Proof of Longevity

Chapter 213: Doso Kalpa

Just when this evil-looking man was desperate and unwilling, the waves of heaven and earth pressure not only alarmed the many demon races outside, but even the demon emperor who was in retreat was also alarmed.

No one is afraid of the heavenly power descending on his territory. When he felt the will of heaven and earth, the Demon Emperor whizzed out of the Demon Emperor Hall and came into the air. At this time, a lot of monster powers had gathered around.

Seeing the arrival of the Demon Emperor, the elders bowed and saluted. The Demon King nodded and didn't pay much attention to it, but quickly searched for the source of the coercion of the day and earth.

However, the result was that the eyes of the Demon King shrank. It was actually a retreat for another ancestor of the Demon Race. So he turned around and looked at the giants of the Demon Race: "You retreat at a constant speed, otherwise, once you are impressed in your heart With the power of the might of heaven and earth, no matter how hard it is to make a breakthrough in the future."

A group of demon clan demon kings flashed back and stood in front of their cave mansion gates. The Demon Emperor walked towards the source of the coercion that day.

This pressure that can leave a shadow on the hearts of ordinary Taoists is really difficult for kings like the Demon Sovereign to cause trouble to their minds. Daluo Jinxian is not the lord who has gone through thousands of calamities, the soul of the soul has long been tempered and is extremely firm, in fact, it can be easily shaken.

The power of this world is at most suppressing Da Luo Daozu's mana and supernatural powers to the lowest point. If you want to win his mind, I am afraid it will increase a little.

The demon emperor heard the curse of the demon and evil man from a distance, and couldn't help being shocked: "This ancestor is the lord who has gone through a thousand tribulations. Standing on the top of the heavens, if it weren't really driven to despair, how could it be? If you act like this, you will lose your mind."

However, the demon emperor had to stop at this time. He sensed the warning in the dark, that the will of heaven and earth cannot be redeemed, and there will be punishments to be added to show the sky before half a step.

The demon emperor stopped his footsteps and lifted his mana: "Brother virtuous, why do you behave like this?".

The demon-evil man inside heard the demon emperor's voice and screamed sternly: "Brother, remember to avenge me, I was tricked by that guy." When the Demon King heard the screaming roar inside, he was anxious but couldn't walk over to help.

At this time, the Demon Emperor hated that his mana and supernatural powers were not high enough, otherwise he would stop being oppressed by the might of the world. In any case, the loss of Dao Xin is a great taboo of a cultivator: "Virtuous brother, first take your mind and calm your mind." After all, the demon and evil man is the ancestor of Dao. He also noticed something wrong when he heard the words of the demon emperor, so he hurriedly reduced his mind. As for the mighty power of the day and the earth and the strange power, let him ignore it for the time being.

After regaining his mind, the evil man was aware of his own faults. First of all, why would he suddenly think of Zhang Shiyang, why would he become more and more chaotic as his mood, that power of disgust, Yu Qiangsheng, and the power of heaven and earth? Will gradually increase, and that strange power is also increasing. Daozu has long insight into the sky, and his wisdom is boundless.

At this moment, as soon as I noticed this situation, I immediately found the source. Numerous thoughts were running fast, constantly deducing vitality, and sparks of wisdom were splashed between thoughts. The Demon King was secretly anxious after hearing that there was no sound in the cave mansion, knowing that he must be arranging mana and concentrating his mind, otherwise, if there was an accident, the power of the world would have faded long ago.

After a while, there was a burst of laughter from the cave house: "That's it, that's it, it's so weird, it's so amazing, if it weren't for the reminder of my brother, I'm afraid I would have been calculated by this **** guy. Deadly place".

After saying this, the power of heaven and earth disappeared. The demon emperor who was waiting outside saw the power of heaven and earth dissipate, and heard the laughter inside the cave, suddenly a heart fell back in his stomach. It is a lie to say that it is not nervous. I have been with this guy for countless years. I have never seen this guy so desperate. Hearing that screaming scream, the Demon Emperor felt that his flesh was cut into pieces.

At this moment, I heard that the inside of the cave had disappeared, and did not go in, but waited outside, waiting for the evil man to repair his injury inside.

