Proof of Longevity

Chapter 204: Xuanhuang reorganization

The Demon King looked a little bit uncomfortable when he heard the words, but he still slapped four or five more slaps, then turned to look at the evil-faced Tsing Yi man: "Brother Dao, you don't know, this kid is very weird, my strength is yours. It’s impossible to be unclear, but now I have planted a carelessness on this kid. If it weren’t for you to come, I’m afraid there would be no such figure as the Demon King in this world. Tell me, can I? Be careful."

The man with the evil spirit looked at the demon emperor. This demon emperor is really embarrassed now. If it spreads to the land of origin, no one will believe that the demon who dominates the world and dominates Luzhou in the north of the origin world. The emperor would now be so embarrassed by a small person in the realm of Dao Zun, that he almost lost his life, and would forever indulge in the abyss of drowning.

The Demon Sovereign stopped, not wanting to mention the embarrassment before, turned the subject, and looked at the thing in the hand of the evil silver man. The breath of the innate treasure waved from above, and the demon emperor's eyes rolled: "Is that kid's innate treasure in the hands of Brother Dao?".

The evil man raised his arm in front of his eyes and looked at the scroll in his hand: "Yes, if there is no accident, it will be fine, but it is really lucky to say that this work is so easy to get a treasure, hahaha, it's just a few gods. Ah, but after all, I would like to thank you, Brother Yaohuang Dao, if it weren't for Dao Dao, you can get this treasure if you can do this in Xia Yan."

As soon as the evil man's voice fell, the Demon Emperor's face was blue and white, and he was busy with a big deal, and he almost caught it, but he didn't get a single piece of hair. Instead, he made a wedding dress for others for nothing.

The Demon Emperor is really unwilling. Thinking of the master of this treasure now being completely wiped out, and this innate treasure has become an unowned thing, no one has ever sacrificed it before, and the Demon Emperor's heart moved: "Brother Dao, I don’t know if I can borrow the treasure from me. It took countless experiences for this treasure, and my life was almost caught. It would be a shame if I didn’t take a look at it.”

This evil-looking man has been with the demon emperor for countless years, and it can even be said that the two of them are more or less intimate. It can be said that these two guys have already touched each other's surnames clearly. , And even know each other better than himself.

As soon as the Demon Emperor spoke, the man knew what the Demon Emperor was thinking. It's nothing more than seeing that this most precious treasure has not been sacrificed, if once it falls into the opponent's hands, it will really be a sheep into the mouth of a tiger, and it is simply impossible for the Demon Emperor to spit out this ownerless treasure.

Now that he knows the demon king’s tricks, how this man is willing to be fooled, he waved his hand to put away the treasure: "Brother Dao wants to see it, or after a while, I will sacrifice it and figure out its function. The incumbent Dao brother will introduce it in detail. , Otherwise just look at the surface and nothing can be seen."

The Demon Sovereign knew that this guy must have seen through his tricks, but he didn't explain it. These two are both old antiques who have lived for countless years and know how to maximize their benefits. Although the Demon King is unwilling, but thinking that this evil man has a great relationship with him, is his own ally, and when he is in trouble, the other party can help him. It's only oneself, so it doesn't matter whether this treasure is in his own hands or not.

The Demon King made a haha ​​to expose this article, saving the other person from embarrassment and embarrassment: "In this case, the virtuous brother must hurry up and practice, after all, this is the first time to observe the treasure at close range, so that I can be a brother carefully. Observe the power of the treasure".

The evil man nodded and turned to look at the drowning formation not far away: "This drowning is really hard to see. Everyone knows that there is drowning in time, but they don't know where the drowning is. This drowning is hidden in the void. Even if it flows over your head, you don’t know. Unless it is a major accident that caused a drowning leak." The Demon King nodded: "This drowning is really rare. In this case, you and I can't let go of this opportunity, use every means, and take as much as you can."

The evil-minded man nodded and said goodbye: "This is the only way to avoid wasting this opportunity. Heaven grants it, and doesn't take the blame."

