Proof of the Sun King

Vol 2 Chapter 1039: , the man-eating devil is approaching Lesaffre

PS: The previous V group blew up, I created a new rudder master group.

A seasoned middle-aged man who has participated in the Bafeng Mountain Expedition and this expedition, and is now a senior sergeant in Rene Port, took the initiative to come out and said: "Your Majesty, you are here because of the Duke of Taubert. come?"

"Of course." Ryan said calmly.

"Then can I invite you to take a break at my house, **** wife's craftsmanship, and wait for your army to arrive?" The veteran pleaded sincerely and proudly: "My wife's fish soup has always been recognized by the big guys."

"It's already here." Ryan smiled and pointed back. There were probably less than a hundred old guards lined up on the coast, led by Sir Raymond, the battalion commander of the old guard's halberd battalion.

"Just... just these people?" The veteran was very surprised: "Your Majesty, there are less than 100 people!"

"Enough." Ryan raised his head, and the king's face was full of confidence.

"For me, that's enough."

"I will 'convince' Duke Taubote to take back his words." Ryan and Suria looked at each other, Suria's eyes were sly and agile, while Ryan was affirmative and grateful: "This time, no Any Brittanian sheds a drop of blood."

"Then let us follow you, my lord!"

"My weapon is at home, I'll get it now!"

"We will always follow you, even if there is **** ahead!"

"Your Majesty, my son will join you with me!"

People crowded, fanatic civilians and serfs squeezed Ryan in the middle, no matter how Raymond tried to maintain order, he couldn't stop these loyal civilians from coming up like an ocean.

However, just when Raymond was very anxious, Ryan made everyone quiet with just one movement, and saw the king gently stretch out his hand and raise it to the sky.

The audience was silent for a moment, followed by louder cheers.

"Yeah yeah yeah yeah!"

"Long live the king! Long live the king!"

The tricolor flag symbolizing the old guard was planted on the port of Genei, and the old guard not only encountered no obstacles during the whole process, even when Lane stayed at the farm near the port of Genet, all the civilians Here, they carry their own brewed ale, and hold the white flour that they cherish and only take out on the most important festivals, the women enthusiastically put on festival skirts, and the serfs hold their own livestock. , carrying the freshly harvested plump sea fish, and even some free people brought their own cattle to slaughter for their beloved knight king and knight queen to taste!

Singing, dancing, praising, the commoners shared the best things with Ryan and his party, just to make the king feel their loyalty and strength!

The head maid Sylvia couldn't believe this scene. She never thought that Ryan could instantly conquer all the commoners and serfs just by relying on his prestige. She never thought that the great king of knights was in the serfs. And what is the status in the hearts of the commoners.

In this dark age, it was Ryan who brought the light of hope across the class to the commoners. In this ignorant age, it was Ryan who brought the commoners a better life and lower prices. In this decadent age , It was Ryan who stood up to limit the privileges of the nobles, set up a circuit court, and upheld justice and justice for the commoners. In this holy era, it was Ryan who stood up and asked the Fairy Church in the Lake to change the ten taxes to fifteen taxes, so that the commoners It was really beneficial. In this glorious and magnificent era, it was Ryan's great expeditions one after another, allowing the commoners to win their own wealth and glory and return home!

Knight King Ryan, always drop God!

In the setting sun, amid cheers, the King of Knights peacefully entered the port of Genet.

The farmhouse was brightly lit at night, and several cauldrons rose outside the farmhouse, cooking very original delicacies. Inside the farmhouse, thirty old guards were on duty, and the rest of the old guards were surrounding. Together, we enjoyed the corn and soybean stewed pork and barley bread presented by the people of Inner Harbor.

This is where Ryan is staying tonight.

"Raymond, come here, let's eat together." Ryan, Surya, Orika, and Sylvia surrounded a large long square table. The King of Knights and the Queen sat together, Orika and Sylvia Via sat on the left and right sides of Ryan and Suria respectively. Seeing Raymond eating with a bowl and a spoon and fork, Ryan waved to his old guard battalion commander: "Sit down, this is an order. ."

"Yes." Raymond could only sit down a little embarrassed. He was already in his thirties this year. Before he knew it, from the runaway slave of Leonace to the old guard battalion commander, he was quite popular in the old world. The famous legendary powerhouse Sir Raymond, he had a lot of emotion along the way, and no nobles have ever been so loved by the serfs.

