Chapter 1709 Distressed Pity God!

All the viewers on the star network had a doubt in horror at this time.

What is black going to do! ?

Why use the flesh to touch the killer moves released by the opponent?

It is common sense to know that the physical weakness of Spiritual Qi professionals is already common sense.

Even ordinary people who are not professionals of Spiritual Qi know it.

Even S-level Spiritual Qi professionals can use Spirit Power to prop up the Spiritual Qi shield.

On the Spiritual Qi shield, there is a Spiritual Qi maneuver, which can effectively help resist damage.

S-level Spiritual Qi professionals will never expose themselves to the opponent’s attack easily unless they are in desperation.

First, the Spiritual Qi shield is used to resist damage, and consumes too much Spirit Power.

Secondly, the Spiritual Qi shield can’t match the shield that the defensive spirit can use at will.

A king-level peak powerhouse with tenth-level lord, the three-level peak of mythology.

Self-exposed Spiritual Qi shield defense strength.

Only about the strength of the defensive skills of the fifth-level mythical first-level defense system of the lord level.

Black cannot be an S-level Spiritual Qi professional.

It is impossible to have a Spiritual Qi shield by itself.

Most of the blacks who are B-level Spiritual Qi professionals do not have any defensive capabilities themselves.

Everyone didn’t know whether this was a block under the black mood, or black. At this time, there was really no way.

Prepare to use one arm as the price to block the attack of this dark purple figure.

However, this strength is clearly in the blue-purple shadow at the pinnacle of the fantasy species.

Where can you resist losing an arm?

And Heiruo really lost an arm, even if Hei could not die.

Through the effort of throwing off his arm, he summoned a spirit creature to resist.

That black is tantamount to becoming a disability.

Future development will encounter many restrictions.

But the scene everyone imagined did not happen.

This blue-purple shadow collided with Black’s fist.

A raging wave of air blasted towards the surroundings.

A light yellow dust wave was set off on the slashing stage.

Everyone could see clearly what the blue-purple shadow was.

It turned out to be a snake with only forearm length and blue-purple body with light golden patterns.

Lin Yuan checked the blue-purple spirit snake through the real data of Mobius’ skills.

Knowing that this spirit snake is a wind-poison dual-system, a secluded bamboo viper with a diamond-level tenth fantasy five-change snake.

The spiritual feature of the genus Agkistrodon is that it has a large amount of venom and strong toxicity.

In the process of cultivating this bamboo viper, its cultivating methods all focus on the enhancement of speed and toxicity.

Otherwise, a snake-like spirit, without acceleration.

It is impossible to span a distance of five kilometers in a second or two.

Such speed, in a sense.

It has surpassed the flying spirits of the mythological species.

The hearts of StarNet audiences at this time sank to the bottom.

Because this faint blue snake is not just as simple as colliding with black.

Instead, he opened his mouth and bit on the black fist fiercely.

Everyone thought it was dark, and would fly out if bitten by the ghost blue snake.

Unexpectedly, an amazing scene appeared.

I saw the power from the black fist being transmitted to the body of the Orchid Viper along the open jaw.

Directly blasted the faint blue spirit snake out and rolled on the ground several times with a dazed expression.

But it can still act normally.

It’s just that the jaw was shaken so that he couldn’t close it.

This scene directly caused all the audience of Starnet to scream.

Then cheered.

[Peace is blessing: What is the matter with black? Why is the physical strength stronger than the spiritual creature? Black is not a humanoid creature! 】

[Star Space: That’s great! I thought He would be hit hard by the attack of this ghostly blue snake! If black in the first round of the beheading battle is severely damaged, the next two rounds will be impossible! 】

[Lucky little panda: Your hearts are too big! The strongest thing about this small snake-like spirit is its unparalleled toxicity. The black fist was just bitten by this snake-like spirit. Don’t tell me that you didn’t pay attention! 】

[End, under the same strength, as long as the poisonous creature bites the opponent, the poisonous creature is the strongest! Even if Hei is really a spiritual creature, he can’t stand it, let alone Hei is just a Spiritual Qi professional! 】

Han Qi felt the injuries of the bamboo viper, and generally had a certain assessment of Hei Jun’s physical attack.

The black physical attack really surprised Han Qi.

The power of Hei’s punch was equivalent to the power of a blow that he played with the five-star treasure Monster Lizard Tooth Blade.

Moreover, this strike from the black fist can condense the explosive force at one point.

Otherwise, the jaws of the bamboo viper wouldn’t be so badly injured that it would be a problem to merge them together.

Even though Youzhu Viper was injured, Han Qi’s face still showed a smile that grasped the situation.

The secluded bamboo viper has a chronic toxin in its body.

This toxin is fully effective and takes nearly an hour.

This toxin will deprive people of their five senses bit by bit, and then affect people’s minds.

Finally, they feel dependent on the venom of the bamboo viper.

In the end, the venom will control the mind, and will follow the instructions of the bamboo viper.

Although the snake venom will continue to be consumed, as long as the bamboo viper injects more venom into the body of the young man wearing the silver mask on the opposite side.

Then he can always control this young man.

According to the rules of the All Nations Conference, any player in the battle will be cut and attacked against opponents who have no ability to resist.

Will become the spoils of the victorious side.

And black is about to become Han Qi’s spoils.

Han Qi remembered that he was very interested in Hei under the pity of the gods.

Han Qi intends to take his own loot and devote it to Lord Pity.

Maybe Lord Pity God can give yourself some benefits when he is happy.

Han Qi understands the situation of own.

Just play well in the beheading battle and win the opponent.

After returning, he was basically 100% able to become Du Miao’s disciple.

After getting some benefits given by merciful gods, I can undoubtedly go further.

Then go to fight for the selection of free envoys next year.

As long as you can become a free envoy, as your own disciple.

It is equivalent to truly standing at the pinnacle of the younger generation of the Free Federation.

Han Qi thinks very well now, and is still trying to please God with pity.

But he didn’t know, Lian Shen saw Lin Yuan’s fist bitten by the bamboo viper, and his brows wrinkled tightly.

Pity God most ignores life and death.

Use the beautiful life of the skin as a toy to please your own.

But at this time, seeing Hei hurt, Lian Shen’s body instinctively gave birth to a feeling of distress and anger.

This feeling is very strange and special for the whole life of Pity God.

Because Lian Shen had never felt this way before.

Even the last mermaid was found and was killed by Fuxing Erye.

The holy source thing he supported was killed by Moon Queen under the crown of the mermaid bloodline.

Pity God has only anger, not heartache.

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