Proof of Longevity

Chapter 161: Unstoppable

All the elders shot together. At this time, there is advancement and no retreat. Everyone is a powerful person with a head and a face to deter one side. Even if you see the four big beasts at this time, the heart is fierce and the heart is retreating, but you can’t say it. , Can't do things like fleeing in battle, if you flee in battle, your reputation will be completely ruined. In the future, you elders, in front of many colleagues, don't want to raise your head, even if you escape at this time, you may not be able to retreat.

The elders used their own methods. At this time, the elders of the alchemy hall took out a crystal-clear pill, the size of a finger belly. The pill was colorless and tasteless. From his waist, he took out a jasper gourd about the size of a thumb. Decoration, put this ornament on the palm of your hand, a burst of brilliance flashed, and a layer of green streamer flashed across the surface of the gourd, which actually became bigger, and there was no difference between it and a normal gourd.

The alchemy elder opened the lid of the gourd mouth, and the pill automatically fell into the gourd with a flick of his left hand. The alchemy elder quickly closed the lid of the gourd and shook it vigorously. The sound of smashing came from the gourd, and he didn’t know what was inside the gourd. What liquid, the index finger of the left **** merged forward, and the rest of the fingers retracted. A stream of light flew out from the fingertips and danced in the air to form a talisman seal. This talisman seal evolves rapidly, forming two in one life, four in two, and eight in four. Eight different symbols of seals formed the Eight Diagrams array and imprinted on the gourd, and then quickly merged with the gourd skin, penetrated, and entered the liquid in the gourd.

At this time, the alchemy elder smiled and said loudly: "You Dao brothers, be careful, but my fascinating marriage smoke is going to be released, everyone is using magic power to resist, otherwise, if anyone is involved, I can't blame me."

After listening, the elders didn't dare to neglect, they turned their mana one by one, and moved aside.

Seeing everyone dodge, the alchemy elder pulled out the gourd plug, and a black smoke flew out instantly, filling the air.

When the alchemy elder saw that he threw the gourd in his hand toward the earth, the gourd grew in the wind, and instantly grew to more than ten meters, falling in the middle of the monster beast, and a thick smoke flying out of the gourd, filling the world, this alchemy The elder is also a great power in the realm of Dao Zun, and the method is not weak. All the monsters where the black mist passes by fall to the ground instantly, and it is clear in a radius of more than a dozen miles, even those in the sky who have lost their minds. The beasts disappeared, one by one, they crackled like dumplings and smashed into the ground.

The alchemy elder hand pinched the magic formula, the black smoke was divided into eight strands, two by two formed into a pair and entangled toward the four big beasts. These four big beasts were trapped by this sword formation and had their surnames. Seeing this black fog, there was a sound. Roaring, a sound wave that turned into substance came out, the air burst, and even the sword formation was affected. Some formations were unstable, and the four black smoke was undoubtedly blown away, but it was a means of Dao Zun realm. Can it be that simple? .

That's impossible, it's also a great power of one party. If only such a little method and the method were still such a rude, then he would have been slaughtered long ago. Seeing this, the alchemy elder smiled: "Naughty animal, let's look at the old man's method."

While talking, pinching the formula with both hands, countless black particles appeared in the shattered air. The four big beasts were visibly taken aback, and then they saw the black particles swiftly with lightning speed. Pounced on the four fierce beasts.

As soon as the four fierce beasts were about to defend, they saw that the particles had fallen on their skin and fur, disappearing without a trace in an instant.

The four fierce beasts swayed for a while, and they were a little unstable. At this time, the sword formation changed instantly, and countless streams of light rose. With countless sword auras, they rushed towards the four fierce beasts. These four fierce beasts are worthy of being the first fierce beasts in the world. , Although this stream of light sword aura is powerful, it only caused them to suffer minor damage, fur. However, the pain caused by the damage to the fur made the four fierce beasts stand vainly, shook their huge heads and bodies, and their eyes became clear again.

Smelling the **** breath, the eyes of the four fierce beasts instantly turned red. At this moment, I saw a big mouth with gluttonous aura, and the surrounding spiritual energy surged towards the big mouth, and the fainted beasts also One by one floated up, and then flew toward the gluttonous sin. During the flight, these monster beasts became smaller one by one, even the size of rice grains, and was swallowed into their stomachs by gluttony.

