Proof of Longevity

Chapter 107: faith

Zhang Shiyang felt an inexplicable force when he was far away, and this force was about to pull him through the air, as if a huge hand was constantly pulling him.

Zhang Shiyang stopped the cloud head, the heavenly law wheel flew out again, and after spreading the light of the law to protect Zhang Shiyang, Zhang Shiyang closed his eyes, and involuntarily appeared in his mind a vast sacrificial scene. There were countless practitioners. People bow down to a tablet made by the innate **** jade, and there is a table below that tablet. The table is opened up with great magic power to create a dimensional space. Inside, there are various essences, geniuses and treasures. Linggen, Zhang Shiyang even wondered if there was another cornucopia there, how could there be so many treasures. Then the aura in Zhang Shiyang's mind turned around, and he saw a familiar face emerge. Isn't the face of the young girl with baby fat the ancestor of the silkworm? How is this going?

Zhang Shiyang thought for a long time and didn't figure it out. Surname Suo opened his eyes. Since he was going to the settlement of the Celestial Clan, he would know where to go.

As the Tiandao Falun turned, a yellow silk thread appeared around the Tiandao Falun. This yellow and misty silk thread was the law of the earth. Among all the laws, the law of soil defense is relatively forward. Zhang Shiyang's right hand is crystal clear as jade, and he gently fiddled with the silk thread, so he saw a layer of misty yellow light emerging around Zhang Shiyang, relaxing his body. No longer resisting the pulling force, a burst of light flashed, and Zhang Shiyang disappeared out of thin air.

Let's talk about the place where the silkworm family lived that day, the wind and clouds changed color, and the purple night **** thunder turned into thunder dragons, shuttled through the clouds, a wave of coercion overwhelmed thousands of miles, and sentient beings worshipped. At this moment, I saw that the space and time above the altar was distorted, and then a huge silver-white light gate appeared as high as ten thousand feet. This light gate was simple and simple, with countless mysterious symbols swimming on it, which was indescribable. That is the door of space in the legend, but the talisman seal is the mystery of space, the legal principle. Then a figure walked out of the door of space and stood in the void, the door of space also gradually dissipated.

It was a young man with an ordinary face and white clothes. I don’t know how many years he lived, but at first glance, he was extremely ordinary. In one sentence, he said: “Throw it into a pile of people and you’ll never find it again, even if you’re a mana For the realm, it can be worthy of the heavenly perfection." But if ordinary people can walk out of that light gate? The answer is already obvious: "Impossible, it is absolutely impossible." No matter what, watching where the ancestor of the Celestial Silkworm touched the ground motionlessly, all the members of the entire Celestial Silkworm clan also learned a lot.

However, Zhang Shiyang only felt that after a while, he appeared in a white channel again, and walked out of the channel along this channel.

After walking out of this passage, Zhang Shiyang felt a little weird. Isn’t this the place where he traded with the silkworm ancestors in the Celestial Clan a few years ago, and how could this scene be so familiar? Isn’t this the scene that just appeared in his mind? Did you play again? .

Zhang Shiyang was puzzled, but at this time he didn't have time to froze. Looking at the people of the Celestial Silkworm clan who knelt to the ground, Zhang Shiyang looked at Can Zu: "Hey, Can Zu, we actually met again. What a coincidence. , What are you doing on your knees, don't you get up soon." He lowered the cloud head and stood on this altar.

After hearing Zhang Shiyang's voice, Canzu raised his head and glanced carefully, and said cautiously: "I am waiting to summon the adults with the strength of the clan and countless tributes. I also hope that the adults will not condemn them." Zhang Shiyang turned his eyes, although he couldn't fully understand the twists and turns, he could still hear the traces, the feelings were brought by them.

Zhang Shiyang glanced at Canzu calmly: "Get up first." After Canzu and the nine elders stood up, Zhang Shiyang said, "I don't know what's the matter with you asking me to come here?". Canzu quickly said: "My lord, I just want to exchange these tributes for some rewards from the adults, please watch them." While talking, he led Zhang Shiyang to the offering table.

