Proof of Longevity

Chapter 147: Zhu Yan hasn't changed

Zhang Shiyang saw the mountain gate of the Supreme Master from a distance, and everything remained the same. Zhang Shiyang had been in the lower realm for countless years, but the upper realm was only a short ten days, and the difference in the flow of time was evident.

Zhang Shiyang drove the cloud head back slowly, but he did not dare to fly directly in. Generally, the martial arts had a great formation of protecting the mountains. Even after Da Luo Daozu entered, he would not be profitable and would inevitably fall out. As soon as he arrived at the mountain gate, a disciple who guarded the mountain ran over to give a Zhang Shiyang ceremony: "I have met the elder."

Zhang Shiyang gave a faint "um", then looked at the two disciples, then turned and continued to walk inside.

The disciples who came and went all the way saluted after seeing Zhang Shiyang, but they were not surprised. Although Zhang Shiyang stayed in the lower realm for a long time, the upper realm would only last for a month at most. For practitioners, it’s a month’s worth. Time is nothing but a nap. But for Zhang Shiyang, the changes have been great during this period of time, and there is simply a feeling of right and wrong.

In a short time in this upper realm, Zhang Shiyang refined his own big killer and had his own trump card. Although I don’t know what Dao Ancestor's realm is, the four swords of Zhuxian, as the first big killer of the Three Realms, must be able to kill. God Slaughter Immortals, Dao Ancestors should be careful or take a detour when they see them, but the most important thing is that their own cultivation level is too low, the realm of Dao Zun, in the world of others and even the entire monk, this kind of cultivation is in the dream of others, A realm that couldn't be cultivated for several lifetimes, but for Zhang Shiyang and the aloof Taoist ancestor, it was still not enough.

Even though Zhang Shiyang has the handwritten notes of Daozu Hongjun and the inexplicable eye, Zhang Shiyang is still far from enough for the accumulation of time, especially at this moment when this catastrophe is about to come.

According to the experience of previous lives, the catastrophe was not terribly tragic. There were countless casualties. In the first catastrophe of the prehistoric world, during the dragon and phoenix catastrophe, it was so tragic. There are countless deaths and injuries in the great Luo Jinxian. Daoliji.

In the end, the Dao Ancestor and the Demon Ancestor are fulfilled. No one can predict the tragic extent of the Great Tribulation, because with the evolution, the Great Tribulation may disappear into the invisible, or it may become more and more intense, just like the second World Tribulation. Workers hit Buzhou Mountain, the Tianhe River flooded, and all beings were suffering. If the saints hadn't worked together, I'm afraid the entire prehistoric world would be destroyed in that disaster. All he had to do was to protect his relatives in the disaster.

My parents are in the realm of Taoist masters, and they are considered top in this world, but there are Taoist ancestors on top of Taoist masters, and Dao ancestors are the top food chain in this world, overlooking all living beings. However, even Dao ancestors would be powerless in the face of the Great Tribulation.

The former Yuanshi Tianzun and the Master of Tongtian were both saints, the generation of great supernatural powers, and the real cultivation base can be said to be utterly connected to the heavens and the earth. Compared with those saints, the Taoist ancestors of this world are ants. There were countless deaths and injuries, and the disciples of Chan's teaching were cut off from Sanhua. In the end, they apostasy and fled and joined the Western religion. Only the people of great merit can survive, such as Chan's Fude, the fairy cloud neutron. Think about it, even The saints do not have the ability to fully protect the disciples, so how can these Dao ancestors be compared with the saints, when the catastrophe comes, only themselves can be trusted, chanting Huang Ting silently, and freedom in heart is not hindered.

Zhang Shiyang walked towards Bi Xiufeng with a lot of thoughts, and met the doorman disciples who said hello again along the way, and he was not in the mood to respond one by one. Everything was the same in Bi Xiufeng, the same way, but Zhang Shiyang's parents did not retreat and were still in the outer courtyard.

Walking in, Zhang Shiyang looked at the familiar pavilion and knocked gently on the door. Even though the Taoist ancestor's magical powers are vast, he will not open the spiritual consciousness to scan around in a leisurely manner. If the spiritual consciousness is not opened, the Taoist ancestor is just a little more powerful than others, not to mention that Zhang Qing and Li Qian have not reached the realm of the ancestor.

Hearing the knock on the door, Li Qian glanced at Zhang Qing: "There are few people here in Bixiu Peak. Some junior disciples are not qualified to set foot here. Shiyue and Shixing are still in retreat. At that time, I didn’t know that brother was visiting.”

