Proof of the Sun King

Vol 4 Chapter 1127: ,plan

The inner hall of the conference hall is naturally different from the outer hall. The hot earth dragon burns the room very warm, and at this time several marshals are arguing about the next strategy.

At this time, the fairy in the lake suddenly held Sulia's hand. The goddess and the knight queen looked intimate and smiled at Yan Yan. They simply changed their positions and let Ryan sit in the main seat. They sat behind Ryan and were happily He said something carefully, and pointed at Ryan. The fairy in the lake looked very arrogant. The goddess stretched out her pale jade fingers and pointed at Ryan's back. Suria was a little resentful and shy, just listening to the goddess. Mostly nodding, sometimes shaking his head.

Ryan suddenly felt like a man on his back.

There is always a taste of the two palace queens hanging down the curtain.

Outside the opened door, Veronica, the chairperson of the Sorceress Assembly, was leaning on the back chair and yawning lazily. It was the middle of winter and the environment was not friendly. She seemed very lazy and had no intention of participating in a few meetings. In the marshal's debate, Veronica is very clear that all her power and status now comes from Ryan. After the knot is untied, she is more and more reluctant to participate in the internal affairs of the country. What is the matter with Ryan in private? Isn't it bad when you say it?

A fiery red fox fur lengthened waist-length trench coat with silver-grey snow woolen woolen buttons Brittany wraps hips and knees, flesh-colored ultra-thin lycra star aurora pantyhose and a pair of fiery red bow suede high heels Veroni Ka glanced at Aurora, who was talking to Morgiana, and didn't care.

"Speaker, Ms. Teresa wants to go there, should we?" Of course, Veronica can sit, but it doesn't mean that the witches under her command can sit, standing behind her, as her assistant's direct disciple Melissa Looks eager to try.

Ah! Xiaobichi couldn't sit still, Veronica sneered in her heart, but the female speaker still decided to mention her direct disciple: "What else? She is His Majesty's female courtier and the head of MI7, how about you? You also want to be your majesty's female courtier?"

"Disciple doesn't dare." Melissa turned pale with fright, and quickly wanted to kneel down and admit her mistake.

"What place is this where you can make a big gift?" Veronica said calmly: "Just stand, don't get involved with things that have nothing to do with you, otherwise I won't be able to protect you."

"Yes." Melissa's face was ugly, and the direct disciple could only bow his head unwillingly.

Speaker, you are crossing the river and tearing down the bridge!

On the other side, Morgiana agreed to Aurora's request to let Teresa in, and the witch of the lake **** motioned Teresa to follow her in, but after taking a few steps, Morgiana found that Teresa stopped in place, Morgiana felt strange: "What's the matter? Teresa, don't you have something to tell Your Majesty?"

"I...I." Teresa felt extremely wronged, and the sorceress gave her mother a resentful look.

As a result, Aurora didn't look at her at all. The Sanctuary witch's face was slightly flushed, and she was obviously a little embarrassed about selling her daughter, but she got used to it after a lot of times. Via chatted, Sylvia still had considerable real power as the head maid of the palace.

"Come here." Morgiana didn't think so much. The witch of the lake **** only thought that Ryan and the lady were working hard. From the start of a series of activities in the morning to the present, it was almost noon, so hurry up and eat something.

"Okay." Teresa frantically wondered what should she say?

Going to the door of the inner hall, Morgiana motioned to Teresa to stand here first. Later, the witch of the lake **** brought in a few food boxes and two prophets of the lake god. Various fresh fruits are placed on the table.

The discussion in the inner hall grew louder.

First Marshal Perhemond was very excited, and the old duke slapped the table: "Damn Marienburg people, **** Marienburg profiteers, if I tell you, we should send troops directly to level the entire Marienburg and let The profiteers know how hard they are, and they are still hoarding and selling food at all times!"

"You can't say that. Marienburg is the territory of the Empire. If we intervene rashly, it is equivalent to declaring war with the Empire." Francois stroked his long beard. Lao-zhang is the duke who has promoted the most free people and knights from the commoners. The reason is very simple. The dividends of the Bafeng Mountain expedition in his territory have not been digested. This wave of huge gains has made Lao-zhang have little energy to continue fighting. Go on: "It's better to contact the empire first."

"But the premise is that the Empire is willing to cooperate with us." Duke Bodrick said in a deep voice: "Also, Your Majesty, I propose to do another ploughing and sweeping, and go straight to Norsca, just like a few years. Same as before, that wanderer Ulfric is against us all day long, and we'll level his Ice Dragon Fjord first! Make him a real wanderer!"

"That's right, I also agree, these barbarians will never have a long memory," Bertrand said.

"I want to participate too. This time, I want to let the barbarians suffer. Although they can't kill them all, at least let them know how powerful they are." Davu was also very dissatisfied.

