Proof of the Sun King

Chapter 713: , 8 Fengshan government bonds

ps: The super chapter is 5200 words, and the volume is large enough to be full. I wish everyone a happy reading!

The expedition to Bafeng Mountain is an expedition with great rewards, a huge scale, and a huge cost. For the time being, putting aside the factors of long-distance sea routes, the daily food and logistics of an army of nearly 50,000 people is an incomparable task. Great challenge and work.

In the past, Ryan's wars have always been in the human kingdom, and no matter how bad they are, they are fought on the edge of the human kingdom. In this case, you can get supplies directly along the way. If you can't, you can forcibly requisition and make up after the event. Food from many places.

But in this great expedition, there is no food available in the badlands, and the enemy cannot rely on it for food, so all logistical support must be obtained from Brittany, or from Estalia and Tilly. If you can't buy it, you have to raise it from Haimenguan.

After leaving the sea gate?

A barren, harsh climate is a general term for a barren and desolate area composed of arid plains and deserts. Here, greenskins have been active for thousands of years, and there are also ogres and the remnants of the Strigger undead empire. Dwarf expeditions are haunted. When Ryan begins his expedition, it is impossible for the army to get any food and logistical supplies from the badlands. Everything must be prepared by itself, and a stable logistical channel must be established.

Reality is not a game, it is not that after the army of knights and the allied dwarves landed at Haimen Pass, use the mouse to frame Ryan and Bellegar, right-click to let them go straight to Bafeng Mountain, and then click the "End of Round" button and wait for the supernatural. A long over-turn animation is enough, if so, the war is too simplistic.

If there is not enough logistical support and supplies, the end of this army will be annihilation.

At the beginning, Belgar was able to launch the expedition successfully with the help of the dwarf kingdoms, and the dwarves could burrow into the leylines network. Belgar sent some ranger teams in advance to recover a small part of the tunnel and store some long-term stored food in it. , the dwarves of Iron Peak will also respond, plus the dwarves can drink beer and eat dry food for a long time, and they can also starve for a long time, but on the one hand, humans cannot drill the ley lines with the dwarves, on the other hand. It is impossible for human beings to eat dry food and drink water for a long time. Besides, there were few people in Belgar before, and they could barely cope. Now the expedition force has a scale of nearly 50,000 people. How many resources are consumed? How much will be lost on the road?

Therefore, when Ryan passed the budget of the Great Expedition, even Suria couldn't stand it. If it really followed Ryan's budget, it would not be enough to take out all the family's small treasury, and it would not be enough to clean up all the treasury. Just make it.

"War bonds, the Eight Peaks Bonds, are designed to invest in this war." Ryan said seriously: "Only through this method can we raise enough military spending for expeditions, if we can help Bellega recover. Bafeng Mountain, then there is nothing else to say in Bafeng Mountain. The thousands of rune armors in the ancestors of Angronde are enough to pay off all the debts, not to mention the countless buried in dozens of mines. Treasure."

Surya was still a little worried. The female knight wanted to ask if she won, but if she lost?

This thought just flashed in Suria's mind, she knew that Ryan would not lose, this is her man, the hero of the kingdom, the hero of mankind.

Ryan will never fail.

"Who gave you advice?" Suria asked casually.

"Olica, she told me." Ryan put away his serious watch, he couldn't help but snicker while covering his face: "Because the dark elves often have such national debts, before a black ark sets off, the black The commander of the ark will sell such bonds, the only difference from us is that our bonds are currency, and the bonds of the dark elves are slaves."

"She is really talented in this area... She also has a good mind and can give you a lot of ideas." Suria smiled after hearing this: "But what I want to say is that humans and dark spirits are different after all. We don't have a lot of experience in Brittany, but you have a good advisor now, don't you?"

"Archduke Schultz." Ryan nodded: "I will discuss with him in detail what to do. He is the most experienced in this area."

"Ryan, remember, no matter how good your relationship with Grand Duke Schultz is, you have to remember that he is a businessman after all." Suria was still a little worried: "He will only consider issues from his own perspective, businessmen do not To be fully trusted, they can only"

"No, he is trustworthy." Ryan shook his head, he thought for a moment, and said in his wife's ear, "He is the father's man."

Sulia understood, what more she wanted to say, Ryan's hand had been gently stretched into her long dress: "Madam, you are so beautiful tonight~"

"Ryan, you guy..." Suria immediately understood what Ryan wanted to do, and the queen's face immediately turned red: "Why don't you go and accompany you to give you this opinion and the dark elf, why are you staring at me? "

"Olica's side will talk tomorrow, ma'am~ I've been busy for three days, and I finally have time. The first thing that comes to my mind is you." Ryan secretly reached out and took off a pair of Suria's fish-mouthed high-heeled shoes. The wife's pair of white silk feet was pinched and played with: "I miss you."

"Well...I miss you too, Ryan..." Suria blushed, but closed her eyes and kissed gently.

…………I am the dividing line of how beautiful the moonlight is tonight…………

Breakfast the next day, in the courtyard of the Curona Palace, the King of Brittany and the Grand Duke of Marienburg had breakfast together.