"Excuse me, Raymond." Sulia was still dressed in a white military uniform shirt and a dark blue pleated skirt, and a pair of gorgeous long legs wrapped in black translucent ultra-thin velvet pantyhose, but she just put herself The high-heeled shoes were replaced by boots that were convenient for movement. The sword of Leonace hung around her waist, shining with divine light. She was such a graceful and valiant wife, Knight Ji, who only belonged to Ryan's queen. She motioned Raymond to sit down to Ryan. In the opposite position, he said with a smile: "In the middle of the night, I suddenly asked you to come with someone immediately, thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard work, ma'am." Raymond said shyly but proudly. He was really an "old" guard. He had been a soldier for Ryan when he was still an earl, and the battalion commander felt his bushy goatee. , To tell the truth: "It's just that everyone is surprised, Your Majesty, Madam, this is too risky for me. Even if you have disbanded the army, you should at least lead the entire army of the old guards to set off. We There are only 80 people here, so you asked us all to follow without even notifying His Excellency Bertrand and His Excellency Davout."

"You're thinking too much of the problem, Raymond." Ryan put down his butter and bread, and under the light of the large group of candles and dwarf oil lamps around, the king of knights smiled: "The old guards are all going into battle? What are you doing? Wouldn't it be easier to solve the problem without bringing in both the Brotherhood of Red Dragon Knights and the Brotherhood of Champions of Quinalis?"

"...Of course it's safer if this is the case." Raymond was stunned for a while and said quickly, "It's not impossible."

"You made a mistake, Raymond." Ryan shook his head slightly, and the king of knights took the potatoes and stewed beef, and his face gradually became serious: "Do you think Duke Taubert is really a bad person?"

"Duke Taubote has a very good character among the dukes. He is not only modest but also kind." Suria took over the conversation and said with a smile, "Duke Taubote has twice ordered the general exemption of serfs from corvées. , also ordered the cancellation of many excessive taxes, such as fishing tax, and asked all the nobles under his command to swear to give up the right to the first night. He was also loyal to Ryan, even if they disagreed, but as long as the things that were settled were never swayed or violated. Sabotage in private, this time, his voice is open and in line with the procedure, if only because of the voice of opposition, Ryan will send out the army to suppress, what do you want everyone to think?"

"Then why did he oppose His Majesty?" Raymond asked subconsciously.

"It doesn't contradict his opposition to me." Ryan took the wine presented by the serfs, and the king of knights nodded slightly: "Duke Taubote's opposition to me is not a matter of moral character, but a matter of political stance."

To put it simply, Duke Taubote is not without talent, and his moral character is not perfect, but he is much better than a normal knight. He will oppose Ryan purely because his position is on the side of the conservative old aristocracy.

"Politics is like everyone sitting at this table to eat." Ryan took the long table as an analogy: "Things that can be solved by talking, dividing food, and removing plates, I can't lift the table as soon as I come up, then everyone Everyone will think that I am too domineering. I can show up here with a team of your old guards, because the king needs some escorts, but if I show up with the whole army of old guards, then I am here to turn the table, It's going to cause a civil war, Raymond."

"I'm stupid!" Raymond bowed his head embarrassedly, and the battalion commander of the halberd battalion couldn't help but wonder, "But if this is the case, what are you going to do? Your Majesty?"

"Raymond, look." Ryan made a gesture, he motioned everyone to stand up, and the king of knights pointed to the long wooden table: "Look, all the food is placed on this table, isn't it? These bowls against the tablecloth?"

"All I have to do is..." Ryan reached out and grabbed the tablecloth. He pulled it gently. Between the electric and flint, the entire tablecloth was completely pulled out from under the bowls, spoons and plates, but all bowls, spoons and plates did not. Move even a little.

"This is my plan!"

After dinner, everyone actually had nothing to do. The best room in the farm had been vacated for Ryan and others, but there was only one double bed, and both Olika and Sylvia insisted on it. Living with the master, Ryan finally decided to let Olika and Sylvia lay the floor in the room to solve the problem.

