Proof of Longevity

Chapter 227: Baocheng shocked too

Zhang Shiyang allowed the two fires of the civil and military world to perform rituals on Huntianling, leaving them alone, and went to meditate to restore mana. Zhang Shiyang thought again that he should find some time to sort out what he had learned, and then condense his own avenues and determine the path he might traverse in the future. Only in this way can there be direction, purpose, and motivation to continue running forward. Like now, I only practice mana and supernatural powers, and feel the laws of heaven and earth, but the road I am going to follow is still not clear. In this way, there is no direction and no purpose. How can I run far? It may not be long before someone of the same generation will surpass him, but Zhang Shiyang does have a little doubt, why Zhang Qing, Li Qian and his wife did not mention Zhang Shiyang. You must know that from the perspectives and experience of the two, it is completely certain. Has Zhang Shiyang encountered a bottleneck? Since Zhang Qing and Li Qian didn't mention something, why didn't Tai Shang Daozu mention something for himself? . Zhang Shiyang can't understand why all this is. Is he not making good progress? Why no one tells himself, including his own biological parents. Thinking of this, Zhang Shiyang couldn't help but have a trace of doubt about the so-called family relationship.

Staring blankly at the intertwined world and earth, Zhang Shiyang was a little surprised. He is a junior, maybe in Fairy Qingcheng's eyes, he is a little doll. I don't know if Fairy Qingcheng likes herself, but after thinking about it, Zhang Shiyang suddenly smiled. My worries about these things prove that I am not very confident in myself. An arrogant color broke out on Zhang Shiyang: "Who am I Zhang Shiyang?, I am Zhang Shiyang, an eternal person, an immortal genius, I am unparalleled in talent, I have heaven and earth luck, I have the ancestor Hongjun As a backing, he said that Zhang Shiyang is a figure who must prove that Dao is sanctified. How the animal with fur and horns competes with my son, even if it is compared with me, it is also an insult to my son." A "bang" thunder drove Zhang Shiyang back to reality, and the combination of earth fire and sky fire actually produced the tiredness of heaven and earth. Zhang Shiyang was awakened by a thunderstorm, and Zhang Shiyang meditated and practiced Qi. Regardless of the state, the purer the aura in the body, the higher the quality, the better.

The rest of the time passed in Zhang Shiyang's meditation response. One day, the aura of the entire cave suddenly produced a slight riot. With this riot of aura, the aura in the air seemed to be explosives ignited by the fuse. Suddenly, the fluctuations spread out, and the whole was instantly filled. The outer courtyard of the Supreme Master. Countless disciples who were meditating were awakened in an instant, and then quickly stopped their exercises. Some disciples in deep retreat sprayed blood from their mouths, and were hit by the violent spiritual energy, causing damage to the meridians. Peng Peng started to fry the furnace with a furnace of good medicinal herbs in the alchemy hall. I don't know how many good medicinal materials were destroyed in one go. A cry of wailing came from the alchemy hall: "What is going on, Supreme Dao Patriarch, this is the medicinal materials I have worked so hard to accumulate for tens of thousands of years." "Doesn’t the Supreme Master have a large array to suppress the Reiki? Who is the one who arrogantly caused the Reiki riot. Pity my Nine-Colored Suzuka. It took me three thousand years to find this treasure before I found one. No, I want it. Sue the elder's house and ask the sect to accompany me with medicinal materials."

Suddenly, there was grievance in the Outer Academy of Taishang Jiao, and countless disciples of the elders walked out of the Dongfu to escape the trajectory of the spiritual riots, and walked towards the source. The Supreme Elder who was talking to Lu Qingcheng realized that something was wrong at this time, and Lu Qingcheng swallowed what was about to come to his lips. Taishang Dao Ancestor's eyes flickered: "The treasure is complete, Qingcheng, go, let's go out and take a look." In fact, Taishang Dao ancestor did not know what treasure Zhang Shiyang was refining. Whenever the Taishang Dao ancestor’s spiritual sense approached the refining ground, there was an inexplicable heaven and earth power that forced his spiritual knowledge back. To be honest, Taishang Dao Ancestor could only perceive Zhang Shiyang's refining a treasure in the vague heavenly secrets. As for what kind of treasure it was, I couldn't notice it. When Lu Qingcheng heard the Supreme Daozu say that someone in the outer courtyard had made a remarkable treasure, he was also curious and got up and followed. Out of the cave, the elder Wang and the demon crown prince had been waiting at the door for a long time. Seeing the two come out, Elder Wang led the Demon Crown Prince to greet him: "Daozu, what is the reason for this spiritual riot?"