Zhang Shiyang had already seen the offering table in his mind before, and it was so bright that there was no ordinary item, even if he couldn't use it, he could still use it in his empire, his generals and heroes in the future.

Zhang Shiyang put the offering table together with the treasures into the sleeves, then looked at a few people and said: "This place is not a place to talk. Find a quiet place to talk." Canzu said quickly: "My lord, please follow me."

After Canzu finished speaking, he flew towards a hidden cave house, Zhang Shiyang followed, and the nine elders followed Zhang Shiyang. Although several elders murmured to themselves that Zhang Shiyang’s cultivation level was a bit too low, they did not dare to show it on his face, and remained respectful along the way. As for the silkworm ancestor, there was no trace of doubt. Last time I saw it. At the time of Zhang Shiyang, Zhang Shiyang was a celestial cultivator, and at that time he was already in the realm of Da Luo, but he still did not see the slightest details of Zhang Shiyang. Now dozens of Huiyuan have passed, even a fool does not practice at all. It should have already broken through the realm of Heavenly Immortal, but Zhang Shiyang’s cultivation level has not changed much from last time, and from the perspective of Quasi-Sage, he still can’t see through Zhang Shiyang’s slightest details. This shows Zhang Shiyang’s horror. Perhaps it is the legendary pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

After a few people entered the secret room, Zhang Shiyang was allowed to sit on the main seat. Canzu personally poured Zhang Shiyang a cup of water made of spiritual tea, and then sat on the lower head under the sign of Zhang Shiyang. The remaining nine second-generation silkworms Zu has no place and can only stand on one side.

Zhang Shiyang looked at the cute face of the ancestor of the Celestial Silkworm with a baby fat, and after drinking a cup of tea, he said, "Tell me, what's going on". The ancestor of the silkworm has a full face and sits upright: "My lord, now the whole world is full of anger, and the secrets are gradually chaotic. I am afraid that killing and robbery will be coming, and since these more than a dozen yuan, my entire clan has been collecting the entire territory and the entire world. This treasure is used to worship adults. My entire Celestial Silkworm tribe believes in adults. Since the Yuan Dynasty, the worship has been uninterrupted, rain or shine. The catastrophe is about to come, and I will feel the breath of adults a few days ago. So use all the treasures and all the direct blood relatives to worship the adults, and ask the adults to take shelter."

Zhang Shiyang’s heart is clear and clear, and he knows what this silkworm ancestor said is true. He secretly looked at this treasure, but there are a lot of treasures. I am afraid that Zhang Shiyang may need to look carefully one by one to see its origin. ,use. Looking at the silkworm ancestor, Zhang Shiyang could feel an inexplicable power surrounding the territory of the silkworm clan, and this power was very close to him, but he was secretly surprised. Hearing the words of the silkworm ancestor, Zhang Shiyang's mind Suddenly remembered a word often heard in previous lives: "the power of faith."

Only the word power of faith can explain it. Think about the entire clan of the Celestial Silkworm clan worshiping themselves, and there are more than a dozen huiyuan, how powerful this belief is, it is simply unimaginable, only Zhang Shiyang didn't know the magical effect of this power of faith. He had to realize it slowly in the future, but at the moment, he had to solve the immediate matter first, and then think about other things.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shiyang put down the tea cup in his hand: "The arrival of this catastrophe is a fixed number of heaven and earth, which cannot be changed and cannot be violated." Speaking of this, Zhang Shiyang stopped for a while, despising himself in his heart. This catastrophe was personally planned for the purpose of collecting evil spirits, and his thoughts were God's will. After a pause, he continued: "There are only two ways to resolve the catastrophe." Can Zu immediately said: "I don't know which two methods are, please show me the adults."

Zhang Shiyang glanced at Canzu. This little girl still knows how to cooperate. If she says it alone, it means nothing: "The first way is to advance the cause and effect when the catastrophe arises. This is not the case. This is suitable for your Celestial Clan. This second type is to kill to stop the killing, the boiling of killing will make the heavens, the evil spirit of cause and effect will disappear, the catastrophe of the prehistoric world will naturally disappear, and the heavens and the earth will naturally return to clearness."

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