Proof of the Sun King

Chapter 338: , Angron's new weapon

"What is there to talk about between Morgiana and us, must we talk about it in this environment? Don't we talk about it when we are having dinner with the lady?" Ryan was a little strange. in his room?

"It's not a particularly important matter, it's a little good, how did you get that dark elf maid of yours?" Morgiana motioned for Ryan to come to the bed. The witch of the lake **** has been in a bad mood recently, and she often scolds others for no reason. She vaguely knew why this was, but she didn't want to admit it on the surface. The reason she gave herself was that when Ryan was married, it was not good for her to come to him for treatment all day long.

It was the top priority to let Ryan treat herself all the time. Morgiana realized that she was fully recovered, and this kind of treatment could not be stopped! Otherwise there is a risk of recurrence.

She insisted.

If this marriage was not arranged by the Lake Fairy, Morgiana thought that she would definitely find a way to void the marriage contract. For the Lake God Witch who holds great power in this country, it is just a reason and a sentence. .

"It's taking a long time to tell." Ryan got into the bed full of the scent of iris, picked up Morgiana and put it on his lap. He met Hadrian, president of the Luigi Chamber of Commerce, and something happened. The series told Morgiana that the ending of the story was that Ryan got a mithril vein, got a dark elf maid, and got a business partner, and Hadrian opened the layer channel of Marienburg.

Ryan has always wanted to complain about this matter. Hadrian's method is a very risky method. Maybe he will meet a grumpy old man such as Angron, Angron or Angron. , this businessman not only failed to achieve his goal, but he might even be dead.

Hadrian admitted afterwards that he had investigated Ryan's character and knew that he would not do it casually. This kind of action did take a lot of risk, but for businessmen, the greater the risk, the greater the reward. Be willing to take risks, it is impossible to win higher returns.

Seeing people who are unhappy and kill, draw a sword without saying a word, that kind of people are Chaos believers or rogue bandits, because they have formed the concept since childhood that a truly well-bred knight will not use force at will. Many problems are not the ability to use force. fixed.

In the eyes of many people, violence is the fastest and most effective way to solve the problem. They don't obey me, they kill things, they don't look good, they kill things, they don't agree with their ideas, they kill things, not their own people, they kill things.

Ryan felt that it was a pity that such people would not be chosen as the gods of Khorne, because the believers of Khorne were like this, and the duty of knights was to protect, not destroy.

After pulling away, Ryan came back to his senses, and he tightened Morgiana in his arms: "My story is finished."

"A dark elf with such a suspicious origin, why do you trust her and make her a maid? Aren't you afraid that she will hurt you with a BS or a glass of poisoned wine?" Morgiana found a comfortable position in Ryan's arms Drilling in, leaning against his chest, the witch of the lake **** put her arms around his neck, thinking that the **** dark elf was not there, she was the one who rested with Ryan every night: "Dark elf nature, worship the **** hand The **** Kane, likes to perform all kinds of forbidden rituals and to please the evil gods by killing, and occasionally looting the coast with the northern barbarian alliance who believes in chaos, how do you know that she will not harm you?"

The magic machinery in the room was running, the air conditioner was blowing cold air, the windows were covered with thick curtains, and only the candle at the bedside was burning, Ryan put his arms around the waist of the Lake God Witch and looked at her with a half-smile: "Moji Anna, you must want to learn more about Orika from me?"

"I'm thinking of you!" Morgiana's beautiful face was a little dissatisfied: "You keep such a dark elf with magical abilities and unknown origin, which will eventually harm you."

"Actually, I don't know much about Orika's origin." Ryan's big hand gently untied the tie around the waist of Morgiana's nightgown: "But she can't harm me, she doesn't have the ability to do it. arrive."

"So you don't know her origin?" Morgiana's golden eyebrows raised: "You are so confident, Ryan, I remember that your little maid named Emilia also has an unknown origin, do you really think that Can you conquer them? Ryan, you are not the same as them, even that girl Emilia, after all, she is also a human, the dark elf"

"Morgiana, I know what you mean, Orika is indeed a dark elf, but it doesn't matter, she didn't have the ability to threaten me before, so I trusted her, and later she recovered, but her power comes from Me, Morgiana, like this." Ryan said jokingly, stroking Morgiana's smooth belly.

Morgiana understood, and she held Ryan's hand with a blushing face, embarrassed and annoyed: "Don't say this!"