Taking a step forward, the situation is surging, and the formation is changing again. This gluttonous skin forcibly breaks into the big formation. In fact, it is indeed as gluttonous intuition. This big battle will bring him some flesh and blood at most. Damage, but this damage is really nothing to gluttony. With gluttonous innate physique, these damages will be restored in an instant, but the pain is irritating gluttonous roar, like a tack, he kills Immortal, but if you touch your skin, scratch, the pain is not something ordinary people can tolerate, it's just another kind of Ling Chi.

The gluttony is more fierce and mighty. Although the sword formation can bring damage to him, it can't hurt it. The gluttonous mouth opens, and the aura that maintains the movement of the big formation is instantly plundered, and the movement of the big formation slows down.

Gourmet saw the opportunity to bite one of the swords. Before the master of the sword formation hadn't reacted, the sword had already entered Gourmet's iron stomach. It was instantly digested and absorbed and became Gourmet's nourishment.

To say that this fierce beast has no intelligence, but its intuition is quite against the sky. Ordinary beasts have intuition and instinct. Wouldn't it be even more powerful as the head of the world's fierce beasts born and raised.

Seeing that the timing was wrong at this time, the penalty elder shouted to the elders behind him: "You guys make quick moves, these four fierce beasts are so difficult to live."

The meritorious elder stretched his hand to touch the sleeve, Guanghua flashed, and a jade ruler appeared in his hand. The jade ruler was yellow and white. With the wave of the meritorious elder, the jade ruler turned into a jade-colored streamer and struck towards Qiongqi. Qi didn't take precautions, was staggered, staggered four steps backward, then turned his eyes, looked at the elder of merit, opened his mouth, and rushed toward the elder of merit.

Seeing this, the other elders immediately stepped forward and took out magical weapons to help out, fighting against that Qiongqi. The chaos over there was also entangled by everyone. At this time, a rope in the sky was swaying and circling and dancing. The rope was divided into four, turning into four streams of light, passing through the blockade of the crowd, connecting the four. The big fierce beast instantly became a zongzi, and only saw everyone in a daze. The four big fierce beasts that needed so many people to fight, besieged, and attacked were so easily caught.

The penalty elder retracted the golden sword and withdrew the sword formation. With a wave of the alchemy elder's hand, the gourd instantly became smaller, flew back to the palm of his hand, and hung it back to his waist again.

Seeing this, the elders received magical weapons, and the elders of merit put the jade ruler back on their sleeves, and then looked around: "I don’t know which Taoist friend initiated such a magical effect, and actually trapped the four beasts so easily. This magic weapon should It’s really extraordinary. Please come out and see you. When the time comes when everyone discusses the practice and rewards, you can give Dao friends that extra share.”

As soon as he finished his speech, he saw a deer-headed rat-eyed guy walking out of the crowd: "Friends of Taoism are polite, and the surname is Uncle Zai".

The elder of meritorious virtue saw him. At this time, the penalty elder withdrew the golden sword, but at this time the gloss of the golden sword was a little dim. The penalty elder's face twitched, and after a while, he took the words: "Good baby, no I know what kind of baby this is, and I would like to ask fellow daoists to let me know."

The man with the uncle's surname seemed a little triumphant at this time: "Dissatisfied with fellow daoists, this rope is indeed a strange treasure. This treasure went out for a walk when I was transformed, and inadvertently broke into a mystery outside. Array, and then got it".

After listening, everyone praised that this guy was lucky enough to be against the sky, this kind of chance is not something that anyone can meet casually, how bad this guy's character is.

Just when the man was triumphant, suddenly a terrifying roar came, followed by a tearing, tearing sound, everyone turned their heads, all their colors changed, and the man's complexion became very ugly: "How is this possible? But I have sacrificed my treasure for more than ten years."

Then there was a wailing: "My baby, my baby". These four fierce beasts actually broke away from the ropes. They really deserve to be the king of fierce beasts. At this time, everyone looked at each other. Look at me and I see you. I don't know what to do.

Hey, I have recommended it. Destiny would like to thank Wen Huatian and the two Taoist friends who love to read novels for their rewards.

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