Proof of Longevity

Chapter 133: Sacrifice to Heaven

Time is hurried, Zhang Shiyang’s Dazuo Empire destroyed all the countries in the entire Little Five Elements World with a force of destruction, but with the endless **** unification, the blood shadow was the first to lead the army back to Beijing, where the army passed, the evil spirit rose to the sky. , The endless blood suffocated the clouds in the air, just looking at this unit from a distance, it seemed like a red light group, the general was out of the 30-odd li stationed outside the capital, The blood shadow enters the face saint alone.

It is said that after this period of time, the entire army is not afraid of blood shadows, especially the magical method of killing. The whole army is full of awe of blood shadows. I believe that as long as they have seen blood shadows, there is no one who is not afraid of them. .

Seeing the shadow of the blood disappearing into the big tent, the soldiers breathed a sigh of relief. Outside the capital city, a **** light flashed, and a **** shadow appeared outside the city gate. He was dressed in a purple eunuch's uniform. The blood evil spirit all over his body rose to the sky. Even ordinary people could not see this blood evil spirit. Will subconsciously walk away.

When he reached the gate of the city, Xueying descended to escape light. This was Shangjing, where Zhang Shiyang lived. He didn't dare to show any disrespect, but stopped the escape light from a distance, and then walked away thinking about the palace.

Zhang Shiyang looked at the little yellow door dressed in purple under him. He hadn't seen him for a while. Unexpectedly, the military life had changed so much after this period of time. "Get up, it's not bad this time" Zhang Shiyang said lightly.

Little Huangmen stood up cautiously when he heard the words. Only after he had practiced and looked at Zhang Shiyang did he know how terrifying Zhang Shiyang’s strength was. It was like the sky of the sea, unfathomable, just standing there, nothing. Don’t do it, and don’t let out a trace of aura, but that’s how I can feel the gap between myself and Zhang Shiyang. Originally, when Blood Shadow was in the barracks, he had gone through these battles and fights again and again, and he had already felt it. Her own strength is not weak, it is simply powerful and unspeakable, Xueying believes that even if Wu Sheng is standing in front of her, she can easily kill him to the scum, but at this time, when he sees Zhang Shiyang, all the pride is The heart is gone, and there is only endless awe in the heart.

Zhang Shiyang looked at the blood shadow: "During this period of time, my strength has improved quite well. I am considered a master in this small Five Elements Realm. No matter, since you are already an **** and don’t have Yuanyang, then you can continue to be a servant, for me. Guardian of the security of the palace". Hearing the words, Blood Shadow immediately knelt to the ground: "The slave will follow the order and will live up to his majesty's entrustment and protect the safety of Ouchi for his majesty." Zhang Shiyang turned around and walked outside. Xueying quickly got up and followed behind him. Zhang Shiyang frowned, "You were in retreat before, and you stopped the blood evil spirit in your body before you come to see me." After saying that, with a flick of his sleeve, he left without a trace.

At the beginning of the spring, all the troops have returned to the big play. Except for a few troops who need to maintain the order of the conquered land, all the soldiers returned again. And when he returned, he wiped out all the gangsters in the entire Little Five Elements Realm. Wherever they passed, the bandits disappeared, but the cottage was burned down by the army. There was no place to hide, and there was no hiding place at the foot of the mountain. The army kept patrolling, and there was no other way but to go down the mountain and get better.

This action of Zhang Shiyang has restored a lot of people’s hearts, and then a steady stream of food and grass have been shipped to various countries. Because of the war, the resentment brought about by the subjugation of the country has gradually dissipated. After all, it is for the people to eat the most. It is important. As for who is the emperor of the country, it has little effect on them. They are all paying taxes and eating, but whoever’s the people do not do it.

Moreover, people have seen the strength of the Da Zou Emperor [***] team, and they all have a trace of secret joy in their hearts, and the empire will dominate the world. Then there will be no need to worry about war in the future, and there will be no need to leave home. The boss replied, the local accent did not change the tragedy of the decline of the temples.

