Proof of the Sun King

Vol 4 Chapter 1058: , the dead cycle of industry

After learning that Alfred was fine, Ryan put down a big stone in his heart: "Are you sure?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, according to the news, Patriarch Alfred will stay in Brunswick for a while, and His Majesty the High Priest is said to have announced that he will be promoted to Cardinal." Talleyrand leaned on crutches and turned towards Ryan. He smiled and said, "This is really good news, Your Majesty."

"It can't be said to be good news, Talleyrand." Ryan had broken away from the ecstasy at this time, and the King of Knights couldn't help frowning when he heard that Alfred would be promoted to the cardinal: "The cardinal What does that mean? It means that Alfred must be based in Brunswick and serve as advisor and assistant to the Grand Priest, and then the Diocese of West Brittany will have to appoint a new Patriarch."

"Yes, but it is said that the Justice Church is willing to break some small conventions for this, I mean, maybe Alfred will be the cardinal and also the patriarch of the diocese." Talleyrand, leaning on crutches, he smiled. He said, "I think His Majesty the High Priest must have arranged it like this."

"It's possible." Before Ryan could speak, Suria spoke, and the female knight said to Ryan: "It is very likely that in addition to Alfred, there will be a huge **** army, a whole The complete administrative team, as well as the battle priest team..."

"Okay, alright, Surya!" Ryan really admired his queen's political sensitivity, and the king of knights sat back in the chair and stopped Surya from continuing: "Don't jump to conclusions so quickly, If the Righteous Church gave Alfred a ready-made team, then we need to be vigilant, dear, think about it, is it possible that Archbishop Wikma is letting Alfred do it and do it himself What about setting up a whole administrative team?"

"It's not impossible." Surya thought about accepting Ryan's point of view, and the female knight sighed: "What I'm worried about is that the loss is so huge, the Church of Justice must have lost its strength in recent years, and Alfred The 800 people taken away by Germany suffered so many casualties, what should the local civilians do? How should we deal with the pension issues? This war has nothing to do with defending the homeland and the country. Sufficient compensation and appeasement of the anger of the military family, isn't it going to be transferred to your head?"

"That's a problem." Ryan was reminded by Surya.

After a series of brilliant Great Crusade victories allowed the Bretons to enjoy unparalleled dividends, it also brought a side effect, that is, the Bretons have become accustomed to "victory is a matter of course".

In the same way, the war that A Fu participated in could not convince everyone. Ryan knew that it was very easy to make people understand that it is very easy to fight "to defend one's homeland and protect one's own interests". Active participation.

But it is very difficult and almost impossible to make the ignorant serfs and even most of the freedmen understand that "we are fighting for the well-being of mankind and the safety of order".

Some people must say no. For example, in the previous life of the Celestial Dynasty, the people used a small car to push the victory?

Brother, let me just say one thing here. Although the spirit and ideals are great, what really affects people’s hearts is the interests. Land reform is in the true sense, so that all the oppressed peasants can get immediate benefits and benefits, and everyone is willing to win the grain.

Why was Ryan able to directly subdue all the dukes without shedding a drop of Breton blood? Was it not because he directly benefited the commoners and defended their rights?

But Alfred is not like that.

"How much of Alfred's army survived?" Ryan thought for a while and asked Talleyrand, "Is there any news?"

"Yes!" Talleyrand looked at the letter and confirmed it again, adding: "A total of 46 people survived and stayed in Brunswick with His Excellency Alfred."

"Promote all these 46 people, serfs are promoted to free people, and free people are promoted to honorary free people." Ryan said lightly: "If they are already honorary free people... If there are, I will canonize them as knights and will These 46 people will be integrated into a new team, and they will be Alfred's future executive team."

"Then they need a name, Your Majesty, the name you gave yourself," said Talleyrand respectfully.

"46 people." Ryan touched his chin. The number 46 made a few scattered fragments appear in his memory.

"Then call it... Nogizaka46!"

…………I am the dividing line of Nogizaka46…………

Three days later, in Brittany, on the canal that leads from the city of Jean to Mousillon, the king's coat of arms with irises on a yellow background in the book fluttered on the river.

Knight King Ryan is going to Musilon to investigate the situation in person.

On the deck of the ship, Ryan and Bellegar stood together to look at the scenery along the river. The first phase of the canal project was completed, the second phase was nearly completed, and the third phase was about to start preparations.

"Brother Lane, I heard that you borrowed all the money to build the canal with national debt?" Bellegar asked with interest: "Is it mortgaged on the customs and tolls of the canal?"

