Chapter 1727: Are You Worthy?

Liu Jie once did nothing for Lin Yuan.

That time it was two people who were sucked into the third-level water world dimension crack.

It was when the two faced a powerful enemy alone.

This time, although it was a five-on-five team battle.

But Liu Jie had the same intentions as before.

As Liu Jie’s strength gets stronger, Liu Jie is more able to dominate the situation before.

If there was a blow, it would be before Lin Yuan.

Liu Jie hoped that if he stood in front of Lin Yuan with his body, he would be able to stop this attack on himself.

Don’t hurt Lin Yuan through own body anymore.

Qian Yu crossed off his second request.

Therefore, the first requirement and the third requirement are effective.

Neither side can use the treasure in the battle.

And select a person in the team, until the other four are knocked down, this person cannot be attacked.

Liu Yifan responded.

“Since we have made a request here, you have also used the right and removed a request.”

“According to the rules of the IWC team battle, we now have half an hour of preparation time on both sides.”

“As soon as this half-hour has passed, our two men and horses were teleported to the duel site, at a random location on both sides.”

After speaking, Liu Yifan led the team towards a building not far away.

This building was the place where the two parties held a combat meeting before the test.

The old man in Time and Space took out two pieces that looked like shell fragments.

Handed over to the space-time waiter behind him.

This space-time waiter took the two pre-marked pieces of the Ethereal Mother Shell, and took it in front of the Freedom Ambassador Qian Yu.

Opened his mouth and said.

“These two shell fragments are all well-defined locations in advance, and collectively transmit one-time props.”

“After using it, it can be teleported to the place marked in advance.”

“For the sake of fairness, your free federation will choose first.”

Qian Yu heard this and took one of them casually.

In such matters, the Huiyao Federation cannot cheat.

And the terrain often only affects the individual duels of Spiritual Qi professionals.

In team battles, everyone’s spiritual things and holy source things are different.

There is a big difference in dependence on topography.

The terrain that may be good for one teammate has an adverse effect on the other teammate.

This time and space waiter asked Qian Yu to take away a shell fragment.

The other shell fragment was delivered to Lin Yuan and the others who had arrived in the meeting room.

On the side of the Free Federation Mission, Qian Yu did not immediately lead the team and went to the conference room to discuss countermeasures.

Cai Huo just hoped that Qian Yu could swear.

It was because Cai Huo had already decided in his heart that he was going to work hard.

Before desperately, Cai Huo wanted his teammates to give Own a guarantee and confidence, nothing more.

Qian Yu was right.

Yan Ling, Cai Huo, and You Changjian’s backers are still a bit weak after all.

Unlike Qian Yu and Lu Ou, in this kind of confrontation between the two federations, they are confident that the subordinates will stand up for themselves.

Cai Huo was not malicious, but Qian Yu was so sternly reprimanded.

There is no idea of ​​guaranteeing Cai Huo, Yan Ling, and You Changjian.

Even if Yan Ling always respected Qian Yu, the look at Qian Yu at this time could not help but change.

Especially Qian Yu’s words.

“I am a freelance envoy, what do I need to assure you?”

Although Qian Yu was targeting Cai Huo in this sentence, it was not Yan Ling and You Changjian.

Yan Ling said in a deep voice.

“As the three patrons under the crown, I am the one who has the most patronage under the crown among the younger generation of the Free Federation.”

“My lord Freedom, before we go on the court desperately, I think you still need to give us a guarantee.”

“Leave Cai Huo and You Changjian aside, even if my holy source does not interact with them.”

“With the special nature of our main battle spirit, among the younger generation, we can still rank in the top ten.”

“My lord of liberty, Yan Ling, I want a guarantee from you.”

Yan Ling was originally speaking for Cai Huo and You Changjian.

If it weren’t for Cai Huo’s just being assaulted by Qian Yu.

Yan Ling may not speak this way.

Because Yan Ling knew very well that after opening this mouth, he would offend Qian Yu.

Offending the incumbent free agent will not do any good for your future development.

Yan Ling thinks she is very interesting for this small group, but Yan Ling always hurts people when she speaks.

I always say what I want to say, without thinking about others.

The combination of Cai Huo and You Changjian and Yan Ling.

Because Yan Ling is a girl, coupled with the cooperation of the three, Yan Ling’s holy source is indeed in a dominant position.

Therefore, the two have repeatedly tolerated Yan Ling.

In fact, a lot of dissatisfaction has long been born in my heart.

The purpose of Yan Ling’s words is to raise own position.

Let Qian Yu look at own Face and make a promise.

But in Yan Ling’s words, Cai Huo and You Changjian lined up.

He put himself above Cai Huo and You Changjian’s words.

The eyes of Cai Huo and You Changjian looking at Yan Ling completely changed.

With his own strength, how can Yan Lingguang get the blessings of the three crowns without him?

Both Cai Huo and You Changjian felt that they were both fulfilling Yan Ling.

Yan Ling looked at Qian Yu at this time, and didn’t know that Cai Huo and You Changjian looked at own and changed.

Just when Yan Ling thought Qian Yu would give herself a Face.

Qian Yu looked at him coldly with a gloomy eye, and said word by word.

“Yan Ling, what is the difference between your identity and the clown in my eyes?”

“Your family is just a middle-class family established by a collateral line of the Yan family among the sixteen big families.”

“You didn’t deserve the surname Yan originally, because you have some talents, so you were given your surname.”

“I, Qian Yu, came from the Qian family and I am the young owner of the Qian family.”

“You are not worthy of being compared with me since you were born.”

“You can match me in talent?”

“Without Cai Huo and You Changjian, where can your status be higher than Han Qi?”

“No matter how many crowns look after you, after all, there is no crown to accept you as a disciple.”

“Cai Huo is not worthy to talk to me like that, are you worthy?”

If under normal circumstances, Qian Yu is in a good mood.

If Yan Ling said these words, Qian Yu might really give Yan Ling a face.

Because of this battle, Qian Yu himself also intends to bet on life and death.

Otherwise, if you really lose, even if Lord Pity makes a move, you will save your own life.

Returning to the free federation by oneself is not only unworthy of being a freeman anymore.

It will also humiliate the Qian family.

At the beginning of own Big Brother, what was the end of the Qian family’s shame? Qian Yu is still vividly remembered now.

Therefore, Qian Yu was so angry when he heard what Cai Huo said.

Qian Yu suppressed his anger forcibly, but Yan Ling ran into him at this moment.

Qian Yu’s anger could no longer be suppressed, and he poured madly towards Yan Ling.

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