Proof of Longevity

Chapter 186: Agreement, Yongzhen Beihai

The Purple Spider King was quite hesitant at this time, he had never been so depressed before, his own cultivation base was stronger than the opponent, and the opponent had innate treasures, but because of this heavy scruples, he couldn't do it. It was really depressed and dead spider.

This sea spider clan is his territory, and there are his people here. You must know that he is not the only king of this sea spider clan, and the purple spider king is just one of the powers of the sea spider clan. If he destroys this sea spider clan, those guys will definitely fight themselves hard after they come back.

It seems that this is the only way to do it. Purple Spider King secretly pondered for a while and had a spectrum in his heart, so he slowly began to speak. I don’t know if his voice was just roasted by the fire, and he was a little hoarse at the moment: "I think If you want me to let you go, it's okay to stop the fight, but you have to hand over the princess and clansmen of my Sea Spider clan. Only in this way can you see your sincerity."

When he said this, the Purple Spider King was really suffocated to death, he really didn't want to let go of Zhang Shiyang. But if you don't use the treasure, you can't beat Zhang Shiyang with the treasure. If you use the supreme treasure, the two supreme treasures fight to estimate that this square vein is not good. Not only the earth vein, but also the people of their own people are estimated to not have one. This loss is quite large for the Haizhu clan, the sea spider clan. As a big sea clan, this loss can not be afforded. And he couldn't bear this responsibility either, otherwise he would be the most member of the Sea Spider Clan.

Zhang Shiyang looked at the Purple Spider King for a while, and couldn't see what he thought, but it didn't matter. You just couldn't believe what the Purple Spider King said.

As for the clansmen and the little princess who asked him to release the Sea Spider Clan, this is not a problem. Zhang Shiyang is confident that he can escape from the bottom of the sea without hostages. Zhang Shiyang nodded: "Yes, but can the Spider King let him do one thing?"

The Purple Spider King was furious when he heard the words: "Presumptuously, you are a fool or playing the king. If you run away and do not come back, the king will go to someone to make sense, and whoever wants someone to go to."

When Zhang Shiyang heard the words, he quickly defended: "The Spider King has misunderstood, and I will solve it here."

Purple Spider King didn't speak this time, just nodded. Zhang Shiyang breathed a sigh of relief, no matter what, he finally stabilized this guy, and waited until he suppressed the ground veins of this place, then it was not entirely up to him to decide whether to fight or flee.

After Zhang Shiyang saw that the Purple Spider King agreed, he continued his great cause of Zhenhai. After checking it again, Zhang Shiyang was ready to really suppress the earth veins.

The Purple Spider King looked at Zhang Shiyang's movements but was confused. Seeing Zhang Shiyang's busy schedule seemed to be sealing the earth veins to prevent leakage of the earth veins, but why did he break the earth veins before. Is this guy deliberately making trouble for my sea spider clan? Was it the enemy or was it really an accident? .

In fact, the Purple Spider King is also very worried about the leakage of the ground veins here, but he has nothing to do with sealing the ground veins. He can only watch and be anxious. At this moment, seeing Zhang Shiyang actually sealing the ground veins, this purple spider king is happy at the same time. I am also secretly worried, but I have to be optimistic about this guy, and I can't tell him to do tricks or tricks. The Purple Spider King obviously thought too much, but from the standpoint of the Purple Spider King, it was nothing wrong with doing so.

Zhang Shiyang took out the Dinghai God Needle, saying that the Shen Needle was really the same size as the needle. Zhang Shiyang looked at the shining golden needle and chanted a spell. The golden needle was thrown into the air. Under Zhang Shiyang's mana blessing, the golden needle began to grow bigger and thicker and taller. Zhang Shiyang pressed the Dinghai Shen Needle and dropped to the center of the earth vein.

The face of the Purple Spider King on one side changed drastically; "Stop, what are you going to do, you are actually going to sink the earth veins into the ground, you are destroying the foundation of my sea spider clan, you will never stop doing so."

As he said that, he patted the needle of Dinghai Shen, Zhang Shiyang on one side didn't expect the Purple Spider King to actually make a move. He didn't know how the Purple Spider King could see his intentions. Zhang Shiyang destroyed the giant net and caused the earth veins to leak, which has already created karma. Now if Zhang Shiyang can seal the earth veins and then immortalize it under the ground of Beihai, it will benefit the aquatic people of one side and not only eliminate the karma. Strength also lowers merit.

