Proof of Longevity

Chapter 180: Why do you need to say more, just war

What Zhang Shiyang has to do now is not how to defeat the Purple Spider King, but how to seal the earth veins, not for this sea area to become a ghost. In addition, Zhang Shiyang will consume a lot of mana to seal the sea in a while. If he fights with the Purple Spider King at this moment, it is estimated that his mana will not be as good for a while, so it's better to be patient for the time being.

The palm of the Purple Spider King contained a lot of mana. Zhang Shiyang didn't want to resist hard, so that the spell instantly changed between the real and the virtual. The palm of the Purple Spider King penetrated the phantom and vented out, putting Zhang Shiyang behind the phantom. The sea waters aroused a great height, and there was a surging on the sea, and countless fish and shrimp died.

Looking at Zhang Shiyang, I don't know when he has already arrived behind the Purple Spider King. After this palm hit, the confident Purple Spider King thought that Zhang Shiyang would be seriously injured if he died, but at this moment, there was a shadow of Zhang Shiyang in front of him.

Zhang Shiyang didn't know when he actually came to the back of the Purple Spider King. The big sleeves flew up, and a huge suction force spread. The surrounding sea spiders were like dust facing the vacuum cleaner and plunged into Zhang Shiyang's sleeves. Zhang Shiyang thought of a way to entangle the Purple Spider King, but he didn't fight against the Purple Spider King. Zhang Shiyang used it to the fullest in the trick of surrounding Wei and saving Zhao.

To talk about why Zhang Shiyang would take these members of the Sea Spider Clan, Zhang Shiyang was afraid that he would ruin his big plan because of these little Coral, who he didn't see in his eyes.

I haven't heard of punching the master indiscriminately. It's already hard enough to deal with a Purple Spider King. If you add these guys at home, Zhang Shiyang is really hard to say.

After the Purple Spider King slapped his palm, he noticed that something was wrong, and before he turned around, there was a scream in his ear. When the Purple Spider King turned around, his eyes were splitting. Seeing his own people rolling toward the opponent's sleeve like a rolling ball, the Purple Spider King waved his right hand with a flashing purple bone spur and appeared in his hand.

Zhang Shiyang had already paid attention to his mental power when the Purple Spider King turned around, looking at the bone spurs, it looked like a spider leg.

But no matter what it is, as long as it is brought out by the Dao Master, it will not be a simple thing. If ordinary things can be seen by the Dao Master, they can also be used as weapons.

We must know that the quality of the weapon is related to the family name and fate. If this is sloppy, it may be that the weapon was broken and the family name was cut off when the enemy was in the fire. After the Purple Spider King poured his mana, the gleaming bone spur was actually restrained, exuding a sharp aura, and stab towards Zhang Shiyang.

Zhang Shiyang didn’t have a magical weapon in his hand and did not dare to resist. He quickly closed the Universe Technique in his sleeves and dodged again. He came to the group of sea spiders, grabbed a sea spider and turned towards the purple spider king’s. The tip of the gun was thrown over.

The Purple Spider King didn't expect Zhang Shiyang to be so insidious and hate to make a move, only to use all his strength when he made the move, and at this time it was too late to stop the clan member.

The Purple Spider King shouted: "It's so insidious, so despicable, so arrogant to be a monk with such a means."

Then the topic turned to the group of people and said: "You retreat at a constant speed. This thief has some means. You cannot intervene in this fight."

As soon as the purple spider king's voice fell, the group of sea spiders disappeared within a few breaths of smashing, and left completely clean.

At this time, the Purple Spider King suppressed his anger, and with a flick of the tip of his spear, the tribe was thrown aside: "Don't worry, this seat will kill you by mistake and will avenge you."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Zhang Shiyang: "Little thief, you broke into the territory of my sea spider clan, plundered the princess of my sea spider clan, and killed my sea spider clan. You actually have to manipulate the veins of my sea spider clan. , You are going to end the foundation of my sea spider clan, since my sea spider clan has no grievances with you, why are you so cruel? This hatred is not shared by the sky, my sea spider clan will definitely die with you. Only one party disappears above this world forever. I don’t say much today, I will break your corpse into pieces before I can solve my only hatred."

Zhang Shiyang understood it, and now the feud with this sea spider clan was fought, and it looked like he was going to die in this way.

