How big is Qin Feng’s strength?

Since smelting Black Tortoise Divine Pill, Qin Feng’s power of Black Tortoise has been increasing, especially after cult铆vation “Eight Desolates Inextinguishable Profound Technique”.

Like his young Black Tortoise, it’s not bad.

In the incredible gaze of everyone, the Long Zhan figure who had previously awakened Emperor Purple Qi was really alive and torn apart.

Pu chi!

A handful of blood light flew out, and Long Zhan turned into two pieces.

Long Zhan with Emperor Aptitude is like a rag, with no difficulty being torn.

In this scene, the Elder Area, many Elders in the VIP Area, and the Country Lord have stayed.

At the moment Long Zhan was torn into two halves, a bright Purple Qi flew from Long Zhan within the body and moved towards the sky.

The faint purple light makes the entire Myriad Stars Arena exude a charming purple luster. A Purple Qi empties, just a glance, and suddenly the see is a true Emperor Monarch.

“Emperor Purple Qi?”

As soon as his eyes brightened, Qin Feng reacted first. The figure rushed up like a whirlwind, and his fingers became scratched. The Void True Force of Origin Beginning Level suddenly caught this Emperor Purple Qi.

VIP Area.

a Country Lord couldn’t help it, and scolded one after another.

“Qin Feng, stop!”

“Leave Emperor Purple Qi!”

“That’s the Nine Great Empires. Stop it!”


At the same time, a path of oppression came from a huge, malicious Divine Sense moved towards Qin Feng.

Qin Feng turned a deaf ear, and the five fingers instantly held the loach-like Emperor Purple Qi.


Emperor Purple Qi shook violently. Qin Feng felt that a True Dragon was being held among the five fingers.

“I want to run, no way!” Qin Feng’s eyes were glowing. This Emperor Purple Qi is a rare divide object. If it can make the Void True Force refining of Origin Beginning Level, this Emperor Purple Qi will definitely make its True Force quality break through Origin Beginning. Level 2nd-layer.

Qin Feng took a deep breath in one breath, slowly running True Force inside the body wrapped the struggling Emperor Purple Qi into the inside of the body.

At the same time, the countless Divine Sense on top of his head has already shocked, Ruuuuumble, Qin Feng’s forehead can not help sweating due to the huge pressure.

Qin Feng took a deep breath in one breath, ready to stop refining Emperor Purple Qi first, to avoid the blow.

At this moment, several arrogant Divine Sense rushed from one side, and ran into many Country Lords in the VIP Area.

Elder Area, an imposing manner in Elder’s body, sneered.

Qin Feng glanced quickly at many Elders in the Elder Area, and when the pressure was gone, Qin Feng full strength refining Emperor Purple Qi.

This kind of divide object starts to refining immediately, as soon as it is too long, I am afraid that it will branch out.

Qin Feng simply collaterally sits on top of the arena, running “Chaos Origin Stars Technique” refining Emperor Purple Qi.

Qin Feng stamped his hands with his fingers intertwined, quickly hitting each and everyone Seal Secret Art, and a formless strength oscillated in the whole body.

Emperor Purple Qi quality is very high, like a True Dragon, to break open Qin Feng’s body, Qin Feng’s entire body is flooded, and “Chaos Origin Stars Technique” runs to the peak.

whole body The bright silver light flowing on the skin, the breath is like essence, a breath is enough to cut off the fine iron and mountains.

The True Force within the body Origin Beginning Level turns into a Great Millstone and starts a faint trace to smash Emperor Purple Qi, refining bit by bit.

a faint trace The strands of Emperor Purple Qi were shaken and crushed by the True Force of the Origin Beginning Rank. Qin Feng felt that if he did not absorb a trace of Emperor Purple Qi, his True Force would change by one point.

Becoming more mysterious and tyrannical, such as a piece of pig iron after hard work and numerous revisions, within the body of the meridian, flesh and blood, more sparkling and translucent, the whole person is like a gem, emitting a kind of rays of light.