Even the king's breakfast is relatively simple. Freshly ground Arabica coffee, roasted croissants, pan-fried chicken thighs, jam cakes and fried eggs are what Ryan and Schultz had for today.

The king's time is very tight. Although today's schedule is not very full, the king still has to use every possible time. In the bright courtyard, Ryan and Schultz are sitting opposite each other, white tablecloths, silver With the sound of the utensils colliding, Ryan and Schultz chatted about the issuance of the Bafengshan national debt.

"Well... If you rely on my relationship and your personal prestige alone, let alone one hundred thousand gold krona, even if you say one million, the two houses of Marienburg would dare to lend it to you." The Grand Duke of Marienburg Vandergouber-Schultz is still as elegant and calm as when he first met more than ten years ago, or, after meeting the Emperor and entertaining many Primarchs, Schultz seems to have more Something: "You're right, it's my negligence, the business princes in Marienburg lend you money, and many times they don't really want you to repay the debt. You are a hero of mankind and a great king of knights. Or... if you take on too much debt, it's very bad for your future."

Ryan nodded slightly, businessmen are so greedy, or the nature of capital is like this, he is a king of knights and a human hero, if he can control him through borrowing and blackmail him, the interests inside are much stronger than simply paying back the money. .

To put it simply, the merchants of Venice continued to borrow from Byzantium on a large scale, really just wanting that little bit of interest?

In the end, didn't the people of Constantinople welcome the new Ottoman government with honor?

"On the contrary, national debt... This thing is simply money, it is money, yes, it is bright gold coins, and those coppers that workers hate but have to use." The Grand Duke Schultz of Marienburg carefully He explained the difference to Ryan: "The problem is that the credibility of the national debt depends entirely on Ryan's personal prestige and the credit of the Knight Kingdom. It's not like borrowing money from a businessman. It's hard to know how much you can borrow... Maybe you can give it a try, after all, your reputation and the credit of the Kingdom of Brittany are still very valuable."

"Even, some businessmen have discussed privately, saying that if you are willing to mortgage the Baron of Jean to them, they are willing to lend you 200,000 gold crowns directly."

Ryan nodded dully. Of course he knew that there were pros and cons to choosing national debt and borrowing from businessmen. Schultz had made all the issues clear, and it was him who had to choose and decide.

There are two biggest drawbacks of issuing treasury bonds. The first is that it is impossible to determine how much money can be raised. The second is that if you lose, it means that Ryan himself and Britania's national credit will go bankrupt.

Very serious consequences.

Seeing Ryan silent, the expression on Schultz's face changed slightly, like joy and approval.

A good leader must be decisive when he needs to be decisive, but when he has enough time to think, he cannot make a hasty decision, because that is irresponsible.

Seeing Ryan still thinking, Schultz continued: "Lord Ryan, please allow me to call you that, I won't call the second person Your Majesty."

"You can just call me Ryan." Ryan shook his head: "If you have something to say, go ahead."

"What I want to say is that if you can't repay the money I lent you privately, such as the war loan of 100,000 kronor, if you really can't repay it, it doesn't matter, I can make the decision at the moment, such as extending the repayment. Time limit." Schultz shook his head slightly: "But other businessmen are different. If they want to pay you a debt, as long as the procedures are ok, I can't help you. Do you want me to give an example? It's about Your Majesty."

"Please speak." Ryan was obviously interested when he heard about the Emperor.

"There is no harmony on top of Sacred Terra." Schultz said with a smile: "To this day, there are still many warlord families fighting for power and profits, and arguing with each other. Do you know why? Because His Majesty unified Sacred Terra in 31k. At the time of Tara, several warlord families who had surrendered and cooperated with each other were chartered to keep a small piece of their own territory and a small part of their private armed forces. Now, 10,000 years later, the descendants of these warlords still exist on Terra, They still retain a small territory and their own private armed forces. Some of their families have become glorious rogue dynasties, some have become dignitaries who sit in the Ministry of the Interior, and some have found their own place in the state religion. Some families left the army, but there were still a few families who rode worn-out modified motorcycles all day long, racing through the crowded streets of Terra, yelling by the way, and as long as they didn't make things too big, Even the army and the Council of High Lords have nothing to do with them."

"Because this is my father's promise." Ryan understood: "Even if it is a father, he must keep his promise. He is, and I must be."

"That's right." Schultz frowned at Ryan's answer: "So you can't hope that the merchants in Marienburg will default on their debts, or play word games that you are disloyal and political commissars come to your door. This is not what His Majesty wants to see. Yes, debts are debts, and promises are promises. Your Majesty's promise is still valid after 10,000 years. All I can do is to help you persuade those big businessmen to participate. loan?"

The two of them finished breakfast.

"I have decided to issue treasury bonds!" Ryan made a decision before leaving, and he reached out and shook hands with Schultz: "First issue the one-year Bafengshan treasury bonds worth 50,000 kroner, let's try the market! "

"Finally made a decision?" Schultz nodded: "No problem, I will come up with a plan and test the water in the market first, but I want to remind you that the business princes of Marienburg will not be happy to see When it comes to this scene, they will try to destroy your national debt credit, and then bī) you will ask them to borrow money."

