Proof of Longevity

Chapter 157: Dan Cheng Four Turns

Elder Wang was anxious when he heard the words. This guy can still talk nonsense with his eyes open, but seeing so many fellow people here, it is not easy to drive people away, so he has to say, "Brother Dao is really in good spirits."

The four people stood aside, and the many elders were talking noisily about who was refining the pill. At this time, a young man in blue came over: "Four brothers, the younger brother is polite."

The four elders did not neglect: "Brother Niu Dao". The young man turned out to be a casual cultivator, but a bison became a spirit. After becoming a spirit, he opened up a spiritual mind, and he took his original name as his surname.

After the buffalo became a spirit, I deeply felt that although the world of origin was large, but there was no place for it. Think about a little bison who just became a spirit, and any little demon can grab him and roast the whole cow, and it’s good. The blessed land of the cave is occupied by these big sects. They can't even drink soup like the strange things of enlightenment, and they don't have a practice method. There is no guidance on the way forward, and the entry is slow. If you want to get ahead, you don't know how to do it. How many years that.

Of course, it’s not that this bull spirit didn’t think that in the past, Luzhou in Beiju, where is the territory of the monster race, is the paradise of the fairy, undoubtedly, where to go is the best choice, but if you think about it, there is a chance. If you can safely reach Beiju Luzhou, then you will definitely dispel this idea. You will travel thousands of miles, and there are countless dangers on the road. A little carelessness will become someone else’s belly lunch, and the lifespan of a little demon like him is also good. It's not unlimited. When the life span reaches the end, I don't know if I can reach Beijuluzhou. So there was no choice but to join Taishangjiao directly.

"Four Dao brothers, I don't know who the alchemists are here" asked the Ye Niu Jing.

The elder surnamed Wang chuckled: "Don't tell me the truth, the person who retreats here to make alchemy is definitely a great power. I am afraid that all the people present together, no one is precious."

This time the Buffalo spirit showed a shocked face: "Oh, is it possible that which Dao ancestor or Dao master is standing here?".

The elder surnamed Li raised his mouth when he heard the words: "Although it is not in the middle, it is not far away."

Ye Niu Jing said with both hands: "Please also ask Dao brothers to enlighten me, so that the younger brother can see and see, in the end, it is the senior in the door who is standing here, and you should be prepared at that time to avoid gains."

At this time, the elder surnamed Zhu coughed softly, and then he said: "I don't know if Brother Niu Dao has ever heard of the first person under the Dao Master of our Origin World?".

This bison was stunned: "Of course I have heard that the first person under this master said that the first person I sent to the younger generation is Zhang Shiyang, Brother Zhang. Brother Zhang is like a fashion across the sky, born out of the sky, With the supreme magical powers, all the Taoist priests of the five continents are really talents determined. Wherever they go, they worship in all directions. It is a pity that the younger brother was in retreat at the time, and he could not see the demeanor of Senior Brother Zhang,".

As he said, his eyes rolled, "No, don't you guys want to say that Brother Zhang is doing alchemy here? Didn't Senior Brother Zhang disappeared not long ago?"

Elder Liu gently lifted his beard: "Yes, it is Brother Zhang."

Zhang Shiyang didn’t know what was going on outside. At this time, he was concentrating on alchemy. As time went by, the name of the medicine began to gradually merge to form a new and stronger name of the medicine, and the water inside was also strong like the fire The hot flames slowly reduced, and began to evaporate into nothingness. The three-light divine water contains the power of good fortune. As the water vapor decreases, the power of good fortune is absorbed by the herbal essence, and then added to the alchemy process, Nuoda's herbal group is divided into sixteen parts.

These sixteen juices are being slowly and continuously toasted by flames. Under the action of Zhang Shiyang's tactics, they are combined according to a certain strange law. At this time, the traces of good fortune are immeasurable. Function, imagine, who can use the Sanguang Shenshui to make alchemy so extravagantly, the value of the Sanguang Shenshui is not inferior to the Nine Turns Golden Elixir, but the effects of the two are different, and they have their own emphasis and cannot be compared. It is like an apple and a big pear. For different people, can you tell what they like? .