It should be known that this sea spider clan fighting the earth veins alone made this creature lose the opportunity to transform into a Dao, even if it occasionally transforms on the sea spider clan's territory, it is the fate of being eaten.

If Zhang Shiyang wants to bring the earth veins from the new town into the ground, not only will he not be guilty, but it will be a living being with merit, it is really boundless merit. Zhang Shiyang felt shocked when he heard the Purple Spider King sipping, and when he turned around and saw the Purple Spider King taking action, it was too late to stop him.

With a "bang", Dinghai Shenzhen deviated from the direction with a full blow from the Purple Spider King, and two ground veins were not suppressed. But at this moment, he couldn't take care of so much. When Zhang Shiyang and Zhang Shiyang wanted to penetrate the Dinghai Shen Needle into the center of the earth vein, the formation was broken long ago. By Zhenhai Shenzhen to replace those formations and prohibitions. At this moment, as soon as the Dinghaishen needle deviated, two earth veins broke away from the Dinghaishen needle, and the earth qi leaked out.

If Zhang Shiyang wants to remedy it again and re-seal the Dinghai Shenzhen to bring it back to his place, it will be impossible. Not only will the Purple Spider King never allow it when re-sealing and suppressing it, even if it is re-suppressing, it must be suppressed first. Dinghai Shenzhen retracted. However, once the Dinghai Shenzhen needle was recovered and the six buries leaked out at the same time, and the Purple Spider King was making trouble on the side, it was still two to say whether it could be sealed again.

Without paying attention to the two earth veins, he slammed the Dinghai Shen Needle into the ground, and then injected the earth vein energy of the two adjacent earth veins into the Dinghai Shen Needle to refine the Dinghai Shen Needle and make it solid. As for what the Dinghaishen Needle can develop into and what good fortune it has, it all depends on its luck. After sealing the earth veins, Zhang Shiyang saw King Haizhu hit him with a palm.

Zhang Shiyang didn't want to fight with him, so he turned into a retreat and reprimanded the Purple Spider King against the guest; "The Spider King, what do you mean, is it because you want to return, don't you want the little princess and your people anymore" .

After hearing the little princess, the Purple Spider King stopped his attack and recovered his calmness. He couldn't see what she thought. Even the eyes and facial expressions were as silent as stagnant water. He said in a low voice, "Now you have completed the seal of the earth veins. Let go of the princesses and clansmen of my sea spider clan."

Zhang Shiyang had a treasure for himself, and he could easily escape outside, so he nodded in agreement, and the little princess and the 30,000 people were all released with a wave of the big sleeve.

After seeing the little princess, the Purple Spider King hurriedly ran over to help her up: "Pearl, there is nothing wrong with that guy, right?"

The little princess looked at the novelty around him. He hadn't played enough in the space of Zhang Shiyang. At this moment, he heard King Haizhu's words and shook his legs: "It's okay, it's okay. I haven't played enough there just now, Purple Spider. Wang, are you sending me over?"

The Purple Spider King sweated profusely when he heard this. It was really a sheep's mouth to send you there. This little princess is really young and ignorant, I don't know what to say. Even so, the Purple Spider King couldn't say something like that: "Little princess, look at your meal after playing for so long. Is it OK to have an early meal?"

The little sea spider may be really hungry, and nodded when he heard the words: "Okay, okay, you have to send me in after eating."

The Purple Spider King said to one of the Sea Spider Clan members in a huge sweat, "Hurry up and take the little princess to dinner."

Hearing this, the tribe immediately took the order and took the little princess down. After a while, it is estimated that the little princess has already walked to a safe place. The Purple Spider King looked at Zhang Shiyang expressionlessly and said, "I haven't asked you to know your surname and name? Please give it to me. In the future, I will be Sea Spider. After the patriarch of the clan came back, he would come to visit."

How Zhang Shiyang didn't know what the Purple Spider King meant, it was nothing more than revenge in the future, Zhang Shiyang was not a fool, so how could he tell him, but if he didn't say anything at the moment, he seemed disrespectful to others.

After thinking about it, Zhang Shiyang smiled indifferently: "The people in the mountains are not good enough to have a bad name, and the surname is Zhang under the name of Jinwu." Some people in Jinwu call him the little sun, and Zhang Shiyang means the scorching sun in the world, the meaning of shining through the ages. Zhang Shiyang said that because he didn't know if the Sea Spider Clan wanted to understand, it wasn't a lie, at least Zhang Shiyang thought so.

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