Proof of the Sun King

Vol 4 Chapter 1293: , let's see what happens next

When Talleyrand personally carried Ryan's letter to Marienburg from overland, even a fool knew the seriousness of the problem.

As a foreign minister who was very afraid of death, the lame Gao Jing was simply unwilling when Ryan asked him to send a letter, but he couldn't do it, so he could only critique. He was even a little angry and told Ryan, "Your Majesty, When you need a desk lamp, the next person won't bring the sofa."

"But I need you, and I firmly believe that when I need you, Talleyrand, you can be a lamp or a sofa." This was Surya's answer.

Talleyrand agreed to send letters and investigate requests without further ado. For the sake of convenience and speed, he only brought a few attendants. It happened that Lingard was dangling behind Bethmond, and Ryan let him. Lingard escorted Talleyrand to Marienburg.

Arriving at Le-Angouran by boat, in Curona, one person and three horses galloped wildly for six days. Talleyrand and others finally arrived on the outskirts of Marienburg.

At this time, Marienburg seems to be covered with a very dark light and shadow. Since it was looted by the Bretons last time, Marienburg has been depressed a lot. Now there is news that there seems to be a Chaos fleet on the Claw Sea. It was approaching, and Marienburg was even more panicked, but whenever Marienburgers saw the dozens of meters high city walls, the spired wizard towers, the hundreds of warships and those legendary servants moored in the port The soldiers were instantly relieved.

Let them come!

When he got off his horse, Talleyrand was still crying. Looking at the city wall of Marienburg and the dozens of artillery above it with interest, the Holy Grail Knight, who is only 28 years old this year, said with interest: "I have a chance, my great-grandfather never allowed us to come here."

"Here? Marienburg?" Talleyrand looked at the young Holy Grail Knight. Of course he knew that the Holy Grail Knight, dubbed "The Emperor of the Forest", was from a famous family and proved his ability. Winning the Holy Grail is naturally the brightest future, so the **** is also happy to talk to him a little more: "Actually, that's what happened. Just a little richer."

"Really?" As soon as he entered the city, Lingard was shocked by the world in front of him. He was greeted by two rows of tall houses and extremely crowded streets, endless flow of people and dozens of open shops. In a dynamism not felt in Bastogne, human beings hawking, discussing, trading, and a large number of motorcades and boats moving back and forth through the city's roads and waterways, what interests Lingard even more is the street There were many well-dressed women standing at the entrance of many alleys. When they saw Talleyrand, they couldn't help waving their hands. The point was that they were wearing a suit of dark red Brittany nobles. There was Talleyrand in the dress, and Lingard, who was wearing a full set of chain mail and breastplate, a golden cross with a red dragon statue on his waist, and Lingard, who had the Holy Grail pattern on his burqa and cape.

There were also girls on the street who came up to send flowers, and the flowers were mixed with various addresses and their names.

A whole street is strung together with ropes, and people with wooden signs behind them are advancing under the whips of patrols and guards, men and women, old and young, crying, numb, dazed, Those who are already too hungry to walk, the more chaotic the era, the more profitable the profiteers will be.

"I heard that since the fall of Kislev, a large number of beautiful Kislov have been living in the people, and they are very willing to marry Bretons." Lingard and Talleyrand both took the small notes. To close, the Holy Grail Knight said a witty very lively: "We in Bastogne always say that there are a large number of blond hairy girls crying and shouting that they want to marry to Brittany, and they are afraid of Brittany. The Nians look down on them."

"Want to marry a Breton (×)."

"I want to marry a Brittanian noble, at least a sergeant or above, a free citizen, especially a Holy Grail Knight and an old guard (√) born in the family of the Duke of Red Dragon like you."

Talleyrand corrected Lingard's words with a smile, and the lame man laughed:

"The beauties of Kislev who have lost their country hate to marry and admire the charm of Breton and chivalry culture (×)."

"Homeless and feel-good country peasant serf wants to pick up a young and beautiful blond wife with long legs and long legs for nothing (√)."

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!" Lingard and Talleyrand looked at each other, burst into laughter.

Lingard told Talleyrand that his great-grandfather, Behemond, had recently brought in about seven or eight young and beautiful Kislev beauties from his private estate in Bastogne, and Behemond let them wear them. Dressing up as a bunny girl, the waiter danced for himself and then took turns serving the wine. The old duke liked this tune the most. After Lingard came back, Bethmond also let him enjoy it once. Of course, only a small number of beauties were able to stay. To be a member of the old duke's backyard, most of it is to change batches after three to five years of service.

Talleyrand told Lingard that there was an entire team of maids in his manor, 80% of which were beauties from Kislev. Pay a severance payment to let them pack up and leave, and these Mao girls will often find an honest freeman in Mousillon to marry.

The moment they finished speaking, Talleyrand and Lingard suddenly had an unspeakable tacit understanding and a telepathy that belonged to a man alone.

From today onwards, we are comrades!