These marshals have followed Ryan to the point where they have won from cool to crazy.

"Okay, war requires careful planning and adequate preparation." Callard spoke, he folded his arms and shook his head: "The fighting power of the barbarians is getting stronger and stronger because of the wind of chaos. You must have felt it in the war, the quality of our army could have been able to suppress these barbarians from the south."

"The kingdom's army has been worn out, and it is still necessary to rest and reorganize first." Rokossovsky also agreed with Callard's point of view: "Your Majesty, now the whole old world is full of turmoil and war, and then large-scale troops will not be dispatched. Suitable."

Teresa noticed that Ryan, the fairy in the lake, and Suria didn't speak, just listening to everyone arguing. Teresa watched the Sun King sitting on the throne with a knife, and she couldn't help but feel in her heart. Worship and love arose, but also a little sad, he has now become his personal belongings, and he is no longer the sorceress who was still pressing his head.

Huh? What about Ryan's beard? Shaved again? Teresa suddenly noticed that Ryan's beard that had returned from the expedition had been shaved clean, and there was not even a single stubble left.

It's really strange. Except for Ryan, none of the men in the inner hall are without a beard, only Ryan, who must shave almost every once in a while, and it must be clean and there is no stubble left.

Why was he... The sorceress couldn't figure it out while Teresa was still muttering in her heart.

And she found a pattern. After the fairies in the lake appeared, Ryan's beard was usually gone the next day.

"It's hard work, everyone, let's eat some pastries." Morgiana came in with the food box, and the witch of the lake **** put the pastries and fruits on the table, and then whispered in Ryan's ear: "Teresa has something important to do. Report the matter."

Ryan then turned his attention from the crowd's argument to the outside.

I saw her own sorceress standing at the door of the inner hall. She was tall and tall, standing at the door, with hesitation and grievance on her cold and unparalleled face. The light makeup and purple eye shadow made her look like a lavender. It blooms outside the hall. Today, Teresa wears almost exactly the same as Aurora. She wears a long trench coat of peacock feather dark Gothic noble mink fur. The difference between Ruola is that Aurora is wearing a fishtail skirt, while Teresa obviously prefers to wear trousers. A pair of black wide-leg pencil pants makes her look more shrewd and capable, full of heroic spirit, and a generous white-collar beauty. .

The King of Knights narrowed his eyes a little, and he carefully observed the ankles exposed under his sorceress' pencil pants. Teresa's exquisite jade feet glowed with a slightly shiny luster, and the slightly curved arches were wrapped in an ultra-thin flesh color. Lycra Star Aurora stockings, small silk feet stepped on a pair of matte black pointed toe red sole high heels.

Tsk tsk, silk in the pants, it seems that Orika's brainwashing and hypnosis over the past few years is still very effective, Ryan hooked his fingers and motioned Teresa to come in: "Come on, give me a seat, put it next to me."

Teresa is really weak in that respect. Usually 15-20 minutes later, she starts to roll her eyes and only has the strength to breathe, so she always pulls others together passively or actively in the back.

It's not like being with the fairy of the lake and the witch of the lake god, it's like a war!

"Yes." Olika gave Teresa a disdainful look, and could only answer in a low voice. The attendant brought a stool and placed it next to Ryan. Ryan watched Teresa sit down and was about to listen to her. He said something, but found that the sorceress looked embarrassed, which made him very strange: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, just... Your Majesty, is there a banquet at noon?" Teresa was very aggrieved, she sat down and said in a low voice.

As soon as these words came out, the lake fairy and Suria who were sitting behind Ryan both glanced at Teresa, the goddess and the knight queen stopped talking, Suria still looked gentle and virtuous, and the knight queen put her hands on the back. On his own knee: "Of course there will be a feast, Teresa, you know Ryan, there is no need to ask at this time, right?"

"I can't wait for Ryan's reward?" The fairy in the lake couldn't help laughing, and the goddess simply said: "Mogiana, go, make arrangements, and let everyone in the inner hall and the outer hall have lunch and dinner together today. Well, this is, but Teresa meant it, without her to discuss with you, you would have no chance to taste Morgiana's craftsmanship!"

Morgiana, who had just sat down, raised her eyebrows, and the witch of the lake **** snorted coldly, stood up and went out.

Olika looked at Teresa with extreme contempt and doubt.

The marshals were all whispering, what the **** was this woman trying to do?

Teresa was extremely aggrieved, and the sorceress bowed her head with red eyes without bullying me like this.

"Hehe~ It's not easy to save a meal." Ryan couldn't help laughing to break the embarrassment. He got up and protected Teresa behind him. He glanced outside the Knights Dynasty, and sure enough, he saw that his daughter was actually given to him. He also received a personal reply from the Sun King. Aurora had a "complete victory" expression on her face, and she was in high spirits, showing off everywhere: "Your mother asked you to come here?"

