Proof of Longevity

Chapter 145: Gan Ge Yubo

The Scorpio Dao Ancestor was shocked the moment the weird wave spread. The power of time, a weird power of time, dispelled his powerful attack, his eyes kept squinting, let alone the shock in the Scorpio Dao ancestor’s heart, the rumbling earthquake, the Scorpio Dao ancestor’s way The rumbling of the heart shaking,

"Is this tm still Dao Zun? My Dao ancestor is just the fur that has mastered the power of space. This little guy is really weird. The power of time is the taboo power of the entire world, let alone fur, even It's the smell, he doesn't even smell it at all."

After calming down, the ancestors of the Scorpio Dao stared at Zhang Shiyang with a fiery color, jokingly: "Boy, is this also the magical power you comprehend by observing and comprehending the Great Avenue of the Universe?".

Zhang Shiyang watched the fly ash in his hand gradually drift away with the wind, and exclaimed: "What a chrysanthemum, it's just a pity." Then turned around and stared at a daylily not far away, and did not answer the words of Dao Ancestor Scorpio: "Senior, how about this trick of junior, but you can still get the eye of the law."

Seeing that Zhang Shiyang did not answer positively, Scorpio Taoist ancestor avoided talking and changed the subject. He secretly cursed a little slip in his heart, knowing that Zhang Shiyang didn't want to say, he didn't even want to tell, he didn't force himself to be boring, so he changed the topic: "Yes, yes, the power of this trick is really extraordinary. It is rare in the world. It is actually one of the most powerful tricks that this game has seen since its birth. It can be used as a killer. It is extraordinary."

The ancestor of Scorpio Dao slapped his palm to praise, and the words of praise came out without hesitation, toward this World Yang Servant.

Zhang Shiyang's trick involved the passage of time, but it was a taboo corner that Dao Ancestor had never had a glimpse of. At this time, Zhang Shiyang displayed it, but Scorpio Dao Ancestor admired and was shocked.

Zhang Shiyang heard the words of the Dao Ancestor Scorpio, and the corners of his mouth showed a slight curve: "Since this is the case, take the second move as a junior. Next, I also ask the seniors to give the third move. It is so early that the cause and effect is finished, otherwise, I think there is a Dao ancestor. Da Neng is staring at him from time to time, and the back of the younger generation is like an edge on his back. I am afraid that I will not sleep and eat in the future, and the speed of cultivation will even slow down because of this, and it will even form a heart demon for a long time."

Scorpio Taoist ancestor shook his sleeves when he heard the words, hahaha laughed: "What a young man, he is a sarcastic man with sharp teeth, but this third trick is not needed anymore, and the strength of your second trick is also the ancestor of yours. After seeing it, I’m afraid you can’t do it anymore. You know that the third move will come back without success, but I’m disappointed when you take the third move. You have taken this third move."

What a Dao Ancestor of Scorpio, he deserves to be a person who can become an Ancestor of Dao, this kind of tolerance really doesn't say anything.

When Zhang Shiyang heard the words, he smiled and clasped his fists in both hands: "So thank you Xie Zu."

Scorpio Taoist ancestor waved his hand when he heard the words: "It's okay, there are talented people from generation to generation, and one generation is stronger than one generation. You can really be said to be the first person of the same generation. No, no, no, you have been far away from your peers. I don’t know how much distance I left behind. I’m afraid that only Dao Master can compare with you, but it’s really good, it’s definitely a genius."

After speaking, he smacked his lips and looked at Zhang Shiyang with emotion. Zhang Shiyang didn't change his face when he heard the words. Although he was a little happy after hearing the words of Daozu Scorpio, he would not know the north and the south, and his mind would be dizzy.

Seeing Zhang Shiyang’s appearance of being taught, Scorpio Daozu felt even more satisfied: "Although the third move was cancelled, this time should not be wasted. This work is pleasing to you. My disciples and grandchildren a few years ago respected me. The tea made from good spirits, you may as well drink it with me at this moment."

The Scorpio Taoist ancestor looked at Zhang Shiyang, the more pleasing he became, and he didn't claim to be his seat anymore, he called himself directly.

Zhang Shiyang was overjoyed when he heard this. Of course, he would not miss the opportunity to make friends with a Daoist ancestor. From now on, this will be his own help, and he immediately responded: "It is better to be respectful than to obey, and the younger generation will be honored by the seniors."

As the two talked, they walked to a flat open space. Zhang Shiyang looked around. The bones were really ugly. With a stomping, the ground was tumbling, the soil rolled, and countless bones sank into the ground. Zhang Shiyang looked at the bald land around him and said to Dao Ancestor Scorpio: This place is dead because of the battle between me and Dao brother Heipao, but it is a cause and effect that owes the world to this place. No matter what, seniors will look at the means of younger generations. The creatures in this side are fortunate.

