Proof of the Sun King

Vol 4 Chapter 1125: , let the little queen have a taste

PS: The 6200-word super chapter asks for a monthly pass!

December 2520 in the imperial calendar.

Before the Palace of Fontainebleau.

The majestic old guards are lining up in several square formations in front of the palace to be reviewed.

During the Obiang expedition, the Old Guards attritioned about 500 people, of which more than 200 were killed in action, and more than 200 were forced to retire due to disability or being too old.

But soon, fresh blood was drawn in from the elites of the freemen of the major principalities, the old guards quickly completed the replenishment, and the new serfs were promoted to freemen soldiers in large numbers. The losses were replenished by enough new blood, and many new knights and apprentice knights were promoted to ranger knights in the major duchies.

The beautiful figure of the fairy in the lake is displayed in front of everyone. Today's goddess is wearing a winter lotus cold dew round neck lace vertical button fishtail dress, a long snow-white trench coat covered with white fox velvet, and a long snow-white windbreaker on her head. Wearing the high elf green and white gold diamond eternal glory crown, she smiled, accompanied by the knight king Ryan and the knight queen Surya, reviewing the old guards.

These former country serfs and freedmen were all wearing old guard dresses, bearskin hats, blue coats, golden braids, white shirts and trousers, which were produced in the Mousillon textile workshop. Shiny boots, with all kinds of medals and medals hanging on the chest.

New clothes, new caps, a symbol of the status and treatment of the Sun King's guards, and the medals reflected in the sun, especially the new soldiers of the old guard, not to mention how happy, most of them were still free before The people, a small number of "mud legs" who were still farming and grazing even a few years ago, today wearing the old guard uniforms they have been thinking about, they are inspected by the goddess and the sun king. Their faces were radiant, and they wished that Ryan would give an order and they would rush up to fight the enemy to the death.

Except for Marshal Lawn and Frontier Marshal Roland, the rest of the marshals arrived, and they all followed behind. The lake **** witch, Morgiana, represented the fairies in the lake to condolences to the disabled veterans and the families of the martyrs, and sent them one by one. pension.

I don't know what's going on. Today, Mogiana is in a great mood. The witch of the lake **** is also dressed up. She is wearing a fashionable long dress with a pop plaid triangle collar and a pair of milky white leather high-heeled boots. , wearing a complete set of artifact jewelry from Surya, with a smile on his face all the time.

A small incident happened during the review. A newly promoted Holy Grail girl accidentally smashed the purified holy water cup holding the lake **** witch and spent a lot of magic blessings. This kind of incident was enough to drag the poor **** the spot. The execution went down, but Morgiana just frowned and ordered her to be sentenced to one month's salary and three days of confinement.

Everyone was amazed, to know that Morgiana's character can be said to be very strange and elusive, but everyone also began to get the trick, that is, when he was with King Ryan, it seemed that Her Royal Highness the Lake God Witch was in a much better mood. , and more pleasant to people.

"Rothier!" The fairy in the lake stood on the long horseshoe spiral staircase in front of the Palace of Fontainebleau, the goddess said warmly.

"Yes! My lady!" A veteran who has served Ryan for 28 years, the sergeant major of the old guards strode out of the team.

"For 28 years, your loyalty and faith have moved me. Since the beginning of the Colleson Great War in Marienburg, you have followed Ryan all the way to this day. Now, I give you the highest honor." The fairy in the lake He smiled and motioned for Rohir to come forward.

The golden chalice spun in the air, the light of the lake **** penetrated the audience, the sweet chalice slurries exuded a moving fragrance in the middle of winter, and in the envious eyes of everyone, the old guard sergeant major Rothier kneeled. Kneeling down, tears welling up in my eyes: "My lady...Thank you so much!"

The veteran didn't die, Rohir drank the water of the Holy Grail, and he instantly changed from a middle-aged man of forty years to a middle-aged man of about thirty years old. His eyes were red, and his whole body was enveloped by the light of the Holy Spirit, and he stepped off the stage with awe.

The third Holy Grail Guard belongs to the old guard sergeant-major Rothier from the Duchy of Winford!


A very strong old guard Great Swordsman came out, his face and body were covered with scars, and his eyes were like electricity.

Ryan knew him. This warrior came from Red Fish Village. He was famous in the village because he weighed nearly ten pounds when he was born. Many people thought he had a mutation problem. He was bullied and discriminated against by the villagers when he was a child. Zhu, named him "Walun" and arranged for him to follow him in ironing, grazing and chopping trees.

Warren quickly grew into an unparalleled warrior, relying on hard-power military exploits and various incredible performances along the way to advance, serf infantry, free people sergeant, old guard, until now the sergeant major, he is only 35 this year. age!

In the Battle of Orbian, Warren hacked down twelve Harold's "Royal Guards" by himself, hacked to death a Chaos Champion, and seriously injured a Khorne bloodletter!

