Proof of the Sun King

Vol 4 Chapter 1259: , Tyrion's Awakening

PS: This is the first update today. The Elf Civil War is one of the most important contents in ET. It can be said that there are 1 book + 2 half books in the 5 books describing the Elf Civil War, so this is the content that must be written. I The plot of the war will be compressed as much as possible, focusing on portraying the characters and describing the results.

PS2: If you want to see more detailed campaign content or process, you can take a look at the official and Tieba translations, which are written in more detail.

In the high elf Nagalis, Lilith, the goddess of the moon, and Orika, the pale queen of the dark elves, are each leading a small group of soldiers to the barren islands.

Nagaris used to be the second capital of the Elf Empire, but that was a long, long time ago, when the first Phoenix King Elario fell into some kind of morbid addiction after he drew the sword of Kane. In the killing state, he happened to rescue an elf sorceress Morathi at the hands of a group of Slaanesh believers. He was quickly attracted by Morathi's beauty and temptation. The first Phoenix King announced to marry her, and then Moved his court from Lothern to Nagareth, north of the Barren Isles.

Three years later, Elario and Morassi had a son, Malekith.

Everyone is familiar with the following history. After the Battle of the Maelstrom, Malekith assassinated the second Phoenix King Beo-Channar, walked into the Asuryan Sacred Fire and was burned, and the civil war in the Elf Empire began. The war lasted for almost 25 years until Malekith was defeated, but before being defeated, the witch queens Morasi and Malekith used spells to interfere with the Maelstrom and splinter from the lands of the kingdom of Nagareth There are many islands, which is the predecessor of the Black Ark. The dark elves retreated to a remote and cold continent in the west. The dark elves named the continent "Nagaros" and named the capital "Nagaronde". ", in fact, they are all suffix variants of Nagaris.

Although Malekith retreated, the great shadow he left on the kingdom of Nagalis did not disappear, the land gradually became desolate due to the torment of magic, and even more fragmented due to the endless war.

In the 26th year of Caledor I the Conqueror, Malekith led the remnants of his army and the dark elves who supported him withdrew from Nagareth.

But in Caledor's 119th year, the Witch-king's army made a comeback.

This elven civil war has been fought for more than 400 years.

In the 530th year of Caledor I's calendar, the high elves finally regained the kingdom of Nagalis.

In the 549th year of Caledor I's calendar, the high elves finally regained the Barren Isles and the Sword Altar of Cairne above.

Since then, Nagaris has always been the focus of the civil war between the high- and dark-elves. Once the war begins, it will definitely be attacked. This land is very barren and dilapidated. Years of war have left nothing here.

In the dilapidated ruins, the goddess of the moon Lilith is wearing a long moonlight velvet dress, bare feet, wearing a cloak full of stars and moonlight. And hanging behind her, almost touching the ground, the goddess was walking in the ruins of a town, the long ribbon behind her brushed the ground without taking up any dust, she first saw her idol, thought about it for a few minutes, and then looked for it. After a circle, she found a statue of Asuryan, and then the goddess actually knelt before the statue of Asuryan and began to pray.

In the distance, Olika is wearing a long white rose tie cheongsam dress from the kingdom of the underworld. The skirt is embroidered with patterns of ice flowers and white roses. The goddess of the dark spirit is holding the pale queen's staff, and the other hand is holding the waist. The dagger in between, this is the artifact dagger reforged using Ryan's Nemesis Elementium and Pale Flower - Omen of Sorrow.

Of course, Orika's long dress has a high slit, and the long legs of the dark goddess wrapped in black star aurora suspenders and stockings are looming in the slits, and a pair of black silk jade feet are stepping on the high heels with straps, watching Lilith Reverently praying to Asuryan, Orika sneered a few times and disappeared.

And about fifteen paces behind Lilith, two strong men were standing together, with an army behind them waiting for instructions.

They are the wood elf hero, the Alaros-Hero who was summoned directly by Lilith. Behind him is his personal guard gray team. The wood elf hero should actually be in charge of defending Athel Loren in Athel Loren at this time. Queen Lyle, but to Alaros, Lilith's order is absolute, and he has no reason to refuse.

Furthermore, Alaros also made a breakthrough in the previous Battle of Kuilau, and he is now probably at the middle level of the Sanctuary.

Although it is said that Alaros has been promoted to the first rank after 20 years, Ryan has soared all the way to a demigod, but for elves, the account can't be calculated like this. The speed of Alaros is already the fastest legend of the wood elves.

The other is a demigod powerhouse, with a gorgeous shadow crown on his head, a long moon-white hair falling from his shoulders, and then a set of gorgeous and ancient Yseramar silver armor and The bow of the moon in his hand, he is the legendary high-level shadow king Aris-Annar, an old monster who lived for 6,000 years, the son of Kunos and Lilith God's Choice), behind him, the Shadowcrown Hands Chapter is waiting here.

