Proof of Longevity

Chapter 117: The First Tribulation

Zhang Shiyang looked at the ancestor of the red dragon with weird eyes, and there was a weird meaning in his heart. This is really crazy. An earthworm who only knows the dark soil in his life is not well-known in the whole world of aptitude. It is the most inferior aptitude, but Zhang Shiyang’s concept has been subverted at this time. What did he see? An earthworm has cultivated to the realm of quasi-sage, becoming a member of the power to dominate all living beings. What do you think of the innate gods and demons who are ten thousand times stronger than earthworms.

An earthworm can become a quasi-sage, you let the group of innate gods and demons still dangling in the realm of Daluo, find a piece of tofu and smash it to death, or find a stone to get in, don’t live. Stop cultivating, you can't even compare to the most **** qualifications in the world, what are you still in this promised predecessor? Moreover, Zhang Shiyang remembered the myths and legends of his previous life. There seemed to be a red dragon in charge of the rise and fall of the heavens. When talking about this red dragon, one had to mention a big boss in this world.

Let’s say that there are three thousand demon gods such as Pangu in the chaos. The three thousand devil gods correspond to the three thousand laws and live in accordance with the road. In the chaos where there is no land, the three thousand demon gods are fighting endlessly. The most powerful devil is the Pangu god, the Pangu god. In charge of the law of "power". Everything in the world is inseparable from the word "power". The operation of the law requires power, and the law is also a kind of power, and practice also requires power, spiritual power, immortal power, mana, divine power, the operation of heaven and earth requires power, so in the chaos Pan Gu became the strongest in a short time, and the gap with the demon gods was not even a little bit.

This Pangu is the number one powerhouse and naturally gets most of the innate great fortune in the chaos. He is naturally the one who is most favored by the great great. He obtains the jade butterfly containing three thousand great great fortunes. There are thirty-six chaotic green lotus suppressed. Qiyun, there is a supreme treasure **** axe guarding the way, really is the person with the greatest luck in the chaos, the son of Qiyun. Pan Gu's enlightenment of the jade butterfly, decided to prove the Dao with strength, breaking through this chaotic world, and wanting to break through the shackles of this world, so he used the **** axe as a weapon to start a mighty opening operation that spread to the entire chaos.

The Pangu clan is a man of great power. His cultivation level is extremely high. If he breaks through this chaotic world, he can still live naturally and comfortably. With his cultivation level, it is not chic and comfortable, but Pangu’s move is three thousand. The devil was so frightened, don’t drag us if you want to die. Who knows what will happen after this chaotic world is broken. If there is an accident at that time, then everyone will play with them. After all, these demon gods naturally refused, so they went to stop them one after another.

However, after Pangu got the good fortune of the jade butterfly, he was able to participate in good fortune, and even be able to meet the path that chaos should evolve in the future. He was 80% sure to open up a world containing infinite good fortune, but how could those chaotic demon gods believe that? Will hand over his life to Pangu so easily, both sides hold on to their own opinions, so a mighty grand catastrophe kicked off.

Although Pangu is in charge of the law of power, which is the first of all laws, which of these Chaos Demon Gods is the easy generation, all of them are bred by the great avenues, and they are born in accordance with the luck. In Pingu, everyone is the lord of arrogance, Pangu. While continuing to open the sky while fighting with the demon gods, the chaos has broken apart at this time. If such a huge backlash is stopped, Pangu will be instantly turned into fly ash. You must know that it is the rebound of the entire chaotic world.

Opening up the sky while fighting, Pangu deserves to be Pangu, with great mana, and there are two great treasures of Chaos Qinglian and Pangu Axe, which actually withstood the attack of the Chaos Demon God, but after all, opening up the sky consumed most of his energy. Half of his strength was held back by the Chaos World. Although the Chaos Qinglian was the ultimate treasure, it was broken by the Chaos Demon Gods and scattered.

When Pan Gu saw that the treasure was broken, he was also angry from his heart. After all, this treasure has been with him for countless years, and his relationship has long been very deep. Before, I wanted to contain these demon gods. When the sky is opened, everyone will stop. Facts will prove everything. , And these demon gods are all conceived by the great avenue, so it is not easy to kill them casually, but at this time they can’t take care of a lot. The treasure of the body is broken, and if you don’t fight back, you will be bombarded to death by this group of chaotic demon gods. If you stop opening the sky, you will also be killed by Nuo Da's chaotic world. Both are dead. Naturally, the dead daoist is immortal and poor, so Pangu started to kill.