"Let me guess, is there a market for this kind of speech among the people, especially the serfs?" Talleyrand said with a smile: "Because everyone is very willing to believe in such things that are beneficial to themselves and can be obtained for nothing, people always is inclined"

"Yeah." Lingard grimaced, and he directly twisted his body on the street to pick a "Brittany Dance": "Is this me full of charm?"

"You? You Lin Huang is full of charm even if you stand upside down and fly in front of those Kislev beauties." Talleyrand twitched the corners of his mouth: "Holy Grail Knight, Red Dragon Bloodline, the Great Pope who travels around the badlands, infinite furious."

"What about you?" Lingard laughed.

"I am an elf, a high elf." Talleyrand smiled very sincerely: "This one is enough."

Lin Huang's face suddenly collapsed. He had already seen how many advantages and charm bonuses high-precision singles have over humans in terms of race.

Since Talleyrand worked for His Majesty the Sun King, he has made a lot of achievements in diplomacy. One of the great advantages is that he is a high-quality elf. The great nobles who crushed him will give him enough respect because he is a high-level elite and a close minister of the Sun King.

Can't talk about this anymore.

It seems that the famous Shield Street is not as prosperous as it used to be. This is the gathering place of the major chambers of commerce, guilds and churches in Marienburg. When Talleyrand and Lingard came to the Shield Street, the streets were full of chambers of commerce. The private armies and mercenaries were maintaining order, and the number was three times that of the past. When they saw Talleyrand and his party appear, the faces of these private armies couldn't help showing disgust, but then they turned into fear. , I checked the documents hastily and let it go.

When they came to the Marienburg City Council hall, which was inaccessible during a meeting, Mueller, the deputy of Archduke Schultz, came out to receive Talleyrand and Lingard, took them to the reception room and told them the latest news.

Soon, Talleyrand and Lingard learned two major news.

First, the Marienburg City Council received urgent documents from the Imperial Court, and the Imperial Court, in the name of Karl Franz, asked the Marienburg City Council to immediately subscribe for "war bonds" worth about 3.8 million gold marks, and at the same time requested a temporary Requisition all supplies in Marienburg and all gold in the bank.

This was rightfully voted down by both the upper and lower chambers of Marienburg.

"Our defense is our duty, and your defense is your duty." This was the official answer of the House of Representatives of Marienburg.

The second is that due to the fact that the plan to ask for help from the Empire or the Kingdom of Knights could not be passed, Archduke Schultz chose to resign. Marienburg is now preparing to elect a new Archduke. After all, Schultz is determined and intends to do so within five days. leave office.

After saying this, Mueller left temporarily, leaving Talleyrand and Lingard to take care of themselves.

"Your Majesty asked us to deliver the letter, and he also asked us to find out whether Marienburg was going to defend it." Lingard said to Talleyrand, he was a little anxious: "But what should we do now?"

"Don't worry." Talleyrand picked up the famous tea Dahongpao imported by Schultz from Aurora, Fujian, across thousands of rivers and mountains. The big moat merchants in Marienburg obviously didn't pass any other proposals!"

"Huh?" Lingard didn't understand what Talleyrand was saying.

"Let me tell you a joke about Ulthuan." Talleyrand was wearing Aurora's superb red robe, and the lame man knew that this tea was more expensive in the old world than the same weight of gold: "There used to be Kaledor. People asked on the streets of Lothern, what was the greatest failure of One Piece Finnuba, who has been on the throne for so many years?"

"Immediately someone answered: He didn't do anything!"

"Then it was a Safran who asked on the streets of Lothern, and said, what was the greatest achievement of the Nautical King Finnuba after so many years?"

"Almost all of Lothern shouted happily this time: he didn't do anything!"

After saying this, Talleyrand couldn't help laughing, and he put down his teacup: "Marienburg is Lothern, a business-led society, a capital-led society, big capitalists and powerful people will always have an idea that they Always expecting things to get better on their own, always expecting that everything will be alright next, always expecting less input and more output.”

"I still don't understand." Lingard continued to express confusion.

Talleyrand suddenly felt boring. Talking to Lingard was really not as interesting as talking to Ryan. Usually, when talking to Ryan, after talking about the classic Osuan joke, Ryan already fully understood it, but the Holy Grail Knight in front of him was indeed too tender.

Talleyrand hates to talk about it, the lame Gao Jing thought for a while, and then changed the analogy: "I will give another example, my predecessor and teacher Arsene once went to Nippon and served as a military officer in Nippon for a period of time. Consultant, do you know how those famous retainers and businessmen over there faced problems and mistakes?"

"It's actually very simple, a classic three-piece suit, apology, bowing, and taking a seat." Talleyrand continued: "Then it's all right, they don't need to do anything, everything has essentially changed, and they will dare next time."

Lingard now understands a little bit. He used a famous dwarf saying: "If something is not broken, don't fix it?"

"That's not true." Talleyrand thought that Lingard finally understood a little bit of what he meant. He played with his extravagant cane: "I think we will know the answer soon."

