Proof of Longevity

Chapter 178: Slash the veins

Zhang Shiyang has accumulated great merits in Zhongtu, and he has treated countless wounded, sick, and dying people by practicing medicine and preaching.

Those who follow the sky prosper, those who defy the sky die, and the heaven and the earth who have merits can take care of the heaven and the earth. Do things like heaven and help, and get twice the result with half the effort.

If you do a terrible killing and abuse, you will be in bad luck, and everything will go well, bad luck every day, what is broken, what is bad, what will happen, in short, there will be constant trouble.

How can all things return to heaven when they are born to nourish all things? If the cobwebs were taken rashly and forcibly, it might be the leakage of the earth veins here, or the earth veins would be forcibly destroyed by Zhang Shiyang's actions. When the world is turned upside down, the rivers here turn upside down, Haiti loses its aura, everything in the sea loses its vitality, and countless sea people die in a shipwreck. What a cause and effect, what a sin is to bear. Zhang Shiyang shuddered after thinking about it.

Once Zhang Shiyang has done that monstrous karma, I am afraid that countless people will come to Zhang Shiyang's troubles. The first thought of seeing Zhang Shiyang is definitely to kill him to earn merit. But how can we seal the earth veins safely and remove the cobwebs? This is one of the biggest problems before Zhang Shiyang's eyes, the matter of the earth veins does not solve all the discussions.

With limited time, Zhang Shiyang stood in the same place and started a one-element causal fight and started countless deductions.

Turning the one-element cause and effect fight to the extreme, Zhang Shiyang's forehead has vaguely seen sweat.

Finally Zhang Shiyang opened his eyes and let him calculate with all his might, that there was no safe path for thousands of evolutions. All the results were the destruction of the earth's veins, and this place became a dead zone. But there is one method that you can try, and Zhang Shiyang is 80% sure.

Zhang Shiyang wanted to use the great magical powers to cut the connection between the veins of this place and the spider web, and finally used the one-element causality battle to transfer the cause and effect of this place, and then forcibly closed the veins of this place and buried it in the ground, and then sealed it. , It can be guaranteed that someone will try to pulse again in the future. Just like this sea spider clan, this earth vein obviously belongs to all the sea clan in this place, but the great power of this sea spider clan forcibly restrains the earth vein of this place to the surface with great magic power to support the sea spider clan.

This action seized the good fortune of all the sea races in this sea area. Although it is reasonable to say that the world of practice pays attention to the big fist, this move of the sea spider family has cut off the enlightenment opportunities of countless sea races, and it is not a son of man. He deserves this disaster.

After Zhang Shiyang learned of the domineering behavior of the Sea Spider clan, he was immediately frustrated. The Sea Spider clan was too bully and seized the chance of enlightenment from others. It was improper to be a son of man, and he should have this calamity. Many sea people in the sea seek justice and never suffer from this trouble.

After Zhang Shiyang made up his mind, he stretched out his right hand, and a piece of innate **** jade appeared in his hand, and a flame of fire came out of his palm, slowly melting the **** jade, restraining it from flying, and forming a mask as thin as a cicada's wings.

This mask only left two eyes, a mouth and a nose, and the rest of the area was a vague scenery like cicada wings. Although this mask is said to be as thin as a cicada's wings, it does not mean that the mask is transparent, only the thickness of the mask. The previous avatar almost exposed his face because he was not prepared, Zhang Shiyang would not be so careless at this moment.

Once Zhang Shiyang's face was exposed, Zhang Shiyang's troubles would be great, just wait for the revenge of the Sea Spider Clan, and chase him down. The enmity that destroyed the ancestral industry is not so easy to resolve. Zhang Shiyang destroys this huge spider web this time and buries the ground veins, just like someone dispelling the spiritual veins of the Supreme Master.

The reason why the Supreme Master is able to stand above the other is because the Supreme Master’s top-level combat power, the middle-level combat power, and the lower-level disciples and elites have made great efforts to overwhelm the contemporary. And these low-level disciples rely on the spiritual energy provided by the spiritual veins to grow.

However, the Supreme Master is not as overbearing as this sea spider clan, converging all the earth veins. The Supreme Master just occupies the best spiritual veins in the entire Dongsheng Shenzhou, and the rest is not moved, leaving the casual cultivators and disciples to open up the cave.

