Proof of Longevity

Chapter 206: Died again, the avenue of slavery is now

After talking about Zhang Shiyang, he laughed wildly. The Demon King's expression changed greatly when he heard the words, but then he said: "Huh, those guys want to catch up with this game, it's a little worse. Are you so easy to track when you are here? This chaos It is boundless and without direction, and it will stay in the chaos forever if it is not done well. But there is no problem in dragging you to death before those who get in the way come." These changes are a long story, but in reality they are just a few breaths. The arguing and negotiation between the Demon Emperor and Zhang Shiyang were also heard by the evil men over there.

After solving the counterattack, the evil man looked at Zhang Shiyang and said with a smile: "Boy, thank you so much for your precious treasure."

Then turned his head to look at the Demon Emperor: "What can I do with this kid, as long as he can be killed, everything will not come back." Then the jade flute in the hand of the evil man slammed toward Zhang Shiyang's chest: "Boy, if I can kill you the first time, I will definitely be able to kill you the second time." Zhang Shiyang looked at the face of the evil man. Originally, the face of the evil man seemed to have some evil charm, but now it looked hideous.

A thread flashed in Zhang Shiyang's eyes, staring at the demon man's eyes without any fear: "You took the treasure of this seat, and attacked this seat."

The evil man snorted coldly: "So what?"

Zhang Shiyang's right hand suddenly became crystal clear as jade, and it suddenly hit the front end of the flute: "The treasure of this seat is not so easy to handle. It costs a price to trespass with this seat."

The evil man showed disdain: "Oh, this seat will wait and see if your so-called price can win this seat."

Zhang Shiyang's left hand was behind him: "Then you just wait. Although I don't know your name, since you are with the Demon Sovereign, there are signs to follow. Wait for my revenge." After speaking, the fingers of his right hand suddenly retracted slightly, and then with a sudden flick, the flute was flicked away, and the evil man was also shaken back by Zhang Shiyang's blow.

Taking advantage of this effort, Zhang Shiyang's body has become firmer, and the surrounding mysterious and yellow energy has also greatly increased. The demon king on the side suddenly felt a bad premonition when he saw it, and said to the demon man: "Hurry up and stop him, he is rebuilding his weight."

After the Demon Emperor shouted, he took the lead, and the spear in his hand stabbed out again.

The previous blow with the law didn't hit Zhang Shiyang, and at this moment it made a comeback again. Zhang Shiyang smiled: "It's a wishful thinking to stop this work." Although the absence of a physical body is not a big deal for Zhang Shiyang, Zhang Shiyang always feels naked and uncomfortable when he reveals himself to the people.

Facing the demon emperor's resurgent shot, Zhang Shiyang's figure shook, and a Zhang Shiyang appeared. The Demon Emperor looked at the two Zhang Shiyang, who were exactly the same, and didn't know which one to attack. Not only did the two Zhang Shiyang breathe exactly the same, they were also exactly the same at the moment. However, Zhang Shiyang ignored a little "Heaven's Law Wheel".

How terrible the demon emperor's fighting consciousness was. He still saw one with Heaven's Dao Falun on his head and one without him, and he made a decision instantly. In the eyes of the demon emperor, no matter who it is, what cultivation base, or what magical powers, once it involves the reorganization of the body, there is no small matter. A cultivator is not cautious when his body is reorganized, for fear of the slightest damage. Looking at the Dao Falun that day, the Demon Emperor smiled in his heart: "Boy, you are still tender." Without hesitation, he slammed Zhang Shiyang with the wheel of Heaven's Dao Falun with a shot.

Zhang Shiyang was taken aback. He really didn't expect this Demon Emperor to be worthy of the leader of one party. There were a few brushes, which could be instantly distinguished. Knowing that this kind of trick is not the demon king, Zhang Shiyang no longer uses it, so as not to be laughed at. Zhang Shiyang shot out a golden light with his right hand. This golden light was not a golden light composed of ordinary force, but a killer move developed by the famous eight hundred side gates.

