Proof of Longevity

Chapter 225: Secret talk, Daozu strategy

Taishang Dao Ancestor frowned upon hearing this: "Qingcheng, don't say such frustrating words, how vast the origin world is, there will eventually be gods of good fortune that can heal your body." After a pause, Taishang Daozu sighed: "And if you want to reincarnate, but you have thought about the mystery in the womb, this origin world has endless seas besides the five continents. , Once something goes wrong, I can’t find you, then you will sink into endless reincarnation.” Fairy Qingcheng also darkened when he heard this, she didn't know how terrible this endless cycle was, but when she thought of the grand plan, Fairy Qingcheng was upset. This power of reincarnation is one of the greatest forces in the world. Even Dao ancestors have to retreat three feet in the face of the power of reincarnation. Even if Dao ancestors solve the problem, there must be a mystery in the womb. Dao ancestors have vast mana, and the primordial spirit has an immortal will, even in reincarnation, it is difficult to wear off its immortal power. Of course, if there is something accidental, you can't say for sure. In the endless cycle of reincarnation, let your previous life's magic power be overwhelming, fierce and mighty, and you can't even think about getting free after the cycle of eternal reincarnation.

The demon crown prince on the side was also anxious when he heard the words: "Qingcheng, you can't think about it, isn't it because the flesh is missing, my demon clan has countless spiritual treasures, countless gods and miracles, don't worry, As long as you go to Beiju Luzhou with me, I will definitely mobilize all the power of the Yaozu to help you repair your physical body." Elder Wang on the side touched his beard when he heard the words: "This statement is not false, the world is magical, maybe sometime by chance, you will encounter the body that can repair fellow Daoists, but he won’t be anxious for the time being. Even if it is necessary to solve the problem, it is better to wait for a while, perhaps because the opportunity has not yet arrived, and it is not yet known." Everyone nodded in praise as soon as the words came out, and Fairy Qingcheng groaned for a while after hearing the words: "Let me think about it." Elder Wang looked at this hesitant Fairy Qingcheng and said: "Farther Daoist, now I have reached a critical period in the development of my Taipai. If you want to tide over the difficulties, you can't do without the help of Fairy." As soon as this remark came out, even though Fairy Qingcheng was concerned about his own avenue, he had to consider the future and situation of the sect, as well as the cultivation and spreading of the Taishang Dao ancestor.

At the moment, Fairy Qingcheng cut off: "Even so, I will wait for the sect to overcome the difficulties and consider my own affairs. Qingcheng cannot cause the sect to fall into a crisis for my own benefit." Taishang Daozu Wenyan couldn't help but glance at Elder Wang: "Why didn't I see that this old guy has such eloquence before, but now that I can stop Fairy Qingcheng from exploding, no matter what excuses are used, that's a good thing." Then the interface: "Qingcheng, since you can figure this out, that’s a good thing, but you’d better conceal the news about your illness for a while, otherwise, be careful that people with ulterior motives use this as a breakthrough and cause trouble to everyone. It's not good". Elder Wang said a little bit, and was about to say a few words, but the demon crown prince who was able to bear on the side couldn’t wait to intervene: “No matter what you say, the restoration of the body of the Qingcheng is the number one event. Not only does Luzhou have countless It’s a treasure of spiritual materials, and there are many people. The fairy is best to go to Beiju Luzhou with me. This prince asks his father to make an order to mobilize the power of the world’s monsters, and then he can definitely find a magic medicine for the fairy. ".

The demon crown prince Taishang Dao ancestor did not refute, but looked at Fairy Qingcheng: "Qingcheng, what do you think?". Lu Qingcheng shook his head: "Thank you for the kindness of the prince, I am sorry that I cannot go to Luzhou in Beiju with you. If today is a catastrophe, there is still room for Qingcheng to help me, so I have to fail the prince's good intentions." Hearing the words, the demon prince wanted to persuade him, but to Fairy Shang Qingcheng's eyes, he didn't know how to say it. Taishang Daozu also sighed, this is really eventful. If in peacetime, Taishang Dao Ancestor would naturally use great magical power to protect the reincarnation of Fairy Qingcheng, and then turn it on to bring Fairy Qingcheng back to Immortal Dao. But at this time, the world of origin is already in chaos. Even though the supernatural powers of the ancestor of the Taishang Dao ancestors can only look at the secrets, how can we accurately ensure that Fairy Qingcheng is not calculated by others. Moreover, God knows when the Great Tribulation will pass. Once the Great Tribulation is hundreds of thousands of years old, wouldn't the Fairy Allure be reincarnated for several generations? The mystery in the womb is more serious and the roots are blinded. I am afraid that the Dao ancestor will be helpless by that time. .

