Proof of Longevity

Chapter 176: Shot and the Five Elements

Zhang Shiyang has been in bad luck in his eight lifetimes. Tell me, there was no accident when he wandered around so many sea spiders, but he just stumbled in front of the little boy in front of him.

Zhang Shiyang hated in his heart, it's really a tiger who doesn't show off his might and treat you as a sick cat.

Seeing that the little sea spider blinked and blinked, Zhang Shiyang was no longer in control, and he couldn't really eat crab legs, and they were raw crab legs.

After pre-calculation, Zhang Shiyang almost grasped the context of the matter. With his own plan, Zhang Shiyang didn't want to drag on any longer. God knew at which moment Fairy Qingcheng would wake up.

The little sea spider looked at Zhang Shiyang, who was still contemplative, and couldn't help frowning: "This crab leg is transformed by a monster. If you eat it, you will strengthen your body and grow up quickly."

He used his paw to pull Zhang Shiyang back and forth. Zhang Shiyang was unsteadily standing by the claws of this little sea spider, dizzy.

I took the opportunity to look at the situation and saw that the big spiders were sleeping everywhere.

Zhang Shiyang has a prototype.

The little sea spider was still staring at the loach that Zhang Shiyang had transformed, but who would have thought that the little loach that he wanted to fatten up before would become a human being.

The little sea spider immediately felt it was really interesting. This little guy has never been outside since he was born, and it was quite strange to see a new species at first.

When Zhang Shiyang showed his true shape, he saw this little sea spider staring at him motionless, and said in his heart: "It's over, this kid is scared, or just a mentally retarded kid, he doesn't even know how to shout."

In fact, Zhang Shiyang was wrong to blame the little sea spider.

This little guy has been raised on this big net by the entire sea spider clan since he was a child, and the species "human" has never been discovered.

Moreover, the sea spider clan's defenses were very tight, and there was really no one who broke into the sea spider clan's territory like Zhang Shiyang. This little sea spider can stand still, delaying time, but Zhang Shiyang really can't. This sea spider clan is the most sensitive to mana fluctuations. If Zhang Shiyang doesn't move quickly, it is estimated that he may be found in a while and then be trapped in the seabed.

In the surprised eyes of Little Sea Spider, Zhang Shiyang put the little guy in the Universe Sleeve in an instant with a wave of his big sleeve.

Then Zhang Shiyang turned around and looked at this big net, his sleeves fluttering, and the universe in his sleeves was used again. But this time Zhang Shiyang actually miscalculated.

This sea spider web is connected to the seabed ground veins, and Zhang Shiyang's cosmic art in his sleeves can't be collected.

Zhang Shiyang, that sweat, miscalculated. In the form of a Changhong disappeared in place. Not long after Zhang Shiyang left, countless sea spiders came to this place, and they transformed into a benevolent form one by one.

A middle-aged man with a majestic face stood at the forefront, and no sea spider could stand alongside him. At this time, the man looked at the empty net and his expression was gloomy: "Pearl is gone, there must be a foreigner sneaking into the bottom of the sea. Just now everyone felt the mana fluctuations. I won't say much. Mana fluctuations must be pulled out by this guy."

After a pause, the middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief: "Remember, take Pearl back safely. If there is any mistake, you don't come back. Don't hurry up and quickly lay down a net to block the seabed."

After everyone had gone completely clean, the middle-aged man was meditating for a long time in front of the giant net, and then he saw the magic seal in his hand fluttering, and a complicated spell was formed.

The middle-aged man grabbed at an inexplicable place in the air, and a faint breath merged into this spell.

Seeing this spell jumping in his palm, the middle-aged man showed a cruel expression: "No matter who you are, as long as you dare to trespass into the territory of my family, you will not be forgiven."

The spell in the hand of the "Go" middle-aged man turned into a streamer and hovered in the air for a while, and then flew in a certain direction.

It's been three days since Zhang Shiyang took this little sea spider in the Dahai Middle East Hidden Province, and Zhang Shiyang has suffered through these three days. There is something behind it that seems to be a tracking spell, always hanging far behind him. No matter where he stopped nearby, members of the Sea Spider clan would soon be killed.