This golden light is very vicious. Whether you are a monk or a mortal, as long as you are hit by this golden light, the man with strong mana can be suppressed and resolved slowly. If the mana is lower than the caster, I am afraid that it will be transformed into an instant. A pool of blood, the soul will also be imprisoned in this pool of dirty blood, and will never get out of it. No reincarnation can only turn into a monster born of blood. The demon emperor's defensive heart towards Zhang Shiyang is very strict.

Seeing the unknown golden light hitting my heart, I didn't dare to neglect, so I picked up the golden light with the tip of the gun. Zhang Shiyang sighed at this moment, if there is no Heavenly Dao Falun to bless him, he will never face Dao Ancestor, otherwise he will be killed by a spike.

Seeing that the Demon Emperor was so cautiously picking up his own ultimate move, Zhang Shiyang smiled coldly and stopped speaking.

At this time, the evil man attacked again holding the flute. Zhang Shiyang shook his head. Although he said that this guy's attack method is simple, but every blow is powerful. The power of the Great Dao is very mysterious. It was originally a way for the cultivator to summarize what he has learned, understand the direction he wants to practice, and find his own way.

But this force can control the world and mobilize the law, even better than the power of the law. Lao Tzu once said that people follow the earth, the earth follows the heaven, the heavens follow the Tao, and the Tao follows the natural. The Dao here is the power of the Dao, really unspeakable, unspeakable.

Seeing the attacking flute, accompanied by the attacking charm of the sound, Zhang Shiyang became dazed. Fortunately, the Heavenly Dao Falun did not have the pressure to originate from the world's Heavenly Dao at this moment, and it showed great power. In an instant, Zhang Shiyang was awakened by the sound of a great highway. Zhang Shiyang looked at the flute that came in front of him, secretly calculating the gains and losses.

This evil man's flute is obviously a congenital treasure, Zhang Shiyang thought again, if he was hit by this guy, how much combat power he would still have. There was a judgment in an instant, a silver thread quietly appeared on the right hand behind his back. When the attack was about to come, a dark yellow light curtain appeared in front of Zhang Shiyang, and then the time and space in front of him was distorted.

But how powerful is Daluo Daozu’s power. He could have broken time and space long ago, and the defensive power in front of Zhang Shiyang was broken in a few breaths, and the flute had no suspense on Zhang Shiyang’s chest. before. Looking at the flute on his chest, Zhang Shiyang spit out a mouthful of blood.

A few breaths were enough to do a lot of things. At the moment when the flute was about to come, Zhang Shiyang's left hand, which had been hidden behind him, suddenly reached out, clenched his fist and hit the monster man's chest. The evil man looked at Zhang Shiyang’s fist with a disdainful expression. The flute plus the length of the evil man’s arm, how could Zhang Shiyang’s palm hit him back, so the man did not make any defensive power at all. All the power should be used to crack Zhang Shiyang's defense.

When the demon king on the side saw the demon-evil man so careless, he immediately felt bad. If you know that he and Zhang Shiyang have been confronted many times, you have long known that Zhang Shiyang can't be underestimated, and he never does useless work. I want to remind the evil man: "Don't, hurry up and defend."

But before the words were spoken, everything was over.

Just when the Demon King wanted to remind, the space around Zhang Shiyang’s left arm was suddenly distorted, as if Zhang Shiyang’s arm was stretched, but in fact the space here was distorted, so it looked like Zhang Shiyang. The arms stretched out.

Zhang Shiyang's arm appeared in front of the demon man's chest as soon as he passed through the space, suddenly opened his fist, and then raised his palm there was a rune that looked very mysterious. This rune revealed an aura that enslaves all things in the sky The breath can even sink into heaven.

When the evil man felt this breath, his eyes suddenly shrank, his heart seemed to have stopped beating, he wanted to defend himself, and even gave up this wave of attacks. But it was too late, Zhang Shiyang's palm was placed on the demon man's body strictly. At the same time, Zhang Shiyang's body was bombarded by the power of the law again, and he died again.

Seeing Zhang Shiyang who had disappeared, he swayed and suddenly came to the demon man's side, and looked at him anxiously: "How is it, is it all right?". The evil man did not answer, but closed his eyes and sank his thoughts into his body.

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