Proof of Longevity

Chapter 308: Fu Demon robes

The old monk looked nervous when he heard the words: "What's the accident?"

Zhang Shiyang said: "The treasure was stolen by a big demon."



"Snatched?" the old monk asked.

One of these two surprised sounds came from the mouth of the old monk, and the other came from the mouth of a little novice monk.

Zhang Shiyang nodded silently, as an answer.

The old monk heard the words and said in an atmosphere: "The **** monster actually ran to my Buddhist territory to make trouble. It is really lifeless, and the most important thing is to steal my Buddhist treasures. It is tolerable or unbearable."

Seeing Zhang Shiyang half-dead, the old monk slowly calmed down: "Amitabha, the old monk is angered, sin, sin".

Seeing this old monk's face suddenly calmed down, Zhang Shiyang had to admire this old guy's deep meditation skills, which is not comparable to ordinary people. After all, it is an innate spiritual treasure. Who knows that the duck that is about to reach its mouth is flying, I am afraid It will not be easy.

This old guy doesn't know how many years he has lived. Zhang Shiyang's intention to go up the mountain has actually been clear for a long time. He wants him to be the head of the Buddhism and uphold justice for him. However, it is worth it to have this treasure as the price of the shot.

Zhang Shiyang watched the old monk's mood return to calm, and then said: "Please also ask the master to be fair to me."

The old monk nodded, took out a yellow talisman seal and handed it to Zhang Shiyang: "This is the token of my poor monk. Take my token and go to Da Leiyin Temple to find Guanzhe Bodhisattva. You tell the poor the address of the monster. Monk, the old monk will go to the bottom first."

Zhang Shiyang was disdainful when he heard this. In the final analysis, he was called a Bodhisattva because he was afraid that he would not have any support to explain to him. However, he invited the Bodhisattva and feared that the treasure would be collected by the Bodhisattva. Read.

Zhang Shiyang heard the words and handed over King Jinding’s cave to the old monk. The old monk looked ugly after hearing this: “It’s actually Luzhou in North Ju, which is troublesome. It was the base camp of the demon clan. Forget it, forget it, wealth and wealth are in danger. Please, I will go once."

After speaking, he said to Zhang Shiyang: "You go to the west, don't neglect." Zhang Shiyang nodded and disappeared in place.

The old monk watched Zhang Shiyang go away, and then looked at the map in his hand: "A congenital treasure can raise my realm by a threshold, and there should be no problem with Zhe Bodhisattva's response. The old monk will just take a gamble."

After speaking, the old monk flew straight to Luzhou in Beiju.

Zhang Shiyang made a turn in the sky and returned to the sky above the temple. Watching the old monk's escape light, Zhang Shiyang disappeared, using the five-element escape method to hold the old monk firmly behind him.

As for what to go to Leiyin Temple in Xitian, Zhang Shiyang is not going to go, instead of going now, some will go to the world in the future.

The old monk shrank away when he approached Beiju Luzhou, and soon found Jinding Cave Sky.

King Jinding was waiting for "Shen Gongbao" to attract the old monk, but he knew that suddenly a Buddha light covered the whole Jinding Cave, and then quickly disappeared and vanished.

After feeling the scorching light of the Buddha, King Jinding knew that he had been dealt with.

However, the Great King Jinding was also a Dao Master anyway, although it was only a Dao Master who had just broken through with the help of luck, it was also a Dao Master.

Therefore, when the Buddha's light just enveloped the cave mansion, the Great King Jinding instantly turned into a ray of light and flew towards the outside.

But if Great King Jinding could run out so easily, then the old monk would want to gang up, and if you sneak attack others, you can't take the lead. What would you gang up on?

At this time, the gentle Buddha's control was shining on these monsters and turned into incomparable poison.

Little demons rolled on the ground one by one, and then they turned into prototypes in a short time.

King Jinding's breakthrough was also unsuccessful, and was stopped by the old monk.

Looking at the little demon who was beaten back to his original form all over the floor, King Golden Ding had his eyes cracked: "Old bald donkey, I swear not to do repairs with you."

