Proof of the Sun King

Vol 4 Chapter 1230: , looking for allies

As for what Ryan said when he had dinner with Teresa and Aurora that night, and what he did after dinner, it was inappropriate for outsiders.

The next day, Teresa and Aurora both missed the morning meeting. After processing the piles of official documents, Ryan got up at about 10:30. He got the news that Suria had finished processing the The affairs of the Duchy of Carcassonne returned to the Duke's Castle in Jean City.

The Queen of Knights is now in the fencing room in the Lady's Courtyard. Ryan walked out of the Surya Courtyard. He waved to indicate that the old guards and attendants were not to follow, and walked to the Lady's Courtyard alone.

After thinking over and over again, Ryan agreed to invite the queen tsar Katarine to come to Britannia to help. The ice witch may be slightly inferior in damage, but has unique advantages in controlling, defending and creating terrain.

Even though Catalin and Aurora are both high-level sanctuaries, they are actually completely different. First of all, Catalin's magic theory and practical experience are definitely richer than Aurora, who is an academic school, and her knowledge of ice magic Comprehension is definitely stronger than Aurora and Teresa, and she also has the bloodline of Queen Miska. The unique bloodline talent and ability make some of her powers impossible to imitate and learn.

Of course, Ryan personally thinks it is for this reason that the female tsar himself has a serious crotch in internal affairs. Kislev's special stupid court aristocratic republic system, the three-city self-government system, and the Boyer system are destined for the tsar himself. Not only to be able to fight well, to be able to fight wits and bravery with the generals and Boyers of the State Duma, but also to be able to master her father, the Red Tsar Boris-Bokha, after ending the reign of terror of the Bloody Queen Katarina. A complex set of administrative structures was established after that.

This is destined to be very long and difficult, requiring a lot of practical experience and political learning.

Katarin didn't have any. First of all, she focused most of her energy on magic research. Second, she had no experience in training as a prince. The Red Tsar died in the troll kingdom at the end of the Great Purge, which led to Katarin's temporary accession to the throne. , not even an internship opportunity.

Needless to say, take Devonhill as an example. If Devonhill were to take the throne now, the young prince would probably have to be blinded by those people under Ryan's command, and Ryan also deliberately separated power, size and harmony. Complicated to ensure that only he himself can command the huge and complex bureaucracy of the entire Brittany court.

Of course, if there is no huge external pressure, the monarchs are generally inferior to each other from one generation to the next. Lane thought, for example, with Ming, Lao Zhu can read more than a thousand memorials in ten days and correct them all by himself (I think it is only so, you can try it out. Read a hundred red-headed documents a day and ask for full understanding).

Although Zhu Di was extremely capable and energetic, he had to start appointing Biao Hong, a cabinet scholar.

After that, Renzong and Xuanzong were also considered capable emperors, but they couldn't even stand the mark. They first delegated power to the cabinet, and then strengthened the powers of eunuchs and supervisors to share their burdens.

Then, just like Catalin, Emperor Yingzong was temporarily enthroned due to Xuanzong's sudden death without any experience. First, he didn't have an internship, and second, he didn't take any tests. The following story is familiar to everyone.

The Oaras of the North are waking up

don't touch our country

The orthodox emperor will lead all the Ming people

tell him we have nothing to fear

The wolf (Orah) comes from the north

Be careful not to take off flowers and also first

The orthodox emperor will lead all the Ming people

Tell him we have nothing to fear~

After thinking for a long time, Ryan walked slowly towards the lady's courtyard with his hands behind his back. The sleet outside the courtyard hit the bricks of the palace. The snow is getting more and more, the temperature is getting lower and lower, and crop production has become a common phenomenon all over the world. Except for Brittany, which is not affected by the blessing of the fairy in the lake, the entire empire is now suffering from insufficient military supplies. got into trouble.

According to the information obtained by Schultz in Marienburg, it is said that after Katarin came to Marienburg, apart from studying magic behind closed doors, it was just like Emperor Yingzong, who graduated from the University of the Wara Prairie, cheered up a little later. Taryn spent a long time in the mixed place of Marienburg and has improved. At least she has begun to contact the bottom of the common people and understand the society. Schultz provided her with some magic funds, but she was also forced to come out to take on a few missions. , especially when she went deep into the Rickwald Forest, which brought her into contact with the sufferings of the people, and talked for several days with the Rickling farmers who had failed to harvest.

"Your Majesty!" Walking to the door of the lady's courtyard, the old guard guarding here saluted, Ryan stretched out his hand to signal him to keep quiet, and then walked in alone.

In the fencing room, Suria was practicing fencing with Sylvia. The two dazzling blond knights had their long hair tied up. They each held a standard practice rapier in their hands. In the light and shadow, the two sides fought fiery.