Zhang Shiyang put the white jade mask on his face and put it on his face in an instant. This mask was carefully designed by Zhang Shiyang, and there are quite a few functions inside. Zhang Shiyang checked his own things and prepared a pill, a magic weapon, Tai Chi diagram.

This Taiji Tu cannot be used at this moment. There is no one treasure how to resist the attack of this sea spider clan, and then how to escape by himself. However, you still have to use the Heavenly Dao Falun to conceal your own secrets, and let those powerful calculations afterwards only restore the scene of the battle here, and you don't want to find a little information about yourself from the heavens. Falun whirled and finally sank into Zhang Shiyang's forehead.

Zhang Shiyang knew that his hands-on was a sign of the coming of a great war. To know how the power fluctuations of Zhan Earth Vein could not be hidden from the Sea Spider Clan, he would at best buy himself a little more time. I only hate that I don't have enough innate five qi now, otherwise I would have broken through the golden immortal long ago. At that time, the mana was a hundred times stronger than the self at this time.

It was useless to think too much, Zhang Shiyang got up and flew high in the sky, his mana fluctuating violently, spread all over the territory of the sea spider clan in an instant. This huge giant net has octagons, and these octagons are connected to the eight ground veins. As long as you cut off the octagon and then properly handle the ground veins, you will be done.

Just as Zhang Shiyang’s vast mana was spreading across the sea spider clan’s territory, the purple-clothed middle-aged man suddenly raised his head: "This thief is so bold. Not only did he not go, he also let go of his mana control. Provoking the majesty of my sea spider clan."

After that, it turned into a red light and rushed towards the place of the huge cobweb.

It was said that Zhang Shiyang flew high into the sky and formed an emerald green sword in his right hand. The five elements reproduce and restrain each other, and wood can restrain the soil. This wooden sword exudes a strong vitality, Zhang Shiyang's mouth is chanting, the wooden sword instantly becomes bigger, and then it turns into a stream of light and cuts it towards the connection point of the spider web.

Then the huge sound of Basheng spread throughout the sea area, and then the sea area shook eight times. The sea was turbulent, and the sea clan was swayed, and even those who were successful in cultivation were also affected.

Zhang Shiyang's wooden sword swiftly, only thirty-six swords cut the connection between the ground vein and the spider web here.

Zhang Shiyang quickly used the Universe Technique in his sleeve to put away the cobwebs. Watching the eight earth veins erupting, the earth gas leaked out, and countless seals flew out from his palm, and an illusory golden pillar appeared in his palm.

Zhang Shiyang pushed the tiny pillar into the air, and the pillar began to frantically absorb the aura of the entire seabed, and then it grew a little bit bigger.

At this moment, a family of sea spiders who were close to him arrived, saw Zhang Shiyang standing in the void of the seabed, and looked at the pillar that was frantically absorbing spiritual energy, turning into a human form and attacking the pillar.

Zhang Shiyang's eyes squinted: "I don't know whether to live or die" This sea spider was only in the realm of heaven and man, Zhang Shiyang collected it into the space of the universe in his sleeve.

Then with a wave of the big palm, Zhang Shiyang's palm suddenly pressed against the center of the eight earth veins, and a wave of mana spread, forming a forbidden talisman, temporarily sealing the earth energy of the eight earth veins.

This forbidden talisman is primitive and simple, and it is actually similar to the chaotic talisman formed by the evolution of Zhang Shiyang's palm world into a chaotic space. Just this one time consumed 50% of Zhang Shiyang's mana.

Zhang Shiyang recovered the mana quickly while collecting the sea clan who had arrived.

However, Zhang Shiyang's mana recovery was obviously affected by the illusory golden giant pillar. The plundering aura of that giant pillar was too fast, and Zhang Shi** couldn't keep up.

However, as the aura of the giant column plundered faster, the golden giant column was also solidified a little bit. The most important thing for Zhang Shiyang at present is to protect this huge pillar, and then protect the seal.

Zhang Shiyang's actions not only affected the territories of the Sea Spider Clan, but even the surrounding Sea Clan had been affected, and the shocks continued. The sea is flooding, and the island where the sea monsters gather is now everyone is nervously looking at the sea, wondering what the sea spider clan is going to do with moths.

At this time, everyone was packing up their things. If you see that the situation is not right, you probably will run away immediately. The brutality of the Sea Spider Clan is obvious to all.

Hey, thanks to fellow Taoist Ye Shang Hao for their reward and support, thank you ha

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