"Obey orders, be sincere and united, be brave and strong, and be indomitable." The fairy in the lake motioned for Valen to step forward, and the goddess took out the second Holy Grail from the void: "I give you the glory of the Holy Grail. "

"Yes!" Valen took a deep breath and drank the water from the Holy Grail.

The fourth Holy Grail Guard.

"Oudino!" The lieutenant of Mu Xilong's Leng Xi Guards was stunned for a moment.

The whole place was silent.

The Fifth Holy Grail Guard! He's not even an old guard!

Oudino is also recognized as a warrior throughout the kingdom of knights. He is brave and fearless and as a musket grenadier, he personally charges every time and gets wounded several times. Excellent performance in the battle of grace.

Standing behind the fairy in the lake, Ryan, who was holding his wife Suria's little hand, smiled and looked at the scene in front of him. He noticed that there was a sense of crisis on the faces of the knights and nobles headed by Bethmond and his father-in-law. The formation of the Guards has only been in place for more than ten years, and there are already five mud legs who have obtained the Holy Grail!

Right now, there are only three hundred Holy Grail Knights in the entire Knight Kingdom!

Of course, the knights and nobles will not question the fairy in the lake. How the goddess judges the standard given by the Holy Grail will never be influenced by others. Since she thinks it is OK, then it is OK.

In fact, it is fair to say that the serf infantry - Freedmen sergeant - Old Guard - Knight title - Holy Grail Guard established by Ryan is still far from the so-called "fair", although this upward channel has been completely Open, but it is still very unfair. As long as the knights and nobles can get spurs from the kingdom knights, they can turn from apprentice knights or knights to regulars, and every old guard can spend the rest of his life in a hundred battles, it is simply thousands of troops. Horses cross the single-plank bridge.

Is it fair? Not fair at all? The mud-legged people were beaten to death. In the end, there were only a few poor places. The old guard now has more than 300 legendary powerhouses, but they still have to continue to fight for the titles of knights and the places of the Holy Grail guard. Keep fighting.

But in fact, the serfs and free people in the entire knight kingdom are already extremely grateful to Ryan. Everyone knows that in the original knight kingdom, mud legs are mud legs.

Now, 70,000 or 80,000 people have escaped their status as free citizens through war. Hundreds of people have won the title of knight, and even have been named a knight of the kingdom, been named a baron, and won the highest honor of the Holy Grail, everyone. They are all ecstatic. In fact, the reason why many serfs and free people only recognize Ryan is this - everyone is afraid, afraid that once the king changes, these welfare, reform, and promotion channels will be changed back, and the whole kingdom will return. to the state of stagnant water before.

It can only be said that the previous knight kingdom was too "right", and Ryan's ruling turned "left" a bit, which has already made all the serfs grateful.

After the award ceremony outside, everyone returned to the conference hall of the Palace of Fontainebleau.

Ryan sits on the throne with the fairy in the lake and Suria, showing that the kingdom of knights is now ruled by three people. The first is Morgiana, the witch of the lake god, the eight marshals and several regional governors are seated successively, and then Ryan's Private ministers such as Talleyrand, Belial, Vincent, etc., followed by Ryan's female courtiers, headed by Veronica, and Teresa, Aurora, Sylvia and others to accompany the last seat, close to the body The maid Olika stood behind Ryan.

At the meeting, Sun King Ryan and the lake fairy Lilith further promoted the following policies, and fully prepared to deal with the eternal divine election going south.

The veterans who were forced to leave the army and retired before will come in handy first. For this, Ryan has two ideas, namely open source and throttling.

Open source: Expansion outside the existing system. At present, there are two teams of standing recruits. It is difficult to cope with high-intensity consumption. The recovery of the serf economy is limited. If you want to improve the overall combat effectiveness in a short period of time, there is no other way except to train the standing army at a high price, but the cost is too high. The compromise is to cultivate the backbone to penetrate into it, to strengthen the militia's combat effectiveness by point and area, at the same time increase the training intensity, and at the same time expand other sources of soldiers.

Throttling: Veterans are a valuable resource, and it is a pity to waste them in vain. At the same time, they can also lead to other fields to promote the development of semi-militarization.

Comprehensive goal: Focus on veterans and new forces to ensure that new forces can be quickly mobilized during ET and avoid the rapid exhaustion of war potential of traditional Breton-style one-time serf infantry.

1. Veterans, seriously injured and disabled, the state allocates fixed subsidies, and assigns places to serve as instructors and patrol forces for public security. Exercise in accordance with the regulations, combined with agricultural time for training. To ensure that the ET can quickly lead to the surface, organize local defense forces. Set up fixed offices (small fortresses) for relevant patrol teams, form evacuation points and resettlement sites before ET, and store a certain amount of weapons to facilitate the people to enter and obtain weapons during wartime.

