Chapter 1496 Ye Qingyue’s Cooperation

Lin Yuan frowned when she heard Xuan Yue’s words.

Ascension Star Network is a major event related to the entire glory.

In addition to Xuan Yue, this matter also involved two crowns, which was not trivial.

But Lin Yuan’s situation is equally important.

After careful consideration, Lin Yuan still informed Xuan Yue of his own guess.

It’s just that Lin Yuan said very shallowly, not as detailed to Xuan Yue.

Xuan Yue looked shocked when she heard this.

Then he held his breath and groaned.

Looking back at the two crowns in the hall, Xuan Yue said.

“His Royal Highness, the first night Qingyue, Secretary of Zhenling, has been in the Huiyue Hall recently.”

“I’ll call Ye Qingyue, let Ye Qingyue cooperate with the little palace, and protect the little palace in secret.”

“This matter is led by His Highness, and Ye Qingyue will cooperate with His Highness.”

Speaking of this, Xuan Yue paused before continuing.

“After the month, the lord, before the Closed Door Training, once told the little majesty that he would try his best to do whatever he wanted.”

“Morning Moon will always guard you behind him.”

Hearing this, Lin Yuan hung up the phone.

Prepare to wait for the first night Qingyue, Secretary of Zhenling, to contact him.

Although the Secretary of Zhenling Qingyue was Liu Jie’s master for the first night, he was not an outsider.

But Lin Yuan didn’t want to involve Liu Jie in this matter.

Liu Jie also wants to fight for glory.

Once this matter is guessed wrong, the reputation of the people involved in this matter will inevitably be damaged.

In the selection of the Huiyao Baizi sequence, the reputation damage will not cause any impact.

However, in the selection of Hui Yaoshi, any trace of reputation damage may result in the loss of many support votes.

Therefore, Lin Yuan intends to carry it on his own.

Within five minutes, Lin Yuan’s cell phone rang.

Picking up the phone and looking at it, it was an unfamiliar number.

For Lin Yuan, who rarely rang his cell phone on weekdays, as long as he rang, he was an acquaintance.

This unfamiliar call is most likely the moon from Ye Qing.

After answering the phone, Lin Yuan only heard a dumb, cold voice coming from the other end of the phone.

“Xiao Yuan, I am Ye Qingyue, your Master’s friend.”

“If you need me to cooperate with you, you can tell me and I will arrange it.”

Lin Yuan was slightly startled when he heard the words.

It was not that Ye Qingyue would say that Lin Yuan was stunned, letting her make arrangements.

After all, Xuanyue just said that Ye Qingyue is here to cooperate with own.

Lin Yuan was startled by Ye Qingyue’s introduction to own.

It stands to reason that Ye Qingyue introduced herself as the head of the town spirit, and Liu Jie’s master had no problem.

But Ye Qingyue claimed to be a friend of the master.

This shows that Master Own has a very heavy weight in Ye Qingyue’s heart.

However, Lin Yuan had heard Xuan Yue say that after the month, adults rarely walked with Zhen Lingsi.

Since Ye Qingyue said to cooperate fully with her, Lin Yuan arranged it according to her own idea.

“Master Ye Si, let me tell you my specific guess.”

After speaking, Lin Yuan told Ye Qingyue his own guess carefully.

Including the encounter between Ji Feng and the entire Haitian line.

Hearing what Lin Yuan said, Ye Qingyue on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, and said.

“Even if Jingyang Trading did not intend to take the lives of more than 10,000 creators, it would be a serious crime to just kill all the Haitian clan of the first clan of creators.”

“Xiaoyuan, after you act, I will send five thousand town spirit guards to meet you outside the old Jingyang trading house.”

“Besides, I will give you a Ye Yu. Once you are attacked, Ye Yu will form a barrier around you.”

“After Ye Yu is crushed, I will automatically teleport to Ye Yu’s location.”

“Dive into the old house of the whale ocean trade, you can explore boldly without worrying about your own safety.”

When the Whale-Ocean trade gathered from thirty-two major cities on a large scale, in the name of experimentation, the founders were gathered.

Ye Qingyue had already received the news.

Although Ye Qingyue didn’t think that a top power that had been standing in the Glory Federation for decades would have any problems.

But Ye Qingyue was still planning to send two envoys to investigate.

However, due to the dispute with the Sea Clan, Ye Qingyue had to send a large number of envoys and Zhen Lingwei to the coastal city.

Prevent the sea clan’s sudden troubles.

As a result, there are not many manpower available in the King’s Capital of Zhenlingsi.

Ye Qingyue herself stayed in the Huiyue Hall again, correcting the documents reported from various places.

The left minister Zuo Ming and the right minister right stung, both of them were too busy to get out of their bodies.

Naturally, Ye Qingyue was a bit busier than Zuo Ming and Right Sting.

From Ye Qingyue’s point of view, Lin Yuan’s guess was only a conjecture.

But Lin Yuan dared to explore for Huiyao’s future, and risked himself.

Obviously already possessed the qualities of being a shining envoy.

Ye Qingyue was so kind to Lin Yuan at first because of the relationship between Yuehhou and Liu Jie.

That’s why Ye Qingyue loves the house and the Wu.

But now Ye Qingyue has already appreciated Lin Yuan from the heart.

Compared to his apprentice who only knew the guardian of the oath, Lin Yuan’s pattern was obviously much larger.

Lin Yuan looked happy upon hearing this.

Lin Yuan was actually not afraid that his own safety would not be guaranteed, but Lin Yuan was afraid that he would not be able to protect the tens of thousands of creators with just plain words.

There are now more than 5,000 Zhenling Guardians responding, once a conflict occurs.

These town spirit guards will be the first to respond to more than 10,000 creators.

Ensure the personal safety of these creators.

Lin Yuan thanked him.

“Thank you, Master Ye Si.”

Ye Qingyue smiled and said when she heard the words.

“Xiao Yuan, you can just call me Auntie Ye.”

“There is no need to call me the head of the night, nor my lord in private.”

After speaking, Ye Qingyue hung up the phone.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yuan only felt that a dark color appeared quietly under the scorching sun.

This dark color sneaked into the own manor, and finally escaped into the own room, accurately falling into the palm of own.

Turned into a square undecorated jade pendant.

Presumably this is what Ye Qingyue said about Yeyu!

Ye Qingyue’s technique of pulling away the night from the sun and turning the night into jade.

Let Lin Yuan deeply understand the concept of the word Mianxia.

It can be said that Ye Qingyue’s methods have exceeded Lin Yuan’s previous cognition.

Lin Yuan saw that the time was almost up, and he was ready to go out.

Just then, Lin Yuan received the third call early in the morning.

Picking up the phone, it was still an unfamiliar number.

It’s just that this number is different from the strange number that Ye Qingyue called Own before.

Lin Yuan subconsciously thought that Ye Qingyue was still calling own.

But when he answered the phone, Lin Yuan only heard a man’s voice on the other end of the phone.

“It’s Chu Yuan, right? I’m from Jingyang Trade.”

“The assembly time is about one hour away. I remind you not to be late.”

“In addition, you don’t need to bring any extra supplies. After you come to Jingyang Trade, Jingyang Trade will provide you with them.”

“In addition, several four-star pinnacle creator masters in the Haitian line have a plan to accept a few apprentices.”

“So Chu Yuan, you have to take it well and don’t waste the opportunity.”

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