Looking at a brown-red military uniform jacket with a white lady's small shirt inside, with a brown pleated skirt, brown ultra-thin translucent pantyhose and small heeled leather shoes, he is directing the old guard to inspect the manor's cellar and possible secret passages. With Sylvia, who arranged the night staff, Olika, who was wearing a black and white maid dress with white unicorn velvet suspenders and stockings, couldn't help but threw herself into Ryan's arms and acted like a spoiled child. The dark elf directly ignored the old guard in the manor. There were even a lot of peasant women who came in to help, as well as a lot of beautifully dressed little girls and shy and heroic little boys, directly rubbing their delicate faces on Ryan's face: "Master ~ you hurry up. Look, that head maid really thinks she can help you!"

"Hahaha!" Ryan was amused by Olica. Of course, the king of knights knew that Olica could set up a magical barrier to cut off any visitors, and she could even hide the entire farm in the magical realm. In Olica's eyes , Sylvia did all the work in vain, Ryan hugged Orika, enjoying the fragrance of the roses on the dark elf: "Sylvia is just serious and serious, she is not a bad person."

"Hey~ I didn't expect the master to be so good at this~" Olika raised her eyebrows, and the dark spirit maid said maliciously: "Do you like that kind of seriousness and seriousness?"

"I didn't say it." Ryan quickly added: "You said it, Olika."

"Olica, did you do something to Sylvia again?" Surya keenly saw Olika pull out a strange black magic button device from her sleeve, and the knight queen suddenly felt bad. hunch.

"Let's play a game, master." Olika licked her lips, and the dark elf's amber eyes were full of some kind of bad taste and pleasure: "This game is called Magic Marbles!"

"Magic marbles?" Before Ryan could react, Orika had already pressed the first button with a smirk.

"Hmm!" Sylvia, who was talking not far away, suddenly trembled twice like an electric shock, then squatted down instantly, pressing her skirt with both hands, closed her eyes and pursed her mouth: "Hmm… ...too...too despicable!"

"What's the matter with you, Ms. Sylvia?" Someone immediately noticed Sylvia's abnormality, and the head maid quickly emphasized: "'s okay...just...a little tired."

Then Sylvia subconsciously turned her eyes to Orika, who was coquettish in Ryan's arms, full of warning and a little pleading, Orika smirked and released the button, Sylvia was relieved. , slowly trying to stand up.

As soon as the head maid stood up, Orika pressed the button again.

"Hmm..." The poor head maid looked really tired, and the people around her thought that she was so tired that she could only squat and couldn't stand up at all, her face was full of suspicious flushes.

In order not to make his head maid lose his temper, Ryan quickly put down Orika, took the initiative to pick up the "overworked" Sylvia by the waist, and sent it to the room where he was staying at night.

"Olica!" Suria was a little unhappy that Olika bullied her maid like this, and the queen said to Olika angrily, "Don't do such a thing in the future, and give me that thing. !"

"Oh, is it? My lady." Orika was full of sarcasm, she looked at Sulia with the corners of her mouth raised, and pressed the second button directly.

"Hmm!" Now it was Surya's turn to squat down like an electric shock. The knight queen embarrassedly pressed her skirt with her clamped a pair of perfect black silk long legs, her face full of disbelief : "No...Impossible...I can't..."

"Oh! Madam, why are you overworked?" Olika was "surprised", and the dark elf quickly "supported" Suria "sincerely": "I will help you in, Madam, you need rest!"

"Woooooo~" Suria was covered by Olica's hand with her hand, and the queen of knights was led into the room by Olica, and Suria was quickly handed over to Ryan by Olica.

In this way, the knight queen and the head maid who had been overworked from the long journey had to rest early, and the dark elves came out again and briefly instructed the old guards on the rotation and precautions, and then sang a magic spell to protect the farm. , followed by another magical barrier that enveloped the room.

It was another quiet and peaceful night at the farmhouse in Rene Port today, and only Olika happily made a "V" gesture, laughing and muttering to herself, "There are two audience members tonight."

"It's a pity that the sow didn't follow, otherwise there would be three."

After speaking, the dark elf opened the door of the room, and the coquettish figure flashed into the room and closed the door.

Total victory!

…………I am the dividing line between the two audiences…………

On the afternoon of the third day, an emergency report was sent to the Duke's desk at Le-Angouran Castle. The Duke of Taubert took the envelope, opened the mud seal, and glanced at the information on it, his face changed drastically.

"Here he is!" The Duke put down the parchment, and his face was pale and blue.


"Your Majesty our King of Knights, he has appeared in my principality with his queen and a small army of old guards!"

"He's approaching the eastern town of Lesaffre!"

"Call everyone! Meet now!"

"Discuss what to do!"

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