Qin Feng’s breath is changing, and this change is very obvious!

VIP Area.

Nine Great Empires Country Lord complexion was ugly. “Ouyang Xu, Yu Qingtian, Dong Muhua, Tai Shuyu, what do you want to do?”

“This Emperor Purple Qi is the treasure of my Nine Great Empires. Could it be that your Stars Sect wants to make a fortune!”

“Eastern Sea Country Lord is terribly wrong!” A white-robe middle-age person stood up, and he glanced at the black clothed young man in full strength refining Emperor Purple Qi on Arena, with a stun in his eyes In order to grab treasure, this brat is simply asking for money and not terribly.

If they had n鈥檛 blocked them just now, Qin Feng would have to be seriously injured by the great Country Lord Divine Sense!

Gaze said on the head of the angry East Sea Empire Country Lord.

“Since ancient times heavenly materials, earthly treasures, there are virtuous According to this, this thing you Long Bhan of Eastern Sea Empire is blessed to enjoy, this is the lesson learned! Also look forward to Country Lord think twice!”

Lift Long Zhan, Eastern Sea Empire Country Lord’s eyes twitched violently, and a violent killing intent in his eyes jumped like startling thunder.

Who would have thought that Long Zhan, who had awakened Emperor Purple Qi, died so vaguely on a young man in a Veins Condensation Boundary.

Even before he even had time to react, Long Zhan was torn apart.

Gaze landed on the black clothed young man on the Arena, and there was a dumbstruck killing intent flickered in his eyes.

A glance at the many Stars Sect Elder blocking the door, the Eastern Sea Empire Country Lord knew that if he calculated his hand at this time, he might not be able to get the benefit.

Here after all is the home of Stars Sect.

What’s more, the Eastern Sea Empire Country Lord knew very well that Stars Sect would never allow the people of Nine Great Empires to get Emperor Purple Qi.

This thing is fine if it is top secret, if it is exposed under the vision of Stars Sect, it is a hot thing.

Stars Sect will never allow a true Emperor to appear in Nine Great Empires.

This is very clear to the Eastern Sea Empire Country Lord.

“Unfortunately, he got Emperor Purple Qi. It was so confused. I was ignorant. If I knew that he had such a treasure, how could this Sovereign let him participate in the Myriad Stars Academy Martial Competition!”

I secretly regret it, and it is more annoyed. If Long Zhan does not choose to hide it, Long Zhan may have more opportunities to grow, where he will be beheaded on the arena.

The situation at the Eastern Sea Empire may also be very different!

“Stars Sect, and Qin Feng brat, this hatred, my Eastern Sea Empire will wait with you sooner or later!” There was a killing intent flashing in my heart.


After half an hour, Qin Feng whole body suddenly sounded like a heavenly music, and a pure divine light of the whole body suddenly surged like a water wave.

Qin Feng opened his mouth slightly, and an azure gas was exhaled.

It’s amazing that this azure’s air is actually hidden in pure medicinal fragrance. The green air escapes and falls on a grass on the ground. This grass is like shedding the body and exchange the bones, quickly. Growing up, the whole body is like azure jade agate, sparkling and translucent, and Qinghua with a big mouthful appears.

This is a spirit medicine Azure Jade Spirit Flower!

The breath spit out by Qin Feng turned an ordinary flower into a spirit medicine Azure Jade Spirit Flower.

A huge divine light soared into the sky, Qin Feng, like a Divine Armament, finally wiped off the rust of the whole body, exposing his own light.

Origin Beginning Level 2nd-layer True Force.

Qin Feng couldn’t hide the joy on his face. He stretched out a palm, and a ray of True Force flew out. What is strange is that a ray of True Force is a path of divine light.

A divine light floated, the hollow in the Void, the temperature, and the Spiritual Qi began to bump and collapse.

Qin Feng has a feeling that at this moment he can easily kill himself half an hour ago!

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