Proof of the Sun King

Vol 4 Chapter 1267: , the emperor's decision

When Karl Franz arrived at Huffwinden, he had little time to organize defenses and build new fortifications, and the scouts told him that the Chaos army would arrive early the next morning.

The emperor raised his head and found that it was already afternoon. The town of Huff Winden City was not strong. The wall was only two or three people high, and there were many damages. Running clean, the emperor decided to set up his headquarters here, but the army could not fight in the city, they would form an array outside the city.

The Emperor shrewdly chose his main line ahead of a swampy field, which would greatly limit the rapid advance of the Chaos Charge Chaos Knights, and the enemy would be bombarded with artillery when they approached the front line of the Empire.

Early the next morning, the sky was raining heavily, grey, the earth stretched toward the iron-grey horizon, standing water glistened on the soft black soil, some blasted trees were curled around, the deep sky was darkened set off.

The army on the left, that is to say the west, was commanded by Marius Lightdorf, the mad earl who led the four elites of Ivey:

Knights of the Golden Fleece.

Black Bear Knights.

Knights of Bulls.

The two brigades of Ivan, the Duke of Griffin, are nearly two-thirds of the Griffin Knights.

In addition to this, Marius also has 18 full-scale imperial legions, consisting of Nords, Midens, and Osters. These soldiers are brave, fierce and reckless, and most of them are dying with Chaos. Qiu, their discipline may not be enough, but there is absolutely no problem with their attack power and acting as a commando.

The commander-in-chief of the right wing, that is, the east wing, is not Voten. As Charlemagne's chosen champion, Voten's commanding ability is good enough but he is still inexperienced, and Luther Hus, as Voten's mentor, is really afraid of his commanding ability. Compliment, so the command to the west is General Tarabek, Count Derio-Meck, a military nobleman of noble blood and a glorious tradition, under the leadership of Elector Helmut-Ferba of Tarabbec. After Ha's disappearance, Meck had always hoped to succeed the electorate, and he had repeatedly privately expressed to Karl Franz the loyalty he could offer and his abilities.

The emperor was very aware of Count Meck's ability, and he thought that if this battle could be won, it might not be impossible.

There are also many elites in the right-wing army, but most of them are motley armies composed of provincial armies. Most of them only have the simplest swords, shields, spears and a breastplate, and lack artillery. A total of 30 imperial legions are in the army. Earl Mack listened to the tune.

If anyone in the right-wing army can decide the situation, it is undoubtedly Voten and his army of Charlemagne. This army is composed of an astonishing number of ascetic fanatics, as many as two or three thousand. Very terrifying combat power may also bring huge disasters to the entire war situation - the brainless pigs of the ascetic monks are likely to achieve unexpected results, but they may also break the front line, and the empire can only rely on solid spear formations and Shield formation to deal with the opposite tide of destruction.

Astonishingly, the morale of the imperial army was unprecedentedly high, and everyone knew what they would face if they lost the battle, and Emperor Karl-Franz was proud to see that his army still maintained astonishing combat effectiveness. .

In fact, the emperor could have appointed Heilberg or someone else to direct the battle of Huff Winden, but Karl Franz took it very seriously. He believed that the responsibility belonged to him. Teng's performance, more and more soldiers are discussing the possibility of Voltten's command of the entire army, which will undoubtedly lead to the division of the Empire - Karl Franz will not allow this to happen, and there is nothing better than fighting A better way to re-establish his status by winning great victories.

The central army is the emperor's main formation and the key to this war. The troops of Brunswick, Rick, Nuer, and Wessen constitute the core backbone of the central army. The most elites are here, a little bit. Know their illustrious names:

Rick guards a full six teams (more than 300 people)

Rick Guard Inner Ring Knight (20 people)

Brunswick Honor Guard.

Franz Guards Regiment.

Griffin Great Swords.

The Hammer Legion of the Nuer Meritorious Legion.

The long-barreled fire gun regiment led by Hawke.

Three imperial sword regiments, a full 600 great swordsmen lined up.

Five Braunschweig Palace Guard Corps.

For this battle, the empire has already produced all its elites. In addition to these elites, there are 30 standard imperial legions who have built positions in front. After hundreds of shields are thousands of swords and halberds. Musketeers and crossbowmen are looking for themselves. position, the artillerymen are making a final inspection.

Karl Franz stood on the high platform, and the emperor looked at the scenery of Hufffenggen. He showed a standard eight-tooth smile: "If we can't defeat the enemy here, then I can at least die here."

"Don't say such depressing words, Your Majesty." The emperor's flag officer Ludwig Schwarzhammer muttered. The sanctuary powerhouse is nearly a hundred years old this year, and his white beard almost hangs to the ground. Above, the flag officer was very worried about the battle: "You should retreat, leave it to me here."

"At this time, the soldiers need me, and I should stay with the soldiers more than ever, Ludwig." Karl Franz looked into the distance, and the sound of chaotic war drums was faintly heard, at most one or two Hours, the Chaos army will appear.

After all, the golden fortress collapsed, and the emperor thought to himself that even if the empire did not give up, the golden fortress would last for a few more months at most, because Geert was gone.

Why did you run away, Geert, Karl Franz said with a wry smile in his heart, as long as you make it clear, I will protect you, why did you run away?

I need your magic, the Empire needs your magic, Gelt!

The emperor also knew that Geert was really helpless, but he really missed the power of Geert very much. The great alchemist had relied on his powerful and unreasonable piety to turn the tide of the battle many times.