"It doesn't matter, out of Marienburg, they are nothing, they are afraid of death, they are afraid to death, businessmen are always weak, of course, not including you, Archduke Schultz." Ryan smiled: "As for the effect, I firmly believe that Facts speak louder than words, and in terms of propaganda, I have my people and you have yours."

"Very good." Seeing that there was no one left or right, Schultz bowed and indicated: "Then if there is nothing more, I will also leave. The business world is always changing, and I must do research and test the water first. As we all know, cloth Most of the freedmen in Litania are concentrated in a few cities. I think I have to let you know that the main purchasers of national debt are the freedmen, peasants, and the bourgeoisie, not the nobles or merchants, but you can put some wind."

"I understand." Ryan nodded: "Father has a task for you, right?"

"Yes, and this task is a bit troublesome..." Schultz sighed: "I can't say any more."

"Very well, then goodbye, my grand duke, may you succeed."

"Goodbye, Ryan."

After Schultz said goodbye to Ryan, on this day, there was a little bit of wind in Curona's palace. According to the kingdom's palace minister Katzenberg, the new king "Pious" Ryan - Maca More, war bonds will be issued! The name is Bafeng Mountain National Debt, which is used to raise military expenses for the expedition to Bafeng Mountain!

The whole kingdom was in an uproar, especially the great nobles who were still in Curona and did not leave. Many great nobles felt a deep sense of humiliation. When will the glory of our Britannia be destroyed by money and money? Defiled by the national debt?

But the dukes who can see Lane are very clear that if they don't issue national debt, where will the funds for the war come from? When Richard abdicated before, there were only more than 5,000 gold crowns left in the treasury. This amount of money was not enough for the logistics and military expenses of the Knights Road Expeditionary Force for a month! And it takes a month to arrive at Haimenguan by boat from Poldero alone!

This kind of big expedition, the money is really spent too fast...

As for the minor nobles, those indignant young knights would never have the chance to see the king. As for most minor nobles already packing their bags, leading their war horses, and preparing to go to Poldero, they did not care too much. The so-called Bafengshan national debt, the vast majority of knight nobles firmly believe that the king will bring them victory.

Relying on hiding in the palace, Ryan avoided a storm. He met the dukes of Francois and Behemond in the morning, and learned that they would send their elites to the war, including most of the red knights of the Holy Grail. The Brotherhood of Dragons and the Knights of the Holy Grail and the Knights of the Expedition will be dispatched by the Quinalis Champion Knights Brotherhood, and the Unicorn Guard based on the Wynford Fugitives will also be handed over to the Knights of the Holy Grail and Kui. Commander of Anthem, Count of Leu.

The Holy Grail Knight, the godfather of Devon Hill, Karad, is also packing up. The lineup of this great expedition will be stronger than ever.

Francois also joked about whether I should pay for your Bafengshan national debt?

Lane refused on the spot, and the object of the national debt was not a big aristocrat like the old man.

At noon, the king and his family had a lunch with Emilia. Ryan was about to take a nap in the afternoon before dealing with government affairs, when an uninvited guest came to the door.

The real King of the Eight Peaks, Bellegar-Hammer, rushed over panting, he stopped in front of Ryan: "Brother Ryan! Brother Ryan What's going on? Fengshan’s national debt? How can you use our clan’s things as collateral to borrow money from others?”

It's as if you haven't borrowed it before, Ryan murmured inwardly.

"I didn't take your things as collateral, King Bellegar." Ryan thought for a while, then lowered his head with a smile: "We just use the victory or defeat of our war to borrow from the whole country, otherwise the money we have now won't be enough to win. When this war is won, we will naturally be able to pay it back.”

"Win? Of course you win!" Bellegar said angrily: "But what if you lose? Brother Ryan, didn't you think about this? Our reputation will be ruined! God, Ge Lonnie's beard, you're crazy!"

"It doesn't matter, I have already thought about the way out. If we lose, we will gather the rest of the army to form a wandering army. The name is Bafeng Mountain Chivalrous Army, and we will wander together." Ryan smiled: "I don't think there is one in the world. The wandering legion is led by two kings, this will be a very face-saving thing, no shame, really."

"Ah, you are really... I swear in the name of Grimnir, you must have a problem with your brain!" Bellegar blew his beard and stared at Ryan's words: "I want to write this down! Brother Ryan, you wait!"

"We're all betting, King Belgar, your kingdom, my kingdom." Ryan stretched out his fist and bent over to Belgar: "The kingdom is here to rise and fall! Are you ready? My friend?"

"..." Bellega put away his angry watch, his eyes fixed on Ryan.

After a long time, a big fist was placed on Ryan's fist, and Bellega burst into laughter: "Hahaha~ That's right, I'm doing it here!"

"But unlike the previous ones, this time, if we can win, we will definitely win!"

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