2. Expand the source of standing troops.

Require the major foreign-related chambers of commerce in Brittany to promote the organization of escorts and raise funds to organize the **** team, designate that the old continent and Brittanian veterans must be hired as instructors for training, ensure the quality of training, and strive to build a group of Standing strength, and requires the chamber of commerce to set up places such as post stations along the trade road, and the state reserves the right to lease and store (convenient for wartime requisition and wartime logistics node establishment, and the maintenance of post stations can also train a group of financial personnel to be responsible for wartime logistics Formulated. And one by one, in wartime, you can also form a small fortress by entering some elites and the public to persist as much as possible)

3. Increased requirements for merchants and major duchies, requiring merchants and knights and nobles to bear the military expenses of a small number of standing self-defense forces and part of the permanent army involved in local defense in the form of blood tax or exemption money. Military service can be replaced by military horses, weapons, and money, or by paying to hire some long-term mercenaries. The purpose is to fully mobilize merchant resources and maintain a new standing army without consuming the lord's financial resources.

4. Use the badlands to increase troops, set up new mountain forces in addition to horse squires in the past, incorporate independent hunters, and make the most of the quasi squire class who has no money to buy horses. In the vicinity of the pass, each principality has a fixed establishment of chasing troops, and requires a corresponding share of power to facilitate smooth trade routes and regularly clean up the chaotic forces in the mountains. People of the relevant classes should prepare their own weapons, and food and military salaries should be shared by the central government and the principalities in proportion to each other. If it is unwilling to provide it, the principality is required to provide a certain population to the central government on a regular basis, and the defense obligations are handed over to the central government, and the relevant expenses are contracted by the central finance.

Those who are willing to provide, first recruit candidates to go to the badlands for preliminary training, return to the pass a year later, organize training and stick to it, and the central government will be responsible for the cost of training in the badlands. The purpose is to ensure that in the name of mountain warfare, the non-knight squire class is mobilized, and the reserve forces are trained and fought. Once ET can be mobilized quickly.

5. Require the caravans who go to the badlands to do business to organize escorts, appoint healthy veterans who have retired from the army, and buy or hire free people to receive training from the caravans. At the same time, the soldiers of the three guards in the badlands are required to pay attention to coordination and cooperation to ensure long-distance business. The team can have self-defense force and reservists. Relevant caravan **** veterans can arrange to enter the interior of the Knights Kingdom by allocating land or incorporating local security forces to ensure that they can lead the local armed forces in critical periods.

6. In response to the quality problem of the serf army, the religions and churches they believe in are required to assign priests and some priests to accompany the army in exchange for the existence of the goddess of the lake. However, it is strictly limited that the relevant church personnel only participate in the serf's battle before and after, and are not allowed to intervene in the serf's life on a daily basis.

The knights and nobles are somewhat reluctant, but now everyone sees the chaos in the old world, and everyone knows how difficult it is for the knight kingdom to be so peaceful now, plus the fairy in the lake endorsed Ryan, these proposals Passed one by one.

Only Sulia looked very unhappy. These actions by Ryan meant that the kingdom's finances in charge of her would have to bleed again. Her husband always spends money like this and spends a lot of money.

But the knight queen believed her husband, and she didn't say anything except pinching it in Ryan's palm.

"The news of the dwarves in Dulong City is very worthy of attention. The dwarf scouts and rangers reported that there is a very, very large army of Chaos in the Chaos Wasteland in the north. It is said that the team that can be seen is hundreds of kilometers long, and there is no end in sight." Ryan said to the crowd: "It is said that the Dulong City dwarves have once again seriously considered our 'big retreat' plan."

"Damn, it's only been a few years, and Chaos is going south again?" Bethmond blew his beard and stared at him angrily.

"Let them come!" Callard was cold and calm: "We kill as many as we have."

"What did Raun say?" The old man's mind was still clear, and Francois leaned back on the chair: "Is there any news?"

"The 30,000 Chaos Army of Troll King Solong has appeared on the mountain pass of the Mourning Mountains." Ryan nodded: "This is the vanguard and a precursor to the invasion."

Everyone was silent, are they coming again? The Motkin invasion was so hard before, and now it has only been six years, and the Chaos army is showing signs of making a comeback, and this time the scale seems to be much larger than before!

Seemingly reluctant to discuss this topic, Ryan then asked Talleyrand, "Talleyrand, what happened to the high elves?"

Talleyrand stood up on crutches, he smiled and said: "Lord Tyrion exchanged a lot of rations and logistical supplies from us from thirty boxes of jewelry and various goods, and at the same time he expressed that he does not need our chivalrous army, it seems that . . . the warlord does not think this chivalrous army deserves to join his rescue team."