A green light faintly appeared on his right hand, Zhang Shiyang pressed the ground with one hand, the green awns spread, and vitality appeared in the places where the green awns passed. Zhang Shiyang stood up: "The vitality of this place has been completely destroyed since the previous battle. The younger generation just faintly aroused a little bit of life here."

After speaking, a drop of crystal clear water appeared on the left hand, which exudes a colorful light, with infinite power of good fortune, and vitality emerges in it.

Scorpio Dao Ancestor's heart also throbbed for a while: "What kind of baby is this? There is such a good fortune, such a vitality, I am afraid that life and death are flesh and bones, nourishing the soul, and reuniting the soul is not difficult, and this drop of water is hidden in the sun and the moon. The stars and three stars echo each other. I have never heard of such a treasure, but I don't know what it is?".

Zhang Shiyang stared at the gray ground without raising his head: "The predecessors are very knowledgeable. I have already said about the function of this treasure without seeing it, but the most powerful thing about this treasure is that it can save the dead innate spiritual roots." The ancestor of the Scorpio Dao looked moved when he heard the words, and remained silent for a long time.

Zhang Shiyang bounced the water droplets into the ground, and then saw the power of good fortune surging, the vegetation rebirth, the heaven and earth aura gathered in this heaven and earth, countless spiritual things burrowed out of the soil, and then grew up crazy, a few breaths, this place is already A treasure land of Lingshan.

Zhang Shiyang continued to speak: "This thing is called the Three Lights of Divine Water, which corresponds to the three lights of heaven, earth, moon, and stars, and good fortune corresponds to killing. It has the effect of resurrecting the dead and reorganizing the primordial spirit. Monks can even use this water to refine the primordial spirit. , To keep the spiritual platform clear, make the body immortal, the effect is really against the sky, and it can rejuvenate the withered innate spiritual roots, this effect is really against the sky."

\"Look\" staring at his Scorpio Taoist ancestor, Zhang Shiyang smiled and stopped talking. One side of the soil protruded from the ground to form a one-meter-sized soil platform. Zhang Shiyang's right hand lightly tapped the soil platform, the soil platform Actually it turned into jade, two futons appeared opposite each other, Zhang Shiyang stretched out his right hand: please.

The ancestor of Scorpio Dao took his seat, and Zhang Shiyang followed him.

Scorpio Dao Ancestor looked at Zhang Shiyang's closed eyes, and then said in doubt: "Zhang Shiyang, why didn't you open your eyes? Could it be that your eyes are diseased, but if you have cultivated to the realm of ours, it has long been derived from flesh and blood. It's impossible to have eye diseases. Could it be that your eyes are wounded by the sky?".

When Zhang Shiyang heard the words, he smiled: "My eyes are normal, but I can't open them except for a few things in the recent exercises, otherwise there will be big troubles."

Scorpio Daozu waved his hand, several jade pots and cups appeared on the table, and then a stream of water from the sky fell into the jade pot from the sky: "The water that makes spiritual tea is water without roots."

Then "Oh" said: "Why, do I need help from this seat?".

Zhang Shiyang shook his head: "When my eyes are opened, I'm afraid it will be my saying."

Scorpio Taoist ancestor heard this but joked: "Then you will be blind for countless years." A flame that said "touching" in the hand came out, rustling the water in the jade pot.

Zhang Shiyang shook his head: "No, the eyes can no longer play a big role in our realm. They rely on divine consciousness."

The ancestor of Scorpio Dao smiled after hearing the words: "Although it is more real through divine consciousness, it is still comfortable to see with the eyes, otherwise, what do you want your eyes to do?"

Zhang Shiyang shook his head and did not speak. At this time, Daozu Scorpio had already made tea, and then poured a cup for Zhang Shiyang: "Speaking of which, I still want to thank you."

Zhang Shiyang was taken aback when he heard the words, and waited for the words of the ancestor of Scorpio Dao. Scorpio Daozu poured himself a cup of tea, then picked it up and smelled it: "Good tea."

Then I saw what Zhang Shiyang was still waiting for, I felt funny, and put down his teacup: "The little bunny in our family has grown up under my care since he was a child. He has not experienced any suffering, but his foundation and aptitude are very good. It’s just that Xin’s surname cannot be polished at home, and I can’t lay hands to torture him, but you sealed him today, locked him up for hundreds of thousands of years, and waited until Xin’s surname was almost polished. Let him out again, his cultivation level will advance by leaps and bounds, you say I should thank you."

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