"Your Majesty, please step back and leave it to me." Marshal Rick Heilberg finished speaking. The old man vented all his excess energy on a woman's belly last night. Now, or at least it's not as perfect as usual. The uninterrupted fighting for several months has put the old coach on the verge of collapse, and he yelled at the emperor nervously: "You shouldn't be here."

"I'm the emperor, Kurt!" Karl Franz didn't bother to talk nonsense with Heilberg.

"Because you are the emperor, we must ensure your safety first." Heilberg emphasized: "If this battle is lost, then we can at least form a new one in Herzig and Tarabeheim. Line of defense, but if you die here, it's all over."

When the incident happened suddenly, the empire was only half-prepared. Huff Fenggen was well-armed here, but the defense line in the rear was not arranged at all. If they failed, the empire would collapse.

"Heilberger is right." Schwarzhammer never said much, but at this time the emperor's flag-bearer rarely nodded in agreement.

"You are the Empire, Your Majesty." Marshal Rick said firmly.

You are the Empire... Karl Franz felt a tingling of pain, like the grey sky and the raindrops hitting him, making him feel pain.

He stared blankly into the distance. The enemy will come from the north. As always, they will sweep the swamp, the beastmen will tear the ground with their rough and strong hooves, and the war mastiffs of Norsca will bleed galloping with great strides, followed by the Norsca and Kurgan riders with their blood-stained mounts, and then the dagger-clad beast threw off the demon's cleft hooves and strode forward, its skull hanging on the blood-stained body. on the armor.

Their formations are disorganized, driven only by the desire to kill, the only advantage the mortals guarding have is discipline, and as has always been the case for centuries, it will be the orderly steel array of the Empire that greets the primal beast.

But, can you really defeat the enemy?

Can they really win? Without the blessing of the Golden Fortress, can the Empire really win this victory?

"Let's do our part." Karl Franz wanted to say something, but at this juncture, the emperor couldn't say anything. He gestured to Marshal Rick Heilberg, and Heilberg looked deeply. He took a look at the loyal family of Prince Rick and the Emperor of the Empire, raised the Rune Fang complainer, and saluted the emperor with the most standard military salute: "For Charlemagne, for the Empire!"

"For the empire!" The emperor also responded with a most standard military salute. He used to be a soldier, but he is now an emperor, and Heilberg has always been a soldier, a pure soldier. Regardless of internal affairs or foreign affairs, Heilberg has an amazing Talent - he can always make everything worse, which makes the Emperor very happy that Heilberg has never been involved in politics, or the battlefield is more suitable for the marshal.

"Today Charlemagne will witness another great victory belonging to the Empire." Heilberg put on his winged helmet, mounted his beloved half-blood elf warhorse, and rushed to the front.

The emperor silently looked at Heilberg's disappearing figure, the rain hit his armor, Schwarzhammer came up behind him, and he held up the golden griffon helmet belonging to Karl Franz.

The emperor seemed to be in a trance: "Who am I, Ludwig?"

"You are our emperor, Your Majesty." Ludwig said softly, and the voice of the white-bearded grandfather was extremely firm.

"Then do you believe in your emperor?" Karl Franz looked into the distance, and the chaotic eight-pointed star flag was faintly visible.

"Your Majesty, all the soldiers and subjects of the empire will always follow you." Ludwig just said silently: "No matter what the outcome is."

"Regardless of the outcome?" Karl Franz watched like this, watching hundreds of chaotic flags appear from the horizon, watching countless screams and roars ringing in his ears, watching more than 30,000 promises The Skar Raiders are running wildly and screaming, watching a thousand monsters and Chaos Demons... Maybe more are appearing one after The Imperial Army is both cowardly and bravely standing in the front line, The soldiers scrambled to pray to Charlemagne, Uric or Tarr, the sergeants roared and quickly clenched their halberds with their hands, remembering their oath and never taking a step back, or they would be smashed to pieces by Chaos bone.

Many pray: if you can't win, die quickly.

"Where is the empire's gunpowder and steel? Where is the empire's glory and faith?" the emperor murmured to himself: "Everything is like the setting sun, all things are burnt out, the kingdoms are turned into a sea of ​​fire, chaos dominates the future, and victory is forever. For a short time, the last hope is fading, tell me, Ludwig, why is it like this? My empire, why is it like this?"

The flag-holder can feel the sadness of the emperor. Since Karl Franz came to the throne, the emperor has been fighting for most of his life, fighting against the enemies of the empire, but the empire is still driven to this desperate situation.

The roar of the Great Griffin Death Claw suddenly sounded, it smelled the smell of chaos, and it was desperate to tear the enemy apart. This beast may not have to wait any longer.

"The enemy has appeared, Your Majesty." Ludwig Schwarzhammer clenched his sword - the Inquisitor.

"Then, it's the end of the day." Karl Franz also drew out his rune fang - the dragon tooth sword.

"We will tell Chaos that we will never give in!"

"Karl Franz!" The emperor's name exploded in the entire front, and all the imperial soldiers couldn't help shouting out.

"For the Empire, for Karl Franz!"

This is the Emperor of the Empire, the Prince of Elector Horrick, the Grand Duke of Brunswick, bearer of the Silver Seal, bearer of the Runefang, and heir of Charlemagne's sacred heritage from the sea to the border mountains, Karl- Franz's answer.

The empire never yields.

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