"The answer is... nothing has changed. I won't ask for help, I won't agree to the Empire's assistance request, and I won't run away. Everything is going as it is." Very angry and deeply chilled, he sat down on the sofa and scolded: "88% of all citizens of Marienburg with a net worth of more than 1,000 gold coins believe that they should immediately seek help from the Empire or at least strengthen it on a large scale. City defense, but it is the 12% of people who don't think it is necessary, those things are 'unnecessary costs', unfortunately, Mr. Talleyrand, and the Holy Grail Knight, these 12% of the people in the upper and lower chambers account for mainstream."

"My Grand Duke..."

"I'm no longer the Grand Duke."

"You still are." Talleyrand paused for a moment, then continued: "It's normal, isn't it? The 28th rule, 20% of the people hold 80% of the wealth."

"In Marienburg, 13% of the people hold 86% of the wealth." Schultz corrected Talleyrand's estimate. He took the letter from Talleyrand. Lane's letter was obviously not much in content. After a few glances, he nodded slightly and sighed: "Alright."

"Alright?" Talleyrand demanded.

"In the House of Commons, it can be said that most people are reluctant to cut their meat." Schultz sighed: "The real valuable things in Marienburg have never been gold, weapons, jewelry or rare items in banks and chambers of commerce. Strange things, but fixed assets and channel resources, such as real estate, purchase channels, trade channels, fixed commercial contracts, etc. If you want to withdraw, most of your net worth will be greatly reduced. Now refusing to ask for help has become a foregone conclusion, I will ask Let us know which MPs are willing to leave."

"So, is Fort Marienburg going to defend?" Talleyrand asked the most important and most important question.

"That's right." Schultz nodded: "Most people don't plan to change anything, they don't ask for help, they don't evacuate, they don't recruit and form new troops on a large scale, but they don't do nothing, Marienburg. Isn't there dozens of legendary mercenary groups, pirate privateer groups, sailor armies, city defense forces, and three land runners ordered from Nur? The council intends to mobilize them all."

"Just rely on these to resist the Chaos army?" Lingard said inexplicably.

"In addition to this, the city walls are dozens of meters high, countless artillery pieces, six spired wizard towers, and hundreds of warships moored in the dock." Schultz added: "Everyone thinks that the city is not unbearable. but there is also an army, a large ogre chapter and the legendary ogre warlord Gorob-Meast, which the council believes can be hired to defend the city if necessary, Marienburg has the ability to protect itself, anytime ."

"This has also greatly affected the perceptions of most businessmen and citizens. You must know that since the Great Holy War, Marienburg has never fought a defensive battle."

"Then, my archduke, are you going to come with us?" asked Talleyrand.

The Marienburg branch of the Church of the Fairy of the Lake and a large number of Brittanian Chambers of Commerce and other personnel will be withdrawn from Marienburg along with Talleyrand.

"Give me five days." Schultz nodded: "Me and Blackbeard Titch's Mannann's Blade and those big trenches who are willing to leave with us will sell all the real estate within four days. , evacuated with you to Brittany."

"Withdraw to Britannia, not the Empire?" Lingard asked It is generally believed that Britannia is now safer. Schultz smiled: "From top to bottom, it is generally believed that, in addition, withdrawing to the empire... Probably their huge wealth was either expropriated or directly confiscated. "

"Then I'm in a hurry to get rid of the real estate now, so it must be a big loss, right?" Lingard asked endlessly.

"It has shrunk significantly, but... at least there will be tomorrow." Schultz nodded heavily: "Okay, that's it!"

At the end of April 2525 of the imperial calendar, the Archduke Schultz of Marienburg resigned, and the new Archduke Valverde took office. The first thing Valverde did when he took office was to launch a "war fundraising", and at the same time told everyone not to panic, the invasion of chaos "Preventable and controllable".

Valverde once again rejected the Empire's request for assistance, and did not intend to seek help from the Empire or the Kingdom of Knights, but the new Grand Duke and the Upper and Lower Houses also tried to hire and convene all the mercenary legions near Marienburg.

"DiDi~ Meituan Field Service has a new order, Marienburg is a real-time order!"

The mercenaries were called up.

At the same time, Schultz, the Archduke of Marienburg, Viscount Casanova, President of the Gentlemen's Union, Bernard Arnault, Chairman of the Louis Vuitton Chamber of Commerce, and six big businessmen in the House of Commons decided to give up their seats. Sell ​​all real estate in Marienburg and move to Britannia.

When entering the border at Curona, Viscount Casanova also made a joke. Because he was deliberately low-key, not well-dressed and reluctant to talk, he also wore a classic dock worker cap on his head, which caused border officials to think he was It was a worker, so he stopped him and asked, "Excuse me, do you have any special skills? We don't want to work hard here."

"Me?" Viscount Casanova froze for a moment.

"Yes, it's you, do you have any special skills?"

"I'm rich."

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