The Lake God Witch was actually very weak and shy when she was alone with Ryan in private. As long as Ryan took the initiative, Morgiana hugged the pillow and cooperated silently. No matter how she came, she always covered her face, except when kissing.

I have already

"By the way, there is something else to tell you." Morgiana thought of something, she motioned to wait: "After the failure of Raun, I sent people to investigate Musillon again, the prophet of the lake, Clay. Menter brought me back a valuable message."

"Valuable news?" Ryan became serious this time, and the news that Morgiana could pay attention to must be very important, especially Musilon's.

The King of Knights, his court and the dukes have been discussing the merits and rewards of Ryan's killing of Aegir. This credit is not good to be rewarded, because Ryan is already an earl, he has also won a first-class medal, and he is still the **** of the Lake Fairy. When choosing the champion, Richard didn't know what else he had in his hands. There were only three kinds of discussions, including dukes, titles, and rewards.

Both Richard and the royal court rejected the title of duke first. First of all, Ryan's qualifications are too shallow. Furthermore, although the laws of Brittany stipulate that the king can create duke titles indefinitely, Ryan cannot be a "landless duke". Duke To have a corresponding fief, and Brittany has no land to seal.

It's useless to add a title. What title does this kingdom have to be the God's Choice Champion of the Lake Fairy?

In the end, Knight King Richard rewarded Ryan with four thousand gold kroner, two pure-blooded elf war horses, fifty knight armors, and ten chariots of food, to ensure that he could barely see it, and he made a note of this credit and included it in the file.

The meaning behind it is that we will write down your credit first, and reward you with it first.

This reward hasn't reached Ryan yet.

Ryan looked further, he looked at the land of Musillon and the title of Duke of Musillon, and if he wanted to win the title of Duke of Musillon, he first needed to regain Musillon, and he had to take a long-term plan to regain Musillon.

"Clement's investigation found that after the death of the Scarlet Duke, both the Lich King Arkhan and the Vampire Count Manfred left, and the one who stayed behind was Matthew Bard, the traitor we analyzed first! He almost stole the title of the winner of the Knights Tournament, and I personally encouraged him!" Morgiana was so angry when she talked about it, if it wasn't for Ryan, she would have almost become a sacrifice to Nagash, the lord of the dead Sacrifice: "He called himself the Duke of Musillon and became the ruler of Musillon."

"Well, I know, what has changed? Matthew Bard, his strength at that time was only the primary level. After two or three years, no matter how fast the entry is, the level is almost the same. He can rule Mu Xi. Long's vampire?" Leenma realized something was wrong.

Vampires are a group of two or five children. They will only follow the strong. The Duke of Scarlet has ruled Musilon for many years. His high-level strength is barely useful, so Matthew Bard is only a beginner, even a vampire. No, what did the knights rely on to rule Musillon?

"Mashbard's strength has advanced by leaps and bounds to a high level." Morgiana recalled how she was betrayed, captured, and almost transformed into a vampire. Her voice was cold and trembling. The witch of the lake **** has been awakened many times from dreams, and every time she dreams that she is tied to the altar, facing Manfred's reflective head and pale pupils, only when she is with Ryan can she be Fall asleep at ease without being disturbed by nightmares: "Do you know what's going on?"

"What's the matter?" Ryan's eyes widened.

"Duke Lawn was fighting against the Black Holy Grail Knight killed by Musilon. Its power was neither dissipated nor expelled, but all returned to Mathewbad." Morgiana told Ryan about her divination Later results: "Mashbard absorbed all the power, combat skills and combat experience of the dead Black Holy Grail Knight, and successfully broke through to the advanced level, this is just a Black Holy Grail Knight, it is hard to imagine if all the Black Holy Grail Knights were killed. If the defeat is not forbidding, I will definitely call on the Duke to organize an army of knights."

"The kingdom is no longer capable of attacking Musillon anymore." Ryan nodded with a wry smile: "It will take at least five years to restore the kingdom's military strength and number of knights. Fortunately, Musillon is also seriously injured, and the vampires can't do anything. His Excellency Lawn has already Sending people to strengthen the sentry and the epidemic prevention belt, and also brought huge damage to Musilon, what we need to do now is to seize the time to recuperate Mogiana, what happened to you?"

Morgiana's face was pale, and she remembered that she was caught carelessly. Every time she thought about it, the witch of the lake **** could feel fear: "That Ryan, I started to have nightmares again during this time."

"This is indeed a problem." Ryan reached out and stroked Morgiana's slender and soft back: "You need to overcome it, Morgiana, with me here."

