Proof of Longevity

Chapter 240: Tragic, Taishang Daozu shot

Zhang Shiyang looked at the situation in front of him, knowing that there was no way to escape today. Zhang Shiyang also went all out. Even if he was suppressed, he would have to express his dissatisfaction strongly to the Taoist ancestor and the Supreme Master. Zhang Shiyang looked at the elder Wang who was in the distance, and attacked again. He took a magic formula in his hand and instantly fell to the ground and then disappeared invisible. Elder Wang's complexion changed at this time, and Zhang Shiyang's sudden disappearance made him feel a little unsure what Zhang Shiyang was doing. At this moment, there was a wave of mana fluctuations at his feet, and the elder Wang flew up to the Nine Heavens in an unfavorable moment. As soon as the elder Wang got up, he saw Zhang Shiyang appear on the place where he was standing. Seeing the elder Wang Zhang Shiyang who flew up again, he sneered. Then I saw a sky thunder bursting out of thin air and instantly appeared on Elder Wang's head. Elder Wang was blown up by the unexpected sky thunder without any precautions. How could the thunder be so good on this day, Zhang Shiyang flew up in an instant and would take advantage of the moment when Elder Wang was paralyzed to make up for it.

But things have turned around. The Fairy Qingcheng standing aside is not purely cooking soy sauce and eating dry food. At the moment when Zhang Shiyang was about to approach Elder Wang, he only felt his feet sink. A white silk rose in the air and instantly entangled Zhang Shiyang's right foot. Although the white Ling Ling had changed into a vest, Zhang Shiyang still felt that Bai Ling was transformed by Tian Ling. Huntian Aya is red, but Zhang Shiyang is wondering why the red Huntian Aya has turned white. However, this strange thought also passed away in a flash, and there was no room for sorrow on the battlefield. Zhang Shiyang had to stop for a while, and his figure turned into a breeze to break away from the shackles of Hun Tian Ling once again. However, Zhang Shiyang tasted the bitter fruit he brewed at this time. Although Zhang Shiyang turned into a breeze and escaped from Huntian Ling, the Huntian Ling was a congenital spirit treasure, but it was so easy to escape. After a few breaths, Huntian Ling caught up. Zhang Shiyang couldn't dodge this time, and was instantly entangled by that Hun Tian Ling. Zhang Shiyang is about to change once again to break away from the shackles of Hun Tian Ling, but this time Zhang Shiyang is a matter of course. The elder Wang had just recovered and saw Zhang Shiyang who was trapped, and he called Zhang Shiyang as soon as he stretched out his big hand.

Zhang Shiyang was bound to Hun Tian Ling for a while, but couldn't escape, so he had to accept this palm for a lifetime. A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Dao Master's powerful palm was definitely not light, and Ren Zhang Shiyang's supernatural power was also spurted out in a spurt of blood. The plain white Hun Tian Ling was even more poignant when falling on these little snowflakes. Under the rendering of this **** flower, the whole Hun Tian Ling turned red again. Zhang Shiyang lowered his head and "looked at" the Hun Tian Ling in front of him, and said with vague blood inside: "That's right, Hun Tian Ling should have been red, but this Hun Tian Ling can't hold me down." As the Taoist Elder Wang, the power of the hateful blow is clear to everyone present. At that time, Zhang Shiyang was restrained by Hun Tian Ling and could no longer use any mana defense. So this blow far surpassed the Chaos Beast's blow to Fairy Qingcheng. The heart of the Dao Ancestor Taishang next to him slammed: "Zhang Shiyang must have been hit hard by this blow. Fairy Qingcheng was hit hard by Chaos. What's more, Zhang Shiyang of Dao Zun realm was hit by a blow far beyond chaos." Elder Wang was also awake from his anger at this time. Originally, Elder Wang had no intention of hurting Zhang Shiyang, but after being struck by the lightning, he angered Elder Wang. He saw that Zhang Shiyang was beaten by himself and spit out blood. It's a big one.

