zong Ze paused, then continued.

“Leave it to me, Yan Ling! As long as you can help me restrain the other two people, I will try to kill Yan Ling under the protection of the two people.”

When Zong Ze said this, his face was relaxed.

But in fact, Zongze had already made plans to break the boat.

What Zong Ze said to Lin Yuan was also to the other three teammates.

At this time, say something like this.

It’s not just Zongze who wants to try.

Rather, Zongze is using his own command to make a military order that must be completed.

Lin Yuan heard the decisiveness in Zongze’s words.

The function of Goergong’s mussel was paralyzed, and it just made Lin Yuan’s body unable to move.

It does not affect Lin Yuan’s summoning of spiritual objects, and the use of some skills that can be used without any action.

Therefore, even if it is Ling Boiling Paralysis, Lin Yuan is not useless at all.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan let out a sound.

In the form of Si Huang Xinricho, the sound is a spiritual object of the sound system and light system.

But after transforming into the form of inexhaustible Sanskrit Sparrow, Yinyin will turn into a dual-attribute fire and sound.

The sound in the state of endless Sanskrit sound bird, and Zongze’s ability perfectly match.

In addition, the sun in Yinyin’s body has a strong ability to increase the fire-attribute spirit creature itself.

Yinyin uses the exclusive characteristics of the double-day bond and sings to the sun.

You can borrow energy from the sun to supplement your body’s consumption.

In this way, the sound can continuously increase Zongze’s Desolate Blood Vessel Burning Tianyi.

Zong Ze, Gao Feng, Liu Jie, and Liu Yifan saw only one bird that could not be spoken in words, appeared in front of everyone.

A broad tail feather covered with sun wheels is like a fan of a cattail.

On top of the golden tail feathers, there are a total of ninety-nine layers of the sun wheel.

The two tail feathers are much bluer than the golden tail feathers, like two guqin, with golden clouds on them as strings.

The entire bird body is golden blue, and the two colors are perfectly blended together.

This bird, while flapping its wings, is flying, and golden birds are surrounding this blue-golden bird.

Among these birds, there are also a few Phoenix.

There was a vision of a phoenix bird and a bird.

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