"What? Is there a problem?" Ryan smiled terribly: "I don't have to spend a penny, and it also strengthens the credit of the national debt."

"Yeah, the national debt." Bellegar said suddenly with emotion: "It's a pity that this set cannot be used on dwarves, you know, Brother Ryan, all the clans of dwarves only recognize gold...or mithril, vibranium, obsidian or Anything else, this kind of bond will not be recognized."

"You mean it's easier for humans to trust others?" Ryan read Bellega's meaning with a smile.

"Oh, Brother Ryan wants to seduce me, but unfortunately, as the real King of Eight Peaks, I won't fall for your plan!" Bellegar laughed, and he stroked his white beard: "But Brother Ryan, I have I want to tell you something."

"Go ahead." Ryan said casually.

"Duggan-Tiehan told me privately that you seem to be deliberately suppressing the Mousillon military factory." Bellegar said honestly: "He remembers that he has said more than once that he wants to open more factories and recruit more apprentices. , At the same time, I plan to eat several nearby places, but you just don't agree, why? Brother Ryan?"

"Isn't the truth very simple?" Ryan laughed: "It's easy to say that there is no limit to expanding the industry, but what if you can't sell what you produce?"

"Why can't it be sold?" Bellega still didn't understand: "You have such a big country with a population of more than 8 million, why can't you sell it?"

"Yes, there are a lot of people, but what if most of them don't have money to buy them?" Ryan continued with a smile: "Most people work hard to ensure food and clothing, so how can there be any leftover money to buy weapons produced by military factories? No food to eat, no land to grow?"

"Uh..." Bellegar was at a loss for words.

Lane knows that industry has its own endless cycle, and he is now using administrative power to suppress the rapid development of Mousillon's industry.

What is the dead cycle of industry? In fact, the reason is very simple. Industrial production needs very strong agricultural support, and in the production process, industrial production is always relatively surplus, always tends to be more productive, and always tends to be more profitable.

Therefore, after overproduction, commodities are hoarded. When the industry develops, the wages of laborers will naturally rise. At this time, the industry will begin to open more markets to dump commodities and obtain cheaper labor and cheaper raw materials. Pursue high profits.

How to meet domestic demand? Then go to foreign markets.

What should I do if domestic labor is too expensive? Then go to the introduction of immigrants to find cheap labor.

What should I do if the domestic raw materials are too expensive? Then try to lower the price of raw materials or import raw materials from outside.

Saturated again? Labor is expensive? Are the raw materials rising again?

That's another kind of fortitude cycle.

Needless to say how to do it specifically, a few key words: triangular trade, empire on which the sun never sets, and the Opium War.

But in this world, this step is difficult to take.

Triangular trade? Go to Ulthuan and Nagaroth to catch elven slaves? Going to Lustria to catch lizardmen?

Even if the hidden dangers of separation and independence are not considered, the premise of overseas colonization is to defeat the natives, and Brittany has defeated the Arabs, but the tomb king in the depths of the desert...

Or turn around and fight the next-door empire, dwarves and wood elves?

As soon as the industrial expansion fails, the crisis begins.

Of course, there is another point that Ryan also told Bellegar, that is, he also wants to ensure developed agriculture and social stability. Many people have always looked down on agriculture, but Ryan is very clear that agriculture is the foundation of the country, and it is necessary to ensure the development of agriculture. And the stability of the society, the knight kingdom has the opportunity to pass the final moment, agriculture is the main, industry is supplemented.

In fact, Lane has been deliberately hostile to the business princes of Marienburg.

Capital has never been a kind-hearted person. The first thing that a wealthy businessman thinks about is not encouraging production and healthy competition, but frequent deceit and forcing the good into the cheap. Capital only pursues two things, the first is profit, and the second is. The second is its own value-added.

In Lane's view, emphasizing agriculture and suppressing business is essentially the same as developing manufacturing and suppressing the financial industry.

For example, I can live by collecting rent, so why should I work in the fields? Go to work in a factory?

It's too slow to collect rent and make money, so let's speculate!

Real estate speculation is too slow to make money, so why not speculate on land!

It’s too slow to make money by speculating on land, so let’s speculate directly!

Playing drums to pass flowers, looking for people everywhere to take orders, this is how Nur's land price rises.

But in the face of the real catastrophe and the threat of the end, the so-called prosperous real estate market and developed capital squeeze out the water, what else is left?

"Brother Lane is right." Bellegar was thoughtful after hearing this, and the King of Eight Peaks nodded silently, thinking a lot in his heart, and he understood why Thorgreen kept emphasizing dwarf food and beer after he became the High King Be self-sufficient.