Fairy Qingcheng looked at several people, and his eyes flickered a few times: "Elder Wang, Prince Demon, I have something to say with Daozu. Please both of you to avoid it for the time being." Elder Wang and the Demon Crown Prince didn't say anything, they nodded and got up and quit. Watching the two walk out of the cave, Taishang Daozu looked at Fairy Qingcheng and let out a long sigh. There is no need for Fairy Qingcheng to say, Taishang Dao Ancestor already knows roughly what Lu Qingcheng is going to say. Sure enough, after the two of them completely walked out, Fairy Qingcheng watched Taishang Dao Ancestor slowly and said: "Dao Ancestor, now Qingcheng's physical body is damaged, I am afraid that there is only one way to solve the soldiers. After the soldiers are released, everything will stop. The Supreme Master and the Yaozu It is still an ally, and at this critical moment, the Supreme Sect and the Monster Race can't be caused by the Allure." The ancestor of the Supreme Daoist sneered when he heard the words: "You, I still don’t understand. Even if I form an alliance with the demon clan, I’m afraid no ally will be able to exert much strength. There is the witch clan of Beiju Luzhou. For the monster clan to give us more help, I am afraid I need my Supreme Master to help the monster clan in Beiju Luzhou to destroy the witch clan, but after the witch clan is destroyed, the Beiju Luzhou is monopolized by the monster clan, and then the monster clan With great momentum, I'm afraid it will give birth to the ambition of annexing the Eight Wastes, alas...". Having said that, Taishang Daozu stopped speaking.

After hearing the words, Lu Qingcheng straightened his hair and frowned, "Tao Pao, then what use is there for me to form an alliance with the Demon Race". Tai Shang Dao ancestor smiled: "Well, it's useful, it's still a little bit close and close, and now the world situation is complicated, no one can understand what the future will be, but I think that the monster race has some ways and wants to make good friends with it, it's just that If you want to rely on the Yaozu as a foreign aid to survive the catastrophe, I am afraid that is unrealistic." After a pause, Tai Shang Dao Ancestor looked at Fairy Qingcheng with rapturous ears, and then said: "Now I am too high school to befriend the Monster Race, I am afraid that I will offend the Wu Clan. When the time comes, once the Monster Race intervenes, I will be a member of the High School and the Great Martial Arts. I am afraid that the Witches will not stand idly by because of grievances." Lu Qingcheng couldn't help but wondered: "Tao Ancestor, I don't understand, why would I offend the Witch Clan and make friends with the Monster Clan? Isn't this adding enemies?".

Taishang Taoist ancestor heard this and smiled: "Well, you have a special relationship with me. You grew up when I was a child. Now since you want to know, I will tell you if you do it." Taishang Dao's ancestors looked at the top of the cave mansion without thinking, and then slowly came: "Girl, let me ask you, how is the power of the monster race?". Fairy Qingcheng heard the words and replied without thinking: "It goes without saying that the Ruo Lun power, the monster clan is actually the number one power in the world. Not only the upper half of the five continents in the world are monsters, but even those scattered overseas. It's okay to be a monster." The Supreme Dao Ancestor nodded after hearing Lu Qingcheng’s answer: "Yes, Ruolun’s demon clan is the first force, whether it’s my emperor or the demon clan that can equally divide Beiju Luzhou with the demon king, regardless of the number of members. , The distribution is still not as good as the Yaozu."

Speaking of this, the Taoist ancestor Taishang paused again: "However, although the Yaozu has a large number and a wide distribution of members, the current Demon King is nameless and cannot command all the Yaozu in the world, so I have always been too high to be the world. The number one power, in terms of strength, is much better than the monster race." Hearing this, the bewilderment in Fairy Qingcheng's eyes became even worse, just quietly waiting for Tai Shang Dao Ancestor's text. Tai Shang Dao Ancestor touched his own lightly: "If the Demon Emperor dominates the world, then whether it is Beiju Luzhou or the major sects of the five continents, they are all in danger of being wiped out. At that time Who else has the ambition to worry about me being too educated, but would wish that I was too educated, the stronger the better."

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