Everyone has different tastes. They have their own hobbies. Some like apples and some like pears. As for which one is more delicious, it’s really hard to say. Of course, my analogy may be different. Appropriate, but in fact the principle is similar.

One year has passed. When Zhang Shiyang was in the twentieth year of alchemy, Guo'er woke up and watched Zhang Shiyang, who was busy making alchemy, walked to the side to meditate obediently. In these twenty years, Guo'er also Growing up as a big girl, she is like a fairy in a painting, but there is still ignorance in her eyes, she has not experienced many things in the world, and her Taoism is pure and pure.

Zhang Shiyang was fully engaged in the vast project of alchemy at this time. Guoer woke up and he didn't notice it. At this time, the aura in the air changed again, as if an invisible hand was dragging the aura, crazy. He was dragged into the pill furnace with a soft cry, and the sixteen pills were formed, all actually the size of a thumb.

There is a pattern on each pill. It is a strange pattern with a rhythm of the road. After reading it, I teach people who want to indulge in it and never wake up. Dan Cheng turned around. At this moment, the wind and rain suddenly changed. The sky that was still cloudless just now was covered with black clouds, covering the entire alchemy hall. The elders who were still planning to watch the excitement were already bored. It's not the constantly strong fragrance of medicine, I'm afraid these people thought that alchemy had already failed.

At this time, I felt the crazily contraction of the spiritual energy, and the spirits came suddenly one by one. For these old monsters, twenty years is not time at all, that is, it has just been a nap.

The four elders of the alchemy hall felt powerless at this time. This is a monster, this is definitely a monster. It's been a long time since the sky has been opened, and I haven't heard anyone say that alchemy can make the wind and cloud change color by practicing alchemy, and the refining tool is so thunderous. Yes, after practicing the pill for so many years, this kind of sudden change of alchemy method has not been seen. I don't know what the last name of this pill can be, whether it is as amazing as the visions it brings.

If Zhang Shiyang hears the emotions of these four people, I am afraid they will spit on them. You are also called alchemy. It is just a rough purification of the herbs and then blending them together. It can only be regarded as refining medicine. The realm of alchemy is still tens of thousands of miles away.

Pill refining and medicine refining are definitely two concepts. The difference between heaven, earth, cloud and mud, but also, it’s just the beginning of the sky. Everyone is busy studying the avenue. How can there be time to get these side doors and waste time? It’s simply a waste of time. No one has worked hard in alchemy.

No matter what the outside is, Zhang Shiyang’s palms are full of sweat inside, and now he has reached the final step of alchemy. In the alchemy hall, a total of two cases of auras being ravaged, the dark clouds outside became even darker, and bursts of heavenly power enveloped the entire alchemy hall.

At this time, there were no people in the alchemy hall. All the people evacuated outside. Looking at the dark clouds and the thunder light, it was shocking. Some disciples had no way to meditate and practice. There are also two more patterns, which have become three, which looks quite mysterious and moving.

Outside, these sect elders slapped their tongues secretly. What kind of pill are they refining, and it actually draws out such a celestial phenomenon. When the pill is released, there must be a catastrophe. Pill Cheng can ask for two, so the pill Medicine, really good baby, good baby.

The four elders on the side and the fairy surnamed Niu were also secretly smacking their tongues at this time: "As expected to be the first person under the Dao Lord, this power is really not covered."

When everyone was secretly sighing in their hearts, a few streamers flashed across the sky, and the elders each stretched out their hands and waved to catch a streamer, and their spiritual thoughts sank to see, each of them changed their complexions, and some elders were too late Say hello more, and hurriedly flew towards the sect's great formation. At this moment, a stronger medicinal fragrance spread, the aura in the sky rioted again, and thousands of auras wanted to gather here. Come.

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