"Then let him." Ryan also sneered and shook his head.

He knew the meaning of Tai Ritian. Tai Ritian meant that it was best for Ryan to lead the army himself, and bring the Holy Grail of Bethmond, François, Callard, and the old guards to rescue him with him. little queen.

But Lai Enming said that he was seriously injured in Obiang, and the old guards suffered heavy losses, and there was no way to rescue the little queen.

After being declined by the Sun King, Tyrion, who claimed that his face was damaged, did not say anything. The high-precision expeditionary army even only stayed in Boldero for a long time to replenish a large amount of supplies and left quickly without even seeing him. , the "Jerald Chivalrous Army" organized by François's cousin, Sir Gerald, was clearly told that it was not needed.

You are not worthy.

If you don't deserve it, you don't deserve it. Although he lost his high-quality favor, Ryan really doesn't want to go to this muddy water.

"There is one more issue."

…………I am the dividing line of another issue…………

On the other side, the old world, the southern part of the roof of the world, the undead giant fortress, Nagashza.

Manfred von Carstein appeared in a bleak, shabby and cold prison.

The eternal little queen, Alisara, is being bound on the iron bars and chains of the prison. These tools are reinforced with undead runes and made of special metals. Alisara cannot feel any magic here. The power of the gods, the magic bracelet on the little queen's hand and the magic collar on her neck made her unable to use magic, so she could only look at the person who came.

Surprisingly, Alisara's body is still clean and her clothes are still neat. All these are thanks to Arkhan, the Lich King. Arkhan is very polite to the little queen, saying that this is an "invitation" to Eliza. Ra "contributes" to Nagash's resurrection. As long as Alisara cooperates, Arkhan promises not to let her suffer. The Lich King even collects Alisara's luggage and makes Nikohar under his command. La court guards regularly starched and changed Alisara's clothes, and provided food that the living could eat.

Seeing Manfred appear, Alisara closed her eyes and felt like a piece of stinky meat appeared in front of her. The little queen only felt disgusting, and she didn't even have any interest in communicating with Manfred.

"Someone came to save you." Manfred grinned wildly, and he walked to the iron railing: "Brother Tai, and a group of high elves, are rushing here, they are here to save you, my little queen , are you happy?"

"They will kill you and bathe your soul under the blazing sun," Alisara said coldly.

"Many people have said this, but I'm still alive." Manfred put his head on the railing, and he sneered: "Let's see, my little queen."

"Bah!" Alisara spat on Manfred's bald face, then she grabbed a stone from the cell and smashed it directly on Manfred's bald forehead: "Go away, scum! "

"Scum? Scum! It's just you?" Manfred opened the cage in an instant. He even held Alisara's ankle wrapped in white lace stockings with one hand, and slapped the other hand on it: " Snapped!"

The little queen spat out a mouthful of blood, half of her face swelled up, and she glared at Manfred. If eyes could kill, perhaps Manfred was already dead.

"It's this look, I like this look, okay, okay, very good! Very good!" Manfred roared angrily, he seemed to realize that he was being despised, the last vampire count first He walked around the prison like crazy, and then calmed down: "Very good, very good, I like this expression, firm, confident, and with contempt for me, very good."

Manfred clapped his Two undead monsters walked out from behind him, one was a bloodthirsty bat wolf mutated from a wolf, and the other was a ghost mutated from a bat.

They opened the iron gates of the prison, and more people poured in.

It was a dozen vampires, and dozens of zombies that were still dripping with pus and blood and drooling.

And dozens of undead dire wolves, mutated bats, gargoyles, crypt goblins and crypt ghouls.

"Go on, keep that look on your face, oh, what a holy, what a noble, what a well-mannered little queen." Manfred laughed, and then his face showed complete devotion to Alisara. Hate: "I just don't know, after you have been rounded by a hundred people and a hundred monsters, can our little queen continue to show such a holy expression?"

"You?!" Alisara stepped back in fear.

"Today, I am Manfred kindly, help our little queen to open the melon, and have a taste of the first experience, please feel free to play it, and it's mine." Manfred waved his hand, hundreds of undead and hundreds of The undead monsters rushed towards Alisara together, they rushed to each other, their eyes were green: "Just remember not to kill."

The hands of more than a dozen vampires, the hands of zombies, and the claws of various monsters stretched towards Elisa one after another. The little queen was held down, her hands pressed against the wall, and a dire wolf in front of her had stuck out its tongue and licked it. on her face.

"Tear~" The sound of stockings being torn apart sounded.

"Hahahaha!" Manfred laughed wildly.

There really is nothing more satisfying than the joy brought by completely tearing, crushing and smashing the beauty!

The expression on Alisara's face ranged from unease, to panic, to panic, to despair.

"don't want!"

"No ah ah ah!!!"

The screams spread throughout Nagashza.

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