Proof of Longevity

Chapter 189: Zhibao Skynet

Zhang Shiyang looked down at the boundless sea area. God knows where this sea area belongs. Zhang Shiyang came to the open sea for the first time, where did he know.

So he tentatively said, "Oh, according to what you mean, this place no longer belongs to your sea spider clan, so you plan to do it on me."

When the Purple Spider King heard this, he smiled evilly: "Clever, you ruined the earth veins of my sea spider clan, and ruined the foundation of my sea spider clan that will never fall. I am able to let you go. If I let you go today, wait until How did I explain when my emperor came back. But fortunately, my luck is not too bad. I didn’t expect that you, a little Dao Venerable, actually has a treasure on his body. I have to sigh that you are so lucky, but to Today, your good fortune is about to end here. It’s not bad to take your innate treasure to compensate for the sins you committed. With the blessing of the innate treasure, the strength of my sea spider clan has greatly increased. Doesn't the earth veins have as many as you want".

Zhang Shiyang felt very speechless when he heard the words, good fellow, he has long been thinking about my treasure. In fact, this is also to blame Zhang Shiyang, at that time, he should have pulled away the huge spider web as soon as possible. It's okay to leave the veins in time after temporarily sealing the ground veins. With the strength of the Sea Spider Clan, it may not be impossible to fill the earth veins. It's just that if you do that, Zhang Shiyang's merits will be in vain, but Zhang Shiyang has already proved that he is immortal and has a long life span. When should he not accumulate merits?

Zhang Shiyang's seal was to offend others, and the sea **** pin was firmly anchored, and the earth veins were locked. Even people with great supernatural powers would never want to transfer the gathered earth veins again. If you move rashly, I'm afraid that the earth veins will erupt instantly, and the earth qi will leak completely. That is a monstrous cause and effect, even Dao ancestors would not dare to do this. Tell me, Zhang Shiyang can't hate him if he does this, it's a cramping and skinning, kill him quickly.

However, as an out-and-out great young man in the 21st century, how could Zhang Shiyang put great righteousness in the hands of others, countless experiences in previous lives and countless histories tell us that the two words great righteousness are still very important.

If you want to do things righteously, you must master righteousness. Zhang Shiyang rolled his eyes, licked his lips, and pointed at the Purple Spider King and said, "Purple Spider King, how can you be so ungrateful?".

The purple spider king narrowed Zhang Shiyang's eyes, then turned to another place: "What kind of favor? What's the meaning?".

Looking at the guy in front of him, the Purple Spider King had an urge to kill him immediately. However, when I chased Zhang Shiyang again, I used a secret method. At this time, I will restore the mana and increase some certainty. But to be honest, this guy's escape is really fast. If it weren't for the secret method, Purple Spider King, there would be no way. Catch up, but this secret method is too exhausting. Let's talk about it for the time being and restore the mana.

Zhang Shiyang looked at the purple spider king: "Your sea spider family gathers the earth veins, but all the creatures in one sea area can no longer enjoy the aura, and cannot use the spiritual energy generated by the earth veins to cultivate. Moreover, your sea spider clan also specializes in hunting well-trained monsters. God has the virtue of good life, not to mention the sins your sea spider clan has caused by hunting monsters, it is this occupying a side of the earth, spiritual energy, and eliminating the cause and effect of all living beings to cultivate this sea spider clan. I am now on my behalf. Your sea spider clan opens the veins, but the cause and effect of all living beings is realized. If you don't come to thank me, you still have to do something with me. It's really ungrateful."

The purple spider king's face turned red when he heard the words: "You sophistry, this world is naturally the weak and the strong. How these low-level creatures are blessed to enjoy the earth veins, my sea spider clan called them to survive in the seas of our kind is a great gift, how do they I am not grateful to my sea spider clan, and dare to resent."

Zhang Shiyang didn't expect the Purple Spider King's mouth to be powerful enough. There is no shame in the fallacy and heresy, and he is confident.

Zhang Shiyang really admired this purple spider king’s mouth, so he smiled and jokingly said: "The weak eats the weak, the weak eats the weak, according to you, I should destroy your sea spider clan’s ground veins. Who told you to be inferior to the original. Seat".

Sure enough, after hearing this statement, where the Purple Spider King was speaking for a long time, he didn't utter a word, and said in his heart: "Let's ask your kid to show his tongue first, and I will have to cramp you and peel your skin after a while."