It was a fluke to say that this evil man survived this calamity. Anyone who has read the Conferred Gods list knows a spell "The Book of Seven Arrows at the Head". This spell is the master of Lu Ya Daojun. At that time, the Jiang Ziya Immortal Dao was unsuccessful. The immortal is not the same, he actually crucified Zhao Gongming, who was already a **** of Daluo, with the help of a "Book of Seven Arrows on the Head", which shows the insidious and vicious power of this curse. One immortal Dao has not been completed, and the other is the Daluo **** who is high in Shangshou and Tianqi. It can be described as the difference between the ant and the dragon.

Just like this, a big Luo **** was crucified alive, which shows that this book is vicious. In fact, this spell is nothing more than an application of the curse, but the curse is too vicious, hurts the heavens and has great cause and effect. That's why Daoist Lu Ya didn't go on stage to cast the spell himself, but gave it to Jiang Shang, the man of destiny.

Zhang Shiyang’s curse is the legendary five decay of heaven and man, cursing the five decay of heaven and man of Da Luo Daozu, this is really a bold idea.

You must know that Daluo God has long lived in harmony with the sky, transcending the three realms, and is not among the five elements. The gods and the gods will find Daluo on the head. However, under the blessing of the will of Heaven, Zhang Shiyang's cursing technique really almost cursed a Dao ancestor to death. It has to be said that this is a feat unprecedented in the Origin World.

Ordinary gods are respectful even when they hear Dao Zu's name, and they don't dare to put Dao Zu's name directly on their lips. It is necessary to know that Daluo Daozu cultivating hidden in the depths of endless time and space, as long as someone chants the name of Dao Dao ancestor, there will be cause and effect at that moment, and the power of cause and effect in the dark will travel through the endless time and space and be perceived by Dao ancestors. If Dao Ancestor has the heart to pursue it, that thought will follow the power of cause and effect in the dark, and it will instantly disperse the soul of ordinary gods.

But at this time, although the evil man's crisis was said to be relieved, new troubles came again. The power of the weird runes and seals that had previously lost his mind immediately came out to cause chaos, and when the crisis was lifted, he had already occupied one-eighth of the spirit of the evil man.

At that time, the evil ancestor of the evil Dao had lost his mind, his body was filled with despair, and he gave up all resistance. Even though the enslaving Dao Yin said that he had no spiritual wisdom, he still had his instincts, and he immediately stepped out to cause chaos and violently invaded the soul of the evil Dao ancestor. After the demon and evil Dao ancestor lifted the crisis, he disappeared again. How sensitive is Dao Ancestor's perception, how can he not notice if his soul appears wrong? Moreover, the breath of enslaving Dao Yin really made the evil man extremely sensitive.

Looking back at this moment, I couldn't help but become nervous again, checking the soul over and over again, for fear that there would be another moth, and I was in desperation again.

But what disappointed him was how he checked, but he still didn't find the slightest clue.

However, being a Daoist demon and evil man, he would not be confused by the sight in front of him, his soul must have been manipulated by that nasty guy, thinking of this guy's calculations this time.

The demon and evil man didn't dare to be careless, a cold sweat ran out of the immaculate body again. I couldn't help but murmur secretly: "Now it's a big trouble. For a treasure, this is the rhythm to take in the old life."

At this time, the man hated the sky. First, Zhang Shiyang calculated himself, and second, he hated himself for being arrogant at the time and didn't put the other party in his eyes. But at this time, he fell into a big somersault and didn't know whether he had made a profit or lost. The most important thing now is to find a solution. As for this treasure, alas, the demon-evil man who has just tasted death feels no need, as long as he lives, what kind of treasure can't be grabbed.

But at this moment, it's really called every day to be unwilling, and the ground is not working.

When he got up and walked out, seeing that the Demon Emperor was looking at him with concerned eyes, the evil man couldn't help but yelled, "Big Brother." When the demon emperor saw the evil man coming out, his face was bitter, and he couldn't help but sighed in his heart: "Brother virtuous, why don't you see the joy of crossing the catastrophe, but his face is full of sadness."

The demon-evil man's expression became even more bitter when he heard the words: "Big brother, I was caught by that kid's calculation." The Demon King showed a strange look upon hearing the words: "Is it the attack just now? Hasn't it been over, why are you still so sad".

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