Chapter 1720 The beautiful god butterfly comes out!

Not only was He not controlled by himself, but he didn’t even slow down.

The white sword in his hand directly collided with the own five-star treasure demon lizard snake blade.

Han Qi is desperate.

After passing through the holy source of things, vows to surround the snake ring, and absorb the own two snake spirits.

He also absorbed the bodies of his two spirit creatures through the power of the snake demon.

Then Ascension own physical strength and strength.

Now, Han Qi’s random blows all have the power of the peak of the second realm of mythology.

The strength of the physical body is equal to the median Devil, plus the sum of the floating world Diming Snake and the Sanskrit Guanyin Snake.

Han Qi originally thought that after he collided with Hei’s sword.

I will have the upper hand.

Unexpectedly, the black sword was not as simple as he thought.

After the first collision, Han Qi swung his knife three times.

He struck three times on the holy sword in the black hand.

The black hitting back again and again.

However, Han Qi has not yet enjoyed the feeling of gaining the upper hand.

Of the thirteen people in the sky, Martial Sage, a woman in a carriage, suddenly four of them flew down.

Draw out the long sword and slash himself.

Han Qi’s holy source thing and the fusion of the middle demon, snake bone and cowardly ghost, both existed with dark attributes.

Light attributes have a strong restraint effect on oneself.

Han Qi discovered that these four female Martial Sages even cut them to pieces with the monster lizard snake blade.

Before the light attribute energy is completely dissipated.

The light element will continue to condense into the appearance of a female Martial Sage, attacking herself.

Han Qi calculated that he would have to cut the female Martial Sage in half three times before the female Martial Sage would dissipate.

The four female Martial Sages flying down now are calculated by Han Qi.

It should be because he had just touched the sword in his black hand four times.

At the beginning, if he had cut thirteen knives one after another.

I am afraid that I will be attacked by 13 female Martial Sage now.

At this moment, Han Qi saw Hei greet him again.

Han Qi wanted to use his own fighting skills to avoid collision between the monster lizard tooth blade and the white holy sword in the black hand.

But black, as if seeing through own action.

Every blow hit the own monster lizard’s tooth blade sturdily.

The female Martial Sage circling and patrolling in the sky all flew down.

At this time, in the arena, it seems to be the martial arts field of Martial Sage, the thirteen daughters of light.

After several collisions.

Lin Yuan, who retreated to the back, found that his hand was shaking.

It is difficult to hold the holy sword in his hand.

If it hadn’t been for Lily Lily healed his arm.

These few collisions with Han Qi had caused Lin Yuan to shake his bones to pieces.

Lin Yuan knew that at this time, unless he played more sword skills.

Otherwise, it is definitely not Han Qi’s opponent.

Han Qi and the devil are united, and the power of Ascension is limited by time.

Every minute and every second of time is extremely precious to Han Qi.

At the moment, Han Qi was held back by his own sword skill, Martial Sage’s blessing.

Martial Sage is a defensive sword skill.

In the battle, every time you receive an enemy attack, you will get the help of a female Martial Sage.

The female Martial Sage suffers any damage before she runs out of energy.

Will not dissipate.

Of course, being attacked will consume the light energy in the female Martial Sage.

Thirteen female Martial Sage, two were eliminated by Han Qi at this time.

The light on the six female Martial Sage’s bodies became increasingly dim.

And Han Qi’s moves became more and more fierce, becoming more and more irritable.

Because Han Qi knows very well that the time he and the snake bone cowardly ghost can be combined is limited to three minutes.

The skill reveals the effect of Snake and God, in about four minutes.

In other words, I started from merging with the devil snake.

Within three minutes, the battle must be ended.

Because I pass through the things of the holy source, surround the vows and the snake ring.

The power of the second realm of mythology achieved by the floating world of the earth snake through the snake and the god is absorbed into his body.

Relying on the strong physique support obtained by merging with snake bones and cowardly ghosts.

If you are separated from the snake-bone cowardly ghost, you still don’t give up the power of understanding the snake to communicate with the gods.

Then this force will make oneself explode directly into the sky.

There is only one minute left now.

Han Qi simply reserved a fifth of Spirit Power in his body.

The remaining Spirit Power is all injected into the tooth blade of the treasure monster lizard.

Han Qi put his hand holding the monster lizard tooth blade on his waist.

Three rotations were made.

Three indiscriminate attacks directly killed these female Martial Sage.

But Han Qi didn’t know that he was fighting with the female Martial Sage just now.

The gazes of all those who watched this battle focused on a spiritual creature that Hei had just summoned.

Lian Shen has the ultimate pursuit of beauty.

In the heart of Lian God, the most beautiful and the most lovable.

It’s those creatures of fairy-like origin.

Therefore, these years, God of Mercy has been committed to making fairy-type source creatures into dolls.

Hang on the windmill in front of his temple.

But at this time, Lian Shen felt.

No amount of leprechaun-derived creatures can compare to this one by Hei’s side.

The butterfly flying high.

The whole body of this butterfly is purple, and the purple is extremely layered.

Thousands of purples gathered on this butterfly.

If you look at it, you can see all the colors in the world.

This butterfly, Ken flies in the sky.

People can’t help but give birth to a kind of feeling, this is the lucky feeling of the sky.

The beauty of the spiritual things is at its extreme.

It is probably what this purple butterfly looks like.

While the purple wings were flapping, the shining scales fell, and the beauty was deep in the heart and soul.

Anyone who has followed Hei on the Star Network before knows that Hei has the legendary blue flash purple butterfly.

But the appearance of the blue flash purple butterfly was far from amazing when it looked like this purple butterfly.

If the blue flash purple butterfly is compared to a pebble.

Then this purple butterfly is like a purple jade of imperial purple glass.

But this purple butterfly looked similar to the blue flash purple butterfly summoned by the black back then.

Come to think of it, this purple butterfly is evolved from the blue flash purple butterfly.

After Lin Yuan summoned Zi Xiao, he gave an order to Zi Xiao.

“Zi Xiao, use Silent Scale Powder, and then use two exclusive characteristics at the same time.”

After hearing Lin Yuan’s instructions, Zi Xiao flew towards Han Qi.

All StarNet audiences couldn’t help holding their breath, and their hearts were lifted tightly.

Although Hei is Huiyao’s hero, all Star Net audiences at this time can’t help but want to ask Hei viciously.

Such a beautiful little butterfly, what did you send him to fight for?

However, at this time, under the thirteenth crown of the Huiyao Federation, under the crown of the Free Federation, Pity God, Li Yan.

The second page of the revival hidden in the team.

And Lan Xun, who was in the Azure Federation, narrowed his eyes.

Because these people thought of a legend.

Unexpectedly, this legend turned out to be true.

It seems that there is no suspense in this battle.

At this time, Starnet audiences only saw this beautiful purple butterfly.

At the moment when the phantom of the female Martial Sage disappeared.

He fluttered his wings towards Han Qi and sprinkled beautiful pink and purple scales.

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