"You're here? You'll be gone soon!" Morgiana said sourly. "Even if you're married, our agreement will always be valid, right?"

"Yes, I will keep the promise." Since the promise has been made, Ryan must abide by it, which is the virtue of chivalry.

The knights of the Holy Grail follow the law and do what they say. These symbols of the glory of the kingdom of knights are very little promises. As long as they promise to give everything for them, many "smart people" like to ridicule the knights as "idiots" and die in vain. All are "smart people", and the world may have long since been destroyed by chaos.

"" Morgiana herself felt boring when she said this.

"It's time to rest." The two had been chatting for a long time, and Ryan knew that Morgiana wasn't going to leave late, and the count took the Lake God Witch's little hand and lay down: "Let's start."

Morgiana finally heard what she wanted. She turned over and lay on Ryan's body, offering her own kiss, and her little feet under her nightgown hooked Ryan's legs.

The candle by the bed was blown out.

The following is abbreviated

For the next three days, Tigris condescended to personally instruct Teresa and Veronica in magic, and even Olika and Morgiana were asked by Ryan to attend. Magic knowledge is vast, whether it is the witch Garland or the great wizard of the sanctuary like Morgiana, as long as you can learn a little bit, you will benefit greatly.

On the other hand, the weapons that Ryan and Angron entrusted to the master dwarven rune craftsman, Clark Grim, were completed.

Angron has been waiting since the dwarves started work. When the dwarves opened the workshop door and walked out, Angron rushed to the workshop door as soon as possible: "Master Clark? My weapon?"

The dwarf talisman master was covered in smoke and dust, and he stroked his beard: "Dwarves never break their promises."

A pair of vibranium dual-wielding battle axes were placed in front of Angron.

This pair of vibranium battle axes is divided into two parts. The silver axe blade shines in the midsummer sun. More than a dozen blue talisman marks of the dwarves are branded on the axe blades by Clark Harsh, and connected by golden patterns. The handle of the axe is inlaid with runestones passed down from the golden age of the dwarves thousands of years ago, which contains terrifying energy.

"Vibranium Battle Axe, divine weapon, as you wish, I will name it the Flesh Cutter and Tearer." Clark Grim placed the pair of battle axes on the big wooden table: "I have used fifteen kinds of Talisman crafts to carry out The enchantment is very heavy, powerful, and has a strong lethality, as you imagined, this weapon has the effect of energy cutting, as long as you contribute enough,"

"Hey! I like it!" Angron picked up his vibranium battle axe, and he used it in place. The whirlwind from the axe blade made the knights and high elves nearby feel extreme danger, and they retreated again and again. .

"In addition, I also carried out special enchantments on these two battle axes." Clarke Harsh continued to introduce.

Only then did Angron put the Zhenjin battle axe down and take a closer Sure enough, the two battle axes are slightly different. The battle axe in the left hand has three blood slots, and the axe's talisman is also different: "The battle axe in my left hand is named Ripper. The axe of Ripper has a special symbol. Where the ripper is injured, the wound is difficult to heal and will continue to bleed."

"The battle axe in the right hand is called the Flesh Cutter. I added a special bloodthirsty talisman. This talisman allows you to absorb the power of the enemy's flesh and blood in battle, and the more you fight, the stronger it becomes."

"Great! This is the weapon I want!" Angron was very satisfied, he finally had a weapon in hand!

"Finally, let's finish it, Mr. Angron, drop the blood on the rune on the axe body." Clark Grim was also satisfied with his work, he continued.

According to Clark's request, Angron dripped his own blood on the surface of the runestone. The red light flashed from the runestone, and Clark immediately used his vibrating hammer to tap the runestone of the two battle axes: "Then, I The work is completely complete.”

"Throw the axe, Mr. Angron."

"Okay!" Angron shouted, and threw a vibranium battle axe out. The newly born artifact broke the sound barrier, blew a pile of rocks into pieces, set off a sky of smoke and dust, and finally deeply embedded in the ground. .

"Then call its name in the bottom of my heart, and greet its return with your palm."

Angron did as Clark ordered.

The trace happened, and the vibranium battle axe embedded in the ground suddenly rose into the air and spun in the air. The handle of the axe instantly returned to Angron's hand and was firmly held by Angron.

"n!" The World Eater Primarch smiled: "Master Clark, thank you so much!"

"Don't thank me, I said, dwarves never break their promises." Clark took out a gorgeous two-handed warhammer from the workshop again: "What about that brother?"

"I'm here!" 14

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