Zhang Shiyang saw that the Purple Spider King was blushing with his own words, his eyes were blazing, and he was making a compassionate expression: "Hey, heaven is impermanence, your Sea Spider clan will one day repay the cause and effect of this sea area. Now I help I don’t get grateful for you, but resentment arises because of it. It’s really...". Zhang Shiyang didn't say anything, he just kept smacking his lips on one side.

Upon hearing the words, the Purple Spider King caught the counterattack: "Heavenly Dao, you a Dao Zunan dare to talk about the Heavenly Dao, how do you know that the earth veins gathered here by the Sea Spider clan are not dictated by heaven." These words stunned Zhang Shiyang to ask. Yes, who can say that this is not dictated by God's will, and he cut the earth veins by himself, and gave the sentient beings here a spiritual energy and opportunity. Who can say that this is not dictated by God's will.

Where Zhang Shiyang opened his mouth but couldn't say anything, but the Purple Spider King laughed loudly: "How about it, don't you have anything to say?"

Zhang Shiyang pondered for a while before uttering a brain-dead saying: "Heaven is good."

The Purple Spider King was even more disdainful when he heard the words: "Heaven is good, you can really talk, if you say that heaven is good, then the world's undeveloped beasts will not prey, kill, and not eat meat because of the goodness of heaven. Are all starved to death?".

Zhang Shiyang was even more choked when he heard the words, and stopped talking.

The Purple Spider King had the upper hand at this time, but he refused to let go: Heaven was originally the survival of the fittest. Zhang Shiyang heard the words and did not refute. He knew that the Purple Spider King was recovering his mana, and he was also hurrying to restore his mana. Zhang Shiyang had consumed a lot when sealing the ground veins before. At this moment, he heard the words of the Purple Spider King and his face was disdainful: " Don't gossip, you and I should see Kung Fu on your hands, and you don't have to grind your lips here."

Knowing that Zhang Shiyang was defeated, the Purple Spider King smiled triumphantly. Seeing Zhang Shiyang was also recovering his mana, he rolled his eyes: "The mana of this seat is estimated to be enough to capture that guy. You must not ask that guy to restore his mana. Otherwise, his speed is also a trouble, this work only has the wind behind." Thinking of this, the Purple Spider King suddenly opened his eyes, and a fang-like weapon appeared in his hand.

"Hey, since I see the real chapter, why bother to say so much, wasting the saliva of this work, boy, now you take the move, I have to pump your soul to solve my hatred, but if it does You are willing to obediently offer the most precious treasure, this seat will at most abolish your cultivation base and drive you into reincarnation, so it is not a dead end for you."

Zhang Shiyang looked at the fang-like weapon in the hands of the Purple Spider King, and a chill came out in his heart, and he said with a deep hatred: "Into the reincarnation is not to cut off my life. How can the mystery of the reincarnation be so easy to break. If it were. In the first life, I can't instigate and sink into reincarnation, but I will be in trouble in the future. It is really impossible to live beyond the eternal life."

Zhang Shiyang looked at the situation in front of him, and secretly estimated that if he didn't use the Heavenly Dao Falun, it would definitely be difficult to defeat the Purple Spider King, because the Purple Spider King also has an innate treasure, but he really didn't know what the Purple Spider King's inborn treasure was.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shiyang waved his right hand, and a rectangular white silk pouch bag appeared in his hand, and a moment of coercion enveloped the world.

Zhang Shiyang slowly untied the cloth bag and pulled out a rectangular scroll. Seeing that the width of the scroll is only fifty centimeters, as for the length, because the scroll is not opened, it is hard to guess. The Purple Spider King on one side saw the scroll in Zhang Shiyang's hand, felt the pressure, and immediately knew that this scroll was the innate treasure of Zhang Shiyang.

The Purple Spider King showed greed and looked at Zhang Shiyang with fiery eyes: "You really don't think about what this seat just said, hand over the Supreme Treasure seat and leave your true spirit to reincarnate, otherwise you will inevitably be dispelled. Although you also have Innate treasure, but the cultivation base of this seat is higher than yours, and you have more control over the treasure, and you have to think about it clearly."

Zhang Shiyang shook his head: "Why don't you have to say more, just fight."

Purple Spider King smiled angrily: "Well, since you don't know how to promote, then this seat is troublesome, and personally send you into reincarnation."

Said that the light flashed in his hand, the fangs were gone, replaced by a mesh magic weapon, a breath of innate treasure permeated from it. The two breaths of innate treasures constantly confronted from here in the void, stirring up countless waves and shocking countless powers of seclusion.

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