Lane noticed that Sylvia was obviously suppressed, and the strength of his head maid was very good for mortals, but it was obviously not enough in front of Surya who had received the blessing of the Primarch and changed her essence.

"You can't practice anything like this, Suria, Sylvie." Ryan approached from afar, and the Sun King said with a smile, "Why don't I come and practice with you?"

"Ryan?" Both Suria and Sylvia were wearing a set of fencing long-sleeved shirts and shorts. The two pairs of slender, white and proud long legs were not wearing stockings, and the two women were both barefoot. The knight queen saw Ryan appear. , put down the rapier with a faint smile: "Why did you come to find me if you didn't chat with your two female courtiers?"

"It seems that the chat is over. He will only come to you when the chat is over." Sylvia also put down the stabbing sword, and the head maid stared at Lane meaningfully with disdain: "I know him."

"Men, that's it, there is a new person, forget the old one." Su Liya deliberately pretended to be sad: "The queen is not as good as a female courtier, a female courtier is not as good as a maid, and a maid is not as good as a lover."

"Miss, let's ignore him, let's continue." Sylvia followed Surya to play, although the head maid was a little unnatural, but the play had already started, so it was difficult to stop.

"Yeah, don't pay attention to this man who smells of lavender and violets, Sylvie, I'll take you to see the lady in the afternoon." Suria said with a smile: "And our newly-built institution."

After that, the knight queen and the head maid ignored Ryan.

Ryan's face was full of black lines, and he was still a little embarrassed. The Sun King could only go up bravely and hug Suria from behind: "Don't make trouble, I have something to discuss with you."

"You always use that method to discuss with others anyway." Surya was hugged from behind by Ryan, and the female knight struggled a little, but seeing that she couldn't break free, she just turned her head: "I discussed it seriously with me instead. ?"

"I want Devon Hill and Sylvia to go to the Lady's Kingdom of God." Ryan whispered in Surya's ear: "If necessary, you go too."

"Is it necessary?" Surya subconsciously glanced at the holy sword hanging on the wall - the Alliance of Angels, the female knight didn't seem to care: "I don't think it is necessary."

"Brother Angron said that the Khorne collar around the neck of the Seed of Destruction was a part of the Khorne Brass Throne and forged in the Fury of the Blood God. It is immune to all psionic and magical damage. , there is no psionic weapon that can harm the Seed of Destruction." Ryan said solemnly: "If you want to defeat the Seed of Destruction, both long-range weapons and psionic magic are extremely ineffective, you can only fight close, and even Angron in close combat. Brothers admit that he is not an opponent of the Seed of Destruction, and I...probably struggled too."

"...I'll let Devonhill and Sylvia go to the Lady's Kingdom tonight." Suria's face changed immediately, and the knight queen pushed Ryan away, and she walked to the carpet in the fencing room with bare feet On the small table at the end, I poured myself a glass of champagne: "But I can't, don't think about it, Ryan, let me ask you, if I hadn't taken the initiative to follow you into the warp last time, you would have been so lucky to escape the catastrophe and be promoted halfway. god?"

"Okay, you got credit for that Morgul incident, 12%? I give it to you." Ryan walked over to Surya and poured himself a glass of champagne.

"12%? That's all?" Surya's beautiful golden eyebrows wrinkled, and Knight Ji looked a little dissatisfied.

"That 15% can't be more." Now it was Ryan's turn to laugh half-smile, he had mastered the rhythm of the conversation.

"15%???" Su Liya raised her eyebrows: "I thought it was 100%!"

"We're husband and wife, what's yours is mine, and what's mine is yours, what's the point of each other?" Ryan continued to control the topic, Sulia rolled his eyes at him, and didn't bother to bother with him: "Forget it, about How are you preparing for the Seed of Destruction?"

The sleet outside was getting heavier and heavier, hitting the glass window in the courtyard. Sylvia brought a towel, and Ryan took the initiative to take it and wiped the fine sweat on his forehead and neck with a dog-legged look on his face. , Seeing that Surya wanted to laugh, but did not refuse: "You and Brother Angron are dealing with the Seed of Destruction?"

"Well, it can only be the two of us." Ryan took out a stack of documents.

In order to deal with the Seed of Destruction, its several Great Demon Adjutants and the entire Khorne Demon Army, Ryan must concentrate all his strength.

Among them, there are three demigods on Ryan's side, namely Angron, Ryan and the Green Knight.

On the side of the wood elves, Ariel was seriously injured, and Orion was still a pile of ashes at this time, and he would have to wait until next spring - Ryan was worried that it would be too late.

One of the true god's fighting power, the fairy in the lake.

However, although the fairy in the lake is very powerful, she is also a true god, but she is not a **** who is good at fighting. Her magic is destined to be bad for the Seed of Destruction, so she can only support and protect it. Similarly, the Green Knight is her follower. , is a complete spirit body, and the power of the spirit body to the Seed of Destruction should also be discounted, so the Green Knight cannot fight the Seed of Destruction, and he can help fight the Great Demon at best.

