Proof of Longevity

Chapter 208: The tree attracts the wind, the ancestors plan

The demon emperor and the demon man were preparing to exhaust their mana and also took the opportunity to seal Zhang Shiyang. To be honest, these two guys were forced to the extreme by Zhang Shiyang.

Originally, the goal of the two was the treasure in Zhang Shiyang's hands. Now that the treasure has been obtained, the two will naturally no longer entangle with Zhang Shiyang. Although both of them wished that Zhang Shiyang was completely dead and completely clean, it was best not to leave even the bones and scum, so that the two of them would feel relieved when they saw Zhang Shiyang's relics.

It's awkward to think about it. The two Taoist ancestors can't even deal with a small Taoist priest. I'm afraid they will be faceless when they are spread. However, this kid was too difficult to get involved, and only made the two of them hate their teeth, wishing that one of the innate treasures would be in their hands to completely erase Zhang Shiyang's soul. Zhang Shiyang was about to control the storm and chased the two, but suddenly there was a slight mana fluctuation in the distance.

In the chaos of Wuken, although Zhang Shiyang could not specifically judge how far a single mana was from him, but Zhang Shiyang felt it from the slight fluctuations, the Dao Ancestor forces finally came after them, not one or two. Dao ancestor, but many.

Zhang Shiyang is a little strange. It seems that there are many Taoist ancestors in this origin world, but Ping Yueli all cats in his own small world. After feeling the fluctuation of the treasure, one by one wild cats that seemed to ask about the fishy smell, they all rushed over.

This place is not a place to stay for a long time. The treasure was snatched by the evil man, but Zhang Shiyang was not worried. Let's go, Zhang Shiyang is not the kind of person who drags the water, the soul disappears into the invisible while the soul is shaking, and there is only a strange wheel flying in the chaos. The demon emperor and the demon-evil man looked astonished, wondering why this cunning and difficult fellow retreated like this.

However, the two of them were relieved to be able to make it retreat. Fortunately, they were able to retain some mana to deal with the sudden crisis.

However, the wheel flew over the heads of the demon emperor and the demon-evil man in an instant after a circle in mid-air. As the wheel gradually disappeared, a curly word came out: "The demon emperor and that guy, this person I want to put the treasure for the time being where you are. You have to keep it for this seat, otherwise you won’t be able to get it out when this seat comes to ask for an account. Don’t blame this seat for your kindness, you have to know that Luzhou, North Ju is. You can run with a big family, but your clansmen can't run away. Don't blame this book for ruthlessly destroying your Beiju Luzhou demon clan."

Seeing Zhang Shiyang's Falun go away, the evil man trembled with anger when he heard Zhang Shiyang's words: "Zhuzi is arrogant, Zhuzi is arrogant."

The Demon King patted him on the shoulder: "It's okay, let him take advantage of his tongue. When you return to Luzhou, you will refine this innate treasure, my demon clan has the town clan's things. When the time comes, once this kid comes again, hehe, he must be told to come and go."

The evil man nodded when he heard the words: "From today we can see that this kid is not without cunning, we need to be careful not to let it down, but this kid is obviously going to have a fight with us, why did he suddenly change He actually ran away directly. Could it be that this kid knew that we were going to work hard, he knew that he could not take advantage, so he withdrew, in order to say that Fang Chang is fighting you and me."

The Demon King shook his head when he heard the words: "It's not that simple. If that's the case, why would he spend mana to create a chaotic storm". Thinking of the Chaos Storm, the Demon Sovereign suddenly said: "No, I'm afraid those old guys are chasing me, you and I will avoid it for the time being. The fluctuations from the Chaos Storm just now may have been noticed by those old immortals. Go, otherwise it would be really troublesome to be blocked by those guys."

After speaking, he will take the evil man and fly away from here. But it was a little late, and you could vaguely see a ray of light flying towards here in the distance.

Regardless of so many, the demon emperor and the demon man quietly flew towards the opposite direction, and then planned to find a safe place to break the chaos and return to the world of origin. Not long after everyone left, a escape light stopped here.