After saying this, he picked up a mace and slammed it at the old monk's head.

Buddhist monks are not only powerful in Dharma, but they are also strong in physical cultivation.

This is the site of Beiju Luzhou. The old monk doesn't want to communicate with this monster. If someone discovers the anomaly in this place, then the army will come and he won't be able to run away.

Facing the menacing mace, the old monk still had no waves on his face, but a Falun appeared in his hand, and the Falun instantly smashed across the void on the mace.

With a "clang", the Falun was bounced away, and the mace was also unable to be taken back by the Jinding Demon King.

How could the Golden Ding Demon King rest like this: "Old guy, you dare to come to my Beiju Luzhou to make trouble, you can stay here today. Although you have great Buddhism, my demon clan is not easy to provoke. Come here. Come, eat your grandpa a stick."

As he said, he suddenly lifted the stick and slashed towards the old monk.

Looking at the thick malarous teeth on the mace, the old monk had to shiver even after practicing gold, wondering if his golden body could be guarded.

Since he had doubts, of course the old monk wouldn't take the risk personally. Looking at the mace, the gear in his hand flew out first and chopped off towards the King Jinding's neck.

The speed of the gears is fast, and the latter comes first. The speed is definitely not comparable to that of a mace. King Jinding couldn't help but the mace that flew halfway out had to return to defense, and the Falun jumped again with a "clang".

King Jinding knew his shortcomings, that Falun was good at long-range combat, and his mace was good at close combat, but wouldn't it be a loss sooner or later in defense.

The old monk saw that the Great King Jinding approached him quickly, how could he call him wishful thinking? Looking at the mace, let alone his golden body, even the mountain could be smashed into powder.

I only heard the sound of "clang", "clang" and "clang" continuously, and the mace kept hitting the Falun rapidly.

This is the truth since ancient times, and it also applies here.

The old monk instantly seized the opportunity to turn the Falun into a yellow light and penetrated into the defensive circle of the mace. Before the Great King Jinding could react, the old monk had already cut off a piece of meat behind it. Suddenly the blood was flowing.

Great King Jinding felt the fiery pain on the skin behind him, and he reached out his hand, his palm was full of blood.

The Yaozu was originally a tyrant. At this time, King Jinding suddenly went mad after seeing the blood, and after a roar, he rushed towards the old monk.

The old monk didn't want to fight close to this guy. After a few laps, King Jinding didn't have the slightest amount of construction work except for some more scars on his body.

Zhang Shiyang looked at this scene from the outside with a bit of emotion. He was also a Taoist master, but the gap in his cultivation was huge.

It's like this old monk and Jinding Great King, both masters, both in the realm of Taoism, but the old monk is good at using his strengths and advantages, so he can suppress the demon king.

Zhang Shiyang's eyes rolled, this is not okay, this monster can't just die like this, so he gently waved his sleeves, and the space covered by the light of the old monk and Buddha quietly appeared a mouth, where is a tyrannical breath. Passed through the mouth.

The Jinding Demon King hates to go mad, and when has he suffered this kind of suffocation since he became the Demon King. With a big mouth, a small-sized small tripod appeared in his hands.

After feeling the innate breath, the old monk said softly: "Good baby, good baby, but being used by you beast, you have ruined this baby in vain."

The Jinding Demon King chuckled: "Old guy, you are waiting here to die, this Demon King must cook you up."

A strong Gengjin Qi emerged from the cauldron, quickly turned into a sharp sword, and slashed towards the old monk.

These swords were formed by the qi of the innate Gengjin, which could not be resisted by ordinary Taoist magical powers.

However, the old monk’s robes are obviously an incredible treasure. The robes behind him emit a lot of Buddha light, and the golden sword aura is blocked by the Buddha light, and then the robes are rolled, and the golden sword becomes the aura of gold. Being refined into the flesh by the old monk: "Monster, don't you know that your grandfather's grandfather and Zhang Liujin's body specializes in eating Gengjin sword energy?".

Without waiting for the demon king to react, the old monk's robes suddenly broke away from his body: "Try Lao Na's robes."


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