At the peak of the Sanctuary are the four Emperor's Custodians, the Duke of Behemond, Francois, and Morgiana.

The high-level ones in the sanctuary include Surya, Callard, Veronica, Aurora and others.

Angron wanted to contact the ancestor of the blood dragon, but the demigod was uncertain and could not be contacted. It was impossible to count on Fugen. Ruth did not know where he died and could not be contacted. Agorain tried to contact him many times, but the reply from the Supreme Master of the Grey Knights was intermittent, and he expressed his confusion as to how he had created a "father" out of thin air. His last echo was in Nurgle Garden, and then the spirit Communication is completely interrupted.

No one can count on him. In the end, he can only rely on himself. Ryan is very dissatisfied with Caldo Diego's "not listening to the tune", but it is too late now.

When I go back, I must "clean up" the Grey Knights! Lane thought so.

Disobedient subordinates have no need to exist, and this is how Malcador taught him.

"Emilia has a letter from the Empire, your little maid is very angry, she said she will never go to the northern front again." Suria leaned on the edge of the table, her shoulders rested on Ryan, and the knight queen took out a letter: "Have you heard about Galt?"

"Yeah." Ryan shook his head and sighed. Although he didn't know the specific process, he knew that the Great Wall of Faith and the Golden Fortress were both written by Luo Jia and completed by Geert.

Luo Jia's things are just unreliable.

Within the letter, Emilia detailed what had happened recently.

The mutiny on the front line of the Empire, the assassination of the Lord of Stupidity, all three Grey Knights were seriously injured and sent back to Nur to rest,

Geert was removed from the post of the Royal Chief Great Wizard, but retained the positions of the governor of Thor and the great alchemist. He led the Golden Academy and the army of Thor to escape all the way to Nur. Geert wanted to meet A visit to Frederick, but was forbidden, Casmir XI, the great chanter of the Church of Justice, chose to accept the decree of the acting Archbishop Esme III, naming Galt as "enemy of the gods" and "spy of chaos" And detain him, which almost provoked a large-scale fire between the Nuer army and the Sol army.

At the last and most critical moment, a beautiful amethyst witch named "Ellie" suddenly stood up. She used the most perfect words and mediation to calm down the two sides temporarily, and then proposed a perfect solution.

Whether Geert is Chaos Tzeentch or not, only a piece of cloth and a portrait can be confirmed.

That is the shirt that was once soaked in the holy blood of the Savior Ludwig and the only sacred portrait with his signature, seal and fingerprints in the Cathedral of the Church of Justice in Nur!

Geert said nothing, the Great Alchemist put his shirt on his body on the spot and stood in front of the portrait.

Nothing happened.

After the doubtful great chanter, Kasmir XI asked someone to bring the two-headed griffin of Noor Zoo and another great wizard of the sanctuary beast, Bernt, to identify.

Still nothing happened.

Galt even chatted with the two-headed Griffin for a while, and the two-headed Griffin was very happy.

In the end, the Nuer side was forced to release Geert and his followers were able to return to Feidolf, the capital of Solland, where the great alchemist rectified the internal affairs and made talismans to cure diseases and control diseases. Plague, forming an army, slaughtering the beastmen, and appeasing the civilians, Gelt knows that the life of the Golden Fortress has entered the countdown, and he must be prepared.

Nur, Wessenland, and Thorland allied again, while Gelt announced the designation of Frederick as the successor of all his worldly titles, that is, Frey would inherit Thorland in the future.

"Allie is the little queen Alisara, she is still alive?" Ryan looked at the letter and complained, "She went to find Frey??"

"It's just right to find Frey, don't come to Devin anyway." Surya said calmly: "By the way, Ryan, do you have any ideas about the candidate for Devon's wife?"

"I don't know if I have an idea, but you must have an idea, right?" Ryan knew Suria too well.

"My lady, Morgiana, and Veronica have established an inner circle organization, which is responsible for containing and cultivating the most qualified Holy Grail girls, witches, and female knights." Suria's eyes lit up: "Dwenci I will leave it to them to monitor and protect, and in the future, I will choose and arrange maids and even wives for him from here, dear, what do you think?"

"Inner ring organization, what's the name?"

"It's called... The Lion King Agency, how about it?"

"It's up to you." Ryan always felt that the name was a bit familiar: "What about the tsar?"

"Tell her to come, let Beria take someone, he is familiar." Suria nodded.

Beria, the chief political commissar of the 1st Guards Lancers Regiment, was called to the castle, and then he set off on the same day with a team of winged cavalry and rushed to Marienburg with his credentials bearing the golden ring of the Sun King. , invited the idle queen Katarin to come out to help.

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