Feeling the tumbling air of chaos here, it's strange. In a short while, more than ten escape lights stopped here one after another, and the divine sword was in line. Feeling the remaining aura here: "It must be the flat-haired beast of the Demon Emperor who has stayed here. The aura is so strong that even the chaotic aura is indelible. It is only necessary to prove the immortal body of the Dao Ancestor's fruit status."

The person who came here first spoke at this time: "There is a breath of treasure in this place. It seems that this treasure must have been snatched by the Demon Emperor, but the Demon Emperor has not even seen my ally. It is really unreasonable." . At this time, an old man with white eyebrows stood up: "Too Shang, this monster race is one of the largest forces in the world of my origin. If it hadn’t been controlled by the Wu family, I’m afraid it would have become the largest race in the world of origin. ".

"Now that the Demon King has acquired the innate treasure again, I am afraid it is no more than you." At this time, the Divine Sword smiled: "What do you know, the demon emperor, there is a treasure. Is it too high that there is no treasure? I I remember the great treasures are too powerful."

The old man smiled at the moment when he heard the words: "That's true, but once the Demon Emperor has refined the treasure, I am afraid he will be able to compete with the Supreme."

Tai Shang snorted when he heard the words and disappeared into the boundless chaos without speaking.

Seeing Taishang disappearing, Divine Sword smiled when he heard the words: "This time we can watch a good show. The Taishang previously saw that the Yaozu is powerful but has been suppressed by the Yaozu, so he chose to form an alliance with the Yaozu. With the help of the power of the demon clan to increase the power of the supreme sect, but now the demon king of the demon clan has obtained the innate treasure, hehe, when the demon emperor refines the supreme treasure, he will definitely be able to suppress the witch clan. Then the demon king and the supreme will be Fighting between dragons and tigers, one is the first sect in the origin world, and the other has become the number one race in the origin world."

The old man with white eyebrows sneered and took the words: "When the two fight, there will be one injury, and the power will be greatly lost. We just came out together to pick up the bargain, hahaha".

At this time, the eyes of a young man with a majestic expression flashed: "This superb disciple is defiant, arrogant and boundless, it is really out of order."

The red lips of a woman who looked quite gorgeous opened slightly: “The Supreme Master’s dominion originated in the world for countless years, and it is time to fall down from the altar today.

However, at this moment, Divine Sword really frowned when he heard the words: "Recently, I heard that Zhang Qing and Li Qian, who are the Supreme Masters, retreat and plan to break through the realm of Dao ancestors. This is indeed a bit troublesome, I don’t know if the Demon King can handle it. Three Taoist ancestors live together".

As soon as the Divine Sword heard the words, he hesitated and smiled: "It depends on the strength of the brothers. If everyone works together, it will not be difficult to pull the Supreme from the altar, as long as it is a trick to make Zhang Qing and Li Qian It’s going to be all right if you go against it, or make a trick to trap it for a while.”

The old man with white eyebrows seemed to be blessed at this time, but what he said was to destroy his temperament completely: "At that time, it will depend on the performance of the fellow daoists. Everyone is pushing behind him, not afraid of the demon king. , The Wu tribe, the three factions of the Supreme Sect cannot fight."

Stroking his beard, the old man continued: "As long as they beat you to death, we are working secretly, not afraid that they will not work hard and will not beat the disabled."

The charming woman's red lips slightly opened: "This time the gold list is here, it seems that the fortune dynasty is about to come into being. This is an opportunity. You can make a good plan."

For a while, everyone nodded in praise.

But at this time, Shenjian frowned: "That's a problem overseas."

Hearing this, the white-bearded old man touched his beard with a sad face: "Now the gold list is turned into fragments and scattered. It is not what we can stop, I can only say that God's will."

Divine Sword One is not afraid: "What is there to be afraid of? Like me, I don't know how many Huiyuan is. It is far from what those new Dao ancestors can compare. If the plan is good, those guys are not enough to look at. And they are not the only ones who will be promoted. I think I can send countless princes, and there are also a lot of quasi-dao masters. Riding on the wind of the dynasty's golden list, I will wait for the sects to say that they will increase again and the ancestors. Actually It is a matter of great joy, so what can be sorrowful".

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