The fairy Qingcheng below saw the blood-red Hun Tian Ling shrank his hand abruptly, and Hun Tian Ling let go and floated in front of him. Zhang Shiyang's body of indestructible black and yellow did not actually suffer much damage, but the blow of the elder Wang spread out again the poisonous surname suppressed by Zhang Shiyang. Without the shackles of Hun Tian Ling, Zhang Shiyang fell to the ground with a clatter, splashing a large amount of dust. No one came up to check and help. All the elders sighed secretly in their hearts: "This world sun is ruined. Lu Qingcheng's physical body has body shaping grass to be able to save his body. That Zhang Shiyang will have no body shaping grass. I am afraid that Zhang Shiyang will be disbanded. Alas, poor Zhang Shiyang's generation of Tianjiao ended here. , I am really jealous of talents." But just as the elders sighed secretly, coughing came from the dust. Then I saw a figure dangling out of the smoke and dust. The blue shirt had long since turned into khaki, covered with mud, and blood stains appeared on his chest. Just as Zhang Shiyang just stood up, there was a bleak roar in the distance: "Master". Immediately afterwards, a figure flashed through the crowd and fell into Zhang Shiyang's arms. Zhang Shiyang looked at the beautiful girl in his arms, with a vaguely wrapped figure, chuckled, he wanted to say something but a mouthful of blood spurted out, turning that irritating face into a scary **** head. .

"Master, how are you, are you okay" Bao'er didn't care about the blood on her face, and fumbled around Zhang Shiyang with her hands at a loss. Thinking of how high-spirited Zhang Shiyang was back then, but looking at how embarrassed he is now, the green shirt that has never been slender and dusty is now all mud, his hair is messy, looks extremely disheartened, and the viewer feels sad. Zhang Shiyang gently stretched out his hand and touched the girl's forehead in front of him: "Unexpectedly, Guo'er has grown to such a height and reached my chest. I remember that you were a little guy when I first saw you." Blood spurted out. Seeing this, Guo'er cried loudly, crying while crying: "Master, don't say anything, you meditate quickly." A trace of bloodshot left at the corner of Zhang Shiyang's mouth: "I'm fine, it's just that I planted some poison. This poison will not kill your master and my life." Seeing this girl with rain in pear blossoms, Zhang Shiyang tapped his eyebrows with his finger: "I have no time to care about you these years, but you are practicing by yourself. It's not bad, and the foundation is very good. Today I teach you **** monsters. , You must practice hard in the future".

After bringing the exercises to pass, Zhang Shiyang whispered in his ear: "This is too good for you to stay, and I will leave you as a disciple of Zhang Shiyang." A jade card appeared in Zhang Shiyang's hand: "You take this jade card to Excalibur Villa, find Excalibur One, or go to your senior sister." Guo'er just kept tearing off her tears at this moment. Zhang Shiyang patted her head: "Go, go now, otherwise you may not be able to go in the future." Under Zhang Shiyang's gaze, Guo'er suddenly set up a cloud head and turned into a streamer and disappeared. For Guo'er's departure, everyone did not dare to make the slightest move without receiving the words of the Supreme Dao Ancestor. After Guo'er's escape light disappeared, Taishang Daozu turned his head to look at Zhang Shiyang who was in embarrassment, and sighed softly. The complex feelings contained in this sigh seemed to have turned a thousand times: "Why are you? , As long as you are willing to turn your head, then you are still the top figure of my master, and my master will spend all his strength to heal your injury.” To be honest, everything here today is absolutely out of the control of Taishang Dao ancestors, and no one had thought that things would have evolved to such a situation.

When Zhang Shiyang heard the words, the corners of his mouth were drawn, and a smile of disdain appeared: "Why pretend to talk about love and justice? The love and justice between you and me had already dissipated as early as the moment I started, and there is only one today. Fight without regrets if you die." After speaking, Zhang Shiyang slammed his right hand toward the earth, and the veins of thousands of miles around suddenly gathered together, and then turned into giant dragons to drill out and strangle Lu Qingcheng and Elder Wang. Elder Wang didn’t know what his mood was at this moment, he was just chaotic. Seeing that the dragon was about to drag Elder Wang into the ground, the fairy Qingcheng on the side grabbed the **** mixed sky in front of him and swayed for a while. The dragons were chained together. The steel can't last long. How could the power of a thousand miles of earth veins be restrained by a Huntian Ling, and the dragon would break free when he saw it. The Taishang Dao Ancestor suddenly made a move at this moment, and the energy of the earth veins returned to the original position between his breath. At this time, Zhang Shiyang had been completely lost by the poison in his body, and he just watched the Supreme Dao Ancestor cast his supernatural powers to bury Zhang Shiyang in the ground. But not resisting is not Zhang Shiyang's surname, he launched the last counterattack when Zhang Shiyang fell into the ground.

ps: The huge transformation of this book is about to begin, hahaha, can you guess


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