Zhang Shiyang hated secretly in his heart, and could only speed up his escape. When Zhang Shiyang thought, he saw the little sea spider inside the sleeve of the universe. This guy wandered around in the space of Zhang Shiyang's sleeve. Obviously, he was really interested in this place, and he didn't look scared at all. As soon as Zhang Shiyang's thoughts moved, a projection appeared in front of Little Sea Spider: "Hey, little guy, do you know what kind of spell your Sea Spider clan uses to track people with spells".

The little guy looked at the projection of Zhang Shiyang in front of him: "I shook my head, I don't know, my inheritance memory has not been opened yet."

Then his eyes widened: "Where is this, who are you, and why am I here?".

Zhang Shiyang was speechless for a while, good guy, I asked you okay, I only asked you one question, and you asked me three.

Zhang Shiyang retracted the projection to ignore the little guy, secretly meditating: "This sea spider clan's talisman is nothing more than relying on breath or secret secrets to track the enemy, hey, there is."

At this moment, Zhang Shiyang's figure flickered, and another Zhang Shiyang appeared, and then ran towards the distance.

Zhang Shiyang's body turned into a grass carp, swimming leisurely, and then a layer of yin and yang patterns loomed on Zhang Shiyang's skin, and then disappeared invisible. Zhang Shiyang used the clone as a bait, and used the Supreme Treasure Taiji Diagram to suppress his breath, heavenly secret, so he should be able to escape the chase of this spell.

You should know that Tai Chi Tu is the most precious, it is not ordinary Chinese cabbage.

Sure enough, not long after Zhang Shiyang changed into a grass carp, he saw the spell flying over his head, and then he saw a purple figure across the sky.

Zhang Shiyang smiled in the bottom of his heart, and returned to the original path of leisurely travel to continue his strategy of stealing treasures.

Previously, Zhang Shiyang saw that the cobwebs were connected to the ground veins on the bottom of the sea. It was not something that he could break open for a while, and this low ground vein was related to the growth and safety of all beings. When the knot is big, Zhang Shiyang has to repay it until the year of the donkey.

But this way back is not so easy, especially when Zhang Shiyang is transformed into a grass carp, all the people coming and going are sea spiders, and there is a giant net in the sea that is the same color as the sea from time to time.

You have seen that sea fish can be faster than some monster beasts with supernatural powers.

what? You said why Zhang Shiyang didn't use the invisibility technique and escape light.

Please, this is in the sea. If you fly fast, you won’t be able to cause waves, a vision.

Zhang Shiyang even thought, he should get a water-walking escape method, hey, escape method? Zhang Shiyang seemed to think of something. I don't have a way to learn it. With my current cultivation base, the general spells are all hand-to-hand.

Zhang Shiyang had seen this five-element escape method in Dao Zu Hongjun's handwriting before, but when he had the Jin Guanghua rainbow technique, he felt that this five-element escape method was a tasteless one. If there was Jin Guanghua rainbow technique, he would not be able to defeat it early. After escaping, it is necessary to use the five-element escape method to become invisible.

However, at this time Zhang Shiyang felt that the five-element escape method was really good, and he could go on the road quietly and quickly. At this time, it was a good time to use it.

While Zhang Shiyang was swimming slowly, he poured his divine thoughts into his mind and revealed Zu Hongjun's handwritten notes. Zhang Shiyang plunged into the ocean of spells all over the sky. After more than a dozen breaths, Zhang Shiyang found the target five elements escape method.

After reading it, Zhang Shiyang sweated profusely, and he still had little knowledge. These five elements are the foundation of all things in the world. Without one, the heaven and the earth cannot move and return to chaos. "Hey, the five elements forbidden method, the great five elements magic technique, the five-color divine light. Wait,,, the five-color divine light, why does it sound so familiar. Oh, come to think of it, in the Conferred God Kingdom back then, Kong Xuan was not relying on it? The five-color divine light hit all the immortals and invincible hands. In the end, the Buddhist saints took the initiative to surrender it and became the protector of Buddhism. This five-color divine light is very famous and powerful."

But Zhang Shiyang was puzzled, this five-color light wasn't the natural magical power of the Peacock clan, how could it be cultivated as a magical magical power. Not Zhang Shiyang slapped his head, but he didn't have his hands, so he didn't take the picture: what kind of character this Zu Hongjun fits in the way of heaven, and there is nothing fuss about the five-color divine light that makes his creation successful.

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