The ancestor of the Supreme Daoist laughed loudly when he heard the words: "No need to be nervous, this time it is a great thing. I am too enlightened but another treasure came out. It is really a great event. Let’s go, let’s go and see this refining together. What kind of treasure is the refining person of the treasure that can cause the power of heaven and earth to riot when it is about to first appear, I am afraid this treasure is not such a simple ordinary treasure." The demon crown prince on the side also heard the words, and the light in his eyes flashed, and he didn't know what he was thinking. At this moment, he didn't care much, and the group of people walked up to the outer door of the refining hall while taking a breath. Several elders who guarded the gate saw the big figures come out, and one by one came out hurriedly to greet them: "I have seen the Daozu Fajia". The ancestor of the Supreme Daoist nodded when he heard the words: "You wait to do your own business, the ancestor is just to see what kind of treasure that will be born, and I am too disturbed by the ancestors." Dao Venerable who was on duty here wanted to invite Tai Shang Dao Ancestor to rest inside, but Tai Shang Dao Ancestor refused the invitation of a group of elders, and instead stood waiting at the outer gate of this refining hall. Since Taishang Dao Ancestor didn't go in, then Elder Wang and Fairy Qingcheng couldn't go in even more. Few of them didn't go in, and those elders on duty were not good at throwing Dao Ancestor here and ran in by themselves. So the Supreme Master appeared in this rather strange scene, a public elder stood outside the refining hall, but the inside was empty.

Zhang Shiyang looked at the aura of the riots in the cave and had to smile wryly. Before this treasure was formed, it caused a spiritual turmoil, the wind and rain followed, and the treasure was all over the sky. If it is formed, it might cause much disturbance. As a result, with a pinch of the Law Jue in his hand, the earth fire and sky fire increased instantly. Zhang Shiyang wants to practice this treasure in an instant, and then put it away in an instant. Calling this vision too late to happen, the province alarmed the big men in the sect and caused unnecessary trouble. But if Zhang Shiyang knew that the biggest bosses in the sect had already arrived, and were standing outside his refining hall waiting for him, he didn't know what expression Zhang Shiyang would have.

The fire between the sky and the earth increases, and the harmony of yin and yang speeds up, as if vaguely you can see a dragon and a tiger circling and staggering continuously in the furnace, and the yin and yang are in harmony. A faint sound of dragon chanting and tiger leaping filled the cave, and Zhang Shiyang instantly placed a sound-proof formation to restrain the sound within the cave. After about nine hours, the treasure suddenly changed, and a powerful energy was about to radiate from it. Zhang Shiyang couldn't help but think of the word "become" when he saw this scene. This treasure is refined. Zhang Shiyang's big sleeves fluttered, and he put this treasure in his sleeves instantly. All the visions that are about to happen disappear into the invisible. Zhang Shiyang breathed a sigh of relief, and several magic arts re-seal the earth fire and sky fire. All the visions in the cave have disappeared completely, as if the previous dragons and tigers were all illusions. The spiritual riots gradually subsided. The Taishang Daozu and the others outside couldn't help but feel a little stunned at this moment. After waiting for so long, the aura storm is gone? Is this unscientific? .

Before asking everyone to wait for long, the door of the refining hall opened with a creak. Zhang Shiyang walked out of it in a blue shirt, with an ordinary face, but it looked a little crystal-like jade, and a faint yellow light loomed inside his body, which looked extraordinary. Zhang Shiyang was a little dumbfounded when he saw the scene in front of him, what happened? Why are there so many people? . In an instant, Zhang Shiyang turned his thoughts and walked towards Taishang Daozu: "I have seen Taishang Daozu, I have seen all the masters." Taishang Daozu looked at Zhang Shiyang and couldn't help but sighed in his heart again: "Good grace, good roots". Looking at the looming light, Tai Shang Dao ancestor said: "We were attracted by the movement of your refining treasures, how about, have the treasures been practiced?".

Thank you, Ming Men Liao San Shao, for your support. I think I have a reward this week and I want to add more. But this weekend make up classes. It’s really cheating.


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