"Yes..." Theresa thought to herself that Ryan knew everything.

Selling her daughter again, this Aurora is really addicted to selling her daughter.

"Okay, everyone." After thinking about it, Ryan said to everyone: "It's noon, I'll let someone arrange a banquet, everyone has lunch, take a lunch break, and continue to discuss in the afternoon, what should we do next."

"Yes!" Everyone nodded.

"Teresa, arrange for you to send someone to encrypt the list of Chaos Sect and send a copy to Count Metternich at the Imperial Marienburg embassy," Ryan said.

Teresa whispered yes.

"Also, come over and be my private secretary during this time." Ryan smiled: "Just like before."

"Yes..." Teresa pursed her lips and lowered her head.

The sorceress couldn't tell whether she was afraid or looking forward to it, but she found that she couldn't refuse any of Ryan's requests. Ryan's words were so correct, so intoxicating and captivating, she couldn't think at all, she could only immediately. Promise.

"Call Aurora over." Ryan then instructed, and the king of knights smiled meaningfully: "I have a mission, I want to ask her."

…………I am the dividing line of private secretary…………

Marienburg, in the underground secret room of a high-end building in the inner city.

A few men in black robes were discussing matters in the dim light. Among them, the speaker was a follower of Qingbao Tianzun from Aurora, Hong Fuchu, the leader of the Caiyan Society of Tsianqi followers.

Hong Fuchu holds a list in his hand. If anyone can see it, this is the list of Chaos sects that Knight King Ryan passed to the Empire's ambassador to Marienburg, but they don't know why it appeared in the hands of these people.

"Look at this list, we have been exposed!"

"No, we haven't exposed it yet. Metternich didn't see this list at all." A man in black robe stretched out his hand that had been severely mutated and grew crow feathers and eagle claws. He held the sheepskin. Paper: "The courier thought he had delivered it, and the embassy thought they had received it, but our people have successfully transferred the package in the embassy. What Metternich received is a chart of this year's rainfall harvest in Brittany."

Everyone present breathed a sigh of relief, only Hong Fuchu shook his head, his squinted eyes blinked, and he stretched out his three long slender beards: "We can adjust the bag once, and we can adjust the bag a second time. Failed the third time? It will always be exposed."

"This is, her handwriting! This is! The scent on her body?!" At this moment, the man in black robe sitting in the first place couldn't help trembling. He grabbed the parchment and couldn't help but press it against himself. The tip of his nose, frantically smelling the faint scent of lavender lingering on the parchment: "It's her! That's right, I'll never admit it wrong, this is Teresa's handwriting, this is Teresa's body Fragrance! I'm back, hundreds of years later, from the Warp!"

Everyone in the room was baffled by the action of the man in black robe.

"Unfortunately, I came back late, Teresa has already been taken away by the trash Ryan." The man in black robe licked the words on the parchment with his forked tongue until all the words on it disappeared. He opened his black burqa, revealing a terrifying face that had completely mutated, with eyes from forehead to A dozen eyeballs rolled together: "But it doesn't matter, I can't get it. Her first time, and her last time."

"The plan to lure the **** Ryan Malcador into Obiang and assassinate him in Curona has failed, monarch." Another Chaos believer said: "Our years of accumulation in Britannia are almost completely destroyed."

"The dog is so powerful that we can't compete with him head-on." The eyes of the man in the black robe kept opening and closing his eyes: "Even if Billak couldn't defeat the dog, it's even more impossible for us to do it, but now Haggis has figured out a lot of our strongholds and areas of activity, and if we don't take action as soon as possible, the previous arrangements will all be in vain."

"The Hand of Black Purple, the Red Crown, the Children of Doom, and the Musicians Association are all ready, and they even persuaded the Scarlet Skull Order to participate," Hong Fuchu said.

"Very good, let them start action immediately. As for Marienburg, we must continue to spread all kinds of rumors, beat the confrontation between citizens, merchants and soldiers, and provoked the confrontation between the major provinces, especially Charlemagne's beliefs. Opposite of Uric's belief." The black-robed man went on to say: "Businessmen like to hoard, buy low and sell high, and we should provide them with sufficient assistance."


"Before the great Eternal God chooses Lord Archaen to go south, I, the Demon Prince of the Demon Bird God, the Demon with Thousand Eyes, Banda, will first make the whole world feel the pain." The black-robed man stood up.

"Ready for my plan? Ryan Machado?"

"The competition for Theresa never stops!"

So, just like this, following the will of the Demon Bird God, several sophisticated assassination plans will be launched at the same time.

The operation code-named "Shooting the Sun to Exterminate the Bugs".

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