The Demon Sovereign took out a jade bottle and threw it at the drowning formation, but it was a pity that the drowning formation disappeared in an instant while the two were talking. The Demon Emperor's jade bottle was suspended in the chaos, and he didn't know what to do.

The Demon Emperor and the evil man looked at each other for a while, not knowing what to do. After a while, the wicked man said, "It seems that I am greedy. Having already got the treasure, I dare to ask for it."

The Demon Emperor was extremely lost at this time. Not only did he not catch the fox, but he was scratched: "Brother Dao, do you know that there is a race in this world whose eyes are very unique, and the laws of heaven and earth are shining in them." The evil man said, "Oh", "Are you talking about the guy just now? It's indeed a bit weird. It's obviously not high, but the combat power is against the sky, and it's not different from the Dao ancestors like me. This race? It is indeed dangerous. After I go back, I must mobilize my subordinates to carefully explore the Origin World to see how strong this race is, how many are not many, and it is good to do calculations early. Otherwise,...".

Although the evil man didn't say what he said, everyone knew what the consequences would be. A guy in the realm of Dao Venerable is just like that, if there are one or two old monsters in the clan, then just wipe the neck and forget it. If that happens, the treasure in the hands of the evil man will become a hot potato, the source of trouble.

The two demon kings fell silent for a while, and it was the evil man who broke the silence first: I found a lot of old guys on the way to chase you out and escaped. I'm afraid there will be a dispute in a while.

The Demon King's face became cold when he heard the words: "It's okay, now that Zhibao is in hand, I want to see what kind of skin those old guys have, and what guts do they have to grab food under the hands of this work." As soon as the voice fell, I felt something was wrong with the surrounding situation, and the evil man stared straight at the back of the Demon Emperor.

However, Zhang Shiyang was furiously attacked by the Demon Emperor and the evil man, and his body couldn't bear to be beaten to fly ashes first, and then the original spirit was broken up by the Cautious Demon Emperor. It can be said that the gain is not worth the loss, because stealing a web of spider silk not only loses the treasure, but is also severely damaged by others. Zhang Shiyang's soul has been traumatized to a certain extent, but as for the physical body, Zhang Shiyang doesn't care. Zhang Shiyang didn't worry about recovering instantly, he wanted to take a rest, or even if he resurrected, he would be a target for the two Taoist ancestors outside. Those two would never watch their resurrection without being indifferent, they would definitely stop them. It's always when you are struggling in the rebirth, broken, reborn, and broken back and forth.

But seeing that these two old guys wanted to pick up the leaks, even not letting go of their drowning, Zhang Shiyang was quite uncomfortable.

Quietly made a spell to put away the drowning. Originally thought about it in Zhang Shiyang, the Demon Emperor had spent so much effort and almost caught his life. He would definitely not let go of the treasure so easily, but unexpectedly, the development of the matter was absolutely beyond Zhang Shiyang's expectations.

The two expected to turn to each other, and the scene of a battle did not take place. On the contrary, the two guys made peace like good friends. The Demon King, who was extremely jealous of the treasure, did not make a move to **** it. Zhang Shiyang was so angry that Zhang Shiyang cursed secretly in his heart: "Asshole, what the hell, according to the plot in the novel, it is not that the two should turn against each other, and then stage a cannibalism and vigorous battle. In the end, the two are double injured, and then round Go to the protagonist to pick up a big deal".

What's up, it's not going to go in secret.

Zhang Shiyang couldn’t stand the chirping and crookedness of the two of them seeing where they were. If they delayed for a while, these two guys would run away with the treasure, this promised chaos itself does not have the power of the Taoist ancestor, and was run away by them. It is estimated that there is no chance to get it back.

In the world of origin, the power of his own heavenly law wheel has been compressed to a minimum. It’s like you offend someone’s boss, and when the boss gets angry, hey, you can easily accomplish something, but the boss is not happy, he will give you a problem, something that can be easily picked up before, but now you want Take out ten times the power. Obviously, you can buy something for ten yuan, but once you offend the boss who sells the thing, they won't sell it to you. Well, if you have to buy it, then you can buy it at ten times the price.

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