Looking at it this way, Sol Green's beard is still very long~ Bellega thought: Unfortunately, it is still not as powerful as my Brother Ryan.

The Musilon Arms Factory came according to the rules of the dwarves, with two days off every ten days, a ten-hour work system, and all statutory holidays. The cost of employment was actually quite high, but on the one hand, Ryan insisted, and on the other hand, the dwarves were stubborn. This kind of rule was set, but the result of this is that the Mousillon Arms Factory cannot compete with the Noor Arms Factory except for a small number of fist products, but how can Brittany rely entirely on imports for firearms? Therefore, Ryan has to suppress on the one hand, and subsidize it on the other hand. The three chief engineers of the military factory, Dugan-Tiehan, Shergo and Kalashnikov, have some opinions on this. Dugan complained to Bellega this time. As a result, Bellegar came to Ryan's side to speak.

Ryan narrowed his eyes, and now all the goals are to build high walls, accumulate food, and grow vulgarly, with the goal of passing the moment of death.

At this moment, the world changed drastically again, and the King of Knights subconsciously turned his gaze to the north.

The great guardian node somewhere has failed again!

At the same time, in the north of Brittany, the mysterious place across the sea, the island of Obiang, which is always covered by thick fog.

North of the Great Ocean, west of the Norsca coast.

When the ancient sage came to this world, they immediately fell in love with Obian Island as a good place, where the sun is shining, the four seasons are like spring, and the crops are plentiful. The ancient sage chose this place as an important stronghold.

Obiang already had human beings at that time, and the ancient sage chose to personally teach the human prophecy and mantra spells here. These primitive humans are called "truth messengers". It is said that these truth messengers brought the fire of civilization to other humans. , it is said that there is no information to confirm the authenticity.

After that, everyone knew that the ancient sage's bipolar portal collapsed, and the mortal enemy Chaos came to the door. No one knew whether the ancient sage escaped or was completely destroyed, but before leaving, the ancient sage left Obian two. It can be called a very rich heritage - megalithic circles and ancient giants.

The boulder circle produced a huge enchantment, which limited the corruption of chaos to Norsca and no longer invaded southwards, and the ancient giants showed their incomparable power to kill the chaos invaders and persisted until the maelstrom was built and the chaos faded away. .

But the cost is also huge. The fog covered the sun and the sky, and then the heavy rain and storm followed. The entire Obiang quickly turned into a rainy and muddy swamp. Due to the extreme isolation from the outside world and the passage of time, a large number of inbreeding marriages have led to more and more foolishness and continuous loss of the knowledge left by the ancient sages, and the ancient giants have gradually degenerated into a group of fools.

After thousands of years, the primordial demon prince, Bilak descended upon Obiang.

Billak is the first demon prince in the entire universe. He was once under the four gods and above all demons and received the powerful blessing of the four gods at the same time. However, Billak always has the ambition to become the fifth **** of chaos~www.wuxiamtl. com~ and began to rebel against the orders of the Four Gods, so Tzeentch cursed and took away its body in order to punish its arrogance, Billak was forced to become a shadow, and most of his strength was taken away and injected into the Chaos Artifact— -In the crown of domination, it has since become a twisted soul in madness and chaos all day long.

There is only one task left for Billak, which is to guard the crown of the ruler, crown the warrior who has passed the qualification test to become the new Chaos Eternal God, and make him a horse.

This was repeated several times, and when Billak woke up occasionally, it stared at Obiang's boulder circle. The original demon prince first corrupted the few truth messengers left on the island and made them think that he was an ancient saint. Worship it like a god.

Then, after corrupting some of the mantras into dark messengers, Billak successfully obtained the energy of the ancient saints in the boulder circle, and almost recovered his body, but unfortunately, he was defeated and was finally defeated by the order alliance of high-level, human and lizard people.

But just today, Billak's seal was opened by a traveler. After decades of searching, he finally found the primordial demon prince.

"Where is the Crown of Domination?" The traveler's words were both happy and a little annoyed.

"Aha, another self-righteous idiot wants to go to his doomed destiny!" Bilak just woke up from the madness, the original demon prince was all purple, and his appearance was terrifying enough to make mortals terrified and even scared to death .

"I'll ask you one last time, where is the Crown of Domination?" The Chaos Artifact King Killer was unsheathed, and the Chaos Great Demon Uzul within the sword was ready to move.

"It's really direct... The last artifact, the Crown of Domination, is in the Chaos Temple deep in the Blade's Edge Mountains in the north of the Roof Mountains of the World!"

"Take me, right now!"

"as you wish."

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