Zhang Qing shook his head when he heard the words: "You and I go out to greet you. After finishing speaking, he got up first and walked out.

As soon as the door opened, Zhang Shiyang in a green shirt was revealed, and Zhang Qing was taken aback: "Yanger". At this time, Li Qian walked out quickly when he heard the words, and saw Zhang Shiyang standing at the door: "Yang'er, it's you. You are back. I haven't seen you so many days, but I want to die. After the small world disappeared, we thought you were tricked by others."

While talking, he walked over quickly and pulled Zhang Shiyang into his arms, constantly grinding. Zhang Shiyang's heart warmed after hearing this, and it seems that his parents still care about me.

After a while, Zhang Shiyang raised his head: "Father, mother, let's go to the house and talk about it."

Li Qian slapped her head when she heard the words: "Look, when I get excited, I forgot to tell you to come in." As he said, he pulled Shi Yang's hand and walked toward the house.

Entering the room, the three of them sat down, Zhang Shiyang looked at Zhang Qing, and Li Qian said, "Where are Shiyue and Shixing?"

Zhang Qing heard the words and said: "We have all gone to retreat. I have made some breakthroughs in cultivation a few days ago and went to retreat." Zhang Shiyang nodded when he heard the words, and Li Qian looked at Zhang Shiyang: "Shiyang, where have you been during this period of time, and what is going on in that little thousand world? Why is it disappearing all of a sudden?".

Before Zhang Shiyang came back, he had already figured out how to deal with it: "Then I didn’t know what was going on, and I saw the whole world shake, the sky broke, and then I was stunned by a powerful mana. What happened later I didn’t know. I don't know, when I woke up again, I was in Nanzhan Buzhou, and then I practiced mana and recovered from the injury. After fully recovering some time ago, I hurried back to teaching."

Hearing that both Zhang Qing and Li Qian nodded, without a trace of suspicion, they couldn’t think of Zhang Shiyang’s reason for deceiving them. Li Qian said: “This is strange, who is trying to figure me out too much. Now it’s troubled, Shiyang, You should pay attention to it in the future. The province has been miscalculated. Wait until your cultivation level breaks through to the realm of the Taoist master before you go out. Seeing that your cultivation level has reached the peak of the Taoist priest, you have been practicing for thousands of years, maybe you will break through. It's.

Zhang Shiyang nodded when he heard the words, and was silent. His cultivation method is different from this world. It may only take thousands of years to break through this world, but what he cultivates is the supreme secret, pointing directly to Hunyuan, how is that so? It is easy to break through, and the first condition for breaking through is to cultivate the five qi in the chest, but Zhang Shiyang wants to lay a solid foundation, and wants to steal the power of the five elements rule when the small five-element world evolves into a medium-thousand world. Turning into five qi in the chest, this can't be broken through simply by retreating.

Zhang Shiyang had no way to explain, so he had to change the subject: "Has Senior Brother Shijie ever made a breakthrough?".

The flow of the Great Thousand World of the Supreme Master is also much faster than that of the Origin World. Zhang Qing nodded when he heard the words: "Quickly, it is estimated that in a few hundred years, we will be able to truly break through to the realm of the Taoist Lord. By then, I will have more of the world. A top-notch overlord, but depending on your situation, you are about to break through. I think you will go to the inner courtyard and be with your brother in a few days. When will you break through to the realm of the Taoist master, and when will you come out."

Zhang Shiyang's face was bitter when he heard this, and he was in trouble this time. But that was my own Laozi after all, and his cultivation base was higher than himself, so I had to pinch his nose to recognize it.

Zhang Shiyang looked at Zhang Qing: "Daddy, when will you break through Dao Ancestor?".

Zhang Qing's face turned dark when he heard this: "Smelly boy, dare to ridicule your father, Daozu is a top figure in the heavens and ten thousand realms, how can he break through so easily". Saying that, he gave Zhang Shiyang a fierce look, probably because his son said it hurt his feet, a little embarrassing.

Li Qian smiled softly when he heard the words on the side: "Shi Yang, don't you make an excuse to be lazy, outsiders say that you are the same generation, the first person of the same rank, if you break through to the realm of Taoist master, your father is I want to challenge you to see if you, the first person of the same rank, are not true."

Turning his head to look at Zhang Qing again: "You have to cultivate hard, and strive for an early breakthrough, otherwise you will cultivate so many yuan, then your cultivation will not be as good as your own son. Isn't it true that you will cultivate to a dog? Up".

After finishing talking, he gave Zhang Qing a fierce look, probably looking for a place for his son.

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