But now there is no time to talk about those, it is better to complete the task early and leave here. After all, this is the territory of the Sea Clan. I believe that the previous fluctuation has already shocked the surrounding Sea Clan, and someone will come to check it out in the future. It would be troublesome if these guys unite to deal with themselves.

The most important thing now is to restore mana by himself, and let the Purple Spider King consume mana, and then I will give him the final blow. This time I owe the Sea Spider clan, and I will find a chance to make up for it quietly. All right.

After making up his mind, Zhang Shiyang's mouth collapsed, pretending to be contempt: "Why don't you have to say more, just fight."

When the Purple Spider King heard it, he laughed: "Seeing that your mana is not high, but if you want to seek death early, this seat will fulfill you."

After saying that, he carried a spear and killed him. Zhang Shiyang looked at the introverted bone spear and thought about stab him, but he didn't dare to avoid the blow on the side of his body slightly.

Seeing Zhang Shiyang's speed, the Purple Spider King actually avoided his own blow. He changed his stabbing into a sweep and a spear into a stick. He swept over Shi Yang's chest by taking advantage of the situation.

After Zhang Shiyang stooped to avoid the sweep again, he flicked his legs and turned a somersault and pushed away again, to draw the Purple Spider King away from the golden pillar.

Seeing Zhang Shiyang retreating, the Purple Spider King raised his spear and chased him over without thinking.

Zhang Shiyang whispered in his heart that the Purple Spider King was a reckless man. He didn't know the strategy, and the golden pillar absorbed aura. The Purple Spider King didn't know how to use this pillar to threaten him, but only knew how to charge. What is not a reckless man.

The Purple Spider King actually had other calculations in his mind. When the Purple Spider King saw the shining golden pillar, he didn't know how to use this pillar to involve Zhang Shiyang, but after seeing the direction Zhang Shiyang was retreating, he thought about it. I think I gave up this plan.

Zhang Shiyang's speed of escape has already been understood by himself, and then think about the speed of his tribe's retreat. At this time, the Purple Spider King had no choice but to give up all his calculations. I don’t know which metal-colored vitality pillar is really useful, and it doesn’t matter to Zhang Shiyang. If Zhang Shiyang doesn’t care about that pillar, and even takes advantage of this opportunity to rush to kill his own tribe, it’s a big loss. , It is better to entangle him firmly, and then find a chance to kill him.

Imagining what Zhang Shiyang did, the Purple Spider King only felt that if Zhang Shiyang was not pumped out of his soul, it would be absolutely difficult to solve the hatred in his heart.

The Purple Spider King swung the purple spear in his hand into the air, and the bone spear began to transform, and the seven purple spears instantly formed, and then shot out one after another towards Zhang Shiyang.

However, when approaching Zhang Shiyang's body, the bone spear formation suddenly changed, forming a formation and rushing towards Zhang Shiyang.

Zhang Shiyang had only two options. One was to forcefully break the battle and destroy the bone spear, but this was not in harmony with Zhang Shiyang's idea. If the bone spear was broken, it would cost much mana, which was not in line with his calculations. The second is to hide, but the formation formed by this bone spear does not seem to be complicated, but it is impossible to avoid the past, and who knows what the purple spider king's back move is, if you rush into this bone The spear formation is indeed a bit dangerous.

However, Zhang Shiyang was bold and made a decision in an instant. Zhang Shiyang saw the bone spear array flying over and pretending to be evasive, and then he couldn't help being trapped by the bone spear array.

Zhang Shiyang had a good calculation. He pretended that he couldn't break the bone spear formation, and spent time with this guy. As soon as the time came, he would go by himself and ask this guy to play slowly by himself. When the Purple Spider King saw Zhang Shiyang's calculations, a smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"This **** is waiting to die obediently. The next thing is to concoct him, so that he will not be able to survive forever." Thinking of the proud place, the Purple Spider King laughed very unconsciously.

What Zhang Shiyang saw in the formation was speechless, and he almost rolled his eyes. You just trapped me in the formation. You haven't caught me alive yet. What are you proud of.

In the past few days, I have been sprayed more severely. The result is that fellow daoists in Lung Jing rewarded the book, which gave me a lot of motivation. No matter how they spray. Hey, thank you fellow daoists. . .

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