The crown of shadows on his head, which can pause time, was originally a symbol of Elarion when he was the king of Nagareth.

The Midnight Stone ring in his hand can allow him to escape into the shadows and mists at any time. This artifact is the proud work of Aris’s life. The Shadow King of Nagaris was in Nagarond during a sneak into Nagaroth. Participated in the dark elf's carnival promiscuous party, not only had a hot fight with the witch queen Molashi, it is said that there was some negative distance relationship, but also stole the midnight stone from Molashi, the elf treasure, Knowing that this artifact was a wedding gift from the original Phoenix King Ellario to Morassi.

Malekith has always regarded the incident as a great disgrace, as did Morassi.

Of course, the humiliation refers to the theft of the two artifacts that Elario left to mother and son, not whether Aris and Morassi had anything to do with it.

Malekith, the son of the witch queen, has long been surprised by the matter of the witch queen. When the witch king roamed the chaotic wasteland, about a hundred Slaanesh demons emphasized that they and the witch queen Morathi were There has been a relationship, and every time the witch queen Molashi goes deep into the Chaos Wasteland and negotiates with those barbarian chiefs, Chaos champions, and Chaos lords, the most often favorite trick is seduction.

As the King of Shadows, the relationship between Aris and Lilith is quite delicate. The Moon Bow on him is a gift from Lilith, and part of his power also comes from Lilith's gift. Although he is Lilith's divine choice, But the Shadow King is not Lilith's god, nor does he obey Lilith's words like Tigris. He also has his own ideas, and can only be regarded as Lilith's ally and half relative at most.

Alaros deliberately wanted to have a good relationship with Aris. After all, this is Lilith's choice and ally. He walked to Aris and asked in a low voice, "What is Lilith doing?"

"Pray, towards Asuryan," Aris said coldly.

"Why?" Alaros asked.

"Reincarnation, only the power of the Phoenix Lord can break it," the Shadow King continued.

"Then why do you still need me?" Alaros thought to Guna the Riddler!

Aris-Annar glanced at Alaros impatiently, and he walked to the shrine of a broken Lord of the Phoenix: "You have potential."

The Lord of the Phoenix was enshrined in the shrine, and Alaros looked intently, and soon the expression on his face became surprised, and a bolt of lightning exploded in his mind.

Inside the shrine, the stone statue of Asuryan did not wear a mask, and the carved face was exactly the same as that of Alaros.

The wood elf hero suddenly understood something faintly.

At this time, Lilith seemed to have finally finished her prayers, and the goddess of the moon stood up, her elegant costume brushed through the gravel pile, and seeing Alaros and Aris waiting for her, the goddess showed a bright smile: " Are they here?"

"Prince Tyrion... and the army of the Witch King are heading here." Shadow King Aris said arrogantly but somewhat confusedly: "We need your guidance, Nagaris needs your guidance, Lilith Goddess, what should we do?"

Aris couldn't help but feel depressed. In the past few months, the Shadow King has been completely confused about the situation.

When the dark elves invaded, of course, Aris, whose whole family was betrayed by Malekith, immediately began to mobilize the army to meet the enemy, and gave full play to the flexibility of the shadow warriors to fight against the dark elves, and achieved a small victory along the way.

But what happened next left him extremely confused.

He was backstabbed by the dragon princes of Caledor, and Imric led an attack on his back, forcing the Shadow King to retreat.

At the same time, the messenger of Malekith arrived, announcing that the Witch King asked me to give you a message, the orthodox elves are in the dark elves, and you surrendered to me now not only for the past, but also for the benefits.

Of course, Aris killed all the messengers of Malekith and passed on Nagaris, but Aris was puzzled, how did the Witch King change?

Tyrion's messenger also arrived, and the Regent demanded the Shadow King's allegiance to him.

This is even more baffling to the Shadow King. As we all know, since Aris was crowned as the King of Nagaris surrounded by the remaining loyalists of Nagaris, he is theoretically equal to the Phoenix King or at most a brother and a brother. , Tyrion, the regent, dares to call himself allegiance?

Increasingly cautious, Aris chose not to join either side, instead declaring that the kingdom of Nagalis would remain neutral in the war, while closely monitoring the situation.

After the Eagle Gate was destroyed, Tyrion got the news immediately, and was so angry at Caledor's betrayal of the Regent that he immediately planned to fight in person.

But the Phoenix Royal Court dragged Tyrion's back at this critical time. The high-quality prince and the nobles agreed that Ulthuan had lost a Phoenix King, and if he lost two heirs in a row, the high-quality court would be bad for him. It would be a fatal blow, and the Phoenix Court would not tolerate their regent risking a fight so soon after they lost their previous king.