The Chaos Demon God was born at the right time, immortal and immortal. Pangu would have to wipe them out, but it would take a lot of energy, and every time a Chaos Demon God was killed, his own luck would dissipate. At this time, there is no Chaos Qinglian suppression. Qi Luck, Pan Gu's Qi Luck was facing the death of the Chaos Demon God, and also quickly dispersed. In the end, the Chaos Demon God was almost dead, and only a few of them were seriously injured and went into the depths of the Chaos to hide.

At this time, Pangu’s luck is very small. Every time he kills a demon god, his own luck will be partially offset. At this time, according to common sense, Pangu should find a place to calmly restore his vitality. After all, fighting with many chaotic demon gods is also suffering. Severe damage, but at this time the great cause of opening the sky has not ended, the consequence of stopping is only death. So Pangu had to continue to reinforce his scalp to complete the great cause of opening the sky. Stopping is a death. If you persist, there may be a ray of life. What courage is Pangu God, he naturally continues his great cause of opening the sky, and he has no choice.

However, the moment Pangu's mana was almost exhausted at the moment Pangu was about to breathe a sigh of relief, the heavens and the earth had a tendency to close together, and he had to use the laws of the heavens and the earth to resist the heavens. The Pangu axe broke and degenerated as early as the formation of heaven and earth, forming three innate treasures. After all, the previous Chaos War and the later Kaitian had caused indelible damage to the Kaitian God Axe. It would be good if it was not broken into fragments. As for Good Fortune Jade Butterfly, I didn't know where the flying path went in the previous battle. At this time, Pan Gu didn't have the heart to find it, and was all in the world that was just opened up.

What's more, the magical powers can't beat the sky, Pangu killed countless Chaos Demon Gods, and lost the treasure of suppressing Qi luck. Qi luck is completely lost, Qi is exhausted, and his life should fall, and he should replenish the good fortune of the world and repay everyone The cause and effect of the devil. It can be seen that the law of air transport and the law of causality are so powerful that even the great Pangu **** who killed three thousand demon gods and mastered the law of power would die.

After the death of Pan Gu body, there are still demon gods in the world, one of which is the hollow willow tree that holds the avenue of space, Yangmei Daxian. After that, countless remnants of the Chaos Demon God possessed the innate spirits and returned against the sky. Although they no longer have the strong physique before, there is still residual air luck after all, and their residual air luck is enough for it to be in the prey. The world is cultivating.

At that time, there was still a Chaos Demon God who survived. This Demon God relied on his strong vitality to preserve most of his vitality and strength, and then he complied with the way of heaven and turned away the remnant body, becoming the body of the Innate Demon God. And inadvertently got the largest piece of jade butterfly for good fortune in Yujing Mountain. With the jade butterfly fragment, the demon **** is advancing rapidly, becoming one of the protagonists under the heavenly path in one fell swoop, and finally gathering the luck of all living beings, achieving the holy throne, and teaching all beings , And finally hedao.

This demon **** is Daozu Hongjun, Hongjun Daozu is a red chaos of Chaos. Although its combat power is not the strongest, but its vitality is the strongest. It is also the farthest away from Pangu because of its weak combat power. It is only an auxiliary attack. So the injury was the least.

So Zhang Shiyang looked at the ancestor of the red dragon with a weird look. Could this red dragon family be a natural species of air transport, or that this red dragon is a relative of Taoist ancestor Hongjun, otherwise, depending on the aptitude of this rubbish, what? Will become a quasi saint.

Seeing a little hairy by Zhang Shiyang's gaze, the ancestor Hong Tan said nervously: "Senior, I don't know what's the order?". Zhang Shiyang opened his mouth while turning his mind: "This seat is going to give you a good luck, I don't know if you want it?". This ancestor of the red dragon cried secretly in his heart: "It's not bad if you don't kill me, and you send me good luck, ghosts don't believe me. However, he couldn't say this, and he cheered up and said: "Let the predecessors tell me."

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