Now that the entire Little Five Elements world has been unified, it is time for Zhang Shiyang to pick the fruits, sacrifice to the heavens, and then seize the luck of the entire Little Five Elements world in one fell swoop, establish the Supreme Dynasty, and then all the people will be soldiers, and the world will rise and break through. The cage of the thousand worlds, kills the big thousand worlds, originates the world, and then gets a share of luck to prove sanctification.

This is exactly the shocking sting of Chunlei's bursts. Drops of water dripped in the sky, and strands of spring filled the heavens and the earth, giving the whole world a faint and different charm. Zhang Shiyang led the officials to the altar for sacrificing the heavens, and Zhang Shiyang personally took the lead in every important event to prevent any accidents from happening.

The altar this time is the altar where Zhang Shiyang eliminated the luck of the nations in the Little Five Elements world. The officials are still standing below. Zhang Shiyang wears a golden dragon robe, a flat crown, and a black jade crown. Hide it so that people can't really see it. Step by step towards the heavenly worship platform. This step by step is incredibly slow. Every time Zhang Shiyang takes a step, he feels that there is a rapid gathering of air transport scattered between the heavens and the earth in the underworld. With each step, there is a wave between the heavens and the earth. The law follows, gathering the entire small thousand world.

Not only Zhang Shiyang felt it, but even the officials standing below felt it at this time. Although the officials did not practice, they were all the officials of the empire. Since they have official positions, they will naturally have professional positions. The higher the official position, the higher the career position, and the greater the fortune they enjoy. Naturally, things go smoothly when you start things. All illnesses of the body are eliminated, qi and karma are not that simple to talk about.

After ninety-nine and eighty steps, Zhang Shiyang came to the altar. At this time, if there is a person who has cultivated to the sky, you will find that the sky of Shangjing is changing at this time, and the incomparable air of luck is gathered in the sky of Shangjing, but At this time, the air luck clouds are surging, and there are waves of air luck. The original air luck of the entire Shangjing is shaky at this time. Even the golden dragon of air luck is now being swayed by the violent sea waves. This is The luck of the entire world of the five elements can be contended by the luck of a country in Beijing.

These accumulated air fortunes do not belong to the Dazuo Empire for the time being. Only after the sacrifice to the heavens is completed, the sea of ​​luck will be settled, and this air fortune will be transformed into the Dazuo Empire’s luck. The luck of a country belongs to the entire world. Luck.

Looking at the turbulent sea of ​​clouds in the sky, Zhang Shiyang knew that it should not be too late. After standing still, he arranged his dragon robe, and then looked at the big cauldron in front of him. ,According to the hearts of the people, follow the sky and do it from time to time.”.

As Zhang Shiyang's prayer sacrificial text was read, the sea of ​​clouds over the sky gradually calmed down, and the Qi Luck Golden Dragon also had a chance to breathe. "Today I, Zhang Shiyang, established the supreme dynasty, achieved unparalleled great deeds, overwhelmed the world's great people, and gained the good fortune of the world. From then on, I enjoy the luck of a world alone, achieve the supreme position of karma, play the dynasty, and stand."

As soon as this statement was made, the royal golden list automatically flew out, radiating brilliantly, and turned into a whirlpool. The endless sea of ​​fortune and clouds were sucked into the whirlpool, and then the golden list changed, with a hint of purple, waiting for all the luck. They were all absorbed, and only the place where the slap was big was dyed purple. This is the royal gold list, with purple.

The endless gas fortune was spit out by him and sucked by the golden dragon. The dragon's horns turned purple. The dynasty of Dazuo was only established at this time, and Zhang Shiyang's plan finally had a trace of results. At this time, watching the incense of air luck, it actually went straight into the clouds. When Zhang Shiyang was reciting the prayer to the heavens, he began to absorb the air from the surroundings. With the blessing of countless air luck, these three giant incenses have sincerity and benevolence. Pierced through the layers of space, went straight to the sky and deep into the underworld, without a trace.

Such a change stunned the officials, and then took a breath, this dynasty is really evil. One by one whispered in my heart, but Zhang Shiyang didn't care about these, but carefully placed layers of formations around the giant incense to prohibit blessings. As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of thieves, you are afraid of thieves. , Everything is still well prepared, otherwise Zhang Shiyang would have no place to cry because he would be bad luck.

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