You must know that Finnuba has hardly left the royal court since he became the Phoenix King, and even so, he was assassinated.

Tyrion could not fight against everyone, and the Regent could only appoint Isdrona, the first maid of the Everqueen, and Kadroin, captain of the Phoenix Guard, to lead the army to deal with the dark elves, while staying in the court of the Phoenix to wait for news.

Isdrona and Kadroyin fought bravely, and the morale of the high elf army was not bad, but it was impossible to defeat the dark elf army led by the Witch King himself. , but the dark elves have approached the Kane sword altar in the barren islands.

In a very critical situation, Tyrion finally persuaded the Phoenix Royal Court, and he personally led the army from Lothern's back to prepare for a decisive battle with Malekith in the Barren Islands. The small army left by the dark elves was defeated on the plain, and during the march, they encountered the elite army of the Phoenix Guard Captain Kadroin, who was surrounded by dark elves, and the dark elves on the opposite side. Heroes Tularis, The Witch King's champion, Malus-Blackblade, and the chief sorceress of the Dark Elf Sorceress Gathering, Drozara.

The Battle of the Reaper's Mark officially begins.

At the beginning of the war, the high elves were in the upper hand, and Tyrion's army was the few remaining elites of the high elves, and the dark elves could not match the vengeance of the high elves.

The fierce battle lasted for a long time, but Tyrion failed to completely defeat the army of goblins as he hoped. Without the magical assistance of the proud Prince Caledonian and his younger brother Tigris, he was the only one. Only the captain of the White Lion can be trusted, but Corhir is a good guard but not a good general. With enough blood and slaughter for the dark elf army, Kane's blessing came to the battlefield.

Killing Accomplishments! A bright red blood mist shrouded all the dark soldiers, giving them great power.

The elf army was at a disadvantage, and Tyrion was forced to single-handedly take on both Malus-Darkblade and Tularis, two legendary dark elf heroes.

In the one-on-two championship matchup, Tyrion did not lose in the slightest. The regent seized the opportunity to pierce Malus' heart with a sword, and was also stabbed in the back by Tularis' poisonous sword.

Tyrion's roar of pain spread across the battlefield, and when the blade carrying Kane's blessing pierced through his body, it also awakened something, and the ancient roar roared from Tyrion's body, more than Crazier and more bloodthirsty at any moment, the handsome face of Kane appeared behind Tyrion, darker and hungrier than Tyrion had ever known, swept his soul and washed away the pain of his wounds. Tired of his limbs, he slashed Tularis with a reflexive blow, piercing his armor, body, and spine with the Sun Sword.

Tyrion's roar caught the attention of the dark elves sorceress Josara. When she saw Tyrion's face, Josara suddenly had tears in her eyes, her face was crimson, and her heart was beating!

Tyrion and Elario's identical looks made the dark elf sorceress fall in love quickly and recalled her happiest times, yes, Djosara is the witch queen Morasi, she changed into a new vest Joined the elf civil war, and after seeing Terion's unparalleled beauty, the exact same appearance as Elario, and the blessing of Kane, Morassi squeezed his legs and his body became weak, and he almost sat on the ground. not coming.

Got you! my little husband!

She immediately chose to switch to join Tyrion's side, and at the same time began chanting a spell.

In the middle of the battlefield, the champion of the Witch King, Malus Blackblade, was stabbed in the heart but did not die. When he was about to backstab Tyrion, who had his back facing him and dealt a fatal blow to Tularis, he was inside. The great demon Zakhan is out of control!

The witch queen's spell broke the seal on Malus' body, Zakan devoured Malus-Blackblade's soul, and it was finally free.

Zakhan breathed in the air of the mortal world, shaping Malus' body into the shape he liked, but its joy did not last long, when Tyrion turned around after finishing Tularis. , All the elves in the audience, even including the shadow king Aris, who was watching the battlefield from a distance, felt that they saw the arrival of the deity.

In a never-ending river of blood, under the protection of dark red flames, Tyrion slowly turned around, holding the Yangyan Sword in one hand and Malus in the other. - The black-edged saber Kane Dimensional Sword, in the purple-red light, blood-red thick fog sprayed from Tyrion's head, and a halo composed of dark flames enveloped him.

Even the sky was dyed bright red, a color like blood.

Tyrion's thunderous voice exploded in the battlefield.

"My brethren of Ulthuan, my name is Tyrion, I am the successor of Elario, Lord of Ulthuan of destiny, the will of Kane has come, the end of all things has come, and there is no stopping, No disobedience, I am Kane!"

Large tracts of blood dripped from Tyrion's hands.

Today, everyone has witnessed the God of the Bloody Hand come to the world again.

And this also means that the reincarnation of the battle of heaven that Lilith keeps talking about begins again.

Everything is doomed.

Updated, ask for a ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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